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TIle annual Christmas luncheon meeting of the Planning Dnd
Zoning Board was held ilt the Cl1l"louel Yacht Club on Tuesday,
December 17t 1963, at 12:30 P. M. Members present were Messrs.
Krllse,. Reade., Harries, Galloway, Gates, Swan, Mylander and vli11iama.
Guests present were City Manager, Mr. James R. Stewart; City En-
gineert Mr. Max Battle, City Planner, Mr. Jack Wolle; M~. Paul Rettig
and Mrs. Alice Bush of the Engineering Department; Mr. Harry
Shepard, Chai~man of the Board of Adjustment and Appeal on Zoning;
and Mrs. Julie Hall and Mrw James l-farshall of .the City Planning Office.
Following the luncheon, Chairman Kruse welcomed 'the guests
present.. Mr.. Marshall., '-lho recently' joined "the Planning Office as
a draftsman, was introduced and called a valuable addition to the
staff. The Board stood' in silen1: tribute to the memory of a de-
pal"'ted member of the Board, Mrv Guy Kennedy, Sro., whose loyal ser..
vices over a five year period were terminated by his death in October
of 1963. Mr.. Kruse extended his appreciation to Vice-Chairman Reade
fov so efficiently ca~rying on the activities of the Board during his
absences this year. He recalled his long-time association with
Mr. Reade and Mr'_ Harries, senior members in length of service.
Appreciation was expressed to both for their valued contributions as
members of the present Planning and Zoning Board since it was con-
stitu~ed and also as members of the former Planning Boa~d from its
inception~ Mr. Kruse nQted as the outstanding accomplishments of the
year the presentation of the Comprehensive Plan., the passage of
S'ta:te legiSlation authorizing the a.doption of zoning processes under
Chapter 176., General Statutes of Florida, and toe initiation of the
planned Myrtle Avenue extension. The Chairman thanked Board Members)
the Planning Staff~ and Engineering Department personnel for
~ assistance rendered in the successful completion of Board projects
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'9u"ing the year. Mrsn Hall was thanked for her willing set'vices as
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office secretary to the Board and for her assistance in 'sec~etarial
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work 'for the' Upper Pinellas Coun'ty Pl~ning Commission and was'
pre~en1:ed by the Chaj.rman with a Christmas gift from the 'Board.
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behalf of the Board Mr., Gal1owi1~ was thanked, and, complimented on
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at"rangeme~~s for the luncheon.
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