01/04/1966 .~':""':~ ':;.:':::'.:, I:,..:,:"'::.:}:~','\ t.:'.;:.~~".: ~:/;...~t~..),:,.,~:..,.:',t.:..:.,:: '..:.",:,"\,,". I:.,,::~~,::,::: :..:/:',":': '~~,: '::.,~,t':I,. "';:,~.I'.;I".j>\~:.':"/'I:\,,,f:"';!'~"I" ~~'.::': ,.I:.,.~t't::',)\ .:...~~';:.::;.::;.:.~.;:..,::\.:I:~::,:::.~..,.::~:'}<(\-:"::-'..; THr; PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD v-/ Hinutea of tho Haeting, Tuesday, January t., 19GB. f""'r The meetine, was called to order at 3:00 p~ M. by thlJ Chainnan, Mr. Kruse. Present were Members Harrdes, Butler; t1yl ander, I ley, Reade and Williams, l+r. Rett:i.g of the Engineering Department, .and Hr. Wolle. The minutes of the meeting of December 2J., 1965, were ap- pt'oved as submitted in. written sl1mmation to each member. R~UEi: ~~IANGE - Z-3-1265-66 - LOT 4 & E. 19' LOT 5 li .=~ t-I~irJ1TO,VER[Ua: L-""FRQM, R-? rQ.:R-ll - ~EtlJI'Ct;NT: 't~rlJrT!;"'.::. (GeN~R~ILQCATl9N: NW COR. WATKINS R~,~ND BAY,AYE. - w(9on- :tinY~Q f.x;orn 12.{~ll65J ~~COt1MI.ITEE RRPQRT -:~_ Reason for request: as stated in application was to ll'lake the property eligible for doctors' offices. It was ~eported that Mr~ Mylander had inspected the property. Mrw Butler reported on field sur- vey made by him that day" J..and uses and ex;istine structures in the surrounding area as delineated on Sanborn map a'tlas were studied and discussed. Note was made by the Planner that homes to the west of ,r-jlots of request (on the north side of Watkins Road) are good masonry '.....-f,. structures and are part of a residential componen.t, while residences in 'this block on Pinellas Street are older units and face into the hospital complex. He pointed out that the density of that part of the block is low multi-family, giving it a partial R-lf characti~r. The gradual transition of the area surrounding the hospital to limited medical services and facilitie~, was recognized and it was felt that the requested rezoning would make the Ferrante property eligible to continue this trend. Rel,,)oI\t o~ th~ Zoni~$ CqIllmi t...tea was t~g!lm.mend !hat.. th~ t3ub:i~9t corner B~~-!:'l.--elLl.egallY d~~cl'\ibed in Case 2-3 .l2.!i. rezoned to R-4. Mr~ Mylander stated that he dicJ not think the Board -~ -_.. ~.. T .&.......... should expand the case \'1ithout "the knowledge and application of affected O'fmer's. Mr. Holle rcpoY'ted tha't he had advised the applicant \ "~ :.' ,': " ,,: :" , !. ,:,:::.. >',; " : ',',':' :' " :'q " '. ' j''''''~" : \ ,:: ';' : ::: ~ . \ ' ", ,': I~ l'l~ ',,:' , ,', ' ~ ',", '~, :: ,,'.. ~',1' ,L . ::: ~,l ,+' , : ',r' ", ~ ":':: '-:',~ ':': ~ ::. I ;;'" ~ '. :' .... ': ll\~.' ~ :. ~',.,: ~ " ~:'. I'" ~ .'~ ~.' :~..<:'.;.:: ("1'; ',::: ,i ;.... :';' ': .;:',: ":'L? ,~'~:, ", : " ~' .':".~:.',,"::. '.:;.' '.1' ',: " I ; ,', !' " P&Z Ud. Minutes ) !l./66 'P"p,e #2 that he mIght seek co-applic::ants to his applicati on, but '(-hat r" evidently he hl1d not attempted to do so. It was the consensus' of members that recommendation should not be offered at this time to expand the above request. Hr. Heade moved that the recommendation of the ~~~. ~ ;torrhn g ~~mmi ttee that Lot l. aryd E. 19' of Lo}:. 