08/11/1964 THE PI~^NNING AHD ZONING BOAHD v//. r~ Hinutes of the Meeting, 'l'U~SdfJY, August 11 ~ 1961L '.l'ht~ meeting was called t.o ol'ldcr at 3: 30 P" 1'10 by the Cha.i,rmnn t Mr" Kruse _ Present were Mf:.~mber~l R(~ade,. Myluncler, Wi 11iams ~ GatcH, IJogaJl and Galloway and Alice Bush of the EnginE':el".i.llg Department. Hr. \ololle, City Planner, was absent on vaca.tion.. ZONING rOR INTENT TO ANUEX ORDINANCE #1020 - PEARCE PROp"VRTv - ( con t!iluerfftrr-oniJrug71rnf1n--:;.'-~(!hAarFman-~ruse--report-ea.Brii-t:_~_~"'_ft . , '... \' Mr... Wolle had been confe1.'ring with Mr" Bie in regard to the acceptabili ty of PKB zoni.ng fo'::' the US 19 fI'ontage and Mr. Bie had expressed his .:lgrf-~ero.el1t 1:0 a ,If 0 ft" setback from the high- way' for permanent busines:J l~tructures., He (Mr.. Kruse) \~as sm....e that 1:here 'toms some misunderstanding on the part of the appliaml'ts as to o:,1h~t they can do wlth the propel"tyo They will hove to get p{n~mission to pnt tr'ailer'G in a business zoneD (It is recorded that repo~tedly in conversa- tion wi'th a Planning and Zonin g' Board member, one of the in- terested par-ties in the Japanese Gardens development had men- tioned that they are goirlg to sell lots and mobile homes y ) The Pearce property wi.:!l be eligible foY' annexation at the following Monday Commission meeting" The matter befot"e the Board was only the recommendation for zoning of the annexation. The Boal"d was not approving a platu . 1'11". KI'luse then r-ead dl"'aft of a memorandum to the City Attorney pre- pared by Mr~ Holle containing a proposed zoni.ng l"ecommendation of "BU and MH Pat'lk 7.oni ng in line fl1i th thl1 Planner's poi.nts of discuss ion wi~h M~~ Bie~ The Chairman also read for the Board~s information let- .- ters exchanged between :ir., Hol1-? and Mr. Bie (the City Planner's letter dated 7/28/64- and reply from 111"0 Bie da"ted 8/10/64 with which was en- closed a pI'lesent drawing of Ja.panese Gardens Mobile Estates~ Inc., with . the explanation, to quote:l rIAl i:hOt'gh i.t app~ars that there are some changes to be made fOl~ enginl~e)'1ing conGidel'ations and possibly for esthetic reasons, this reflec'ts substanti-:111y \'.;rhat will b(~ done ~ If) After review and disclwsion ~ .~.1P.Qn._Jn!l.t.i....o.n.J;1y".l1r........l1y...laJ:\.d.e.r_.._a.e.QQn.dQ.d ~tl~E..~~g,...].9,.ill?9. """y'Qig .:L.nrL {tJ1 t mQ!!.8.l.vu, ..:tQw.J7~g.~.Q.1Il.tIlf:..T.tQ_..fQJ~~~f;.YD.i~ p~.::I....rol-. ;:, nno....",.....; nn 't"h -"'..~ +'h e tole.:.::; -/. 4 ~~ >~; -F'i- Qf -f.-h P. +Y'l~ c+ l-.. Co "7: r\'n p.... olQ3: _".........;,a...,...t'~~..