12/21/1965 ',::<c' ..,' ,:', /.!',.j:"l.' ".i: ~'..:~' '."'~:~ ':' ::., ::.\J" :~',' ,,; ::,'.'~.,>:'.'~,,~ :':'. i~,. ". :":''.;.,':,; ,~.~: ':; ,,\,,}", :,~.".. .".::~:::,,':,. :,,'~~I "!:.'.':', ':':':.;.I,~ :::'" '~',:...:il'::':'.'.+::"::': /,'::::'':':;< ;:': . ,',.:.,',., \,~ I,::!: .'::' ':. ....:..... .'.~:;; 'fH1:~ PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD /' V/ ~ Minutes of the Meating, Tuesday, December 21, 1965~ The meeting was called to order at 3:30 p~ M. by the Chairman, HI'. Kruse.. Pre.sent were. Members Harries, Hylunde]"'~ Williams, Iley and Reade, Mr. Rettig of the Engineering Department, and Mr. Wolle. Member Galloway was not present at the beg-inning of the meeting but joined the meeting later. The minutes of the meetings of November 30, 1965) and December 7, 1965., and the Christmas luncheon meeting of' December 14, 1965, were. approved as submitted in written summation to each membel"l. ~EQUEST ZONING CHANGE Z-2-l265-~6 - LOT IJ BLK. E~ BREEZE HILL SUB. -~FR9~_R-4 TO FRS - APPLIC^NT~. V. E. ~RODEUR"I JR. - GENERAL LOCATION: SW COR. COURT ST. AND SAN REMO AVE.) - __ L 1 ~__-..-. -d... r""'-, l\'<.~) Reason for request as stated i.n application was, "to change the prop- erty into a less restrictive income property, to wit, an office for a practicing architectu. The Planner passed out drawing showing land use and zoning of the surrounding properties, which was studied and discuss~d~ Mr. Wolle called attention in particular to the medical building (chiropractor as an R-~ exception) at the no~theast corner of Hillcrest & Court St. and to real estate office on tbe Coleman prop- erty in the PRS zone on the north side of Court. He explained that, as stated in application, it was not intended to change the architec- .tural character of the existing building but to improve the outside by planting and painting and to improve the inside)making necessary ! I I I i t space conversions. Hr. Wolle further noted that although the lot of ~equest was below the 10)000 sq. ft. minimum lot area requirement of the FRS zone, he felt this was a minor point as it was anticipated that there would be no problem as to parki.ng space. From a planning angle he offered the opinion trlat professional offices of this type \';(Juld be the best usage for this strip along Court St. (doesn't create a lot of traffic, doesn't have character of signs~ and more restrictive .in its category). He further Rn-ticipa-ted thut the area may ultimate.ly 'J .. : I' " ': l' ", . , ~ ~'::, P',..', '"'. I' .' ',:' .It:,,:' . ',: r ;, . : ': '..' ::, :~~, : " ':. " I!':' '... ' , : ': 'I, " ' ';' '; ;. ;'" ,'; " .'1' I,";':". '.. I', ,; . ',' :' , ," , ",';.\, I'., ,: ,",~: ':.' . :"1 ' , ;:-.: " :: l:." <"':~::' ~ '~ , ,I~ ,\ ': ,,' ", : :, :.., ,", " ",:' ; ',' "~, '..l ::). , ~; ;', ~, ::' " ::' ":' ,':' ,: ': 1'&Z Bel. Minutes 12/21/65 Page fI'l .......-.. go tlwt way. The Planner thnn sOlicited expression from the Ooa'r"d in regard to the corner lot of t"equ~1Gt:. In the followi.ng discussion, reference was made to the history of commission approval of the PRS zoninB fo}"l Mr~ Colem~n IS property and to Pl"levious BoaT'd zoning s,tudies (by City Commission request) of the Court St. corrido~ ~o the west of its in- tersection with Gulf-to~Bay. It was the feeling of the Board that this case would provide an opportunity to learn of the att:t tude of owners (in the south strip) adjoining the lot of proposed