Minu tell of the Heating, 'rhm"ndny,. $cptamber 5, 1963.
Tha meeting 'rU,lS called t(.'l (jt"del"' ;tt 3:aO p~ M. by the 'Vi.(~c.~
Chai '['man, t1r~ Reade. Pr.Cf.Hmt wero l1t:ombp.rs My 1l3nacI' 1 Kcn.\1edy...
Gates and Galloway, Alice Bush of the Engineering DBpnrtment~ and
Mr.. Wolle&
Prio~ to convening of the meetin~ tho Planner diBcu~ged with
members in some detail a proposal for the establishment of a HU
Heavy Business District and pointed oui: two downtown rlr'cns (now
11M" zoned) in which he \1Quld t'l'Eocommcnd that the HB classification bo
applied~ He,stat~d the intent wag ~o rnak~ zoning in conform3nce to
land use and to ma.i.ntain a higher lavel of land use, It W.:18 CDn-
firmed by Ii!"" Reade that thi.a proposal was originat'ad by the Planne\"1
and wa,s included under' Item #2' on the agenda. In view of the fact
that action on pe11ding
2"e7.oning 1::'eque3ts was ul"lF,ent) it
Vias thought that the HB Distr:J.ct proposal shouJd be referred to the
Zoning Committ~e~
!2li.~JtG C~_~.;:~~~.l.~."L1_I9.Eg&~1'_Bl.!:u.?.1'.e:~.1lli.IL.~.~...
fR9l;L}.::!!:.l_.~1~&!&....rb1111&_'!1L..E~~~SQfJ~.2.2.1QJib1.~.;1ill.D-.Rgt~r;p~~1GLL ~.
lAP~L~!ITJ~" It~J~~LLf.~C~lli.b...s~J!~AK!~ ..YIJ?1:.l.._. .!i~~L!lt.I.Q.;L....JlT"T.JlB!!liYl
General location' of re.ques.t was descrihed as the nori;lwest c.orner .of'
Barry Straet und Highland Avenue, Use requeo:ted by applicants 'rTrlS
"Office Usell..
"....~LI~~..~'.....,.-..:w.ao....-.IIJ"'t....~.a........~ .......~lI.&...tlil-trf'~+b,....I..o<I.....~..'_.....r..iJ.,...~_T......"".:fTor....tU.oU1;Jr'loD'l.Z__..r1.a.Iu.- .,..-... ._~ 1........,.I.U..Vt.a-'.""~I-\'I"'.......'I;!t..1I"'..-;y.)....~.~
..-;::~.....-..............~\~.~""~""'I....y--t~r~..:.a"''''''''''''''''t'"'uooi.....w,.a.ao-___'F~LJ_'''II;..o,I''''''''''.N'nI.~_~~'...".......u~..~...........~...... 11..J;..."V40...::...~Iori~...l-.liInw....:7._...."...I-IW-..~...._:=_~
Gonera 1 locat iCl11 of :t't\q\H:~~t vms descri bed ii~ Southw/?:":5t r.orner of
Jefford~ St'N!.~~.t aYi(~ Eighli: nd t..",!. ~
TIle Board ~.Jas infol"'mcd that 101.: of rHqlli?:st) Ca~ie 2.-9 ~ 1.8 oc~cupicd
by a model home 2.:nd that acjo5.n5ng 1Ji:1C2\Irt lot. 1~~3 (-[0 tin"!. north) 1e
subject of a r'eques1: for ~.ib! "l~.:~;;;Onill{! (C3!Je ?;.. 10) .:-~nd thf.!'t- the tHO
cases OhOllld bE; cOllUide~~e(,l. toe.(! b"l~~t.
