10/01/1964 - Special
Hinu:tc:3 of the :->pec:i.c-ll r'k~t,"ting ~ Thul'sdny" October 1 ~ 1961..
41'h6 meEltin~i '.;tas ci'l11(ltl t{) en'de!',' nt 3: ~HJ. p" H. by the Chditlman'l'
Hr~ 1<l"US e, Prc-ls<?,n t W~t..t~ Hel1lbe~H t1y li1tlrltH', Gates, Logan: imd Rf~ade, M'r.
Rettig of thl! Eug:tlVJer:i.ng Dcp;\l"tmcrrt:, i'liH.l !1):'L' \~oJ.h~" Hr. Grll1'0\<1a~t
joined the m(1eti)~g l~itm:'. '
The Cha.:i.rmdT! e~q).Li'lin{;!d "l:lw t thin ml.:1~jting ",.Ji'lr:l l~a] led te. c:cl'lslder
u, lettet', dated SC'-.?temb..-::'r 2S,:- 19611 ~ lx'om Danl.f;,l:s O\l'trk,m:- ^c'v.et'tising, Inc~,
uhich war; sub'mittcd, a1: the City Comm.\n13:i.ol1 v/Ol"k BeI3!:1icll ofS~~p'f=e'Uibel" aov
It was reported that thi~3 e~Oi"'l:'I:!r=lpc.mdGIlCC 10M,::; tl"anomi t:ted tt.') '1:he BO.:!l'd
(vJlthout ucc()mpan~,.,it\g memoPcllld\.ln1) fot.. its '::!ons.ide.r-,'i"t::i.on Dno re{~()mmendn-
ti on ~ 'a.nd furt'heI' i:l~at i 1: toms t~lt~ Cha:i T"man IS undet'st.::mding that Nl"!.
Daniels i.s go:i.~g to appear" before the CDnuni3l:d.on on Nond\3Y next. StIO-'
ject let,ter, which ~.,1as l'lead To'tho BOi.\i:"Id, c()frtain.;:d in er:HI~nce 1'cquest:
J, '
. , '
(l) That a Commtn'c:La.l Advel'''tiaing Sign permi.t isslHHl in lluly
'(Cleal'wat~r Beach Hotel Display) be, 'transferred to, another'
locat:i.on also em the north clide of Gulf-to~.Ba,)-' in the 1800,
Block, 'j \1st eas t of, th:= Skycre,6 t Car Hash opera ti en ;
(2), ~at a permit be g;:'ante.d for pending coromeJ:1cial cldve:c'tiaing
signs (north side, of Gulf-.t'o-Br')V locations) j:01" the flo"l'ida
Pctl7er Corpora'ticn ,~nd Hm\l'ard Jol1nsC>1"l ,MotoY.' Lodge and Hes.. '
U~)o,r', Mr., Kruse!s reque~{t, H1:'~ Read(~ r.~ad 'to the BClal"ld 2.8 infol"'lnation the
~. '(t ,,", Aug" 21/H4 m~m""ran<i\ll:~' to the ';i'i:y ~.lni1ager con"tninii'ig .'the HoarcPs
, ,
recomme.ndations C'-','
"ng Off- Premi.:-3e Signs" Proposed sign ordinance
amendments thnt ,iel'e transmitted the1.'swi th were revie\tled), wi th par-
.'c t~.culal~ referenc~ to Section :CV. B cO'lE':!'ing Si.gn Free Distr'icts to be
es'tetblished (Gulf.~.to-E,"IY In'./d, being li8teu as one such d:;,strict). A
stai:us sheet of 15 pending ;~~.gl1 appl5.cetions was pl'esant€d by Hr. \'lo11e
and discussed.
t1ap locati,):is of sign qSpJ.icittions on file wer.:: tllso
, ,-.J
After cl3.:,'eful eonsidfd.X'a~~:i.cn and ftlT'thE-:T.' discu8sion ~ !!l2.:0-..9..D~~_<3.~v'"
~~de_~~.J,_Q..q,.t~!:j.d-lJ~9_Qn.1~..J?l..~!~![:'~2~~....,~~~~!.JT:Ll~~_~:':~S21!~I!l.~E..~~c;!'Mttt~:Uh ~ ~.
