01/18/1966THE PLANNING AND %0NXNC BOARD Ki.nutea of the Meeting?,, Tuesday, ?Tanuary 1.8, 1966. The meeting, was called to order a t 3 : 00 P. 14. by the Chairman , Mr. Kruse. Present were Members Harries, Butler, Mylander, Iley and Williams', Mr, Rettig of the Engineering Department, and Mr, Wolle N The Minutes of the Meeting of January 4/66 were approved as submitted 'in written summation to each member. The Minutes of the Meeting of Jan 11/66 were approved as sub- mitted'in written summation to each member subject to an addition to be made on Page #5 as suggested by Mr. Kruse., SIGNS: CAS #82 (continued from 1/1.1/66) -- Mr. Wolle reported that Sunad,.Inc. had corrected the legal description on property on which the proposed sign is to be erected which clari.fi.ed its lo- cation as being, 680 ft. from another billboard site. He recommended approval: on the,basis that the application met requirements of both the existing sign.ordinance #645 and the new ordinance proposed by t, le Board. Mr. M lander moved that Sin A lication 'CAS x€82 be recommended.to be approved as being in compliance with both•the old ordinance and the new ro osed si n ordinance. His moti6n was seconded by Mr. Halrries.? Mr. - Williams made reference to the pro- liferation of signs constituting an eyesore as a consideration of. prior Board action of disapproval in regard to 14 of the com'l ad- vertising sign applications now pending Commission artaon. inquiry was made of the Planner as to whether any of the ether sign applica- tions pending Commission consideration were in the same category as CAS 062 insofar as ordinance requirements satisfied. Mr. Wolle ad-, vi,sed that generally he could sexy, no. Mr.. M Lander i s motion was n ed . After some further discussion, t (11t1MIANC1'; Clio' N(IC (ri•artt.f.t'ttmecl friom 1/:11166) .Mrw`.rw.w. w..?a.. n.+w+w.w.ayxhK.r M++•.-.y.-.?4./..?..ra.w M..xbMr. Kruno reported that hey and Mr. Wol.l.n had r.3x.ncar?:;:;ezr1 rar t.h the C..f.t,y Mmw.tfjrur. the r+eclrtp_nv.-J ohnnlrn to the zoning orclinzmc(t' rr..f,arding the on l eti pri Of the r,requirerl a1 00 ft. di ntance from m rare:identi.--r.l district in 1:1joh ).b:,iv#. -- I'll '1'heitti r pr'ovis i.c ns . 'l'ucre wan a discussion of •Chc ntoatwci, of`` 'tbk1 1•l,iphl arid- ha.ke-vimi request: and tlin prinsible sit:e_ In1; rte' a dvi.vn--lii thc?-n ter on Sots-th Mi.Bsmiri. Ave,. Other provisions of zoning c}cwign mid nccv!i!-' appl.:i.c ab1c: to dri w- -in therrito rn , a'n wc1.1. t•ht: r1M?v i.a. ,t,t and apfarovnl by the 1'lraarcl of Appeal on Zoning, WmIc 6xp:tr=ii r)ud. After the Be costs iderations by the Boarrl, Mr. M lj ndgr 11kadG?f1w .,t'ol :towi.ng motion.-' In view of the. infrsrmati-oh that has coiiie to tho attell-ti,on of the Board convern.ing a current drive-in theater projrr_t, rind an it in riot pr,obable ghat:' there would he further in- st ancei3 within the corpora t:e Umits of the City where is drive-in -thertter would be either practical., or pe-rina.tted, t ti ?t . the 13:')arcl rec?c?r't mtind approval of the, request that tf#e SOO f?tw rest ion from residenli.ral c11astzry%ctts imposed u?ort c]ri ve:--i.r? •t'hen't<or pro;*ect:tl late del.etc o . Mr. M arriet'l seconded the motion. Motion _ -,ansed urrarr:imousl-v_. __ SIGN ORDINANCE 4W'.?MrM.?nraw ti•ww,r ?_..n-ti•? The, Boilrri revi--Wild C'htrr?f?,eO tbat had t)(lnn cfa. ,r:lt:anr_'cl by the City Commi stti on 'zind inoor"porat4i 7.11 a re',vi'ne 1 00py of the proposed - si.p;n t?rrl3trtzrtc?t? her the City nt:t:o -WW Que,.ition wain mildf,, OF -1:110 rNmravr.ll O the 200 Foot rlia.tn:irilritii d iaat',-znc e. from ra i lro-id cro-:.ni nF,, or nlllrl iv Ind :za>rii -?r?tll] 1. :i.t? raze??lcr rt3clll i r?r lnr3ir't c)f r7 f'.? -Frfr?aa ?zc: :a .i. pns . Tb i r. Iliitl lr,c:en algr't?od to (ltwl. ig thy' t3C)fwd i ?i d"1.scxis7'3 x m) with Mw oolill I Jldvort i ,3inp tz.i ^n re?lare:, i?rr t :1t2 ?+f1 t3 0-126-6t0 . Mot:.i ell tart:; r.ki1.;sod k h' t t lt,? }} 1 ? rrjl nj7. wind ??arr.r,liv Floard vi oil of 111-is, ?1?.'t11f;jEt.l(?Er a."I jt 1ir1r`t'. {, t' flli' ?1''S)E1c'•:t << '+I'i.til"1i1r1c'r.? N Id w? P&Z U. Minutes 1/10/66 page #3 In addition Mr. Wolac -explained: 1. -- a.naceseary change in -the definition of activa ed'ov flashing in order that a non -objectionable slowly,, ro- 'V:iting illuminated sign ?woul.d be excluded from they activated or flashing classification. 2. _ a reference to sandwich signs permitted with service station usage. 3. an increase to 42 sq. ft. in maximum sire for a sign in an R--4 zone. A motion was made to accept the enumerated chap rimes recommended bv" the.Planner. Motion was seconded and carried. CHAIRMAN'S:TTEMS: Mr.. Kruse 'recommended that in view of added emphasis being shown concerning Edgewater Drive Dunedin officials'-be invited, to meet.-with the Board the next Tuesday. It was arranged that Mr. Wolle would contact Mrs. Rogers, Dunedin Commissioner, invite her to attend and suggest to her that she might invite one or more mein- bers'of the Dunedin Planning Board if she so desired. The meeting was adjourned at 4:35,P. M. Respectfully submitted, e, Seery ..r. 1 a461_W1_ ity Planner W;