08/14/1964 - Special , ,~ . ,. . :. ' ," '...., "',','" /.' : : :: : '..: I,'. . .. ~,~ ..:'. j';. I I ";' :, "." " '~,' :'. ,':' ~ .' I: ',' ,:!;.' , ,: :, " ':. ..1:;:...: :', :-:: '. : I '. \' ,t. ,'. ~i ':" ....;','~..: .' \ :., '. .~, ,'~ . ' ;' : :'.. ',' : I. \.:', . ,:" :1 '. ': ,', \,'" I; ,'.\_ " ~ ': .,' .: ,',' .: . '. ' .'. ~:~ ::.; :. ~ : . ~..' " ", ,". I . :' ~ '. ~ t ;::.l ", THE p1..ANNntG AND ZONING BOARD / I~ ~tinu'te8 of 'the Special Meeting, Fridny, August 14" 1964w The meeting t'7aa cl':lllf~t) to ol"der at 3: 00 P. M.. by the Chairman, MI'. Kruse" Present we'C'e N(;mbere Reade~ Gates, Mylander and r1il1iams. Mr.. Wolle, City Flannel', \o1i;:!S absent on vacati,on. ZONING ANNEXATION - PtARCE ~. INTENT ORDINANCE: i/l020 1 cgri:~!ti.ii~~IfJf!J2-:Z]~[~~E1fu~~~DKt~::F.fi1frl~_- ,Attorney Norman ni.e .:lJ:peared before the Board on behalf of Japanese Gardens Hobilc Home Estates,. Inc" Hr. Bie di.scussed with the Board in mOl'\e de1:ail the t,ype of de~elopment planned and answel~ed various questions regardinlJ the Pl"'oposed t;ale of trailers on lots" Some irifol"lmation given ....ms that; The corpol'ation wj,11 continue to QyiTl the lots ~ They ttill g'r'ant life estate, one to the: hu.sband anct" one to the wife (the term fol:' use of the property to be J.iritited by tho life of tlH.! indivi.dual) .--, and upon death of the GU1"viving spou3e -the pY'ope:bty, will r'ever.t to the corporation,: Any subtenant I'ights tolO,uld terminate on date of the original ~p~~mt(: e' s dea-I:h. 'l'hH gl.'"'ants of life estates will be restric'ted to per8cns 50 years of age Ot" oJ.d~r for the' reasons that (1) idea of pax'k is for retiTcment area, and (2) financial the basis on ...:hich they il-rc going tel c.h.=irge could not possi.blY be done if they were going to grant life estat~s to 30 '~r 40 year old people. Any deviation from tl'1e above 'age requi'rement tolould re~ quire a waiver, of I'i!:strict5.om; (the r:!orporation is going to retai.n right to change l"estric1:iol1s at i,ts diacretion).. Once the trailers.. are set up or. i:ht? lC.'I:s ~ thf~ only continuing IJbJ :i.gati.c,n they will have is, fOJ~ park maintenance i':1nd in connection with a plarined communi ty ce~l'b~r. Upon inquiry made) HI'.. Die discussed In S()lnc detail method of ta'X assessments tc be levied on ".;he pr'operty ~ , ,---) ," ','.' ~'. ;'. \!: :', ",:, , i. ,.,....', : ,)' ': ~~ . ~,; "'F " . '.: :,:', > ,',., /;" ~ . .'" . "," ,: :' '.:', '. ',.' , ; \ :"', . r' ":.':: ' .: :',:,:, T .' '.~':':' " : ~ l;.':', . l ,\' , . ' '.:;... :.,:; ':. T:: :.'" \: ,', -, '. . ::'. .(;. ,:' ';:',' ", :, ~.' t' . ' ':': .' , . .":<L ;,::'.~, ~, ~'~. .::. .:.',,::.;,.':, -:' ': .:, ~ ,', "~ .' .'::.1'" :, ::' , , :'. ,~., /" P & Z Bd Iii nutea B 11I~ I fj 4 Page 1/2 ..