;'i1".. 'J/oLlt: !"i~J'0:-:1'.?d th.;J.t lw h,'ld
).' t 7. Bd Hinut'.!13
P.;.\~C 112
~:,eC'omme.nded that the applim"nts 'r.~qU(HJt J>RS t"'i!)thRt" than fiB", B\loincG,s,
,f--", (1U being more logicrll ~ in that tIle busineso usage of the UpP{~t' end
of the busine!'U:1 strip Houth of Batlr~y St~:'e(d: \<tao princi pcllly of those
in the oategovy of the PRS, zone.. He atnted he W89 not recommending
approval of the requests,. but just Baying tlu'\t ,.i.f .t:hp. BOt"'l"'d does
(.lpprove any change 1:0 apprtCJve .PRSA r-h'~ Galloway point~(~d out i:fli)t
Lot,154 is adjoined on the west by single family residen~es, that Lot
., '--'
153 is. .on the east end of a tiel' of single family zoned lots't recently
platted, l:Lnd 'tha~ property to the' north of tIe ffot'ds compoaes a high
standard developing. aUbdivis.icm. He further pointed out. tha'l: the
business zoning in the area was in nKistence prior to the ~rection of
the single fBmily :r.~esidence r.ln Lot 154" The Board felt that there
"JaB sufficie:nt businef.lS zoning in the al."'ea 1:'.0 accommodate offica usage_
Aft~r .some further discllssion., tll::_Qf!1l?~~...l!'~~A.O!..n.2.ti~lU-~~,.!h.~~
. .~~;-~~2.D.!.-!~~V.ill~..i;.llS...tE~l-~,;:lI~..tQ.....r.B~__2.JL1~_t~-l~;Le.nn
. . . . .
~tJJlJ.1...l&!~W,...Y!li t.~~_o-~_,9,.~t~....~~.~~~....~~.=l1,.:.~,~]=lQ.::.
ZONING CASE Z...11..8113 L.Q'fS l5,~ 16 to and 17. BLOCK 2t{. HARYHONT
".\ ,
..............~- _.M.aIoI'....... ~......_--.......... .,............. .1IWrt_\"I"JooI......II~~l_..r.A...oI.l__..".,.......~.- .1 ....1.. _\.~v":'11..t.....-~_...~~~...,.J.~':M01I.4.......-...~
(APPL!CJW1'.: KENi'iF.l'H E ~ BRm.m> (;en~l"'.:ll location of request \;1aS
described as approximately 135 f~. west of CincinnDti Parkway on
rWl'th sid~ of DreH' Stl'eet~ The Pl....lnn(~!' rr2vi.:;!I~ted fl1'(:"licml?'. :"cming
history a~ follows: vezoninz of the Routh tier of lot~ in Block 24
1=0 BUAinRss waH rT'~sented as aft i,tem ~::.t the 1961 publie hem:-.inp.J but
\olas not approved by th,~ CClrnrninsion fOl:" f.:Zubmissinn in tl.t;:: r'c. fCl."endum.
, ' :Land UDC of-the nreawas de~c~ibed CD tha Beard ag fc}lows: immediate
"_) lot:sto \.)(:~t and nt,~~i:h and l~;.l.u."i:' iJ,S: In,\:s cf req\H:s"t j r,,:~h.Hh:~ tnrleh~
fami ly homes.. A!'en. to south .;iitd ~:c H(:S t of B1'dncJort S'::p.~..~ t (urd.mp:r'ovt!rJ)
p (; Z Or,] H:i.nl:ltel~
~J ,I 5/li ~ ~"1,') p,..~ (I:t
ir.; I:Hl!lino~~n ',!.r1l'i(1:t.l ~...i tJl bmd.rJ(!G!: \':~(\:(~(~" U::;C'!J per'm.i.tt":~d ni.d ;11. 1 (Mr:,d
~~(cept lCln~:: p,;:'(\sf~ntly in ttlfi\. l\.._l( zrm e: lrmY'c l~l;Wi (~\.mcL
U)l\.'m 1 rHl 'i1 :b~V
of t1v~ GHllr)\o1.:lV ~ .I:hn Pl;wn~~r Si::':.tf?d h,~ '.tould not ()b'jf;!('t to rl~S ~~ofd.ng.,
i. f . il!-",plied . to ~11 fr'Qi1 t.(JW.!. l;etv1;~.(m C.ln~": l.nna ti P.:n"'Ju;,:lY iUld nwc',:mdon~. in
t1iit't. he. fel t it \.Jould t}or"l1':i.t J....Hc~.~lOn.~.;~JJ1(t:. J.im! ted w:.1t;gt! 'of the i:H'erl c1nd
1?()Bsibl(~ U;3,(18(1 or tlJ:i.st~.ng l"eoirJ<::nti.al ntT"\.lctUX"e:o. . It Io1MU d(:t~l"min~d
that .the R~4 ~onillg on thIs fT'on-tc~ge e.>-:--tlZmded' to tl1f~ re;.u' ltyt; :t.incs.
