Ninuta9 of tilt':: ;'I.!nt:i n~~!< Thursday, Octoher 10 t 1963
The meetin g '"ilr1 cflllod to ordet'l at 3: 30 p" t1~ by tho Chl:d,rman)'
Mr l' Kruse, \-,ho \-U18 Nclc(,Jmr;~d bock from ';l. F.,.u~opean v,ncaticm trip.
Present were Hemb!~XI~ RC!1dl2 ~ Hylandel" ~ Ga tl~U., ltlilli.ams and Gallown.y,
H't'q Rettig of thE.'- Engi.ne.~t~1.ng l)epartment 1 and Hr., Wolle..
The minutes of -the nll::letingEl of Septembm:" 5 t 1963!1 and Septe:mbor
19, 1963, were approved a~ submitted in written summation to aach
. Chairman Ktll1se 1:'(!cognized the appointtflem.t of Mt"~ Don t1illiama
made during his absenoe and expressed his pleauure in having
Mr. "lilliarns serve\>1ith thll' BOtll'd.. The Chni'.1"'Jnim thanked Vice-Chairman
Reade and ~embern for carrying' on the activities of the Board.
HI'.. Kl"'use further repo!"tcd that at the zoning pUblic h~aring the
Commission e~pt"esaed appr-eciation to 'th~ P).anni ng Board and the C.:i.tv
Planner for i:hei.:r. \-Iork in prepaz'ation fot' thl) hearing. He stated 1~hat
the matG1."'i.al wa.s \lury w.lC,U.. presented nnd 'tha.t he thought .mo!"e than
90% of the Boe.rd r 8 recomnl(:mdations ""erc. approved ~ The Chairman of-
fere.d, the sugge$.tion tha"t .in coneidu"J:la'tion of ~ach item on the
public hearing elgendn. that the acti.~n 01" :C'p.commenc1a'tion of the
,Planni.ng and Zonin g Board uhould be read into the I'.ecord.
'. J
pointed out the location of th~ following p~operties requested to be
anne~ed and so described in Intent Annexation O~dinance' 0987:
North 220' of So.. 550' of W-l/Il of St-,t..1/4 of riW.-l/14 of Sec. 18
TW-;--"~[S7'1<e7"'.nl~~r/inarras.tt'ountr:-rYDl: -nSelm;-&"TiiS' "'-roi?e"r1-:
........a._,.................._~...ff..........~I......~..".u..-.-"'V"" 1 ."...1..,..................~....."X.-~......................-r_......KI.~...".,........~,~ "2 i .,...~ "'~
'JofootYe 'tiom(~ P;u"lk) - Genettal location {o1aS described as on the
~"~~_w.&.I-"",,,,,,,,'..u::..~.....,-.r- .
East siae of Belcher. Road~ approx. 280' nor~h'of Gulf-to-Bay
Blvd ~ The P1cInI'~eI' informed the Bm::.-d that:
Portion to be annexe.d is SOutb of b.'i}~o?:~Y s i:te on Belcher Rd.
(which is also in th~ County).
It is ~n extsTin~ trailer park (less than 5 acres) and has
frontage 011 Gu1.f-to-nay. It is an l)ld ~tlbdivision~ Park
cilt2rs to .ti~'anE; if~nt type trailers r.~1d lJl10WS chi Idrell..
There i.s nt) in t;l~ytic'n for it to t'8D)::d.r\ a~ a tI'ailcr park, only
until such tim? .is tiv~ owner C,3.n havc ,::onverSil)n to apartment
or business use.
