01/25/1966 ':. ". ::.:.:,;' ~ \.: '; t':, : '. > . :L: . : ';. .:.. I :'!, ~.. ",~';" ( '..' '. 't. 'r:' :', ~ : .i. ',,' ",'. :,' .;., . : " . .. ., ,: I,' ". :, ~ ,.: ',,: ", ; : ~ ': ;., ~ I:: '~ ~:: ~: ,: J . ~ .:': \' .,~ I'. ~.: . :' :. .: ~. :, ~;' "I.. ..~"~ : ,I; .. I ~..~ ~' .,'. ':.~..:,. : ','/ ; +;: . , . '. ,i "1 , "; ". "..:; '~:" '. :"::.,: :.: ',.:.;' ',. ;' ': :1:,.' ;-: J" ,":. ~ ,,', : ~ . .: : .:. THE PL^NUJNG AND ZONING BOA1~j) Minutes of the t.teeting ~ Tueoday, IJanuary 25, 1 n 66. ~ The meeting was culled to order at 3:00 P. H. by the ChaiI'mm\', Mr. Kruse. Present. were Members Harries, Iley, Butle~, Reade and Mylander, Mr. Rettie of the Engineering Depar.tment, and Ht'. Wolle. By consent, Agenda Ill, Discussion of EdgeVJater Drive Beautifica- tion Project, was deferred until later in the m~cting for the arrival of Mrs. Rogers and any other Dunedin representatives who might attend. Chairman Kruse introduced Mr. Haddon Johnson, P~esident of the Dunedin Civic Association, woo was present by his invitation and who the Board was informed is very much interested in Edgewater Drive. REPORT ON ZONIN~ PUBLIC HEARING 1/24/66 - Mr. Kruse reported that as he was unable to attend the hearing Mr. Mylander represented the Board at this meeting, along with the Planner~ He thanked Mr. Mylander for this attendance.. Hr. KT1use further repoI'ted that there were 4 items on the agenda and that all were approved vlith very little or 1'\0 opposition. Hr. l1ylander made further report on the hearing of Item'61 (request of Salls on the property at Druid Road and Highland) one l~dy present expressed objection to a church use. '-', , ..-..,.... OPEN SPACE - BEAUTIFICATION - FEDERAL PROGRAM (a) Pinellas Counj:y ProBram A_(b) Ci~~ Parti.cipation - ~ Ml". Wolle advised that MI". Martin Smith, Executive Director of the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council and Planning Director of the \ ' V 'I Hillsborough Planning. Commission, was to be in Largo foT' another pur- pose and had been invited to attend todayls meeting if his schedule permitted, but that he did not have definite word on this as yet. Mr. Wolle gave the Board the following background information: . Mr'w Smith' 5 connection with the Federal prop,ram \-1as that as Director of the TBRPC he was the direct contact between the Housing and Home Finance Agency and a community on many programs. Hr~ Smith was very familiar with the Housing and Urban Develop- ment (HUn) program and had enlightened many of the Pinellas muni- cipali ties on the Fede~al programs ,. He read summari.zing material which had been received in regarcl to ~he Federal Open Space and Beautification program (which Mr. Butler and Mr~ Harries had also re~iewed). TIlis material sug- gested the possible availability of Federal funds for financinf of an Edgewater Drive beautification project on a 50-50 basis. ;:\',: ~ ,::::'. " I..:':., ": : I ',' ::..... ' :,:;:::" >: " ; ,,:"~ \ ':: .'~, ~c "::", (;>~ '; :\~ :',; . ; ':, ::... '. j.... ";' '::: :,: ;, '~"'::..\ :'; . ,", > ~ :~': ,t' ~. ,-;' ~..:> '~~ .:' :' '1' :,.'",' I ,~' '\"'>:",~. ::. :':!' ':::~. > ,:, "/,' ..": ": > ~'" I.' ',: ': \~''''. '.i:. "',:,. .,:....( J .f(':'j~:,~"" ':"~' ;: ,: >': ,;' d .. :,:~ ,'~: i: P&Z Bd. Minutes 1/25/66 PilR~ #2 Forms fot" making application for Iteder;;11 aGaistance wet'c :t n hand--which contained more. detailed i.nformation. ~ DISCUSSION EDGEWATER DRIVE BEAUTIFICATION PROJECT - .d ~r>*-..........'I/" _ , ... 1 ""11........._, __ J L.__-.-.. 