5:t 'rB~]s. .B-, Westover S'!l?9.-iY.!~.qn ~ ~e l~ezoned to R:-__Lg.e~ adqpted "_ His plotio1l.t seeo_nded by !iI'. . rtlaI.:t"~e~1. 1'1.as p~~s~e,d~!nal],itnovs l"t. _After some discussi on, it lias agreed that among reasons for apPl'oval of the rezoning request it might be stated that it was the Boardtg opinion "that the trend in the north frontage of the same block would be -towal"1d a change to R":'4 zon- ing. SIGNS - COMtL ADVERTISING SIGNS (SUMAD) - 1" J h...._ r 110... -~ , (a) CAS fl80 NALL (OWNER) - Colonial Mobile Homes (DISPLAY) Double-faced - 300 sq. ft. - 19 ft. high So. side Gulf~to-Bay, 100 t t,;(~s't of CR 31 CHaines Rd) (b) CAS' flal BOFFER (OWNER) - Kentucky Fried Chicken (DISPLAY) Double-faced - 300 sq. ft., - 27 ft. high W. side Missouri 325' No. of Howard St. i,. Aft~r review and discussion, the Boarq voted to recommend disap- E.roval of the apove 2 ~:!:.gn a]2pliqations for the same reasons as s.ul?- !!A:tted f-9.I:' d~s~pp.rova+ of com f l adve.rtising sian ~appli qa tions numbers. f.AS-:52.,~:thro\?Rh CA~ ._~ 79. CHAIRMAN'S ITEMS: Hr. Kruse reported 'that' th~ office had received upon request material in regard to the Federal 'open-space and beautification pro- gram. This material was to be reviewed by the Edgewater Drive Project Commi ttee and MT'~ ~Yolle to detennine the exten-t of i'lppllcation to share in project costs., if any ~ Inqu:i.ry would be made to the County Planning foY1 benefit' of thei.r' experience in ilny sin1i1ar Federal pT'O- ~ gr.am. . , <:"". ""...,:";'. :' ,~",'I:I .'. ,: :.::':.::-.:;....;;.:}).'.. ,:' .::...:'........,. :', :~.'. j'.:" ':', "',I''',''',:'''',.",~.;",:',:':,~>' ,..,:.I,:...~.. ':",.>.<..,"';' :,::~.<r':\", ',r:~.'.::~. :.::'::..1~:~~<"~ ~(..~/'.tll"'~ .!~"i:'.;:':'" "'::':~""'\"...~:.>,:>':'::, ''"<: P&Z Bd. Minutes 1/6/66 Page 1J3 'I'he Chairman reviewed othct" beautification efforts of the city ~ and support of va~ious civic groups and the Chamber committee, acknow~ ledging Mr. Don tHlliam' a accomplishment in this regard. Upon sug- gestion by Mr. Kruse, the Board agreed to an a~rangement for the next regular meeting to be joint lith the City Beautification Committee and the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce Beautification Committee and the Chairman of the Clearwater~Largo Realtors Board Civic Affairs Commi~tee. Mr. Williams assumed responsibility for follow up contact for the Chamber of Commerce and Hr. Iley fof' the Board of Real tors. ' Mr. Kruse was to be responsible for the City Committee. . Upon inquiry ,of the Chairman, Mr. Williams cited cooperation of the St. Road De- partment in assistance in fu~the~ beautification of Gulf-to-Bay " Islands. PLANNER t..S ITEMS:' f 17"'_ ...-~ PLAT LIV& OAK COURT - TO COHMITTEE - Mr.. Wolle request-ad that the Subdivision Committee meet with him after the meeting to receive ". this plat.. ~lanning literature was distributed. The meeting was adj ourned at tl: 10 P. M. Respectfully submitted, " " ,r, \"