change, and that consideration should be given in the immediate future to offer- ing an area plan for PRS zoning of 'this stt'ip between Hillcrest and the split intersection. After furthe.ro revi{~w, the Chairman enter- tained a motion in regard to subject lot #1. . ~r. Harries moyed that~ ;t be recomme~ded thatr~he request for PRS zqning for Lqt~J,~ Bl~~k E~ Breeze Hil~ Subdivis~Qn, b~,.a?Br~ved. Motion was sece~ged by Mr. ',~ /"''' \ Reade and was passed unanimously. It was to be recoY'ded that Xl"'. , Iley abstained from voting on the motion due to a personal interest involving property in the immediate area. It was decided that in a separate memorandum the P.lanner would incorporate some information (making refe'rence to previous Board action) to reflect the feeling of the Board in regard to a plan for PRS zoning of th~s strip. 'T _ , h );, IcJ I :,J...t:1 ....f.7 REQUEST ZON~UG CH~NGE ~X~9~~,j.:1:~1?6S-66 - r.9~T 4y..BLK---..B, WESTOVER SUB. - FROM R-2 TO R-4 - APPLICANT: FERRANTE - {GENERAL LOCATION:~W CaR. ~INS RD~ AND BAY AVE. --- .Ll 'I I ;........ _____L Jr 1 _~ 'L Hr~ Wolle advised that reaSOl1 for request as stated in application was to' make the property eligible fol'" a doctor- f s office. (existing duplex, structure on lot). The Planner oriented the pT'Opc~ty in l"elation TO the t-lhi te House Nur.ging Home on the east" wi. de of SheT'idan Ave. and , ..-....~ to Bloc}: A of 'this same subdivision ~ which It!;}!:; rezoned to R..l~ during " .' ~' . '. . : :" , :11'::,' J :. H ,', .:' ,. ',:'. /,,' I."..;.,..., ,.~ : ~ ....1.. ' :':.~, ~: '" ~,~ ';,' :'" I""" '.,. . i, /', : '.. :.: ':,~ ~. '. .. r' , ',: :", .", : ,':' >'.: ,';, l: \ :: . ',)..' ': ,: :'' , ',,~ : ,: :~' .' ,,~ " .' ~'I: , .' .:. ~',:,' ,,:: ~.>,~'; '~~ ',_,:, '~':.'~.', : L,. ~ ~, ,:: ~ " : " ~'~ I .' .:' ",' , '.' :...' -;;: :" P & Z Ed. Minutes 12/21/65 . Page 113 the year. A photomap of the area was studied and discussed. Land r,' use adj oini.ng 'th.ls' lot to the \oJest wns descl~i.bed as single family hottles..' Hembers C1<pt'cssed the feeling that opportunity should be given for field inspacti'C1n of the ar.ea. After' Borne further prelimi- , ' na.r.y discussion, i.t wa.~ voted.. ~o refer~ thLS2J?.Eli.~"tiQtL!2-!h!?. .~.2.l1?;!J.g...J~9ml'l!.i ttee~f.qr e.'@~1il1ati.<?n.. and T'ecomm~!ldatipn 'to ,~he RQard at_ .!t~. J~n\.ta~ ~~th meetinfh ZONII1G FOR ANNEXATION COUNTY R-4 TO CI1'Y ," Bn - SE GORNER Y6QNG ~'fE.. AND LAKEVIi::{Y RO@ - I.lOTS S 7 , c 5~A &f. ~9 ~' CLEtTELA~Q !3~OVE.SUBDIVIS+ON, LESS THE SOUTH ,lO"FT. ":: R1;;PQRT OF COMMrTT~E - lcont1nued from 12/14165) - & - /--\ , ", I ........... Mr. Reade reported that he wasprosent when Mr. Galloway who represented the Zoning Committee survey~d the site in the field and that ,Hr. Galloway ~7as of, the opinion that the lots should remain in duplex zoning. Hr~ Reade furtherrepor'ted 'that information from Mr. Mylandep h'as that f1r~ Swan agreed with Mr. Gallof,lay. Hr. MylandeT' 1"e- pOl'ted that,he was in the minority opinion 'that it could go to "B". zon- ,ing. Mi'. Reade explained 'as his own objections to "B" zoning that: "B" zoning could produce more "traffic for Lakeview, which already has a traffic problem. There are single family residences directly behind on Young that al"'e nicely cared for, and there would be no buffer for those residences. is Area for which II BII zoning is :r>equested Inot deep enough fOl~ 'parking. r1r. Iley also expressed objection