It was. f'epOl:,ted 'tlmt tl)F.l int:elH~e(i uZr:!: l."Jf:.th(~ applic,:.tnt ~ ~ thr'o~'.! 1~'l::6
might be.. fnr d ua(~d.. car lot"
Mr. Gallcwav made a moti~n to ~ecoN-
.......... lIo-.....'n"'t.....r_,.."'t{rtf."'lIIi'7l......nl..~".....,.......,,~....-- ~~.~...--'1f_.. ~._.,.. .....o~.\.4~...,....'Y'N"I.TI....,
~i~Lj:Ji!!.._e.P.Rt~~~S~:9....2!t.1.~E.. ,~:~:.,..."W~.~ ~~t~i ~:~~.l...~?.!~i Illi. ~:!.!.ovb9,.t~,..J ?~ ~__lQ..t.,.~_.:lt .*
.: !.al2.9~~?..~~ ..1~.~a!I.?i:.:t,,~~!~ 1-i.Y~j~}:.~Jl..1_...1-2.s..td.!LnJ<<~.g...;1!)!L!p.....lJ~r.?:...,iQ_~,W1:)9}.L~"CQSg,i!![l1.!;1!l..
- '.'.
dati{lfl th-nt the Boa):'lc1 would ncrc Ob'lEJct to xonintp. cl.:l.st.-d.ficrlt-ion' Q'!-.' .
~-",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"'IIIo-....~............n.N""~_~ j ....~-...a.Wdl-c...,....~U-..:..1 t~...,.~.,.._"t1..""''b~tJ~~~~~'"k''' _ .~~W"'_ "'~"'-.a...n.\..................__..'J:.t",,,,,,,,'L,o,\_"'Ilo.""'M.,,,,""''''.,,I,''''~._~''''..Ij....................,...-.:1uollC''
.PRS ~ and to avoid gnat zonit1{~ of CI)l,-te.."l lots f,oJl"Juld .1:"at~.omrnend 't'e":,nwi.1)\l
.... ......"""".....~...."'""iIIIo....,..~.."......~__VW....I""........L.' fJ.. F..:ru.......... .A-. .......4... ..... ...~......,.... ...........!A6,f .11...........:::.... ~ U, .....lI'Y....t"I-~1 ~.......,...... ...,._ ','" w...'n11-\l.1..' Il.'-...IIJII "";4.....-.""~..li._,L.k.'-fL. ..:"..t~ f.f,_."~' ,.:J
. t~l"l: . of Drew .s.tret:lt f~ont~l,.ie. tH?~;'1.4€t!n Br';)t"luori nnd Cinn:fnna+i ''C'-''l,lrt...<.nr ..
'. ~.t.ItII.j"~"""".$I"':..................~......u."""~"""'IJ..w:..... ".....\OU. '...........nlUal.. t'Y"..'"~-..",..._foI._.........rJ ~4",".~ "'.......JI..1II'4..."'"".....,.... '___"'''~6 ...........ftIIIoi'U~~... ...."'T ..:ti~rU, .~.....:..;....}1....~I~~. i:lh"'t?-~~4
." I
to' PRS ~ His motion seconded h\J H'l"'.' Gates... 'Has nansed. .
ZOfUNG CASE %-12...(163 i~OT 1 (ONE"), I.E11BO SUBDIVTSION - FROt1 g_.J.J::..
