04/21/1964 ,:~ ~::' ii.'. + :,'I.,~:,", , ':'. ',I, : :: ' ~'::"" " -:", ?,t ,: ,,' ::', : ,Il~~', ,\ I ::,~ I l ; , ,:'" ~ :,' "':" ' ,:, ,.,'", I "S,': \.',:' ,:':' i. ':1.' ",.', \: ~ " 'f' '.', .', :'.. I,;, ': l 'I, " ~,~ 'r,,' ,~ .,t; ': .,:".,I"..::','~, I',': :}:I .' :..: ~ I':; >.' '~: \ ' '",",~,' I: ,: " ,:", ':, :',~.', \' ","/ ;1;.':-:, :~,.; ",:,':' ':' i :: ..: iI' ,:, -: ,;, I......j' Till: PLANNING AND ZONING BOAlU) / ........ Min\ltesof tho Meeting, TuondilY, April 21, 1961J. The meeting WitS called to order- ./.\1: 3: 00 P ~ H ~ by the Chait'man, MI'. Kruse. Preaont wero Members l-1i'lrrics ~ Mylander, Reade, Swan and Gates, Mr. Rettig of the EnRineering Department, and Hr. Wol1e~ The minutes of the meeling of March 31, 1964, were approved as submi tted in written summat1<m to each membel'o The Chairman reported on City commission action on April 20 which upheld the Bd~ of Adjustment and J.ppeal on Zoninfl on appeal to that body concerning denial of request for real estate office on Court Street, in Block 1<, Blvd~ Heights Subdivision (Sam J. Coleman~ applicant). Mayor ~"eatherly Has quoted l\S stating that he would like to set up a meeting with the Planning & Zoning 3d. to discuss some changes that might be effected~ The Mayor had made reference tq possible Board consi- deration of PRS zoning for parts of Court Street (presently R-q). It was further reported that tile City Manager will set up a joint meeting for discussion of this paY""ticulaI' area and of sanie other are,lS which might be considered for fu~=ner changes in view of existing conditions. ~Pl.\!.ISIS>N ~E!'!.9.~1..::...k1.QP~NI;.NGS~~~~'!!.S...1~r-u.l{IT..1_ - The Planner presented a copy of subject plat for approval with information that: Unit 2 had been approv0d by the City Commission on April 20. Prior to its being plac:ed on the Monday agenda, he had, at the City Manager's request., checked the plat for conformance to the master plan and it con,formed enactly as f..'II" as he could see. This plat was being 8ur.mi 1:ted ...Ii thout prior' reference to the Subdivision Committee. ,I~ I, Y',;, ,\ ~" ,': '~,L:~ ~, ';; ,:,':' .'...<+ ,I:' ,J ~ ,. .':"'1 '; '> .. ' ,,~,,' ::c ;,': ':, ) ~'I\:: ,: ':, ~.'~, ~/ "~ .'~:>,~.:' ,", :' ,{' ':: " , " '... ,~' r ':'~', :' ': " .,,", ,l.,.' I~' ,": .' ,':/:: '.", . .' ~'; ,l ,: ~/ r ';~' ':~/ :".,:,.'} ':' :,~ ",:,,'~, ;......~:: \ :': '",1.:: : :,', ~:. I, ~.!' '.' ".:.:':' ~',;, ',:. ;+,: ':, :,I~:,~ '':',:' ,::' .:,'~/,; :' p S Z Bd Minutes 4/21/64 Page 12 ~ and suggestion made that the developer might want to havb zoningiri conformance to the platting~ ~UBDIJy'!SIQ!LA~~R~Q..'{AL _':'.. P~~r!Q01l.p ~tl1 ilP.qI~!.Qli....:-... ,g!=liftBAL ..1.tQf,anQH: 2Q.1J.tu Q[_.eAEKaQ..QD..a...~.:t..h,JJIl!:rl.Qli - 'fhe Planner presented the plAt Cl S one approved by the City C01Mli9sion on April 7.0. M~~ Wolle desc~ibed this as platting of a metes and bounds a~ea annexed obo\rt a year ago (Sam Davis Property). He repo1:'ted it ""jas zoned R-2 upon annexation in' accordance wi,th owne'1.