to a change to, IIn" zoning and pointe.,d 'out that Lakevie.Ttl Rd.. has all"'eady es1:atlishcd itself as a good residential area for duplexes. The PlanneT' recommended upprovol of liB" zoning for the I'ensons that: , , "~ County C-.2 zoning on south sid8 of LnkevieH C'~tandG 2 '1!:' ' to the east of Missouri Ave. ,<: . ,~ ~, ! .:'~ :' . :~;l:;. : i ' P&Z Bd. Minutes 12/21/li5 Pa ge ill4 Lots front into the Sears Store parking lot" ,,,,^,,, Plan lYould be to ,ntop any "B" zoning at Lincoln, as r'eoi.dencee beyond Lincoln face into residential use on th~ opposite side. After some, discussion, ~fr. Reade mqv~.9 to r:~mm~n,d d~ni;,)l.....QL nB~ zaring. ~k'):tion seconde~ by Hr. Ile~ Hr. Wi.11:i.ams suggested a recommendation fo~ PRS zoning. Consideration was given to the fnct that professional service uses require less depth in a lot, generate less traffic, and that the setback requirements and nature of PRS developmen'ts make more' compatible conditions abutting residences located to the south and west. Mr. Reade amended his ubove motion __ r J.L__ to fut;the~.~comrnerid~ that it pe .uccepted fOl~ arm~ation 2i!.h :eRS !9.J~~~ ~enjment wa~acceQted by M~:_!}~. It was determined that total area of the 3 lots was above the minimum PRS lot area require- ment~ Mr. Galloway joined the meeting at this time and expressed himself' as in accord with motion to recommend PRS zoning after ex- planc:"tion was made that the 5 ft. rear sethac]< in this zone Hould afford some buffer to abutting residences ~ !!.~~~~,n " Mr., ~ad~rs motion~ ~s ,am~~ed,~~~s ~asse~d. CHAIRMAN'S ITEMS:' , R~ ON s!GN 6RDINANCE REVIEW - COMMISSIONERS - Chairman .d. .,. v .-.--- " K~use made comment in regard to press reports covering the recent discussion of the proposed sign ordinance at u Commission work sese ion. The ROn:rd apP.I'oved his suggr ,.' on that when this ordinance \o1as scheduled to be on the Commission ap:enda -that interested organi- zations be advised~ PARKING TICKETS - Mr. Kruse advised melobcrs of arrangements -----...... .-...- - ma~e for routing of any parking ticket~ they might receiv8 when P4Fked in metered CJty Hall parking spaces t\Thile on C':i-ty business. I \ . ,,-.,- PSZ Bd. Minutes 12/21/65 Page f15 , . Mr. Kruse read fov thn Board's information letter dated 12/15/65 , ' ',.-.., l.a had wtti tten to the Ci,ty tfanagcI' in llpp~eciation 'of his pBrticipa- .tion in the BOc.\rd's Christmas luncheon. ThiG received favo~able comment. PLANNERt,S ITEHS:' (il) .b~~ pak g~!~j;._~s P..arti~~rRepl,:yt:_ - Mr. Wolle presented in- format;onal review of this pa,rtial replat (5 lo.ts changed to 6 in one section-but revised lots still in conformance' .to the subdivisions's zoning of R-IC).. He advised that no Boat'd action was required and that in ~ccordance with the new subdivision procedure p61~cy he would recommend approval of, the l"eplat and for\olard it to the City Engine~r for further processing. ....,..........,... , . ,(b) Zonin$ Public'Jle~~ingSchedule - Date of the next Zoning 'Public Hearitlg was announced as Sanuary 17, 196'5. (c) Meeting Dec_ 2~th- In that Hr. K'ruscand the Planner ~Jould 'be out of town the, folloNing Tuesday, i. t was agreed that no Board'meeting would be held on Dec. 28th. (d) Planning literatu~e was distributed. The meeting \'las adjourned a.t 5 :00 p~ H. Respectfully s~bmitted) .' , " -;.......~ " ' ~< : ~X~'~l~Cfy .ity Planner , , ~_..iII---""'_ " ' , ", . ~ .... ': ", ;'o.,J .L., .