...__............i...',....,...,,,.,oI;.L>>;~"'""........-:-t..."L.I~ ...",...,........_~~_..J......I"l-M'....~.r....~.'n.......llllu....T"..a..aI-tl~~--'..t.-n..",..-"""' ..""<...........'tI"WIIMi'...............;W:........\III-....~........._.t"'./....I1..
........'...,.n'L"'.fM'~VK.~..........,.~~"...../INr'&~".." ."'I=:.:J......~ _~..~.. ..~~...~..Io:LIo.'MI......TI_......~~_...u-r....."-.........'"""-&.iJI...L1lr...,.~.~. ~......~_"'"'-~..~,.............IH";L;..."~~3n
Ge:1;~raJ. ,loca.-tion of. l.~eq'uesi: was. (1f::'3c..'5.bt~d as th~ noX't\\r.Jl-;8t ~~orm:r
.of Lil\Ct,ln twenue .:Jnd D)_~tl.td r'~oad. L().t of !"(':'lnest hi va(~A.nt ..use 1'.(~'-
queD1;ed . H :Cot' duphn~ft ~ [.,3f1d \151.~.. Q f the a'r'ea uas dt~s(;:T'.i.bed to th~ 13oi::n'd
as slng10 fi3-.mi:ly homes .~):t(?nfi:ihf". l~(i .the wC5t; cr.:CJpE~~';rt5'",,~; <ll'Jdl'trnnnt"
prO:1eet on the nQrth s5.de of ft)"l.lj,d Rnad'J east of r.il1.~.jlj'~.7. and de..
ve loped si ng], e'~ f;:!.;n i J ~/ a 1:'C; I? ~ Ii p::..:):-:,:i. 'h:'<) on ~:h(:! ROll th (~; i dC': cf l)1:"X; d lk.'t: '.! "
t"h". Gallo'v.~av repoTtnd ttl~-;,- i n ,:l:L~ ";'w,~i, ::'o~'. '::i t:1. ('c.wm:i ttl'::e ,~eroher ::;~'7;,\,n,
b.........h ,."J-! tl1 It tJ:I' ..., '((l,~...:'\t: '.",110. "J.lof. '."_l,<"~ t.,lc:.."'..l_'.:.Y,,,~("\.'..
L, "I, -::~,. \~ . t . i. .:~ ....s.. "';" 0;:>' . _ _ _ _ ,,~
)~ ,,, 1':"1.. T' I" -,....t'" !
1,_ ,. ,.0... _ r. . eet../.. ..c.
T'eC~~1t b1.l.ildin~. in H",4 10tH ")"~: !..c.wbo S1.tbdi.~:'hd.Qn tC.l tl1<:' n,:'-l't:.l1 .J~'" f(}~\
dupl(n~,. ilP,:'.3:"'t,lfli.'!Ilt 1 rr.ediC:l:l ')f!,':i I.:.,:::; ~ .'l:'i(! d~'(/ 'i"!U~'~F;!:"~.',
:~ ".: r~..~J rP1 ~.., el\-.::. r.l:~ J.1H::~ J~ ~.;-;.1
t '1.
trv'lt -the: .~li dti1 0 F
'i n"i'
...~...... ....
""II . ,~ .'. .. ..;: ~;...
\ '..JJ;d:l E);l ~.'..'
,. l~~:"} ~ c. FJ '1. t~:r~ ~.l r~ :"1 t: ~c~ r> :c'c::~ ~ (.(1 t:fl<:~ (l ~:~ i n ~ \~.+ 1'\
th~it i:'c. 7.0ilo:-i th5,[)
I "'+ r~.,'~ ",.,,,',,, ;-Jf" :' I 'r,~\'- '>r~, i"f' ;t'""'cl -I"
,'4' -.; . 11oo ._ .J'........~ . _ ...........~. ~J .J.;l, "Ii.'. ~ 11 .... (.