~....'-!J:t~\.U...__~~.."....~%,.~.... ..'J..I'..,!l.'IT.-~_.t~....~ ~.&......,~~~ __~""-'''IW~_.':t..r_~...'''.....k--h'....._....!:t ~!a.l.~~ ...~ . . "4./ .e~a,Y..~.uai.M..e..~.aru1.,!ll!~.J-'.n~i.nQ~x'....QIJxa C,.:LJ1~.~_4.QJle.d.JilL.....l1qbi l~~.klQlll(:_~_ Park _ Agreement was reached that in infol"'m.i ng Mr. Bie of this Board _~ 'T' P & Z Bd Hinutes 8/11/64 Page H~ zoning recommendatic)n,. the. Chairman would call to his attention thE! ordinance requil"'emant that a Hobile Home Pal."k be all under ona owner... r" ship. pONIJlG......EQB....Jj1J:E~~:t..:tQ...8.Jili.~~..QBI&N6li~~!!..lli~ - The fOllowing prop- erties as described in Int~nt to Annex Ordinance 01025 were located and p..xia1:ing land use and existing and proposed zoning revlewed: (a) L~...,,,I~~ 113, 114, 115 and 11'6, REP LAT 01-" l\NDMu'tn~-P'l~l~r::-"--- - - Nortn'Si1!e-r;aYev~ewmRozfd . Requested zoning R-14 (Lakeview Baptist Church Pr-operty) . !:!gtiS?.Q _. W a s_.J?.a.~,fL"gn~.imrll!.tlE.......1:Jl~.JU!lU.'?..c.1:u )Sl!~_..L').a ~ra~n.Q. e....d ..t...9._.l1~_zt.R.illuL.B.::'!!.1_..l11!liUl.1.L~~J.1.iP.Jl..,.. IDliL..9.~!JiL~9_~1.LJ:;.J:,~-D1~.!.ctnjL?:~ . (h) LOT 5, BLOCl< 11 AND l.OTS 9 AND 10, BLOCK E, AJ..L IN lYAl<iru~A1)t)~[1r1'nJr"O'Rrf-~-'------ . -.. .. ~- ~~~..........,.....~..~ . -~ , , I ' Requested zoning R..1C . . ~.~n_e.ra.l_..1_~Q.a,t.:t~n.: Vi(~ini tyDuncan Ave" f. Brentwood Drive ..l~ waf?..,~~$J.L~\!!.~1!nJ..m,'?Ea~..;1~-..tb~t._~'lEI~cll..+<!!..::J. ~S9.!n!Q~)l9~LtQ.~t.?~L.J:..9..!UW.....B.';".l.QvJ._E.f.-Tl.el.!t_raIU.1....1.Y.:.. ~!l-d d~J:,gL\{l..tQ,Un~.r.i!.~L1!hUr.J,aj2:...!-- .l.&.'L.Y.~~~,E...Q~dL,~Q~€i.;;..~PJ2I!!"QtL Requested zoning R-IC General loca.tion: Vicini ty Duncan Ave. & Bren'tWood Dri ve ~- i>""-~.................1..~__ . "- ~ Jf ee) M~j:i o!J",~..s~_t!~r~.~,~ ...!!n.;!.n.!.1]2.~l1!.-.tQ.~.. .:ll!.1U.ttg,!- J qi; be~smF-'tne.u.~.Q._t ci: .~L~;... t~.2.U.n,sL.&:-~G..~_,S :!JlJLlg. E i?, roJ.l2., a.njt~g~}:l :lJn\.a..t~~q_i:!LJ~.12!-LJ25;.?!l~k!~,1l1.~ . .REPORT OF SUBDIVISION COHMITTEE - PROPERTY EAST OF GOLFVIEW M'AaTl1eJI"'Li['".:::iN.@J..t{[t)[1~tIff[QH~~:'-RY~I o'f[Q1:K:Uilif:~bl;]'TI:IIf1.fi_ LAli&...lL.....Q~LJ,1.tlJIP_.E9i)IL.1'.QJ.9J,rlm~.U.Y.~_Qru...li.~QgK _.Y~~..J:!I]L'iGllli...fillBJ2~5.L - (con1:inued from B/4-l6'l) .- Hl~. HetH~e repoy.ted thi'lt he and HembeT's Gates and Logan had made an on.