Mr'. . 'vSolle further advisec~ that the zonini~ ~')n this annc~.!1.tion ",'as re-
fel:'red to him, and tha.t upon consul ta'd.oil tJ:Lth Mr.. Demetrius he learned
that Hra .Demetrius will back out of the pi,~tUl"e but doesnft know when.,
ilnd is planning a comIDuni'ty buildinH over ,the t?}.':isting sand filter
(t~ould hilVe fl.'-cill ti~B !HJ thllt latal' on 110 ~H)uld mAke tld. u uui.ld i.ng
into dupl~:< or nV':rl:e J. m'" 1:\ pilr1:m~mt!J) "
Land UlJO of Pl:'O-P.!.\1.'ty to tlh.lt m\I3't of r.n:""e'a of Y."OQU60t W~1B de...
sCl,ibed as for mobilt'.: hOjt\o park (Cl'e~)n !\(:t"~~~.1) and as vacant tract
(Constantine "B'! zoned pr'nperty) on thll) fJ1fJS't t:lide of Dclchcl" opposite.
Upon inquiry as b:J yjhethF.:t' applicant h,';id aoked for nail zoning, "fI'..
Nolle advisE~'d that Hr. DeIlI!!t!"ius did not :('~i!qlle3t any rlpecifi6 zoning,
but that he was X'(~cc.lnunend{ng liB" zoning ,ain<.,"l,<l it '...,ill no.t be a perma-
rient mobil~ home park~ Existing zoning of this property and of
bakery 81t~ to the n~rth Has Coun~y C-2~ Co~mercial. Chaivman Kr-use
inquired if thel"lZ! is.:lJ1j? s.trc~E!t e~ttensif.)n t~1rollgh this pr1oparty. 'rho
Planner exp:(lessed the opinion t'lla1: OJ hS i i: ~1a'9 bounded on the east
by 'the above mentioned trailer park, it ,'las doubtfu'1 that YOu' would
ever' have a stl"eet .th'rough there.. How'~v{>~1."'t he reported that he had
discussed t-1ith the applieant the mattel' of giving 17' more for Belcher
Rd.. J:light-of-~lay.. Hr. Gc:tes stated he thOHI$ht the Board. should ask
for this dedication~ in that additional t'ightMoi'-way dedication had
. been recommended upon annexation of r-I't', Constan"cine '9 tract, Mr..
Reade made a moi:ion tha't i;hH Boal"d recowmen;1 to tIle Commission thai:
~ J ""4 ~"'I~""'~"""'~"".J"""'-....-1~4'1l.~-..:u."......It'.J.Lr..,,,,,.,,, A.bd. -.....~_.............._......_tp--n-"'~.IM ~:r...~'f"'''_Mc.-~''''IIIIII~''~.I;_''''''''''~'''''~
,!h.~- DE E.t~ :t;-:ll.s_P.R21~ty_.,gE.~ g:~..~~ila~~.uw~~n ~Ss:'::.!_f.9.r:.LmJ1.E2~q. t:..i on.-ja~~~!l~fJ.1J.p.e
!~..il1.J?~9.~Q!f-!t.f..~~~_,~~D n ~~, ~1~ltt0..~...Y!.:.b!b..~.:f_tt::..l..,_,!?,10 ?j.[\.~.:'1~~~~1)~in.ff~.i!;l1. f~rr~-
j:~_t;'.~.9?.m~!l91lli9JJ,. ~ll1."l:;..;'Eh~.....!'i..atl'!;;:.QK= ~!~\;, .2 ~C....l?~,lQ.J:l.~s~B.9:~SL,R..~_JUJ..':~.Qm
~1;.~J:1:~,n~1 [_~~.1.s..l1i~1~ Ji9.c}~9.....:~ln~_c?'-1}.:t Jl_J;J.1i.l... P.~.qlt~)?.!Y,~",J.Li.~,_t!l9..:L~s:!I4.,+_
!!.~92.!l9,.~.sLR.Y.T'11E:......QQ1~;_~ .tnJll~,7,. ..J.'..Sl2.:~....W:\.? llJn lC!_\l~J)~ '
THE St..l 1/11. of ;-'be NvJM,l/~ of tho St']..).il~ ~)f ~:1'EC_ 18~ TWP. 2~,\.
