08/04/1964 . . ' '.... .' .' ..\ , ,', . ' , . L .' ~ I 1 :.,":' :~,' ' : ..' " ..... ',.... .:. ':.: .~:.' ,'.: . ""::' ,', I , I: " ;-':,'~ '.'., ::: +:';' . , , ';':.: ,,'. r ; ...': '~:~ ,.' :,'., :.. _;.:... :\'.', ,\'~' .'. :' .;' '., ,,:, \. '.. '.: L ': '. ,::): . 't.'. ~ " ;'.' '.' ,~~ '::, ,... I '. A,:,: :"" I, ,,".: : ,', '. THE 'PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD /' /' '~ MinuteD of the Heating, Tues day, AUgU~lt IJ, 1961.. The meeting was. called to ordev. at 3:00 P. M. by the Chairmrin~ Mr~ K~uBe. Present ~ere Membe~B Gates, Nylander, R(~ade and Galloway, and Mru Wolle. No Engineering Department representative was present (MrQ Rettig on vacation)~ The. minu.tes ()f the meoting of July 7, 1964-; WCI'e appl"oved as 9ub- roi tted in written sttr,lmation 1~o each member'. SIGN APPLICATION - CLARIfICATION OF ACTION iICAS-17 - Hr.. Kruse re- ___...............~.-.~_.___...,...-~..---....f........_...___v.......-.-.~_I...~_~............-.__ ported that at its Augtls t 3 mee"ting the City Commission did not take ac- tion on sign at the southeast cor.ner of iJS 19 and SR 60 aftel' he voi.ced objection in ot'der that' 'the Soard might further J:'f:lques't a sign dl~atying sho\ozing a landscape plan. Mr. \Yc'J.le had si.nce talked with Mr. Coleman, representative of The Sign Studio, made l~equest for a dr'awing, and ar- ranged for him to meet ~ith the Board~ At 3: 115 P. Hu Mr. Coleman mf:t wiTh the Board and submitted a draw- -.... ing of the sign committed for the Travel Lodge Motel display~ MI'.. Coleman clarified that the application was for a V..type sign installation (both. sign faces being 10' x .30') and that the display fo~ the sign facing sotrthbound and eastbound traffic was not commi.tted. He indicatecl that ~. . J the sign ends would not actually meet be~ause of trees . that are there " and that there ,,,ould be 10 ft. or 15 ft. between the .,two points. l1r.. Coleman at this time expressed willingness to plant shrubs in front of each of the suppor"ting -poles as shown and agreed to a tt ft. maximum height above ground level foY'. i:he sign base. He confirmed that 'the sign will be lit by neon strips and 'th?lt. 110 fJClrt of it ~"ill be ac"tivated. Upon inquiry of the Chait,'man ~ Mr, Cc)leman sta tad that he na8 an op tion on the location now, but that he hasn't tried to Bell the othHr side of the sign unt'il assul~ed of permit approval. Hr. Kruse adviBed the appli- cant that, in his opinion, a separate application should be filed for , . ,-,' the uncommitted sign 9 Ht'.. Coleman left the meeti.ng at this time. i: ' : .,'.~'{ ,: ." . ,I, ': " " .: " " .' ,:....'., .,..' '....., \:. ~ -: . ,:. ,<, . " .:.', I'. + l' {:, .. ..' " " '. ,: .' ',::' ",. ',' ;. . ,! ...., '. .'.: l: :~~. ;;' ,: ~: :";' ',:.:: '. .' .:,', ::.' !': ; ,,;. ~ .' ::, : ,',' I, j i' \ .: '. :: ,~. . :', .1,:, + '. ~ ~; . ' " . ; ~ .', I '. :.',: '..':: ~-: ",' . ':',: I'a:"\ I . ' ': ',,', r,' :, . ,; . ) l' & Z Bd Hi nutct~ n ft~/611 Pp,o ~ #2 f't Aftm:' review and dincuGsion, .~2.u...l,!L2J;.~..<2!Jjr.:'..-l3..E;..'~_%-[.Qr;!?!1..9~rL.hx_l1&.- ~~..2.~ ,..J;kLllQ'lr,g~Q..t~ttLl'..l!f,!?,Qmm.f:J1g...,_G!PJ'..r..l?~{.L1.. ,.g.t.,.~~gr.._.?!1?.P..!.i.Q;,l~t!,~~l1:~.::.~..l ~~-:I;:hn..,!..Q.1.1m7J..u.st..,..m:m..dj.:ti.21J ;1..1. Thilt approval be lim:i,tcd to c,. cingle faced sign ori,entcc.