-.tg 'I'equest~ as it adjoins an R-2 sUbdivision. Lo- cation of the plat was pointed out in x'elation to Jeffords Street.' It was noted that an unplatted area would remain to the wes't between the plat boundary and Hillcrest Ave. It was the opinion of , the Board that it should have the opportun:~ i:y to rct/iew plats priol'" to their presenta- tion to the Commission and that investigation should be made toward est'ablishment of such procedure" It was b-rought out' tha t in , , some instances stX"e~ts and impl"ovemcjnts "'lere in before the Board re- ceived a copy of the plat. ~~2!.~e 9.is..~s_si?.n, ..upsn. ,motion q,f Mr.. Swan! se9otl9-ed bv HI'~, 1i~~:f:.!h~~'R ..t.!~_~o_~~~~_ to .sPJ~,r..9..~~ tb..L12litt. of fl3 rkwooq..... -E-&th...ac;ls1j....tiQ~_tlr.. ~...REl€l.Qg_!'jJ~.!2.Ulftcl .f~Ql!L.'lot.i tl.i..\. SUBDIVISION APPROVAL - LIVE OAK ESTATES - GENERAL LOCATION: SOtKtH OF D~UIDJ!-Q,AD -:r,.7i...yr cIIDiy":6Jrl1~~!~J1IDlt~K..~&:~.!lliQ ... Wr. Reade ., Y'eported that he and the other members of the Subdivision Committee had made a field inspection and had met and talk.ed with Mr4 Rogero on the site concerning his plans for the subdivision. They learned that his platting ~s designed to save existing t~eea on the site and agreed that the, best way to,accomplish this was as planned. Mr. Reade ~e~orted tFai _ ....11' ........... ...,----.,;v - ""'I" - --.... J ~-,_..." th e ,S !lQ..Qi~..QD Cooo..Ltt2..ct._!:!t qomm~n Q ~.Q 9'Qll~o YAl-_-9f.~~_ ..R.ls!..t.z.. _ t}QQtL.JllQ..:::... non of".j1r. 4..rM~o..anae~.-.~~cQ!ld~rl Q.:l..l1~~~n_.......!.l:uLJlg~Q....Y.o:t~.-t2-~~ut...- :t;h~ ~epQct......af th~~o....G.QU".m.i.:tng~~~~~ru:L.9mlr~q'l Qf.~h~...._ 12lat. g~~~. Ii .:~:~~.~......: :-:':: :',":;~:':"~'~: .': (,' ',', I ~ .,..~:",'",",t:,:,\''',.',,~..,::;:': : ",::,,:',,:,.':::;,,",,';',.;, ',';':;, : 'l':"" I\>"':~'~:"I:" ,,~'i. ::',,J::'.,~'!'~:'.C:',',:;i,,', ~.. '~:"',~ <"/l'::"":,::,~,':~',.':"'::,~,,,~':" ,1.,:,,~':',:,,\':::,~,'::..,'~:',:.,.:....I::',,:~,'lt~,~~~':,~:::.."~,, <:,;~' r-. P & Z Bd. Minutes t~/21/Gl. Pap.e #3 , ZONING FOR ANNEXAT.tON .~ INTl~NT ORDINANCF~ #1009 ... PROPOSr.D IJ.:l~ ~ J W-.r<l~V~~.t_~~.._..............lI1..............--~.......a_~~;I_-....-......~_"""'""'.................--......~.""-'_............... .... QAK J~flm'!:..F;.L - Mr. Wolle inf"rrned tIH) Board that request to the Ci ty ,~ Attorney waG for R~l zoning without defining the classificntion de- sired.. Lota of the proposod zubdiviDi,on fall iflto 'the 10)000 sq~ ft.. catagot.y and the Planner's \'ecc:,mmend<1tioll was for R-IB zoning. It was --..--........... .......... q e c i d e...<i-.:t;Q-Q.ft.:(P..r.-A.9D.ilJ.u.,...!~EL9..,~mmQ!l!~1!~~1.2.rL.f.9.r_.:!;.blp_q,QlllUrf}.:.tJ..rm...I2JUlSti~... E1ann.eJ::.!.a-C.Qn.ta..Q.'L'tlJ.:tb.....:tb"e"w..';,>Jl.DgJ~~.!:Q ._ci~.t!~J~m.i.!1.$~_..:tb.~cmj~lY'~i!..t~;tiQ.n ;t.h~:t }iQJJld_J?L9..0~lh).g..L. SERVICE STATION SITE - SQtJTHF.t.,ST CORNER t.J\KE AND GtJLF-TQ::.l1AL.:::. ....",..........&.IIl. J. _.i,....___...........y.aa___....-...~.'''~, u--r...-M...~..._,"'...'_.........~l#.._.u~..........._____....-.-...........-.----.IIO:"IIiIi.c .. ,,<AT~A~TJG ~t - Tha Boar'd i:"evi,ewed ai te plan of this servi ce sta,tion. It was noted that a ser,\\'j,cc nta1:ion Of~c'tJpiea the southwest corner of this inte1"section and that the p:roposcd s'tc1tion location is across the street from. the water towe.J:'. 'fhf~ Planner eJcplained that the existing "'-r~' buildings on lots 1 and 2 wi 11 bl:! removed. 