IfGE"-~ -~'";"';""1~Wt-.Scr:.-2(rO-flt";:-tlr};"~T'iWr\J}~'S1;''''40'(rfiY_"-1fiiERfoF - _
z~c~I'i....!.9~.....~~el3_,..i........__,..q...-....__~_.......o\,"'~""'.""-~-"~."'.~'_".'.~_..__* ........J ....~ n",~",,,,,-"'1r-................ ......a...~~ ~_'l-'~"""""il4I~
Lill.!Lg...~-I.l.![_P.9B1.IQ~!, "*![1..grr&I..J~J3Jlli~J~J:L y. ~ Ill~Tjit~....gI.1X...!.~E.~~14tARYlAt)1IL~-
~qPJl~~~E:rP]'!?.:E:t:L".::..~~.n!:.._e..?it!~Q~.?'.. 9r\_ 9A L,..:(;.r.:; 9 _t_QtL..:tl1~",'1f.!fi ~';.~~.d.~_Q..f________
!!1g!!.~E....~.9.:..;t.:..5_P2t.hh .9[.,QJJ!.::.~.:;;::llo.Y~!~)l~E:~. (Request~d zOln~lr.:. "n" ~
Business> - Tnc ~tl~~nnep Pl~1a"tea a!'~.', of proposed .:mnr;rxat~on to
330 ft.. Belcher Rd~ G'i:l"ip g1:'Lmt<.?d x'e7.onlng tC) Business at 'the Sept..
zoning publio heaving (Case Z-8-R53~ PH ~3). Reference was milde to
dl"'a~.zing submitted to the Commls;don In"'i(fr' to the htJaring Bno'r1iIlg
zoning vlan for tlt\(~a lnvol \fed in th'J Of.'1m/'1' OWIHH:\fjhip d({l:l(..l'r'l pti.on, both
in "the Ci.ty and huy':md thi.; city limltu.. It \.m,l~ noted that BO~H~'d
'^ ,vecommenddti.on fot' R-2't d'i),?lax t otri.p CWO ft.. irl depth) a1...,nH Druid
Road wno shown on thjEl plr:1n.
The Pl.~nner of f~~r'ed '(,.jeco)t1mt2n<.l~tti(m of' liB" zonin g for a 11 except
the south 200 f't ~ of thl(~ fjl!lscl"ibed, .~rea of 'r<::quested annt:mation, and
furtheJ:\ that the BNlra fOl"'W'3.1"d recommend8,C:i.on that 50 ft.. of this
4..... .~.;~
south 200 ft. be dedica1:C1d as I\ight-of"'y7ay fOl" Druid Road extension.
, Land use of the pt'lOpel"ty ;r1; the northl!:ast co!'ner of Belcher Rd.. and
Dttuid, Rd. extended (in City R....IB 7.0\'1~) ~~;'"\fJ doscri.bed as a single-
family residence.. It was noted that n 70 ft. :c 200 it. tract \oiould
rew.ain as County a'N~a (beca.use of ol,07nt:lrs11ip) betHeen said co~ner prop-
erty and th{~ sou'th 200 ft. of the propos.zd allne")(atiof1~ It ~oJ'ag lcax'ned
that Mr. Gilkey I'epr;;uents 'the o'/mex\/ncllel'" .:is atto%"ney.. M.'r. Woll,e
repoztted on consultation held with him b}' N1.". Gilkey a'c \olhich time
Hr. Gilkey stated i:hat he Houle. nc)t, he in pOHi l:ion to ~dvise the
s(~ller not' to requent all businf:Sl;; ".on:i.n{{'~ but did agz'ee to point out
to him the advantages of not ,..,equc~s1:illg I ~Ol1illg on Druid Road.
Fut"'the~~ report \>Jas made m1 v:isi t 'to the pJ.~~,i'lrdng office by Hr. Haun
\vho is building on lotn r)n the north hOlmdr':J.T.'\' t)f the t-leadows Subdivision..
