02/08/1966 .,:,' :.'." ,.'L' ;: ,.::.; ;./ ',":'-':;" \:.~,:-;,','t'. <,~ ,';.:~'''I ::':-...:'.' './ ,:"::: ~., :~",.,~"'~;<"~...~:K:"'~'~:: ~': ~',!~.,' \..:.~ '..t',:....~:" ...:~.:.::t.;...'~}:y.,'..<':;.,.,:.,. ,,"":.:.;:'.':'::: '.~!;~';, ':: ;;.,: :,~"'!':;":<.":':'.:,.::"{,~.::~: ",,\~'''~''~:'I :'.; ~. :,' THE PI..ANNING AND ZONING nOARD ~/ r... Minutes of the Me~tinB, Tuesday, Fcbruar'y 0, 1966. The meeting waG called to order a1: 3: 00 P. N. by the Chairman, Ml". Kruse. Present were Hambers Mylander, Hat"ries, Butler, Swan and Iley, Mr. Rettig of the Engineering Depnrtment, and Mr. Wolle. The mi.nutcs of the meetings of January 1S, 1966, and January 25, 1966, were approved as submitted in wri~ten Foummation to eacl) member. ~', ZONING REQUESTS _=- SU~COt1MI'l'TEE REPORT L- ~~i~iST ZONING CHANGE - Z-4-l66 - LOT 25J BLK~t BROOKWOOD c"E'- ': moM n-~ TO 'n":ij ':'''A'PPLlc-AR'1':'' ';J"AFft."'S Al(vIS - " . ~~~AI: L6cAt!ON: 1-: ~ ~!DE FRED1f!~~L'99!t~!!.:Q'r}~~t.Y..J21Af!.~) - The Planner presented application with information that re- quest was made with the intent to build a duplex on front of the lot, which ,has an existing dwelling unit on the rear portion. Mry Wolle reviewed land use and zoning in the area as illustrated on drawing pas,sed to the Board. Additional comment was made -that three lots 'to the rear of property of request were ~ezoned to R-4 in 1964; further that in the Board's prior zoning studies it was anticipated that a transition to R-4 zoning would occur in this R-2 pocket north of Cleveland Street. Mr. Wolle reported that Mr. Galloway would not be at the ~eeting but had indicated to him his approval of the R-4 , zoning requested. After some discussion, ~eport of the Zo~ing Com- mitte~.t--!?!fe~ed by. Mr~~tler, was 1:0 recommend aRproval ot subj~qt_ rezoning"req~est..~~e Board v~ted to accept th~r~gommendati?n of !he Zoni_nB..J:2p!!!'i 1:te~ REQYEST ZONING CHANGE - Z-5-266 - LOTS 6 & 7~ BLOCK ~ HIBIS.CU-S-GARDENS-lfuB. - fR()R R-4 to Tn" ;: APPLI~ANT:~ BYARS -.I;' m~ES~1"ATIVt: O'WmtS - (GENERAL r.tH~At:l.'1rofr:S:-SID~ 1tJtrnTn.:T~~ ~x~~xMa:~f{<<MR1{JX~ ~. OF RtsgolJRfY - . '--~ --. _- 17 .~ The Planner presented application with information that: " \~ ,.:.' ~ \ ~ '. :' . .,::-:. '," " " ,:.!:, '; , . " '.' <,,: ;-,/. .... '/,\1, ! " .. : .... " .' :' "~ i ': :" ~ ' . '!. ~'.f .' ".', ~,' "'. ;"'~"~' , , ,,~';;!. ':' ' . . . ". ," . ,: I " .}' I~"': -,'~ l" ' ',: .' ',;, \' :,' .' ":: :' :., I~. :' (:~: "'" :. '.::' ,,'~. ,~' ,\ : ~;. ",:.: ,: ~I , P& Z Bd. Minute~' 2/0/66 PaRe fl2 ".-.... . Thane 2 lota ar'o vacant.. Applicant owns adjacent vac;,mt lota to the west at the cornat" of MisSOllt,! Ave.. and 1turnel" and would utilizu lata 6 and 7 for business purposos ns a unit with the cornet~ property (thl'1"t Mr. Byars of yn would erect structure fo~~ his business and possibly storage of applianc~s) etc~) ,Lots front to block in Hibiscus Gardens Subdivision (located south side of Rogers St ~) that was rezoned 1:0 "B", Business,. a few years ago. .'- ,', Mr. Wolle then reviewed land use and zoning in the area as illustrated on drawing passed to the Board.. The Pla.nnf~r reported that Mr. Galloway had expressed no objection to the changf~. After some dis- cusf;',ion) repoT't.. of. j:ha Zoning Commi ttee~1....2ffere1-h_Mr" ~1!\1t;ler ~...E~ that th~_ 9theT.' two, ]ll~rnbers of the Cornmi ttee concurr,ed iT!. :!'~~ommenda- tiqrL.'to appr....9.YJ!_ subject .rezonin~ l"e9..J,!~st. The B()~!,d voted ..tp accelLt "t!t~ recommen91!tion~ of 1:he,,~~on;!l~ "Commi ttee .. _ Agenda #2, ZONING REQUESTS~ was to be continued later in the meeting. .3:25 P. M. - Upon appointment~ Mr. James Novotny appeared before the Board and presented a problem of motel owners in meeting density standards as established in the Zoning Ordinance based on efficiency units~ His p~esentation and Board inquiry brought out the fOllowing points: (These were discussed fully after his dismissal..) - 1. - Existing motel units were limited by their definition as living units based on kitchen' facili ties v . 2~ Most motel units are used as transient or hotel accommo- dations in spite of the availability of the pullman kitchen. 3.. - That restrictions should not be governed hy this descrip- tion as long as it was a motel and that sufficient off- street parking was provided. 