Minutes of the MeetinRt TUflsdaYt May lO~ 1965.
.~ 'l'he meeting to/as called to order at 3:00 P. f1. by the Chaj.l"1nan~
Mr. Kruse. Presont were Members Reade~ Williams, Mylander, Bu~lar~
Iley,. ilnd Galloway, Mr. Rettig of the Engineering Depn't'tment, and
Mr. Wolle.
Chai.rmnn Kruse welcomed Hr. Boynton Butler and Mr. G. Patrick
Iley, who wert'! appointed 'to the BoaJ'ld by the Commission on May 17' for
~erms of 3 years and 2 years respectively, and expressed his pleasure
in having them serve with the Board. rOI" information of these new
members, 'the Chairman gave a brief resume of this Board's organization
and history since its i~ception in 1955 as the Planning Board. They
were fu~her briefed as to the background of the Board's recent sign
studieS and submittal of a proposed sign ordinance now under considera-
tion by the Commission. The Planner was requested to give Mr. Butle~
and M~. Iley each a copy of the Comprenensive Plan Repovt; also copies
of the existing sign ordinance 6645 and the proposed sign ordinance .
for study prior to an anticipated work sesnion the fOllowing Monday
wi~h the Commission concerning pending Commercial,Advertising Sign
The minutes of the May 6, 1965, meeting were approved as sub-
.mitted in written summation to each member.
ZON~~~ Re~iew~of C9ullty Zoning fsse - ReQuest of Don atea~l~-
Mobile Home ~oofs, Inc. ~t'ltle Ave. S ~.-
~go , ItoadL..... (sea r~.&Z Mlnu't:es of'''37m.1.:["" .
The Planner presented telephone request made by Mr. Don Bleakley:'for
/...-.., ~}
: ~ ~ .
~he wi~hdrawal of ~he Board's letter of recommendation to. the County
for denial of a change to M-l zoning_ It was reported that .Mr.
Bleakley was informed thai: if he would submit a letter of requast, the
case would be resubmitted to the Board for review and decision. Sub-
sequent letter of confirmation f!'Om Mr. Bleakley and an accompanying
letter from Mobile Home Roofs of Clearwater giving description of their
operation were reviewedu In his discussion with the Board Mr. Wolle
brought out the following:
The case. involvea a machine shop that does some industri.al
work to the degree that it t>1as classified as manufClctul"ing i.n
accordance to the Coun1:y~ In thai: such use was c.onsidered non-
conforming in a C-3 area, Xhx and the Board of Appeals in the
County does not pt"esently have the authori toy to extend a nOI1-
confol"Tlling use, the request \o1aS made fot" H-l zoning..
A compromise proposal at the last County heAring was to spli~
the M-l zoning and apply i-t only to 'the Hyrtlc I\ve. fl"nnt.=tge.
PE.Z Od. Minutea
Pilge #2
The thrctl alternatives the Board might hlive would be to Gay
that t.t would not re.commend approval as an M-l, 1:0 recommend
that it be approved with an M-l, or make n statement in a genoral
intent type of letter to the effect tha't in the City the use
would be in the ~ategory of a special exception requiring Board
of Adjustment and Appeal consideraTion. .
Roference was made to the Board'a prior letter of March 11/65 contain-
ing recommendation pi danial~ Existing land uses in the area wa~e
pointed out and uses permitted in the County H-l classification were
detailed by the Planner. Mr. Wolle recommended the submittal to the
Coun~y an explanation for some fabrication uses occuring.in the City's
"a" zoning classification; and that such use requost!3 are directed to
the Board of Adjustmen~ and Appeal on Zoning as special exceptions and
have ~he performance standards of the operation 'as a major consideration.
After Borne fu~ther discussion of the alterna~ive9~ and ~on recqm~
mendati~ q~~_Chairman~_~otion wasLpa~~~ th~t this r~studx be
fe~ed tq~~~i~B~9~i~tee fo~ recommend~ionJ to be pres~~~~ft at
the !l.e~ mefl-t~n~..