, .'--',
, ,
HI'.. Wolle stated tha..: 11r.. Hil,un was' ar]vis-r~d ':'YJ: tlu:! DcaI'd' sintent to
~ '.
encourage singl. famiiy davelopment in 3~ea south of Druid Road and
'; ~.:'
~a.s t of De lchel.'\ , Road" '
After some d ir.,r;u8s irm, 1:l~,__G.sl:.t:ff},., l1,~9St~~'L3J/.n.t"..t...1&:J.o.Q,~r.:.d....x~Q.Q.J.!)mt1X\d
; .
~.I:~ .
..=> 1 f h .' <=: ~...; ~ -, 'I-' - '.- ~ . -. J; ," I .......... lY""(H"\lu-.,\,lull ::0 C A o~
tU?~..~...g,_.....i:!..\l~..lnt:;.~.~.:?.." t.r~u,~ i}R...A.Q..,~._" !)~....~Q,,) ~.:x.", ~.1., ~n,. _......-"..t,..~'"l"-"""-,J-...'j,_V"4.......~b..-.-_....--...-..
l~. \
, '
Q.~.iP..w.....;iu...JJ1..tJm..-:;..u f.:;~,'!,:.,.6))n'f'.::a:tjslD.,..D}~:\! ,1 !la ;'J-!~'p_ __~;,~ ?2..B;:u.':~,pj:".~E.Qc.;dJf>....~_~____
~!ttl~ ..'1 oJL.t~.~.th,g.~;~~,?.t 1...l g!~ ,.Hl1.iE:b ,J~,::::1. ~. "._2~~mJ~I} ~ !.....JlQ.l1.tng,.j~~.~ RflgLtmmr;>...ruie.r.te.
. ~ . .........""",
.e..1l9 .2';' t.h...ll!E..tJ2.g,!-.rJ;:.9~9..I1!I~~.l~~~ j..Q!l..Jl1~.t._ ~Q".. Lt:..,~_,E'1.J.m;t ~ Q f.,- .t:J.s1Y....i.r..mn_Q~-
}..iw__q!...Qr...!!!&",~!t.h..L~?J.9~.:t~h.......Jli~. ~l!J.Q~i!1!2.:.....~~:.G.911.d~...t...lJ.\\:....Hr."..,.J?PM~-i"'"
!!~..-s, .P~~~!ltL!.l.n a,n!.!!ill~ l}G Ii._
..~ . '"
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I,r. ~J.f, Dr' }li i
I) .... ,nu :OG
Z(JUING .n OXSI~I);'.:Hl,ON I)" I:t\G'r :~.i'\)ti oX' HVWrLF, AVE. i)RUtn HOAtJ
.....,.......",. ...~..-t1'~4....'III "'.........'"_........+ "1, I >.j.,tll' >0-'1'. c. ...<'d~ ~"'Ilo.~.~...r""'""..,,,,~,, ...."__ ~... ,.. ".wIl-....""':t....lt.o............II'I,...~..W"..."......tt._, ,t'.........,..........~.. -.,.,.I-~.'....."',~p.
NOR'n~ - '!'hfJ Plm..",M" tn:(c:"MHl .t ba l.Iino:'d 1,;1.' :iSHlUh'lY. l.J.~I' AI:-t:or~'v.~'y Goorll~,,,l~
_ ~I""c_'""".i....r.,.,.... t '" I t~
Houth, of t.ho pOf!l:r1,bll' :i.tm:: np, ChWH),t,.'I;': .fr~':r.~. f,~CHBide)~nt:i rm (llt;nFJ MYl1tle
At/I!! ~ - hio- npttci fie :l.!.l.tO:t/.'C/!,"( ...;.H~ in tht!i t'utul"'0' 'US{~ of the t{fH],thf.1ilst
(Iorne:r of }?ill0 ar.a J~)rrtle (l='r.'op(~r't:y (~{ I:' 1 ~l\()tiad:i.s). Hr. Kl"lH-l-e
rela.ted, C10lnmrnrlt;3 11li'ldt~: by C~)rrrrn~sr,i(lrh~:t"fl i~n :N:!.gHr'd to t.1!(~ Beard ma.kinm
a' stud~1. of ill]: of ~~:n...tle. ..: };IlJ'I: . mrt n(;K~~~:;:g;?,pj l~l fC)l~ genet'al business
usage)" '. 'l'h~ P1.<snn~~r' ::.ndicdtcd t:h.:\t.1H\It'lh of HY1.~tletua~, r.~'l\ab\ as
zonad lJi thcm:t def'ini te h;;.:..~dsh~ p to (jTlmc.n-";J <.md providing J..imi ted use.
