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Minutes of the Meeting, Tuesd~Yt Snptembe~ 21. 1965.
trhe meeting was called to order at 3: 00 P. M. by tho Chairman,
Mr. Krune., Presont were Members Reade, Iley, Williams, Mylander, Butler
and Galloway, Hr. Rettig of the Engineering Departm~nt, andHr. Wolle.
Tho minutes of the meeting of Sep=l!emhet' 14, 1965, were apPT'oved
ao submitted in written summation to each member.
SUBDIV.1SION ...::..~QNSE~.Ji~~HLANDS, .'yNI~ 4 ft'-
The Planner advised that Unit ~ had been received through the
Engineering Department with request that it be processed in time fo~
.the agenda of a City Commission meeting scheduled for Monday, September
27th. Mr. Wolle further reported that:
Unit 4 is part of a master plan and conforms to such plan.
Improvements are all in.
~yram Drive ties in (is co-tenninus) with alignment of Byram
to.the east in subdivision unit previously platted.
His recommendation was for appro~al of the plat.
!1,r. .Re-.CJ.de .r...~p,ot:'ted that the .9.ubdJi visir9n C~m~i t.tee.. ~had cou-side~p.....9-nd_
~xamine,d ..:t~ pIa! and un an i,1!lous ly recomme.nqfitd ap'proval. Additional in-
fonnation from Mr. Wolle was that area of the proposed plat is within the'
city limits and zoned R-IE, and that only one of the lots as platted
is less than 70 ft. in width. He pointed out as the only deviation from
normal requirements? a 40 ft. radius of a short subdivision court (which-
was, however~ surrounded by a 10 ft. utility and sidewall<: easement),.
After review and discussion, t~e Board voted~to a~~rov~~the~~ubdiv~~ion
,~OJplli tte_~' s r:r..~p.~rt and to....R.ecom~~..Epoy.aL pf ..PE...L9!.2..~et H;ghl..q!!9s.<t
gni t .4 ~ J3;8. s'!R.mJ tteq.
~_~ -.....v 1 '1~ 'P''T
Members were shown the original maste.r plan-of Morningside Estates and
a p~eliminary. plan of areas involved in a p~oposed rezoning of portions
already'platted and in request for zoning of additional areas proposed to
,._" be annexed, with indicated changes in original proposed platting and
P&Z Bd_ Hinutoa.
9/21/65 PaRe #2
. in cct'tain t"'ights-of-\4ay.. Mr. Wolle repor.ted that this pl'elirninary plan
had been be{H\ T'ocei ved by him on Monday from Mr. ni 11 Blackburn t il100 ."}
copy of IGgal descriptions of the properties which he had to check.
He explained the plan, based on his discussion wi.th the developer, an
1. Ha'flll Blvd. would be extended further south than originally
planned in order to provide more area for a proposed golf course
to adjoin the present clubhouse area (zoned R-M). Zoning would
extend'R-M classification to include nOl"th side of liarn Blvd.
as proposed and an area of R-M zoning located on the southwest
side of the bend of Harn Blvd.
2. The duplex area previously planned for was now owned by the
city (exchange for city hal1)~
3~ The metes and bounds area (presently zoned R-ID) in the city
and an additional area to the east but south of Harn Blvd. ex-
tendcdt and west of the Florida Power easementt was proposed
to be platted and zoned with R-2 lots on the no~th facing the
R-H zone, on the east, backing to the Florida Powell easement,
and on the south bacJdng to County' co~ercial zoning.
'4-~ A. Business zone east of the Florida POvler easement extending to
the right-of-way of U. S. 19
Mr. Wolle fur~her reported that he had discussed the SC zoning and Park-
way Business zoning with Mr. Blackburn and had suggested that these zones
be used in place of the general liB",. Business -- pointing out the intent
of each, as well as the limitations and r'equirements of each. Mr. Black-
burn indicated that the .l~O ft.. setback on US 19 requirement was
gene~ally in accord with his plans of building~
The Board held some preliminaI"Y discus~dt:m with the Planner and
various questions from members were answered~ In final action, the
Chairman referred 'the submitted plan to the Zoning and Subdivision
Committees for recommendation and rep~rt to the Board.
-d.d. ~ - ~~-
(n) Re.Eort_ ft'lom R,e.Altors - Ile~ - f1r. Iley reported that i twas
arranged that membp.rs of the sign study committ~e were to meet with the
paz Bd.Min\ltea
l ' . J '~~, /
. .'
....':,,~:., 9/21/65 . Page f/3
. '
,. f!"'t't
Planning Board 'the fOllowing "rneade.y, Septernbet' 2 a, at 3 :00 P. M.
He named os such committee: HI'.. Lewis Homel', Hl"~ Herbert. MoO Blanton, Jr.,
Mr. Kip 'Mattson, and Ml'. Ebner Shafer..
(b) The Chai~man called attenTion to an interesting newspaper
article received.in a letter from MI". Hat"I'ieo which gave account of
Mr. Har~ies' ca~eer as a golf course designer,.
Attentlon was also called "to an article appeaT'ing in tho Sunday
. Clearwater .Sun reporting reoeipt by the Clearwater Chambel' of Commerce
of those . Comprehensive Plan l"epOI'ts to be dist1"ibuted through that or-
Planning literature was distributed.
The meeting was adjou~ned at 3:45 p~ M.
Respectfully submitted,.
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