Z9NING F01\,. ~EXATION ~ ..BILL .':ll~r..'" The Planner locatea and
de9cri~ed.these additional parcels included in a rec~n~ly.p~sGed State
legiSlative bill red~fining the ci~y limits (but not inclu~ed in the
City's Ordinance No. lOSl)v
(a) M6B'5 (Ambleside)
See" 11-29-15
extension of
TI~is was noted as area of future/platting .
of Ambleside SUbdivision. Mro Rettig reported
that he had not received an answer to inquiry
made as .to zoning to be l"'equeS1:~d.. !iqti,qn
~as pa~sed un~~imousl~ tpa~ BUp'~e~t t:act Q~
re,S.QJmYlended ..."tq be-.zonejf no les s.......res...~.!.fll!
than R-l~.. liinp.le FamU~
(b) M&B D3S Oscar Oster
Sec. 14-29-15
- to R-IE
(c) M&B 19-A Walter s. Boyd
Seen 15-29-15 - to R~lE
PSZ Bd. Hinutna
Pago 113
These two properties were noted aG in a amall pockot
south of Druid Road on the east Bide of Hil1oT'oBt Ave.
adjoining R-IEBubdivioions. Motion was anaed
unan,!.!~ta81LSbA.t st!!!.j,~ct!..A'trqc,,-tB~11~I':and C -oe".
~92!!'1!lltU~cL.. to J?c 'Zo,",cd R-!.~_, , Si.n B~.~,..:~l1Y..
MEB 05-2 So. of Jr. College (Hnncock)
Sec. 10-29-16 - to R-IE
This was noted as a 29 or 30 ft. strip imnw.ldiately
not'th of G'ulf-to-Bay Acres Subdivision which was
involved in a dispute as to ownership at the time
of the development of that subdivision in the County.
It was understood that consideration had bean given
at one time to deeding the 9t~ip to the junior college,
but that the possibility still existed that it mitht
be sold to abutting residential property owners.
Motion ~as ~a~~~p unan~~o9~lv ~ha~ ~u~j~ct traqt
i9l..~"'"L.~E!~.2mme!!~~d to be z...oneE as... 1l;;lE, Sin21e-D!n1ilv~
"" - - - ~ ~ A'" ..., -- - -'1" ~.........,
pointed M~. B~tle~ to serve on the ~oni~g Comm~~t~~ and ~ I~e~ to
Be~ve on the Subdivision Committee.
--.--...~ ~~. . - ~
t - - - ~ a ~- ~.........~
that at the City Commission meeting on May 17th:
He, Vice Chairman Reade, and Mr. Don Williams We~e present
and made some statements in regard to matters related to
the sign applications unde~ discusston.
Mr. Johannes, President of the West Coast Chapter AlA, was
one who spoke in ppposition to the approval of all these
sig~ permits and in ~upport of the proposed sien ordinance.
Commission decision was to take up the 31 applications at
a special me~ting set for May 2~th. It was also indicated
that a work sess;,on with the Boal"d might be requested
prior to the next Monday meeting.
There was some general discussion concerning the prospects for
adoption of a revised sign ordinance and little optimism was ex-
pressed that early action could be expected.. The Chairman informed
the Board that members would be advised if the anticipated work
session were to be scheduledn
Vacation Schedule - Determina.tton of ~i;A-nE. ,pays - The Chair-
man commented to Board members concerni.ng the usual procedure each
year afte~ appointments to arrange organization of committees and
P&Z Bd. IUnutes 5/10/65 Page "J
the election of a Chairman and Vioe-Chairmanw He BUBsested that at.
~ L I
the next meeting this ma tter wou~\d be taken up. Concarning a
sununol" schedule, it was brought out that meetings would be held as
needed, but that it would be well that members report their vacation
schedules in.ordel" that at the ~ime meetings might be called the
Planning Office would have Bome idea of possible quo~umB.
Planning lite~ature ~as distributed. Planning and Zoning
material was distributed to new membersu
!i~_€"~t:!.n..g "~~c.~~~l;, ~2rnmi tt!!,e.....- Zt;m.inu - The Planner requested
that Mr. Williams, Mru Galloway, and M~. Mylander meet with 'him
after tho meeting to a~range for. a meetin~ time for the Committee on
Height Restrictions.
. The meeting ~1llS adjouI'ned at' IJ: 5 5 P. 11.
Respectfully submitted,
',;. ~~.
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~f~~~ec'Y-- ..
grty Planner
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