4. - The cost of land and the development of quality acco1TUlloda- tions depended on the opportunity to provide more units on a given parcel" ......... 5.. - Novotny's particular development would be parking capability of the lot iu:'ea in the uriits would be on second floor or above. plan was to provide 26 units~ revision is limited by the parcel as all Although original being contemplated '~ ~. ': :.. .J .:. : . I ',.":':',' ','" >, ': '. .' .:' . ' , .... "; / .': I I'; .': ,... ~,t:" ~. <'", '~: 1.::.~ , ~ ',>:' . "'~ .; ~ .', "':' . .: ': .... ': ! :.~' ~ ; I '. ~.' , :: ': . ',: :/, -:.' ; ~: ". ;.. ,:', ,',,:/ I~ '~', "~'::. ",~,~:, ;" ~ : I~;' .:' : ::' ,n'~ ',:', ' :'''~, . " '~": ,:,':, ,~.:,:S I : ~',' ~ ", :.,' .:: .':' ,', : , 'J \' :. I, :: ", I.;, ,,',: :. I ::,,':' .;":.>: pez Del.. Ninutcfl 2/0/66 Pogo (/3 ,.-.... tlli\t would permit 40 to 50 units in tho proposed otructUl"'e. This is bused on the ,parking capability of tha ground floor. He intended -to put swimming pool facilities on the top floor. Units 'would be 17' x ?ot including bath and pullman ki tchcn~' ,6. - He requested that the Board study th~ situation in hopes that such limita~ions on motel development be corrected by ordinance change. General discussion brought out the fOllowing agreement among Board members.. 1. - That'the existing ordinance density limitations were unjustified for full usage of a parcel for a motel in any zone which it may be permitted either on the beach or on the mainland. 2. - That the trend of motel design was toward multi-str.uctures with the gr.ound floor partially or totally used for pa~~- ing.. ..-~. 1 3. That if adequute off-street parking were provided and setbacks were conformed to~ then reasonable density for this use would automatically be attained without using the kitchen unit as a base for such limitation. ' Most motel development would be economically f~asible if the maximum number of motel units for a tract and/or tracts of ownership did not exceed one unit for each 300 sq~ ft. of lot'area. 4. After such discussion the Board directed the Planner and M~. Mylander to pX"Qvide at the next mect:i.ng an ordinance change(s) pY'oposal reflecting the above agreements. REgUEST ZONING CHANGE - Z-6-266 - LOT L-.BLK. D~ LOT 7 ~ .' BLK~ B~MCVEIGH-~UBDIVr.S-I()N - FROM R..:rE TQligll - APt5LlcANT: MRS.. M.: t1CVEIGH CHAMBERLAIN - REP'!.;' .NORMAN BTE JR.' ---- tGE~R~L,LOCA't!m!E, EASlr-.rrtDE"-MISSOp~I AVE.:L S~:' ~ q}.....IS~UI15 RD.) - The Planner presented application with i.nformation that: 26 acres opposite on the west side of Missouri Ave. was rezoned to "Bn. A previous attempt made by Hrs. Chamberlain to obtain business zoning, for these same lots was defeated (there we!'e objections from residents, repr.esented by an attorney, a.t the public hearing) . ~~ j! '~:"...:',,:. ~.~~.J,-;.:.",.., :.'.,..... .:J~...':,. ,.;>. "l ":C'/:""""I"~ ~.>''''~.'I"'.!:'''''. ......'..:t.... .' '. '.' . .' ..i...:.~:_r..'.j,;, ...I~......:.::f+. ..1 '/."; :':' '. ,'.:' ~.:' d': .:.=::':...>..~.;..:-,.;' '~'.J:."':: ~:\'.,\_~ ',:'[: PSZ Sd. Hi nU1:ea 2/11/66 Page fl4 .'~ . It was intended for the Jots to be fo~ business becn~se of the natUl"e of the platting and provision made for alley to the roar.. The' subdivision was completely occupied~ Mr. Wolle ~hen reviewed land use and zoning in tlle area as illus- trated on. drat"ing passed to the Board. The Planner reported that Ur.. Galloway had expressed no objection to the change. After some discussion, !!!port of ...the Z~mif1S Conun!1:t!!~., o:t:fe~~~d. by Mr,. ~ll,tler2.. ~as "tha~ll_=t memqers of _ 1:h~ cC6.mmt!!~e 1"eq.2'!l~Emd~d !!.ER~ova,~ _2.f .n . !!.~je_q!..rez~mj.ng reguest. The, Board vO,te,E. tg...~J2.Er'ov~--1:l1e Zo~in~ .Q.<?~rnmi t"!=~~2.r..~~~_ ,REPORT ON DUNEDIN _.........4 1....~~~ J EDGEWATER DRIVE H1". Holle r-eported on " , , - ., telephone .call received from Mrs. Rogers~ Dunedin Commissioner. Information was given to him that the Commission agenda item re- garding this matter was n'ot coveI"ed at their last meeting and that possibly a discussion would be coming up with the Dunedin Planning Board .that evening~ Planning literature was dis~ributl1~ .,. ..... ~ If' . '.' , ' The meeting was adjourned at !' 'it:, -, M.. Respectfully submi~ted, , " , " i' J"j(.. ~ .Wo.ef!L !k~.Vl(;ire';-8eC1y' .. ty Planner 'M -,_...-.f .". . , \J " . ~'. .