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l~) 1.:' ],j ~~ ,:'~..i.,t!.; ...; r~ <~'~i"l .t~~H;~ \.:rl~~;~.' ~.:~"J'..l~.f~
~.:-," I 0":.:-":,',,.,.::, ,~ '1,"..::' ":":" ;......:.'~...:....,'..~:.:::......C:.~. :.,~'.""::'J""":,,::',.',-:,,,,:' '.:'..,'.'~':':~""'1";':"...:":: ':;,f.~.~'..' :.'.t~,::,;.."':.',~.::.:,~,'\::';:"'~:::.:.. ..~'.:'..~."~.:"')::~: .:;l....\..~ :,.:.,. :....
p C. ~ t\d l-tinU1'wl
p;\gc .'Ii
r':l"EHt to f.\ ncm ~'con f <.n"ml nR at [' i p prcdcrninilnt 1V tll(,J1.'(~ T'!:! ~ t'1'" i (,~ t im l.y '.H'.I(~ d.
. ,
^ f tal' So m'! d i lH': 1.1 a l1 ,j, on, n!:,:~Ji~.JJ.!2.l;i~y'....~il.~ ~ "!L!!!.9.~t;.,~9!.!,,...,_t}!,~.t._.tt:,....~~~__~:.~.<?~2!:!u,
~~iL!~.t,,j:h.:_:?!~ r..lt~;!'.~:"i~J] ....f.~'!, .~~~t~'.e{1....!D....3:g!ti!1,R.,..t~tli;:~~:..~ .,' ~ ~.~~tz.~.~..\._SW.. ~
Lot 1 Lembo Suhdtvli.\.i.on ~ l:H~ dfi11led fO'll tho. 1~f.Hl!1(m8 thr1'f:" uuch I'(:!Z(ming
...~.....~t.;I>,-",~"""__.""-""""",,,,,'1lII""" oqftt...~..........,..... "P'!!'-. #.......' I~ ..+,r. II v......J-.....1: .11......,. N ~ .. M.. ....i.'"...vi...,.~.....~.~ ~"""4...."....,....-~-,..... 'oti ....~,...~................,...lI.."'*""""'--..,. ~,.....~ ."
!!9~ ~r!..&..ll~!a1~L...~....9..E.2.t...~.,2!.l}:1Ul..:?.!)~ ...sBn~J.~.:~r~:ti.~Xl.~ll.~lL~l..l1JLJ3.i:Lmt...t.9...J~))3,....
f!!!1.Y.-SL~..~..<!...:lfF)El~~,.J~~j...lY......'# !~!".!Q..$.h.!t.s~!f!.g...t_~Q,~....g.1..~~'!).g..l?J.:!ll.!L.R.l?!:lJ1__ .
.lEE. t.!Sh~~.t:..........~:~:b'LEl.g,;,tts.~!!..l....H~S.~IJ.2.t?j...EY.....!:lr..~..~I:r~J3!]~.9!~J:,,,... _t-!. ?!;L"I?{t,?...~'y~d,.:~
Fl'~~.!.Q.N~q1:.~~'[~.E.Ii.g,l!2~~ .. "he Pllinnm"' l:~eqmH:rt(:d fOrl;l,ll
Board action to approve' subrnit1:ing. d PJ.'":lJ1ning <1nd Zoning recommendiltioll
. fOl'). F.:xnansion of Crtse. Z...2-163 (involving 'rt'act(~ t11 QTld P.2 aEl cle-
. .1,,-.,...
I ..