~eq u~~ t --wS,OJl tain~.2_;~!L,t:h~ D0.ni-.2k,.9_~.E..l~<lv.EJ:.li.~.tr!e~~11,Q.':..,..95~r~e...@J2.qn9!'::!!,~~,-
P & Z Bd Minutes
10 11/6l~
Page #2
the recnmmenda'ticms wh:I,oh th~ Board made under elate of Austtist 21 ~ 1961~.,
__".....~~.................IIN-.........._.~.....u......n._-........'~.1...~.......-.-..'III~.~w.. Ilil- ".bol "P~-..~-...............-\.t"""";""'__."""""'of'I:.""""""~"-""""-
. ,
~~ ' ~}.:.!;.1.!....r..El.i.: e r.!~ ng,<l.,.!9__9JL~lE.9!:.~:19.~~i!!.~..EL.P.i ~k'..:1~.X.:9wff...!::!:~:Ej.!1~. ...~1!Jitt~....(p',!tn.-
..s.t~l~L. aJ!.,,"j~_~:.2f~&i9!~.L.!?:n2 ~.J.~'th~U::.~~Jl~~'~9.....r~[?j..f:1.!,1t1~_...;St~L._.._..-
. '
l:e 9.c.2I!~t!1~~~l.q~!j..9..rlUTh ~&lLJ..v.~r!~~1~!! s 1}\i t.~~~..~t2-..t.!:w-9Lti...9!L&j;h!LJlt!:.Y....t!ID1~JIQX.
ID!.....~ifL.m~~fA.ns.\lIDLil'OJ1_.{1j;,,1;!l~~n1!12Dj;!1_0.f...l\.llg~~;t...:l..L.-JJ}!~~....~r.: w~~~_
I '
~~.2n .w"~;t~L.2:l~!!fEL?,,l;l...a...!y'_P"Cl~.~~.9.' !t was also the opinion of -the Board
that: if an exce:ption were to be made in connectioll with the pr.~posed
Daniele signs, in fairness to the othel~ adve:r.tisi,ng agencies all those
on fi.le might deserve the sam-econsiderta'tion.
ZONING PUBLIC HEARHm - The BoaX'd ~las infol"'1ll'nd of schHdull:! of
dates for ~~!lE.....!..t!l?1is.ll~.EiE.fI on ~.~~!.'.1.?~..2!, as recommended -to "the
City Commission in City Cle1X\1~'s memorar~dum dated ~h~pt. 23/64. 'The
Planner gave an estimate of' possible zoning chango requests by prop'~
arty owners and outlined a number of map changes and ol"'din."lnce changes
to be proposed as Board recommendationSn
, '
, ,r",
, i
4: 10 p~ 1'1... - N'X'o GalloNay joi.ned the meeting at this -time v
,Membe!'s discussed infor.mally a report by Chair.man KtH'Se of a re~.
',' . , cen1: E~o.1?os,~l made f2.~__sh~EJ:~_JJl...th.,e ,.n.~~...9h~t!2.~.Ji.!!".5!.~Lt:?.--futl.f.::-,
1=.o.:..J?~a~ l'h~. Rettig not/3d "chat officially il changl~ in the 'name:~ of any
street requires City Commission action ,I
Mr. \'1011e s.tated that he had nothing fu.rther -to repo):>t concerning
the Er3p"o~s_~,_~~E:'!!..s~~t~J.9n~lr<!i,nan,.~ aubmi tted by the l:.c'al'd to the
Commission for, r~view and f.:.ction.
The meeting was adjoul"ned at 4: 30 P.' He
Respli-~~tful1Y., submi.ttc::o ~
, '...../
, ~ti~n-.,_~r~~-
~~:=WOl1e~ Sec y
C Y Planner