11T'. Wolle recommended ap- proval.. !!Eon ~~!..!1!.;..~~~lm~E,~.9..2'Y....1~. Ha.!:ci.~...J.h~.l!.oarg_ . .!2!~:to ri;.9..<W!p.!=!.DA..tUU?!:..~.1,_,2[.J:..l3..€L.. .!L;.!f:-,pl~!J....,il.fJ. .~~1?Jni tt~~i th... thfL.rJi.:. .mum.t. .t;bat-v~fW_1SJJ.Q~S:.\J.a.@"..iLlri....l~1.s.n.t:ine~111P..e:r:'l.r-'t:.lQ~.~ an.cL ~J-anti~4..1h.~'Sj.J)~.JE:~M_!h~~.~J.!~!.r:!9..~~._ ZONING CHANGE (COUNT"!) - SOUTHEAST CORNER PALME'fTO & HERCULE,.S..A'lE..... - _.... ~""""".~__............-......,.."..-........ ,_..-...,................__.......~~~v..~~.-..............,,~.....~Jo..---. Q.I~-9US S t9l!... - REQ.Y.~tL.tQ.!L~Qg.u.!.x.j~.=1."_.'O:!Qli_~OtlliQ_~illi'D"~..B_;:.;!L - The Board was informed 'that tlle exami.ner' e heari.ng 'i:as held on Monday of that week and that it could off€:r' recoDl.ti1cnd:ltion prior .to the hearing be- fore the County Commission j The sitG l.)f the. tract in ..;\.\estion was ,'-, desc~ibed as approx. 930' on Pa~metto nnd 6601 on Hercules. Zoning on the north side of Palm~tto ~as dcscd.bed c.s County C-l surrounding a recreational equipment bui1ding on tiv~ nOTtrleast corner. Mr. \yolle re- vieto1ed ,existing uses and ze,t'J.:ng" of (3d joi. ning ar~~f1s rJ1ld voiced the opin- '~,) ion thai: a change to C-2 fc'Y' th:i.~ :,~ou.cheast corner property \olould pro- bably lead to request for trw same zoning fot' tri::1.r:t immediately to the south and extend business zoning close to a r~}sidential al'ea. Mr. Wolle :,/, .; :':, ,', ."\ "':, '::.:.: ','1"';: "::'~>'.~, .:'..'~: "';',,::":..\ "~:'''''I' :':~:. ".':~' ,'~'.~: .....','.;..'1:,..:.'...'. .:.l :'..~.;: ". :'. .~. :",",,~.":.:'..' ~': .".'...,,~...::\. :':'~ "'.~ ..,...:.....:..'...:..,.': .,~.,.,~... ,.'j ::;.... ~.',;',\:":ft.; :i':.:':':.::':.,I",\.:::;~~,,:,:' '.':,: '.\ PS Z Bd Minutes 4/21/SQ Paga'4 expre.ssed agreement with feeling of the County Planning and Zoning . Director that business zoning shm\ld not bt'! extended to the east side of Hercules south of Palmetto. f\l.t~~....!!2.1!I.~_<li-~S\lS1t!2t'l...1.....:t!1'.. BOi\r.tW/Jl.tr.JL ,una n~ m~\}s,~_t 0 of f~.r..J.:g9Q..tlJ.l~,D.9.9.t.i2.n._tb!!:t...~fL<u!mLf..QJ;..sl!imR!l....lQ-C:.2....- Z,,9ni n fl ~~ 2r...tb.1tl. ..t:c..cl.9.s_J1u!~n~-,1. ~.oN A~E.l~P'A...I~E.l"~ - Hr. tiolle pl'EHJented II ,!1.!:~winp, pf _the B~l!fl(?llt !rai!e:c_~rlcr"..~~d_~:tiJ1..Q.n brought over by Mr~ Rcttig(covering arca annexed on April 20/6 4 ~i th MH zO':1ing). The Boal"'d ~tas informed of request by Hr... Miller (owner) scheduled for hearing before the Bdu of Adjustment and Appeal on Zoni.ng the follo'trring Thursday involving variances on cer- ~ain side setbacks and vec~eation area requirements. _l!~~s~~~~id~d to 't~1?1.e~~'!is!sJ:r1!tiQrL.2f:.-'tl1j...!3_.m.~i}'_~~.hqme_1?~ t:~-l,).1lt_1l ~ti). ..t.1lrr_ s"y'~(.6;S1!!&Ult_,...1=.,g.....{!9.ti2.~o.f--tw_~.LaI.1l.:.- Mro Gates expressed appreciation to the Chairman fo~ the use of .the Planning Board conferenge room for.a meeting of the Chambe~ of CommeI'ce Transpor-tation Commi'ttee 011 the evening of April ll~. .. He 'fte- ported "that eight committee members Ne:C'e in a ttend,;J.nce.. Planning literature ''lrJG distribut~d. The meeting ",as adJOtlI"ned at 4: 20 P. Np ., Respectfully submitted, .+~ 1 ! ! I I '. . ~J; : , .. , '. } .- l.