sc."C'ibed in appli.~ation of L:.ndru Ge;n"ldel'\$., Inc.,) ~ Pln~mer t 8 't'.~cr.)mmen-
dation Has. .to expand the. p'_I~ zoning 'to the en1:iT.'o prol,e'I'ty., including
the area of> exiS1:ing a'Pal"tmnn1: use (mar'ti s]>ecifi?.'l11Y.s expanded l'e-
quest \o:aS descr>i bad a.s c:ov1~T'ing all the a rea that ~raB grm1ted per-
missive us~) w , The Planner reviewed zoning histoi"Y of the .Lindru
property concerning granting of this pHrmissi ve use. Mr. \I.Tolle st;Jted
that he ~Jould assume thni: ~.f -r.exonEld to. R_.l}.. . then th~ p;:;,!Y'mi as! ve use
would be void. . The Chafrmfirt questi.oned ~.)''h~thel'1 .fe v{l,uld not be .tt"ue
that if 'the zoning is chang~d thnt thi":.!l"'C I.omu} d be no limi tati on to
use of the pl"1~perlty (wi1:h:i.n the est.'t:lblished .11~H~S of the zone>) t'hat
is l that They waul d no-t be hej d to a pl a.nned dev(~l()p!)~.;.~nt. This \.ws
confil."'lM!d by N1"..' \'1011e. After' some fU'r'tht t' di ~,e\1:~sion ~ uioti.oTi wa~;
't, . --..-'I~"""""''*'''''''.~''
< ~~ill~~S~~",~!SJ?.[~..q~~,~~~~~,,~~ ::,?~::.~,~1.~ _~~~9~*..:tlt{:~,~~: f.~~~; ~ ~~.~~~.~Y:~,('~~~...:~ rts.~~: ~!~2.~~~~j~~~! ])~1....J~er:;1
" ,
;.t~!.l.....s.s~.Hp..1? 9. J?~{"_:-~.?5.~~t1 ng., ...~.t~~9r:.Y, J\.P,.~:~~~.TIl.~~.t,.. ~!~~~.~~S:.,t~l~:g:~..~. . ~ 'p~t,~.~. ~~lrt ~h r;:~,.., " .~
"tract b(~im? le'2.allv de:-:lCl;"'.llled as foll(AJU: EiOHt '1115 feet (If the S
~~ti";;...~.t"I_ ~~..,.....t".,..",~......~...trt.~W-':-:'~"""'~~'.II""'I'.JI ...y..,.......,..,....".~~.......... _....I~...'lol ~,.'I,..;,.;,_........._... ~i ~H....nl.1.....-l" p...~.... I~ _~_.J''"''._~........._~....~. c. ~1..'_,...,...;.A. .'4............L.I~.....!l,.o....""
1/2 .of the NW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Sec. 15, Twp. 298, R~e. 15 t.
.......lC..,.......................-.._..""......i--..1w.~.~...r-r......,,~..- ""',.,.. .........!.~...-...5.J1..,n..".i....... .~I..,,\...."',. _"._, .. ,J~. +_.t."J...~l ....,. I "~.~'c.' ...+.~...~'"'h;J-h..~...~ "...r.-..h........r-'l.'i.:o........ ..'....1.. s:_~...~ l-<'tro...."
BxrrElm rO~f oi~ ZOHING RCCIUl:ST '. 1''n.~~ P1.,::mr;.f?T' "(.eqnes t:ed . ~~O"'l)l(\ 1.
-"'~~""lI.....~\lI~-""'-....t- ......"lJ........q.~ Poo:-Ju..,..... ...~. .....~~.....~_...f...".~...-......
~. i,~)
. 1 .. ~ . 10 . ~, "10' 1...... ... ~ ..... .,."" ~ ,...,
. B0.:lt'd 1.lct.!..cn ~f) ,Jpprove su )JJ1:l. 'C.C1.!-,~~ :''i. } "'.dnnli1!".; .?!lH {Jrlp~ flP. 'C'or.t.,11m1f:11Q" ,...un
fOL"' e){7)~~.mdon :7,fC2::~::~ Z.~J.-"16:{ (inw~:htilH.~ f.Joto; ~~.i). 1.1." F.. ~ ,?, D1.j":}'; n.