3:15 P. H. - Mr. Wollfl's further report was postponed until later in the meeting as Mrs. Vivian Rogers; Dunedin City CommiBsione~, and Mr. Richard Sexton, Dunedin City Managel', joined the meeting at this time and were introduced by Mr. Johnson. In introductory remarks, Chairman Kruse gave a bri.ef resume of 'the Board's recent Edgewater Drive study project undertaken at the re- quest of the City Commission. He explained as the reason for this dis- cussion meeting tOday the Board's feeling that it would be timely to give joint consideration to a possible common project to be proposed for improvement of the waterfront along all the Drive. As information on current actions, Mrn Kruse read the body of a resolution passed by the Clearwater Commission on January 24/66 inSllpport of the' four- laning of Route 19-A from Seminole Bridge to the Pasco Coun~y line ex- ~ept for the Edgewater Drive segment... An excer'pt was also read, from Planning and Zoning Board minutes of 1/11/66 covering discussion of Edgewater Drive with the Clearwater Beautification Committee and rep~e- sentatives from the Clearwater .Chamber of Commerce and the C1earwater- 'IAargo Board of Real tors. Mr. Kruse advised that Members Harries, Butler, and \oJilliams were serving on the Board's stUdy committee. Upon request of Chairman Kruse, l1r~ Butler, Committee Chairman,. presented the Committee'g preliminary study plan and detailed some points of agreement reached in' informal discussion with i:he Boal'd as .to recommendn- tions that shoulo be made to '\'he City Commission when preli.minary plans are finalized. Mr. Butl~r ~ointed out that plans can be adjusted to tie in with any plans 'that Dunedin may develop; that: ideally the s i'-tua- ......) ticn "'1Oulct be to have a j oint plan cool~din<1 ted ~ /' ~ . ,~ ; ," \<ra> . , r P & Z Rd, Minuton 1/25/66 P~'lee 1/3 The Dunccli,n ropreBonta ti vcs di.scunsed with thH Board steps be- ing ta.ken by thi.l't ci.ty to stabilize and beautify the shoreline in their watel"'front arf;!a and save some trees with root systems that are in dan- ger from erosion~ Some details were given of the pel"centage of private and public ownership along the Drive. Mr. Sexton expressed as his own opinion that,hased on his contacts with City officials and the public, the feeling was that any acquisition of additional watet'front land for park purposes O~ heavy expenditures for its beautification would be poli ticl;!.lly Ol" financially unti.mely because of the pending 'Purchase of 30.aores for park purposes and the Cityfs involvement in the Honey- moon Island project. Mr. Butler suggested that the Dunedin Planning Board d-evelop a plan for Dunedin. l1r~. Rogers expr~ssed tha"t CleaT>water should .plan for that city without dependence on Dunedin, not knowing the other Dunedin Commissioners thought in the matter. Mr. Kruse strongly recommended that a scheme of heautification be developed'for b~th Clearwater and Dunedin regardless of when or how it could be accomplished. He emphasized that some scheme for future development of this highway frontage should be agreed upon by both groups. .He added that the general thinking was tllat \ole should not.,widen Alternate 19. Reference was made by Mrs. Rogers and Mr. Sexton to a recent reso- lution passed by the Dunedin Commission indicating desire for some bus inesB by-pass for Al te1"nate 19 tl"affic. 