Minutes of the Meeting, Tuesday, April. 12, 1966.
The meeting was called to order at 3:15 P. M. by the Vice-
Chairman, Mr. Reade. Present were Members Harries, Battler, Myl.ankler
and Il.ey, Mr. Rettig of the Engineering, Department, and Mr. Wolle,
Chairman Kruse was present at the scheduled hour of 300 P. M,, but
a quorum not being present until 3:15 P. M., excused himself before
the meeting was convened to keep a prior apo.intment. Mr. Reade was
requested to take over the meeting and Mr. Mylander to give
report on the Zoning, Public }searing,
The minutes of the meeting of March 29, 1966, were approved as
submitted in written summation to each member.
It was reported that a requested appearance of Mr. Dana before the
Board had been canceled by telephone call, shortly before meeting time,
. F DRIG See P `L Bd. na.nutes o 3 2 6,S yl1ne Oil ite [' an -
N 4 ¦Y
The Board reviewed revised plan submitted Comment offered in-
dicated that members felt this plan was some better in design than the
original proposed plan and that the addition of a stucco front and 2
planters was an improvement in character of the construction. The
Planner reported that the Board's traffic objection had not as yet
been confirmed with the Traffic Planner. The Planner offered as his
opinion that the revised plan showed quite a bit of improvement over
trolled by requirements of the new sign ordinance (with limitation of
the original one. He noted that signs for, the station would be con-
54 sq, ft, for the surface area of any one Product and Services sign),
Motion was eased that subject to the Traffic Planner's report, the
Board recommend a royal. of this revised lan as submitted.
S FT R ST Q I MONT? 95. 3 -
The Planner located the property on County Section map as behind
a trailer park south of the Clearwater Manor Sub. The Board reviewed
the request in relation to the land use an(-.1 coning in the area and
PF,Z Rd. Minutes 4/12/66 Pr'Ign N2
compatibility of the zoning; requested with ad jo.i.ning use:. Mr. Wol le
reported that the expected use-would be for livestock, horses, etc.
and that applicants w:-anted to hold the acreage .in agriculture be-
cause of tax.c,onsiderations until such time as they might want to
upgrade it. He? explained -that although the subject property was not
contiguous to the city limits, notice was sent to the City,probably
because of its proximity to the Clearwater Industrial Park, After
some discussion, the Hoard voted to recommend to the Count an roval
of the above request of thanEe for. zoninE, to A-1, Agriculture.
ported that all of the eight items were approved with the exception
of one--only one disapproved was Item fol., change from R-2 to R-4 for
17N. Fredrica (there were too many objections from neighbors). Con-
cerning Item #4 for change in Morningside Estates, one man objected
but his objection was not deemed valid in that.he lived too far
from the area being changed,
made to P&Z Fad. Minutes of 14/5/66) - The Planner presented Scheme ff2.
Revised Plan submitted by Mr. Watson, project architect, after his
receipt of recommendations approved at The Apr,5/66 P&Z Fad. meeting,.
Also presented for the record was memorandum from Asst„ City Attorney
Kennedy dated 4/12/66 submitting a reproduction, in color, of the same
above referred to Revised Plan and containing; request to the City
Planner as quoted: "Please let me have your Roy-ird`s recommendation".
The Planner pointed out tliat in accordance to the BoArd's recom-
mendations transmitted to Mr. +-latson, the revised Scheme #2 illus-
W.01 trated location of one other north-south oriented 2-story structure:
in the place of a square structure in -the Highland Ave. entrance com-
plex and allowance for more parking apace (lie thought 10 mare). How-
Bd. Minutes 11/12/66 Page #3
' ever, he noted that a square 2-story. structure was included in the
complex at the rear (west end) of the property; whereas the Board's
recommendation had been for approval of relocation of a one-.story
structure on this rear portion, Mr. (Tolle reported that Mr. Watson
had explained to him } the reason for this was to place the better
apartments on the rear, as well as to fit three different forms of
buildings into each complex. Mr. Woll.e expressed as his opinion
that this deviation was not that important so lone as the architect
has the better units where he wants them and the overall design is
more functional.
In the discussion that followed, it was brought out that the
street layout was the same as for the original Scheme #2, that the
minimum right-of-way and pavement width requirements of.the Mobile
Home Park Zone were used as a guide for inclusion in the first plan
executed under the original restrictions, and -that ordinance parking
requirments in the 1411 Zone and R-4 zone were at the ratio of l:l.
After further.review of the plans and consideration of the in--
"'formation presented, upon motion by Mr. Harries, seconded by Mr.
M lander the Board voted to recommend a royal of Scheme #2 Re-
vised Plan as submitted this date, and to limit scheme approval to
12 months from this date.
SIGN ORDINANCE -- Vise--Chairman Reade requested that Roard mem-
bers be furnished with copies of this new sign ordinance as passed
by the City Commission on April 4/66.
Planning literature was distributed
The meeting; was adjourned at 3,45 P. M.
Respectfully su/////bmitted,
S;), w
ac k I. Wolle, Sec 'y
ity Planner
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