~site inspectinn nnd ,tha.t the Sllbdfvi- sion Cornmi ttee recommended .that mlnel' Elhould tr.y to c'lPT'al1f.p. ~.".i th th e golf cour'se owners 'to de.dicat,~~ ~"~O ft.. t"'ight-of-way' SI.1 uS to pr.'ov:\ de stree't wi1:h GO ft. right-of-way ~md if golf course ot-mCT\ ,.,Tj] 1 n(j'~ ..J dedicat(~ 20 ft.. or Jno:i'e, the C01J1nli't:tee will l"ocommend .:1ccr:!ptllncc of 40 ft. f:pom this owner, Upon suggestion made by the Ch<?l :l'f'miln ~ :!..~.!!.9n . '. '. '" <, ',."'; I ;'.,;' ~\:' : J: ,:': ". ',: I ~ ' ,';.':' I~', I " ..:'; .',: ~ I :," :, ,~~::.: ~ '; , ,: " j;, ' : ,.:, ~ '.>. . '",: '/; : ': ',::', ~".. :' 't ,,:. ';:' .:' ',': :, ': ': ,;','. ':.~ \ .,"::' , L: '.:\ : ';" 'l:,l(,.~: : <; . ,~: :. '. ' ,-.' :': ~ ;:~: I:' < '. ,~ ' ..1~ ; ,< " . ' ,~.~' .'::,.... ,", " :. . ': P & Z Bd. Minutes 8/11/611 Pa go 113 ~ 21l..:tl:!..~...J~.Q.mmllie.~~._t'..'iUlQ,a)EL~..p.!UL~!?.9!L~ ~J 'L2!:g.~....tl1U-!:.2!l.til~-1l'J.R.h:t. he ..ma.d~....te1i.1;bJjr..n..J!.qt.~'t~'1.QJ:L,:~ P.....fill.!}.J. (......tll~.5i~~1;iQ..lJ.'!1...2.Q....t.ti,....9sr1is,~.t.um,.... ~o.b..t.a..i..os~d..tm~Lj;!.l...!;t~1.gJJ.,~~(SU: .~,.f..\U~j;.b.9x_hfu?2r.s1._!}.'t.\\.9Y..L . ~_o]'Q.~!!!J!f.r;;...B!:..,{ill~}tL~- '1'hr.~ Chairman l,'cported that lU1 had talked with the City Managerori 1'1(lnday iind ndvisi!d him of. a proposal tn be . . pl'esented to the Board foY> a. 60 day moratoriu',ll Oll tho consideration of any ftl~thel' O\l"tdoor Advertising Display Off-Premise Signs due to the in- creasing number of appli(~at:i.l;:lDS Nhich are t"t!aching this offi(~e.. DI'aft of a suggested memo pl"'epar.~!d to be sent' to the City l.fanagel:" to contain record of Boal"'1d action Has re..:td 'to the Boar'd" The Board tv<1G informed that '8 sign a})plica:tions 110';0) em ,file were bei.ng held in the Plal1ning Of- fice and that .it was' expected that other applications in the hands of sign companies would soon be received. fE.Pi.~~~~~.~<i_<2f~~~,..p.~J1.lJ.!i].?.r..Y~:f.!...2f_,mlU.t.~....{...QP-,1. . 'q_...~ ~fl...i.Bn~;c.c1i.Jl2M.f~.fllJ.1~mti...t~Jr~....tl:t.~_r1.9J.l}Jfll> Set was complete with the exoeption of SECq IVq OUTDOOR ADVERTISING DISP~\Y OFF-PREMISE .(OADOP) which was laail.ed .tf..1 members pr.ioX' to this meeting. (8EC.. III OUTDOOR .ADVERrtISING DISPLAJ~ .ON-PREHI8E SIGHS was submi t1:ed only in (":] Summary' Schedule formo) Th;l B021~d r'e.viet,zed 'draftof SECu IV 0 and 11.0+"'1- ,,:i.j".t1oo.~........_~r__4.t&UII,"-...rl:'''-'''~'''.''''~~_'''"''''''-- __.._~""4111>~"__ _~-----.... &p'!:C!~.Q...:!i:l1gJ;.9..1b9.:ii..M- !'i~:t~,t..'?n.Ls\n.Q~..s.9.9..it!8.g~ Pal"'a~rlaph A, -1" ~ .E~.Y,~~~.~....E):'...P.~:~!1,nJ.:.l?E~~.f~~~l2!!j.1Hl.~~S.5.LJ!.12d r~.:tf.,~~~l!!l~~..~.