\ to nOl'thbound traffic., . that the Supp01~ting stY'\1ctu.t'6\ be eoncealed 01:' beautifie'(j with planting ~s shown on sketch submitted, four that b.ase of the sign be a :nuJxs.mum of I feet above grade, and that such sign may be illuminated but not nnirnated, 'activated, or flashing. STUDY OF PROPOSED LAYOUri.'-PLA'J' - APARTHEN11 AREA EAST OF GOLFVIEVJ 6EAliwrJU:'S.".J:]fiIx:L&Dr":u@1~r.;:[f.;:qhn-7'-~rr:-!i101.1apreseiife(f"apreruni naY"" layout foX" a pl"oposed apa.rtment development on the north aide of Druid Road to the east of the Golfview Apat.tments < R-1t zone) 'wi th the informa- . tion that: "r,-\ Mr,. Peterson, deveJ.opel'~ s engineer., is sOliciting the Board's ideas before dl:,awing up a formal plat. . The troact is to be' platted ::.~o 'that separoate apartmen"ts can be built on each lot~ A ....0 ft.. dedication for right:-of-way for Betty Lane e~.:tcnded is '. shown on the east boundclI"Y., adjoining a creek located on the golf course' proper.ty. Hr. PeterSCrl1 had talked to. Ci ty Engineer t-fax Battle about putting in a r~\gular 30 f"t. Btre.et 'in this llO ft. right-of-way.. t, niscussion with Hr. Petf~1"sO!1 concel."ned the arrange:ment of the lots adj acent to trH~ private. dl~i v',;! :I..n the Golfviev7 Apartm~nts area. Mr.. Peterson. had. expresBed 1:he feeling that these should be sold to 'the owner of this adj oinlng pl"operty. Right:"'of--..1ilY dedication for Be~:ty Le.ne. immediately to the north of this tract is 65 ft. The Board discussed the des 'i l~abi.l i t-\, of ,=.,btai nlng aSS ft. dedication for this extension of Betty Lanf2 t~i';',hl~r f"01: street or df'ninage use., Subdivisiorl COTmnittee members !'e('\.H~~1t:ed all opportunity to ..,isit the si.te. ;. ll...~CU?.-{1~:J;.i.Q~~~:t.9~~'t~uf;\S~,:1.QD..~s.t.:~~ j)!.t ?_~itu~EL,.eI!,9..,..t9..,.!!ll.~,E_:s.h~,_J?.T'..Q.P.9.g ~L_ " "J 1a~O.J.l:L1;.u...~.l!b..di~"l~.!i.~~E~j~ti".~~lL...f.QR..Jtt\!Q.Y..-.a..Jl_L~@Q~t-1. ." '." : ' . I ~ .''','. ~ t' ~ '.: .: ~ ". : .:.;: .: t .: ,j~' ~. ":'" .~: ':\ : \ 'I,,; . ,~::.')-' ".': "'I',. : ~':. ~ :. . : ... .'.. .l;'< . :. ':, ;': : ~~:' . / ;.:: \;1.:':. ":..:. ..... . :C.. .' .... ''': I' ,,' C..': :, ~1 " " . :.: >' '. ':.' ~.:' '. ~ f '.:' ,:'; ~: .: . ~.. ~ :: , ~; . " .....".'\ ',.".' '. ":.: , . ': . . . ' : ~: ", '. :'. P 8. Z Bd.. J1inutes BIllIG 4 Pl.1ge #3 1~~l~H..'!'_..flll~~~1! 9l!:L..:_rl:.!Lt_J.!=.:~...,ill]'2...Ellli...i~:?i.!bi!L.fl,g.!L_~L<Lt..2L.. f1.P:A~.!S!'J~:l. .- Tho Chai,rman suggerl-tcd a Board study of hoIght rCf-ltr.ictiorlG. f~ ^ refe1"enoe \ONj,tl milOi:;! to h':'8 prior- CtmvoI'!3ationa . with Mr~ ~lo11c and HI"~ Galloway in this rega:pd~ M~,. Kruse axpI'OfHHtd concern that the City \o1ill be facedwi-th a situation 'on Clcl1.X"watel'" Bel"'ich of Home of 'the motels be- ,ins; acquired by a syndi~ate1:'ol' 'i:h(;? erection of h.tgh rise stl.~l\ctul"ea in areas N'here s'uch n use may detract from exist:i.ng de.velopm.ents., He noted theex:i.sting blanket h~igh'l: 'limitation of 150 ft.. in'the City and stated that rIa .thought the. 150 ~J.imi.tiJ:tion should be cut to pCl:'hi3PS 50 ft" or 60 ft" Mr~ Wolle. axplc!dned th~tt he '..tas suggestinG the di,~ mension ()f rrt-d thin 600 it cO of C~!-~a!ty:atett Bay" and idea .of a density oand for i\1.ctusion in 'the P7("oposed study (in al"'eas where thel"€c is a view /~'\ value) . ~~~..