04/27/1965 IflIE PLANnING AND iONHlG BOARD / v' ~ Minutes of the Meeting, Tuesday, April 27, 1965. 'l'he Planning and Zoning Board Jnet at .i: 00 P D M. with Mr. Kt'use 1 the Chairman, presidingo Present were Members Reade, Harries and Mylander, Mr. Ret~ig of the Engineering Department, and Mr. Wolle. The minutes of the meeting of April 13, 1965, were approved as submitted in written summation to each member. ...~,; SERVICE STAT~ON - SOUTHl~ST CORNER DRUID ROAD AND MISSOURI AV~NuUA~i;8kfI~cQl1.~e Board 1"evi ewe <1 , si. te pIan for -""this service station to be loea~ed on property legally described as ~he N. 176' of the easterly 167' of the N/E l/~ of SIE 1/4 of the S/W 1/4 Sec. 15-29S-ISE. Mr~ Wolle presented the plan with explanation ~hat the existing structu~e (housing doctor's office) was to be removed . and that info~ation from Traffic Planner Lecouris was that Missouri . Ave. at this point is to be widened to 6 lanes {existing Missouri Ave. right-of-way adjoining this propos~d site was described as 100 ft.'. -', +n discussion of the importance of P~uid Road in the Majo~ Street Plan, i~ was noted that current subdivisions and acreage property upon be- ing annexed to the City provided 50,ft~ 1/2 right-of-way in accordance to a 100 ft. full right-of-way~ The Planner offe~ed recommendation for approval of the site plan with the follOwing requirements: 1. The Shifting of the east drive on ~uid Road 20 fee~ west in order to provide for a proper merging of vehicles within a greater reserv~ir distance from the control light.. 2. Extending l/~ right-of-way for Druid Road to 50 feet. 3. Showing an additional setback of 5 feet for pumps in accordance to a 50 foot 1/2 right-of-way (for Druid Road) and a 15 foo~,pump setback requirement from such right-of-way. No change was noted as necessary fo~ the Missouri frontage. Mr. Wolle stated that he would indicate above recommendations (in green) on the drawing. Mr.. R_eade moved that the Pla!Qle.~t s_...!:.~omme!1datiof} be ae.- p.raved and that tl1e. own,er bfJ _require.d t~o_ comp.1-Y. .w.i~th..J t.. _ H~~. .motion ~ ~ec?nded by Mr. Harries. w~o ~as~ed. ,:.:=' =! :' ;'.,::~ :; ..~~..\.'. : ; I.'~': .::': :~: ';.,.: ;:.~:' ~": ~.~ " .',:~~.:. '.:::' .<~ I.; '."":< '. '.. ':-::::1 ',:"::.:, .....:.:.:).:: ~.:'-:: /;<; .'~. I:: ;"'.' ~::::'.,' '.: .:~~' " !':;I):'/ (::~ ~. .:..'; j: :~. ',: ~.,': :: : , ;',.~ ~",: ,; ',\':' .: ,.,':~ \:i: : >: ; ,'..,: :..:'" '<:< '.J~~ ':',":,:"';"':> :'. ;':. :'~'"~.rJ ~,' ~>.::: ;. " .~":. .::', , "" ,~",- . , . ....,/ P&Z Dd. Minutos ~/21/S5 PnR~ I' g..GN ^P~~IqAtlvq,1'! 'ili.J\~~S IS '- HR '". ..~QL~L - The Planner T'apoT'ted oh a summary analysis covering all commercial advertisi,ng ai gn applications which have been presented to the Plannina Office and are pcndinF,_ Hr.. Wolle informed the Board that 'this list was pl'cpared upon raqUl'!8t made to him by the City Manager fo'r information as to thos(\ to be. recommended as eligible ,in accordance wi,th the BOfl't"d t S ni gn ol'dinaJ\ct~ proposals. Attention was called 1::0 a sign s1:udy map completed as to locations of comme~cial adve~~ising signs on the proposed eligible streets. City Commission minutes from 157 on were consulted in ita prepara~ion. Three categories were indica~ed on map: signa as ap- proved by Commission action, signs approved in 1964, or signs pending. HI'.. Wolle continued with a detailed enumeration of sign applica- tions listed (from his work copy of office record), and in summary ~e- ported that acco~ding to his in~erpretation and test of mcetin~ ~e- quirements of the proposed new ordinance, 9 out of 29 are eligible, 13 ineligible" and IJ doubtful (depending on how one detet'mines a sign on one side of the street facing opposite traffic). It was noted that the above mentioned eligible 9 were indicated by large thumb tacks, 'I on the sign study map. Aftev some discussion of the matter of direction of sign facing, it was agreed with the Planner ~hat this might be clarified by the addition of a statement that a sign facing shall be into the direction of traffic on that traffic side of the roadway. It was learned that the Engineering and Building Departments have been reviewing the proposed' ordinance; further that Asst. Ci.ty En~- gineer Beachler favors the inclusion of a limitation on sign frame- work.. "/' _<1'- r'''' , , . I , .........} "-od" l c ' 'I' ' , , ' P 'E Z Bd. Mi~ute9 Pa~e '3 1~ /2 7 16 5 CHAIRMAN'S ITEMS - REPORT ON ZONING HEARING - t111e Chait'man T'e- ...I--L.-I.j.l1'l.b..1. -lIP' "'-rT ~ ~_...-.. ~._~ y .___ T" IT l' ported ,that 1'. of the 16 items waro approved aa recommended by the . Planning and Zoning Board; further that the item in regard to a direct appeal from the B/A/A to the Courts was disapproved, and that the Planned Unit Development (PUD) propoBnl waG deferred for fu~ther discussio.n with the Co.mmission. Information was also givon that the amendment to. require a barrier between an approved service station and abutting residential district was approved subject to. the City Attorney and the Planner adding more detail as to the typ~ of st~ucture constituting a visual barrier. The Chairman also made reference,to Commission ac- tion at the zoning hea~ing requesting that the City Planner, the Plan- ning and Zoning Board) and the Ci~y Attorney give fu~ther study for recommendations for ba~riers between any business area and residen~ial areas~ There was some preliminary discussion of such Commission re- fe~ral matter which was to reoeive future Board study. Planning literature was distributed. The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 pft M. Respectfully submitted~ [c