09/21/1965 ',:, . ~,. ~: " J.'.' ,'~,'~ j' ,,;,: "" ',1,', :' ::' : ..'..: ' '1::" ~ " j . :': , ., 1,',":'.:1' I:,..: ": ,t/" ";,: jf '. ~",: ',' ':":...' ~ :" ,:: ~', ",,' ',' " ::,'~:'" ~:" , .:.. ;, ~ ' ,';'.' ';",: :'. J 1,':','.,,:: ~~' ,', ... :.." ~,' ,:' :::', ::; ~,(' I' I',..: :::',' .... ~\' ~.~', ':'; ;' . ~:.: ','~ r " ' '~; .: :. ':':"~, ~ .' ,.,,~ : ',~,: :' ,:', ;'i~:;., !,...1.:.".: .,<'., " .~ ""---. , ........ ~' TIrE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD , , ",- v/ Minutes of the Meeting, Tuesd~Yt Snptembe~ 21. 1965. , trhe meeting was called to order at 3: 00 P. M. by tho Chairman, Mr. Krune., Presont were Members Reade, Iley, Williams, Mylander, Butler and Galloway, Hr. Rettig of the Engineering Departm~nt, andHr. Wolle. Tho minutes of the meeting of Sep=l!emhet' 14, 1965, were apPT'oved ao submitted in written summation to each member. SUBDIV.1SION ...::..~QNSE~.Ji~~HLANDS, .'yNI~ 4 ft'- The Planner advised that Unit ~ had been received through the Engineering Department with request that it be processed in time fo~ .the agenda of a City Commission meeting scheduled for Monday, September 27th. Mr. Wolle further reported that: Unit 4 is part of a master plan and conforms to such plan. Improvements are all in. ~yram Drive ties in (is co-tenninus) with alignment of Byram to.the east in subdivision unit previously platted. His recommendation was for appro~al of the plat. !1,r. .Re-.CJ.de .r...~p,ot:'ted that the .9.ubdJi visir9n C~m~i t.tee.. ~had cou-side~p.....9-nd_ ~xamine,d ..:t~ pIa! and un an i,1!lous ly recomme.nqfitd ap'proval. Additional in- fonnation from Mr. Wolle was that area of the proposed plat is within the' city limits and zoned R-IE, and that only one of the lots as platted is less than 70 ft. in width. He pointed out as the only deviation from normal requirements? a 40 ft. radius of a short subdivision court (which- was, however~ surrounded by a 10 ft. utility and sidewall<: easement),. After review and discussion, t~e Board voted~to a~~rov~~the~~ubdiv~~ion ,~OJplli tte_~' s r:r..~p.~rt and to....R.ecom~~..Epoy.aL pf ..PE...L9!.2..~et H;ghl..q!!9s.<t gni t .4 ~ J3;8. s'!R.mJ tteq. SUBDIVISION - ZONING - ANNEXATION - HORNINGSIDE ESTATES - ~_~ -.....v 1 '1~ 'P''T Members were shown the original maste.r plan-of Morningside Estates and a p~eliminary. plan of areas involved in a p~oposed rezoning of portions already'platted and in request for zoning of additional areas proposed to ,._" be annexed, with indicated changes in original proposed platting and P&Z Bd_ Hinutoa. 9/21/65 PaRe #2 {-, . in cct'tain t"'ights-of-\4ay.. Mr. Wolle repor.ted that this pl'elirninary plan had been be{H\ T'ocei ved by him on Monday from Mr. ni 11 Blackburn t il100 ."} copy of IGgal descriptions of the properties which he had to check. He explained the plan, based on his discussion wi.th the developer, an follows: 1. Ha'flll Blvd. would be extended further south than originally planned in order to provide more area for a proposed golf course to adjoin the present clubhouse area (zoned R-M). Zoning would extend'R-M classification to include nOl"th side of liarn Blvd. as proposed and an area of R-M zoning located on the southwest side of the bend of Harn Blvd. .....--..... I 2. The duplex area previously planned for was now owned by the city (exchange for city hal1)~ 3~ The metes and bounds area (presently zoned R-ID) in the city and an additional area to the east but south of Harn Blvd. ex- tendcdt and west of the Florida Power easementt was proposed to be platted and zoned with R-2 lots on the no~th facing the R-H zone, on the east, backing to the Florida Powell easement, and on the south bacJdng to County' co~ercial zoning. '4-~ A. Business zone east of the Florida POvler easement extending to the right-of-way of U. S. 19 Mr. Wolle fur~her reported that he had discussed the SC zoning and Park- way Business zoning with Mr. Blackburn and had suggested that these zones be used in place of the general liB",. Business -- pointing out the intent of each, as well as the limitations and r'equirements of each. Mr. Black- burn indicated that the .l~O ft.. setback on US 19 requirement was gene~ally in accord with his plans of building~ The Board held some preliminaI"Y discus~dt:m with the Planner and various questions from members were answered~ In final action, the Chairman referred 'the submitted plan to the Zoning and Subdivision Committees for recommendation and rep~rt to the Board. CHAIRMAN'S ITEMS: -d.d. ~ - ~~- (n) Re.Eort_ ft'lom R,e.Altors - Ile~ - f1r. Iley reported that i twas arranged that membp.rs of the sign study committ~e were to meet with the , .J paz Bd.Min\ltea l ' . J '~~, / . .' ....':,,~:., 9/21/65 . Page f/3 . ' ,. f!"'t't Planning Board 'the fOllowing "rneade.y, Septernbet' 2 a, at 3 :00 P. M. He named os such committee: HI'.. Lewis Homel', Hl"~ Herbert. MoO Blanton, Jr., Mr. Kip 'Mattson, and Ml'. Ebner Shafer.. (b) The Chai~man called attenTion to an interesting newspaper article received.in a letter from MI". Hat"I'ieo which gave account of Mr. Har~ies' ca~eer as a golf course designer,. Attentlon was also called "to an article appeaT'ing in tho Sunday . Clearwater .Sun reporting reoeipt by the Clearwater Chambel' of Commerce of those . Comprehensive Plan l"epOI'ts to be dist1"ibuted through that or- ganization.. Planning literature was distributed. The meeting was adjou~ned at 3:45 p~ M. Respectfully submitted,. :'....-... I ';, . "'__iI ~.uJ~' k I. Woiie; secty 'ty'Planner. --- " ~. ~ \' c~:'.l "i~ . ,