}2.11. ' Lines ~2 & 3: sub~t:i tute 1t~~f1 foT' "u. IrBn , Bus~ness, HB1 Heavy Bus~nes9~ or M, Manufacturingll, 'I LirH.! B~' Pldd "color" after si ze and n~..EpeaT't!-.nq~n aftEJr"~s}iap'e " Line 10: .*-..--................_.. l'" ...... C!la.ng{.;! "mor'alsll to "welfare". .. ~.............- Paragraph A. -~~. .. .~1.!2'~: .,:L~:~.J .:. delete 11!I~Xi.~~*~..._~~k:. ?}.~n 1: ~ a 1._'l. I "~-' .(;' "., ';,..,.....,....:..:. '.. ';"'.. '.' 1."'.. I...., ': .,:..:,.\,~.......,.~._<.:.., ..>...l.;,..:..:..-::..::.',.;.',..:::.......:..'i:'..:. ';\;'" .~ .:.'..,t....::..::..:.~..:.;......:::.:'..'I..,..~::.:.:...~.::.~.......'1...:.':'.....,,' '.," P & Z Bd'Minutes B/l1/64 Pane fll) . PCl.l'a gl'aph At" 4 ... ?p.s~.~:L~..H_~_t~:!: !~!!..,_~?:f.~l. ~, Change (11) ilnd (h) to .read: "No OAD(OP) Off Prcmine SiRn ahall be nearer 8TWthell' Oli ~agn th;m.'- . '. p's:roagraph A. -5. a. 000 fcr."': Jrl PKB .~~oned r.H.~, t);icts b,' SO 0 fe.(~ t: in o.th~,n"l el ig:tble districts" Delete & lines :following: lfe~(cept that two such E;igns Illay be grouped back 'to back in a single uVu" e1;(~" (t ~ Diatclnce fr'()m Public' Facili ties ~ ----.......,..........,...-_....-_.___... ,.._._....""""'_.""........ l.....-.-i'.-.toP_'~a..........-.-.- Line 2: change $1200 feetU 'to "500 feetr. ---~--+....-..,.. Paragraph Ao-7~ - Othe~ Setbacks. .Cfi'angetorc;ad: HThe fOllowing i::etbacJ.:s shall apply foy' CADOI> . Signs: . a" l1inimurn. di8tcu';ce from 7'ighi:-of"~1ay 25 ft. ,. . " e.,wepi: PKB .~: 50 ft '. . ,." '., b~ Hinimum distance from intersecting stree1: 'cur'bline - 50 fent. n ~, . ..~...... ! ,....pJ.F -~~ Pare g:r.aph. C ~ 'Schedu:Le~ ___n-.._... '-'" ;., 'I Delete (incorporate in SEC~ IV~ text'a pro~ hibiticm of animated Or" flashing signs . (I F] 1 .. . f'; t l' . n) . 1n ~ c a8S~ .~ca ',0 :101"1:' ~ . \~il1iams' mada a motion that SECTION IV ft as amended above ~ _~......__"..(;i..'l.......-..-....-.:_;L.u"",.a.. ~~_",-..........,..._-t~_.....Ir_ "'n"'''~.I-( '"": ...\olII'"..,..._..... ~...........J1'1.>lll-AiLr.wr.#f.......................'...........iIN........,..'I"t-W,~....,.........,..,.., Q.~)~9..Yii1,..J;QJ~u,~Sli":9.1mD.5t.Il,~t~1;.~9:rL :tQ.~t h.~~.,g~.~y.~~.g.9!!l1!4~~ ~.2!l; "".Ji.;~.,.,..f!.l.n:ti.9JJ. l!. . B(;!r"'OD ,1.",..1 l-,u MY' u' ~uJ :I'n,4I~T1 ~ '"Ll,'n; T~as s ;"d llOan 'j m01.l.S lv.. ~h1~~ ....~~.J.J~.......J.J.~'U.........:r~. .;.da\~l-:.ii41:t........1:.Ldl.__........."..J.e..~"'''':'n'i...~''"'...r:Iln....;:'\ ..._ ~~..._.,... _. ..._.tI,,~ ., , ThH meetinrf.' ,'las adjoUl~Il('!d at 5 t 25 1?" I'L ~i1~~2~re~I~_..... j;gUl"l H. Kruse, Acting Se.CVy Chairman . I " .. ',...J ~ "J'