.....,+- .........,.,..,~~I~~.a......c,..,...,.,.................... 1+ . ",,,,,,'+"r',,, '''. .......? ~.....""' II ~ r-ll.""~ ..~a..__
P 8 7. Bd Ni.rHttWJ
~H 5/6:~ Paga II 5
U'ibiscu'3 G,n'rdt;ms). PL'1nn~'J:;' ~ r'HC(.I]1\1'1fmdj'lt;.("m ""'~Hl te. (lXPrHld thf.' R~.ll
~t'om th~ tln"ce In'l:a t:CJ i.ncl UOf-J lots 1.3 thrtJugh 16, IHo(yk D, t.l1d':::h
would tllke in ~}ll n..;? 1:oning in t.:h~ half..blr,d<., axtf?ndir,g to bus:i.m:!8G
:toned lets at th\"~ novtnc!.:tG1: corne~t... or td.rl':'.t..ln tw~" tlnd Pim.'c~ S1:reet:.
.the Chr.tivman e:xpr893eli tIle opinicm th~t the t-l.t.slll?S of tlH~ OWnHl"'S (l[
lots 13 .thr.ough lG might ""'.:~11 be t;::()1H.d.del'c() in t'~g.(H:,d to such c,<~..
pan s i on '. Y..eR.U4.'~ .1l8Z!fE;!.J.2!~..I!.t ,J~:~~~....~~~,~"?.~,, ..t~3~.,..~.b~~,!1"~~.J,'!Jl~~~;?.!~;.'2..r..tb.~t__t:.n~
. . . .
~ ~ n~C?!ll.~~,!-t~~~. .S..'J~....~ ...."tl2.2..J~ T.t~:,;:. .2J:"~::.W.~.ll"~~1;!2r!-2t_S!t-.~.~ ,...?~:1:.:JJ?J... !!D...q~L
...... ~_ ~ -- ~ 'f"'~D"''''~~~~~~''''''''''..-a''''''''~-''_~'''''IIl.If:'''t~.'''''I''''''''_..''''!Iid__...-.v'''''I~''''''''ra..I'W''I:';''''''''''''''''''''.'''''''~~~"""-"':L""
REZONING - The Planner made reference to list of m'1.p changes pre-.
sented clt the Aug.. 29/6 3 m~et'ing as holdovers not ilCe()n:modated by the
. 1962 refet'endum~ He advised that he uanted to COT"I'ect r:ertrdC1 :i.nfo~ma-
tien given. by him at tllat me~ting ~ in that Item 5 on the 1. ist (Little
Lea~ue site) and Item 7 (Fire Si~tion #4 site)'wer~ not hol~overs and
\o1eN! not includ(~d in 1962 public hc.~rdng items (thes(~ Her-e sC1:'eened
out by the .Commissi.on, pos$ibly hec~use of i:!H~ ili)~p~rrk .:ti'l:uation .:It
that time). The BOCi'I'd \.,.as '!"I?questeri to reconni::\eT' tht::'~c 'rtem~ 6 and
7 in view of this addi t:i.olial informatinn ~ The Plannl::r no-ted that if
th e Li ttle' Lea g ue site is r.:oned n P n i. \. COU 1 d not be: U::; ecl for ;"Hlyth i n g
other- them p\lbJ.ic use and that the Comm:i.sa:.r.on Tld.gh t tJnf:: ~omf:: cbj ection
to the zonin8 recommendatiafl 01'l the Fil'e St~tion ~.Jo", ~~ :.3i-te.
some discussion the Bnurd m(~d.e decision nn-r; to ehamr.rl i t3 Aug. 29/63
_~4:.1111.""'''''~lI.'""""""'''.wll~..;o.u~'''~j;'''.IU~..'''''i:"I''''''''..I'j.;o..I.&..w-r.~,l.tu..-:-..~'''''''""",,w''.'''''~..... oA..'....,. .1....,~....,r;............... <-I1I.:...{~.....-.r.'~v.""c~'...r...,&;'.....t.r............d4lL"'''''''I:_~'I_''''''''_
~gE1.El~n.giUJ..?J2,...s.9J~ffi?J.1.E...22g~12i!~.8_..:~L...!'!t~~.!:Lt.\!~?,u~i.t!1..! 4
l...h"-W-~"'.(,~.'~iIIIl",J...."-'K""""j.M<"''''''''''''''''1\o.'''''~..'''''''''''''''''-.l''j "._~ .~"':''''''',?....!;I.4IIlo'''''1>-.........._'t....-...~....~.........~.._!t'_....J. ~..~ .i~",,""'~._.~""'L'.-I" 1.~~__"'~t.L....~
PREPARED HA'rERIAL (CON'rINUF.D FRGN f..UG. 29/ G 3) ~ Hr.. ''']0;):1 :l.e pJ'>Op0Sf!cJ
..........~.~~..,.~...'~.4='t""'".....~-I-~...I;,...............r......~"'...,,~..r.._~............&....-#~. ...~...t......!_......,.otI>....,.....l,_~~............................