'00,,: I:'::': _.' (~.)._.1 ~~, "'1
,. .... ..II. l.:~ ... ....' .\...\.a.h,
exia~ing owne~.occupancy.
':;'),ot r{)"!'tCJ:r.ojj.ng P,!'c'p~~1'" d.avt} c.'P:m~~j"t no:,
HO~leve!".; }~e further n('l}'i~.h;:'di=h!rt ;i,n\fr,2<lii.1te f~tudy :::hcm,ld h~ giW~~1
proper'tif\3 ilOI'th' of DY.'uJ.d Rn,:td ~ iind th~ PT.'Opf.H3~d t'igh t-cf-vmy a'trip
....th f P 1 t+ . ft ...I . .... ' \:)"' .
no~. o. a. (,le' _0. ,-t.: ,u' :=iOi'IC ,~J.::;:':l1sr.L!..('n", '\:!H~ _ .L13.nner ~lar. ::Ln';"
"~lif.v.....f' .~.~.. \II'_.........oLlI.....~_UI.u~...\..nI.,::..cn ........:...... .U...,L.,I ~/.r.~.............'t'1... ..................iI-......................~~....;:..--
st:,ucte.d to h"'h.: ,!',\"l:i..1.r..:bJ,~! a n :.'~-,i~ land \lSlC' m;:ll) of f.f\l'7'tl(~ for Bonrd
A......,.........~~...M................'lI~"'\,~......'...l: ,..........~ a.l.......-IL. "'''.~_'''.iI.:.'ri..a.U.UUII*+-<&..,...,...-r;......'tI.'L..r,,'~Jt...:;,'''~.+ ..io....~.";..... FA-! &:J':a.:Il:n,.wu._'....rt.~...tu.~~.........~-....,.,......"'........
studvand T.,:..d'~\r\':\HC:s~
4....:UI......~~'..~lt..~Jj,......I'W............ ~....h.."
f' \
}'1r'.. .Reade l1\i1d~l inqu~~:cy H G'. 1:0 'r! te,~:U8 of t!le Tnwn House applicut5.on
for "the' Carr> pI"ope'j~ty. T;-~\~ Ch.;::Ll'l~\an in fc')"m~d him of h1s 'underotanding"
, .
that ~1r~ 'Carr',s n(~~!.t 5te~ t-mnld b'3 b;. t!'ICl}(B .:1. l~i~quest (:,f the Board of
i~djustml:lnt' an~ ApP~'.E'.l en ;:'t...ning for- Y.1J:':i.anf.::~ in offstY.'(~!~i; parldng and
setp~ck r.eq\],ir-emcn'i::s; .alw:", -tru1t r'f',,:'. HJ.l1i:l n,od the City rfnna,geI' l~~re
'-forking togethel~ conr:'~~!"n:~r.~ thd. hd:::i:i"ti.~)n .of c:)t'di.m1.n(~e ,:I.mendments ~
7hcu(-'!. WC1.n ~?Iome dJ.ncus';;;i.o.;) 0-[ r(~Celi t '}',l'J.'n UOU'~{~ pm.....mit i-ssuecl to John
\tJilson. Thr~ Pl~Hh(n" ):'.sp::~'i: n::, "::Jl<::,-:: tl;t:811 ::.' h;:lJ h~n.n S'!:n't f()7.'li'ax'd to
t1ana"Qet" .::'r~i'l.C":~t"n1l',1.~ 3.r";FI,~c1:i',;", ;:c\.i.:'ll 'tlwt' 'h'~ c:m.:;ld '!:;.i}(e.