~ Concert-ling a propnned preli.mi.rlal"Y plr.111 as 9ubmi ttod; Mt". Bie ad- vised, that indi.catad ~.5tt"ip <n'~i\ canted np.o T1 drainage di:tch which pr-a- sently comes under th€t hj,gh''''.:l~' wbi c:h t1HlY \.;ould either 1'1 pe and f1.11 or clean up and maintcd.n as mOl op~,n stream (m1u as pat't of a pa!1kway) v The Chnil'l7n.an rns.de 'l'(lfWNlfh.:~ tel the .fillet that the TUeSQilY Bo,,:rd actio11 1n recorrmwndi.ng i;h.:l t the we~ t 113!) ft ~ bH zoned PKB and thr? r~- maindeI' l-m:, Mob:i.le' Home Pn:r.;( ~ m<:!am:; a. provision for a lfO' ft v Bethack in the PleB zone ~ lie noted '1,;j"W't a front lot would need heW€::. a 97-1/2 ft. depth in ordel~ to acoornmoda!:'J a 50 ft" tj:'.n:l_le'I~ and provide a lfO ft ~ setback from US 19 e.nd a 7-1/2 ft 0 setl1i:'lck frl.')rn the inner. road. r-1t'~ Bie sxplainecl that. the f'("cm't lot's ~ ac:cording to plan, are 75 ft to in depth and f.3CO into tlle inne:t' !'oi.1dt-~ay. lIe stated the plan is to have a. fence ?-long th~ highio1i:<Y to hidl~ 1~he bflCks of tt'ailers and to have all tt'a:ffic comt~ in, and 01.rt of one entrance street; further that they want to be able 1:0 hn""~ mcbil,:\ hOTM~S on the front lots 'With no r--...., _.,.,.' setback fl:>ornHighway 19" Nro Kruse eJrp~oined 1:h.3:t 'the purpose of 'thl;! PKB zoni,ng was to get 40 ft.. of uninter,!lupted pu1."Jc.way fI'on'tm,ge along US 19 to make possible future se!'vice :(I()~!d::.; on "this liroi ted al~CeSG high~,o1ay.~ Ha ex-, pressed concel"n thi'l't the sc".cnllcr;l, long tel"'m 1 eas C::~: ou'tli ned by H:t~. nie would prevent usaga or 'thiG [H''>opeT'ty fo:.' ptlrk\vay fx'ontage. Mr. Bi.e sta-ted that he agr'eed that .:my us,:lge rIot for mobile home occupancy would h.:lve iJO ft. setbnck for thl?'Ht !Jt'r.\u(~tl1r~'?:s .. It pointed Clut 111; . Hie 't'h2'C J . . would nil va to bf,! was to t.lpp ,1 ca:t.1QJl , ma de -to the City to get pcn"'m'i.fls ion to put mobi.le homes in either a PKB , or B zone~ After BontB furn::-',t-J: d.isc1l9sion~ HI'... 13ie e}(p)~essed his agree- ment to a propot;1al that the !!ies t 435 ft ,. t e zoned PKB and the remainder , ....) (MH) l10bile Home Park Pl"O\J:i(i:8d tna't trnile!"S Nould be permi tted to be installed in the PKB zone a~ld that .the 40 ft" setback wo\lld be waived 50 long as it is used for mohile home occupancy~ Hl'. Bie confirmed that I' " ' ill. '. P SZ Bd Minutes O/11l/64 Page 113 '~, ,he understood that subsequent to the Board's action and Commission action on the zoning a plat of tlle mobi.le home paI'k \'lOuld be presented foi" approval.. HI'.. Bfa left the meeting at thir;; 1:ime. After further consi,deI'ati'on and discussion, upon moti.on o'f 111'. Reade, a econded by Mr. My lander, !.tf;:...JL?l~!L...~.g,:t~!.g_:th.g:Li.:t...hc,.".ntrr!tIDJD.fuideg, ~~@tiQ!1..-9L.j:lu't...i{~J?_t..~..~.t4.~.."j;]}L~.irld!}J~.t..~:r.'s?.DArJ;.Y-b.a..~ . ~...L..tt!~.r...Jiom.q".~_;...M.d..f..l~r.tl1!~:~,".tb.~:t;. ,;:t;J:WA.W,9.~:t .;!L.'t!~_~tt.l1_1'te"...,_......".,.,-..- ,I !S.coJIlJtl~,!l~..~Lt2....J?..€t.z..q.u.fl:!_4-.fl$.l1:1..."f.'!r.~.?..y._~ll~i.l]!l~..~1~_\i;'!!L:Sh~.....f.!u.1.~s....S,~ " , , qi.j:j..2lU\,.:.. 1.. That this pOl"tion of th~ pl"opcrty inay ;ilso be used for mobile homes subject: to the. same rcguli3.tions for mobile homes a9,pe~tain to the balance of the prope~ty~ ' 2. That the ~o ft~ setback provided foXt .in Section 26-5F of " the '..Ci"ty Zoning Code be waived in this l'KB zone so long as it is used for mobile home occupancy" The meeting was l~djourned at I,: 00 'p ~ N" ectfully submittcds '" ~~~~1nIIII_---""'~",""'1""",,"'...a.""'~f"'.. rthu~,M~ KruBe~+ Chairman Ac~ing ~ecreta~y ;, ' ........... : T " , .' ' .......,1" .~ ~ ;!' .. :" ~ " " , ". .J . " ',' '1,. ' >, . > '. " ,