thut a meet:l.ng Hi ti1 thp.. 2ord.-:lg C(l1tmd.tte.:: bf~ ,'re1ywged in:' 'U-j{:~ pUr'r-o~c
of 'scr'e~ning out ol"l:in,Jnce P17'":.\POIJ.:ll:;; .to b~? p1'ri~~~?Tlted {n!' Commission
C'onG5.dl~r;jtJ_on ..
H12 sta.te:d ~Ij~; ir.t ,Ult to ::'0 c OnlH;2IHl 1:0 t})(.~ J:".'orr.r;Ji"': t.:.'(.'
, I
; .
. ,
tho1':.\e. he. .f,~~:Lt s.hould ~:I',~ given fi1"lovt.::v 'Fh'- '.'Cl;lt~ensu~; of n{..,irt:lon of
paz Ad Minutes
P'lg.e N6
. ; . "~I 'J"';. ..'
; ~,.,:. ~~w~.
.. ,." "..
. '>' . \: >~'~~1 .
. ,. "[l
. .i~ 11
. . ,:j
1. . E. ;~~
, ;;'<t~
rnnmborB pr~sl3nt aocmcd to bf':: that bt.~C/H1SP. of tht;. numb,H' () f l"'~ zen i~'IJ?
.i t<tms .;llr-oady t." be DorH:;dtded lor' 'thIs fi tlut public hOAr'S n;r tit fJolJld
:,~, 'bJ;t well :tc~. Jc~ep nny orodin.:u1c.:l'l pi:"opos..l\l~:; to th,~ very minir.mm arid J1l:.'lt
. ,
clttempt. to (~xpl~c:H.tE~ ':111 p~~0pn~1nl:-i U'iHhn' studV.. t1X'. ~lo11 n inrotrmed the
Board of the Gr.:ht~6uJ. c of datp.!:i ~:~ appT'ovC! ,:1 hy the' COllimi ssJon; DiJ tEl
, I
of: Commission pt)b1.i~' hea't'1.ng set fo'~ Sept 0 '~oth ; .deadl i ne for r.ccorr.,..
mendatj.~ns f'I~lm the Planning and Zon:i.ng BOo.t'd - St~pt. 9th; da te for
public hearing advel:,tisement .n Sept ~ 13th.. XI' . Galloway agl:'leed tCJ at'''.
range fnr the Zoidng eommi ttee to i'leet t,}'i th the Planner and determine
ordinance proposala lo1hich H'o1Jld be consid0red tht~ most impor1t.:t.nt ,for
. recommendatiotl for"' 'this fil"st hearing.. It wag decidC!d 'to hold the
next Board meeti.ng at 2:00 PO' 11... I Wednesday) SeptJ J.lth~ to act' ,upon.
such l"ecomroendati.ons of the Z'ming Committ.et!.. The Boilrd was informed
by Mr~ Reade' that he would be unable to attend (1 meetir!g the week of.
'. '
":.. ,~,
. Sept. .9th... He requested that Ht', Gi{lJ.owa}~ tlcrve ;'is Chnirman ,in his
., ~.~.......
.absence.. 1.,'
. The meeting was adjournud at 5 ~OO P.. H.
,. '
R~9pectfullY submitted,
~tvk~ uJ~~
..j ~k"Vdl.c-~rie:--S'E;C.j'y:
_ ty Planner
~. *~ . ~
, ......"