1= c
r-~y'. \0101.113 ao\"1. ~Hd 't i'fi):i: h;~ II.'<~!=' ~:':",(: em;lK! '\(i 3. . t:] i: ,'lr.!t i::'t~ s~ Ibdi 1/ i slon
RegUlations bl3 G(i(1:~f8::1. i]i.:'(]d::a.'.:'~J .\} .
. DISCUSSION OF ~'IOaIL'i,; HC:HE t~~:';"CI~-rI:~,r(,: N"D ORDr;'1J\NCE imnI'l"ION
PRovrDYff\r'1ofCc'im';i:'Ji.,jYrJ\1fc'E" 1')17- -N\j';:i:~l~(yy!ri:;HY~nJ(~'''i-nfS:r')rifD-stITBA'~K~cr'::'
. ,..._ ___~... ........-f.."..........._~..~_.._-.' ~"..._._. ,,,',' ,~__ .... _, ,." _< _...... ~.... _. _.._. -.'" ,. -.' -, .......~".........,..J _._~_...,-_.......\:..~., '"-
trhe Planner mad/~ T.'~~:h\:N,\nc~:.: to the. '';;:. thdr&"l.ol'al iron the Sept ~ 30
. .
zoning publ5,Q heax'ing of thf2 I;, .1, tesl'r-~ c:Qnce-,'r:.:inR, ,..8zoning t'.:) r'U1 .."Jf
.' '. j
e-:.da'ting .trilil(~'{.' llitrt~1h ' lIft advised ()f i.nqn5'I"Y mfldn pr-lr.n:- 'ce tlH-'
hnaring as to t.)ht~th~l' nur.h PtU"kll -,'01.11<1 have to confor.m tr) TtG...., buLtdinl>t,
~Hrtl,)itt"ckn or 'tnH HH ~('mf~.. ?'oh'lh! ,Home pal~k rt!pt'af5A.ntitt:lv~~13 hnd di.M.. '
cusaad tori 1:11 h:i.m t;~'?r.t:s. in pr'ov:i.!}i.cn~ thHY. lHl(1 "103:~}cnd out \OJi.th i;h(~ Cdun'l:y
in ita rnohila hctn~ !Hn'lk :~'r~E.ul:.lti:O!tB to l".~cogrd:t.E:l non...cr..mf01;tm5.11g get~.
~a.cka and existing bu:i,J.dlnfist.:lJ\dnrds. Mr'~ \111)110 Elto.t~d that he had
. .
indicated' to tlliStil thcrt thl;l C:i:ty t110uld ~~li:t.ve an amendment t<> i to NH'
zoning regulations \.legal~dJ.ng stC'l."tus of non-confm:'\mir.r. al"ea ,. .setbacks..
. and .bu11ding ..st,~nci;;.r'drJ. Th€ P:.(.l.~HHn'" Pl"'~Sc\'lted fOl', Eo/u'd ~"eviaw the
~ollowinf. prOp(mf~O orodinlJl"tc€: aiil.l::nd~nHllt, ~'J~ th rl~qUtHrt for. HO'.'1!'d'up-
p~oval for placing in ii.ll:: of. o:.:jirmncC! c".f1lcfndm-en'ts 'to be p~('"esor.)'t~ocl
at 'the n&x't zoning pu.bi.ir~ iU?',:l6:,5_np;',:!
