12/17/1963 \; :, ~ I . '; : ~:: :,' ~ ': ' :: ~ ~:.; ~ :~ '; :;. :': ': ' ,.':"... ': .: ..'" '", ' :' ': .:.,1 ,1. ,i~, . " , '.'~ :.t~. '~' , :,io ~:. :: ".1'.' ~. ; ~'. :. :,' j ::: ~ I ' :,':' . " " ' .' . ':, : ' :. ~ I !', ' . ,: ':" :', '. -:: ;: ,l~ ,: ',1: ": I":. ~l , ' :'-~ '~ :'; .,.:. ... ~ .,: I ~ ~ ': ,;. ~ . : ;', '..'j:: ':" '~,;,:', , ' .: .' ". ~:..., : '~ .,'.: ':1';' :.' ~' . ~:' ,l. :~. ...: ,;r " ~ TIle annual Christmas luncheon meeting of the Planning Dnd Zoning Board was held ilt the Cl1l"louel Yacht Club on Tuesday, December 17t 1963, at 12:30 P. M. Members present were Messrs. Krllse,. Reade., Harries, Galloway, Gates, Swan, Mylander and vli11iama. Guests present were City Manager, Mr. James R. Stewart; City En- gineert Mr. Max Battle, City Planner, Mr. Jack Wolle; M~. Paul Rettig and Mrs. Alice Bush of the Engineering Department; Mr. Harry Shepard, Chai~man of the Board of Adjustment and Appeal on Zoning; and Mrs. Julie Hall and Mrw James l-farshall of .the City Planning Office. '-J ( '~, Following the luncheon, Chairman Kruse welcomed 'the guests present.. Mr.. Marshall., '-lho recently' joined "the Planning Office as a draftsman, was introduced and called a valuable addition to the staff. The Board stood' in silen1: tribute to the memory of a de- pal"'ted member of the Board, Mrv Guy Kennedy, Sro., whose loyal ser.. vices over a five year period were terminated by his death in October of 1963. Mr.. Kruse extended his appreciation to Vice-Chairman Reade fov so efficiently ca~rying on the activities of the Board during his absences this year. He recalled his long-time association with Mr. Reade and Mr'_ Harries, senior members in length of service. Appreciation was expressed to both for their valued contributions as members of the present Planning and Zoning Board since it was con- stitu~ed and also as members of the former Planning Boa~d from its inception~ Mr. Kruse nQted as the outstanding accomplishments of the year the presentation of the Comprehensive Plan., the passage of S'ta:te legiSlation authorizing the a.doption of zoning processes under Chapter 176., General Statutes of Florida, and toe initiation of the planned Myrtle Avenue extension. The Chairman thanked Board Members) . the Planning Staff~ and Engineering Department personnel for ~ assistance rendered in the successful completion of Board projects . .,>,-:, ~.,:- "'~"."4" /...,,t".r.,,~'\: ~!~..' ,"i, 'l-:~~,,~, [ ~. . , ,',0,),' " >', ' ,. :'.~:.~/ I ' " P 8 Z Dd Minutes 12/11/63Paga 02 ~" 'c ",~ V~, ~.~., '.. '. l' '9u"ing the year. Mrsn Hall was thanked for her willing set'vices as '..:,.' '., .' . ' . , . office secretary to the Board and for her assistance in 'sec~etarial ;1' , ' work 'for the' Upper Pinellas Coun'ty Pl~ning Commission and was' pre~en1:ed by the Chaj.rman with a Christmas gift from the 'Board. On " ' r , .. behalf of the Board Mr., Gal1owi1~ was thanked, and, complimented on '; . . at"rangeme~~s for the luncheon. " "" " ~' .. ,,' -: :~c' I" . '" . ... . " ,~ . c ; :.' ; .', :j , ,. .....,: . ~:>:' i':. . }',' ~+ ,. .., i . \ , . ~c . .,' . c " , " ?~:";:'It) .', . ~ .' ". . , .\.....'. ' " {, ';', I, \(,'J ,:' .;~;.. I..' _ ';"~".' ..., L' ,', c.,i " ..I.' . ~:i"': (,' ;'~" i, c". <, ',. .J") .', . 1: . :.,':... .-,:'". 'l .,. .< :?' , I, , "1 .~:'~~" '" ( ," ..r' c' ~.:' : . ~;. . .~(' '. . " , '~...I '~:~~; :.:c ~ \.' ..' ':7. . c ." .:.' ~