1'1r. Se)tton conunented that with regard to the realignment of business traffic on Alter>nate 19 and desire tha t Edg(~Ha1:er' Drive, not be four-lanecj, h~ thought tha t the .Board could take as a fact that the City of Dunedin is in agreement with this. Witil regard to the overall plnn, he stated DInt tllC Board p ~ Z Bd~ Minutco 1/25/66 PaRe HI, could 'consicloY' that Dunedi,n in all probability will want to do f"""": basically what tho CloaJ"W~\tefl BOi1rd has suggested as to both st8bi Ii 7.,..- ing land at the bulkhead line and acquiring all the p'r'operty in 1ook- ~l1g at tpC! 'l,on~ l~C!tJge ,obj ecti. v,es. In these general i ties he thought that the Clearwater'Boa~d could be assured that the City of Dunedin will be in accord. It was learned that Hr. Martin Smith had telephoned his regrets. Mr. \'Jolle mentioned the possibilities of qualifying for Federal funds on a project of this' nature. Upon inquiry by Mr. Wolle, Ml". Sexton furnished information as to Dunedin's experience in making application fo:.... a Federal grant for the purchase of park property. Mr. Nolle then presented a su~ary brief published by HHFA covering the total con- cept ?f the Federal Open-Space Land Program and Urban Beautification and Imp~ovem~nt Program~ He discussed with the group the possible extent. of application of the program to share in any proposed Edge- water, Drive project costs. Aftel:" a lengthy discussion, Chairman Kruse inquired of Mrs. Rogers as to how Dunedin may proceed from this point as to the planni~g of Edgewater Drive. Mrs. Rogers stated that she would 1n- form the Dunedin Planning and Zoning Board of the Clearwater Board's '. tentative plan and further she would discuss tho matter with the othel~ Dunedin Commissioners. as to what they mighi~ want to adopt an a long range plan. Mr~ Kruse pointed out that the Board had not as yet presented >--) . ~ its l'epOr"t to the City Commission and that part of its study plan was only diagramatic, but rei tel"ated hi!:; feeline that the two plann- ing boards should get their ideas together and coordinate Borne study on the Dri ve . ..',: . .:":' ,:....':.1 '.:i"~':' :l;..,J~':". '..,:"....-1::'., ;.'.... .~;'~.. ,;..,...~..i. ::~..~ ..',i'.:,r':"~,;::"":\'"",,,,',,,,'i.'..:::"~':.::......:.::.::.:>:...,:~'>:....::-,".I~.":.: ~,: ~~ 'I;".~,.'I,:. ,..~..l~.."...~/tr~;/;::~.:., Fez Bd. Hinut~)s 1/25/66 Pi) Re f15 (4:15 P. ti. Mr. Ilcy and HI'. Hcade left .the meeting) Mr. . Sexton !.ita.ted that in the main they h~l ve a st~ip park . that' ~ J.n area now and in his own opinion (not speaking official~y) he thought that sentiment in Dunedin 'showed a preference for natu~al'beauty . 1n '.' this waterfront park without formal walks buT. with a shoreline that would remain as natural as possible. Mr. Kruse advised .that the Board would not proceed further with work on its study plan until they }mew what Dunedin would like . He indicated. that at ,this .time another j oint meeting' might be set. Mrs. Rogers indicated that she would get to the Clearwater Board an answer on these va~ious points discussed, possibly in letter form. She ad- '. vised that the Dunedin Planning and Zoning Board may want to meet lori th the CleaI'l'l7(3,ter Board, although it maY' be handled by letter. Chairman Kruse .thanked the group for their attendance and Mr. Se~ton, Mrs~ Rogers, and Mr. Johnson left the meeting at 4:40 P. .M.. , , . ' ZONING CASE '1'0 COHMITTEE Z-lJ-166-Arvis - This caSe was re- ....._b. , ferred,to'the Zoning Committee for'study and report.. Planning literature \o1aS distributed.. The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 P.. M. Respectfully, submitted; ~~'~~-sec'Y Cl.ty Planner', ,-,,",,