~~:t~m;I~?~",gi%,E.ill?a9..l.l~_!h.~!Ll!'~?.lli.!:,17..e~tLfQ.1~ J:1tt\1x~_tY11&l~,,9j~"@S1~.i.cmf_ . . CHESTNUT...COURT ZONING STUDY - The Chili'r'man reminded the BOR1'd of _....'o1I........._.r~....:w.~;t.o..-...-...~,......".u4Ii....-....-..-_ "'-....' recent. C~ ty Ccunmiss i(m . -request fl.)." a ooard zoning study of a block of . Court' Street to the east of Hillcrest Av,~. and of his suggestirm madt~ at Board the previous/me.et.ing that ,~.~i (-!,rpandr.J!d s{'udy of all .the prC)pEl"t:ies alcmg Court would ~...; of vi;llue to 1:he Commission.. I'h~. \volle pr"E!sentf!d t~\'() . J' . . pl'ints of a tltr.ip ~wnin& map c..! c-ne~)"tnllt'-CoUl...t Street Hi th infol"m.;Ition that -thes(':: had betHl prepared for' uS'~ of the Zoning' Conunittee. Aftel'" a brief l"evict4 and discussiml ,_.Jir~~.~~~~_E.~.9~::9';=lJ~~.:L.~~.~! ~!illE!}.r~l:a.",Bi.~(t. .t11.91lJ?J1!....:~.Q.. ,~h.i~l2L~.i!!.~~~l. ~ .tD,~S.:~~~-:lr;~~: ..t ~2..J:~ :;.:;, ~.S1_pJi'?.. --tp.. ,. r~ :?"~!.t.~ !'~~.'?;Q!{l.l!lg J1s1e.!i!:?)l:~, . . a~!;.....:.t-Jg-..n~.J;..'1_J !9~j jJ:l_g~J?lJ~li.G. _B1,f:~i-..r!.f;~ . ........../ ...:: ':-:, .: f, . ','." ';,' I...., ' ,I". ,." .~..: ';, .~ ", '. ':. ' :::'; ;"", '; .j~" ': ; ," ; . :': ,':: .- ,',: .... ,.",': ", ~,,', l' ' , '~".....";' ". .' ',. "'. \ " ,~ ~.; l ~ ,';', ",," ~.' ':. '...,...' I :: ~, .' J>;',' :' . ;',,' '. l , .; .: :.o : '~, : f: ",. ('" ; \'..', '.' . ~~:.,," " \. ~ .: ;1' ' ': ~ I , .::;: " ", ' "'~':' ,', -: ':,; ; P & Z Bd Minutes 8/1J/61-J Page #1& f,.~ . \ t . , ZONING STATUS - PEARCE PROPERTY (INTENT ORDINANCE ~J10 20) - UJ701la~l>:'-tI:~:IQ9.Tj~cfJE~i[:[lm~]1-::::;r~'-4!I]jL1J!!:..~:: ported that as requested he h.3d confery'ed toli th Attorney Norman Bie as to PKB instead of "Bu zoning fOI" a portion of the clbove annexation. Infor- mation ~i ven him by !:l~L...J!?:.2 that. day was i:ha.t he 110ped t2.~. !!!l~!:...!2E~.h~J!I__!h!l....&?1d92..~21U.-9l!.Y.M . The Chairman read for the BOGIrd t s in- formation content of 7/28/St} letter wI'itten to'Mr~ Bia by Hr.. Wolle in regard to the zoning for this annexation. BOARD' HEETING - It t-IuS "tentatively agreed to hold the next ___111I ~-.....-"" ~ ~ - ---..-.J .I T meeting in e:i ther "the City Hall ot' in the board room of the Pi,rat National Bank if installation. of additional air conditioning equipmen"t in the Planning Office was not completed by that t:i.me_ PLANNER'S VACAj'ION DATES - Mr. \~o11e announced that he would. ........-~..:l ~~ ____~,......1.. ____.. . . be. abseri~ on vacation !h2..~eeksT beg~n'n;J.1g Augl1sL!.Q..!h.' -EXPLANATION OF SIGN ORDINANCE PROPOSALS - The Planner'explained P'""I" v-- ....11 15'1" 1. _"_~-"",___,,-.v- _____r~ ,-;""'., in some detail partial written sign .proposals passed out at this time,; . \ 0-...... . ,. He called particular attention to Sec. IV.. C. t "Schedule of Regulations for Off-Premise Sig~sfl, wi.th explanation that a sl1nunary schedule of. Seco III, npl~emise" Signs would be completed for convenient reference.. t1embers ~€rre requested to leave these copi.es to be completed for dis- tribution th.a following weeJe" Planning li terat\.1re ~la$ distributed ~ -:The meeting was adjouT.'n~d' at 5: 10 P, 1'1. Respectfully submi"i:ted, c\ ~ J tl: J..... ~ . ..."~ U: .... . ---^-~ Ja~~ olle~Y ci@l Planner .' '.~ . ...........,vJ, I'