PIWPOSr.:D fJl(I;IN!,NC8 ADDITION '1.'0 SEC. 26...SC
.......' ...............I!',-="..,~.. _'+""''' .:..................,...,....,,,. ~......~, "....-1-IPII. .........-"'"........... ......-rw-"'.......,.1I........--.,....,..,..-~
. ,
~10F.:n,.~:; EO~1I~ Pt~H.::< 011:1) LiIS1r;?'1C'r
. .........._lI'Iro.........~."r~I<.r......'.,'.. :. ,..~~i .c.......oI.,....~............~,..~~.........~~"""-
">' ~ ..--.. "~ '
E:~is.l:ing Jllo1:..:i 10:1 hO%NI rd~d':!:; toJl~a:'f1 5.11Cll.1ded in a HH ZOlle sh.al!
.con.1'.i,t?ue tJH m1~ Be ,::.;-.!; U1 :IY, :.: ',:y;: i.r. ue to OIll?'J."ate wi th thrui!~
.p~eaent apace a~ea8~ ~nd aetb~cknt as non conforming (~o
r'egulati.o~ui :o:'E!quil:'ed ,.tn 'the tm z"n(~). '
, .. . .
Plilfmed modifle:.ntic..iIEi to (,~:d_8'd.ng p~n"k::l
P'''''''ct:>c'''"'ed 1."r ""'-'co-"'~'jl" ~~ T.' ~ ~"'....,. "6 t;('
. _ V _ij;jQ . 1 ,...t.. ~ .l"'-lC ~ .:.,,~f;:': . Q .:,)-c:....l:. IV r. ~..~... ~ ~
PARi: REQUlrn~HErf1'S ~ ' '
lJ~h-;,ll be.
'UUOll motion bt" ltr... n"lf\d\~ ~ ~e~CsndEH1 lw ~'h".. Nvl,';lnder.... th/:..). Doat.d 'Voted
..__~,..w.................~ofl'Yl'9.( 1'~'''''''''''''''+''''''~-41",~U.''''''' ......t...... ........tH"'...~~"n. _:nI'tII...,."',....JI4f'""......J.....:.,(......_:.t......l-,L.::.o&l...o..;;L:I:o'\r~~_,..,w. _U.l_I~~..~~
, "to r.ecomr.len d C'.l11n)"\D,'a 1 of -;:i,~ !I,hOVf~ 1idlii i: i em i:() 'i:h<!' ()rd in.:ince..
.....w:.--.....~ J.:ItlI.-....,...........~......-.....""~......_....".". ~...,.._. ..... .......... _~...,-.4I ..~...j........Ilo.... '-'- ...T....1..6:~........"".;..........._"lI...r~...~.....~.............lwIo............oPl:l_~.......
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of-wa:l'. t.;as,' Clrt l;wt of: t.lhiFil'h~l {'\l"t'iinmtlC!>;\.
COHNITTEE HJ:.f''t:HRALS .., Sl1Bl'l!'ID3H)N ;n:GUi,/.'I.'l:ONS AM'f.;NDr.mHT3 ~. "J:on
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, 1:S.ons" (copies di~i't::ttj.hlltct:d 'l:r~, 'n~f!Tilbcr'i:l) bf~ 1~""'Bi.dal.~8d aa an addi.tion
to "the e:d51ting l.'~gtJl~t:i.oiH; I' tid.s ':lddi'tim~ 1:t).bEl '.t"e~on',li\f~nd~d a:i.ther
, "
, ,"rot", int:::L'usion at th?' F.':.Ul\~ t':i.!\'?: f\e' ~'nm'"1p:~'S -h:, ,::\~~cot.:rt:'lcdr.'t~-, 'Pian~lad
un.its' and othl.:~'r'l 'dr,an(1.H~ ne,;, 'baing Of'f~!l"'()d by 1~h{::.City :t:rigin(HH"~' o~ "
for a'later'l"evitli()Tl~ Tl'It"! eha:it~mmr: r~r1\1m:d't:;1d :t1-J.;t,t Hr.. ~;'uH.'e and
: fir. -, Galloi;a-Y' T.'f!!'d.el.\t tile pr'opooeG .;lll1cndjt,,~.~rl't and make, l't?c:!on:Jtlendation
':to the Bt"lard..
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City Planne::'.