06/27/1963 .' ,f ~// TT' rOL \f";'~n~l:; \;.~I) -~C~::r:'73 1J(:'\:ti) . ,"""". Minutes of tho Mc~ting; Thursday. June 27, 1963 The meeting was called to order at 3:00 P.M. by the Chairman Mr. Kruse. Present w~rc Members Gates, Kennedy, Mylander and Reade, Mr. Rettig of the Engineering Department, and Mr. Wolle. Member Swan was prescnt later in the meeting. The minutes of the meeting of June 11, 1963. were approved as submitted in written summation to each member,subject to the ardition of two auxiliary words in line 3 Page #3 for grammatical completeness and subject to insertion of the word "has" after (1) in second paragraph on Page 116. AC1'ION ZONING REOUBST Z-S-n-63 NORTHEt\ST CORt-lER HF.:RCUL~S AND DRUID R04D. FROM R-IBs SINGLE FAMILY, TO R-4, MULTIPLE DWELLING =- OWNER: ~M~NN. REPRESENTATIVE: ROBT. MCDERMOTT - (continued from 6/18/631 Mr. Wolle reported that he had additional material yet to be received from Mr. McDermott. Mr. ~ylander re?orted that he and ~r. Kennedy (the two Zoning Committee ~embers present) had looked at the subject property together. .....\ '." Chairman Kruse report~d that in a recent conversation with Mr. Mann at a chance mQ9ting he was told that evidently it was going to b~ difficult to contact all the people involved or inter- ested. Mr. Kruse stated he thought some of the Board felt that the Board ~ad enough evidence to come to a decision. Mr. Gates stated that he understood that peoplo who objected to the 1961 rezoning request have given approval of this current ,request. Upon motion by Mr. Gates, seconded by Mr. _Mylander, the Board voted unanimously to recommend approval of above request for zoning change from R-lE, Single Family, to R-4, Multiple Dwelling, for the Mann property at the Northeast Corner of Hercules \v~. and Druid .1 \ . , ...._1 (Road as legally described in rezoning application dated June 10, 1963) subject to verification of evidence that was submitted verbally by & '?oning applicants at the June 18/63 Plannin~/Board Meeting (C~SE Z-S-o-63). :Y ~';,.: '.J. ". ",-:,.",~ f/':i.,:::~:.: '....;I".l.~...,!~~..:.'; :"':~:".::I,'.:.i.:.J t. ..I:....:';..:l>... ..~,::::.:.>.~.....:: 1:i:,"/, :."'.:i::.~' ::.,l....~;.~.:.::....'. .~'.::..,~,..::.. :'.~:: ::.:.~..\.11.; :,~::;.::....;::.,:. :.<..~;:;j~..~~~.:.; '.. '.' ',,;..' .;.~...::.:..: t:\..: :;::.:.+:,:~::..::~~~ Pl. & Z. Bd. ~inutes fl/27!63 Page #2 I~ . DISCUSSION ZOtilNG ~E~UEST - LOT 16. BLOCK 2 2. MAGNOLli\ PMtK SUB. (GENERhL LOC^TIQN: NORTBE^ST C~B~ER MYRTLE AVE.,^ND DRUID RO^D) - OWNER: SAGONlt\S. REPRESENTATIVE. JOHN BONNER~ I<~ROM R-2. DUPLEX, TJ "B", BUSINESS ':'.. The plBnner~ret'orted thflt the subject reque~t had only been received two days before and that he had informed Mr. . . .Galloway that a Zoning Committee dcclsion would not be requested at this time. He related to the Board information received in a phone call to him from .Mr. Richardson (of St. Petersburg) that some one is seeking this corner property for a service station site. He advised further that Mr. Richardson was not aware that Mr. Bonner had not submitted a co-application from the owner of property to the east of the above Lot. 16. He stated that the application .~ as pr~sently referred to the Zoning Committee was not actually complete, and that Mr. Galloway thought it would be well for the Board to discuss the request. Mr. Wolle suggested that in lieu . of .the lack of full ap'plication covering all property reque~.ting rezoning that the matter be deferred. Mr. Reade moved that all consideration of the ~bove zoning reguest be deferred until full information is received. His motion, seconded bv Mr. Mvlander. was P9ssed unanimously. <,...J Pl. & Z. nd. Meeting 6/27/63 Page 113 r, The chnirmlln introduced Messrs. Morris Prosser nnd Everett Hougcn who. hod rcquastcd to appear before the board to discuss the locrition of a site for a new Post Office facility on Clearwater Boach\ (Letter to Board June 27, 1963). Mr. Hougen described the property rtS Lots 8, 7, 6, Block 1, Clearwater Ileach Sub., N.W. Corner of Somerset St. and Mandalay Ave. Plot Plan was submitted for study. Although request Was for "B" zoning, after some discussion it was agreed that tlp" zoning was more appropriate. The Planner explained the uses and requirements of this zone. Setbacks, access drives and off street parking area wer~ discussed in relation to building area and lot dimensions. In accordance to retail off street parking requirements, the Planner reported that 15 spaces would be needed. He further stressed that maneuver space in such parking area be arranged as to not cause congestion in front of the building and also permit proper entrance to Mandalay AV0. In discussion the following points were noted: 1. Zoning I1pl~ would permit Post Office use. Adjoining ownerships involved no apparant objections. 2. Site location appeared desirable from an access and service point of view. 3. Mandalay ^ve. had adequate right-of-way to provide an ease in the flow of traffic at this particular location. 4. Ownership would be retained by ~r. Prosser. 5. Provided proper zoning be obtained, preliminary committmcnt would be made of the property for long term lease to the U. S. Government. 'wJ Because of necessity for early action on an option for the real estate, Board members at this time generally agreed that the site was perhaps suitabl~ for a Post Office facility and indicated favorable respons<:l to recommend np" zoning for the property when and if formal action is requcst2d. However, they declared that a qualified approval did not necessarily mean that other sites would not be equally acceptable for this facility even to the extent of the utilization of an araa tn the Marina. . :,1 '. .~~., ~.~:. .1",1': .~~ ':. ~. ,,~,'.. '::':':"";':"~ '\:..~..";'" <"~:','.:,:.;::,:, ,'::.,':..;~'. ',~::':,:,:,::,:'l:"""',f"~ "::~:::'::":,, ": I....~'.\.,..".,:.,......... ;.::. ~.:',,:>,,~~,,~,: .~:. :'.".'::".' ::.",'" :.:'."....;.::,':...~:' ..~.-::;I~ . -:':'\\~"';}:~11,~,,~,~,,:,:t":'.I-:"~ ~ Pl. & Z. Bd. Mtg. QHAIRMAN'S ITEMS: 6/27/63 Pngc 1J4 For record of action. Mr. Kruse read to Board mambers n memo he h~d submitted to the City Manager regarding the "Town House" propo!=;:l: and the Board reconwendation. . PLANNER'S ITEMS: a. Mr. Wolle reported that he was investigating the possibi 1L:')- of setbacks being established along specific streets .ar'.d across corners at specific intersections. Such setbacks would be effectiv".! regardless of zone classifications and would be in the interest of safe access and crossings. I b. Chairman Kruse reported that I\Sst. City Attorney Kennedy had drawn up a draft of a proposed zoning ordinacc for Board review. . He further advised that the City Manager had informed him that they would like to have some definite recommendations as it was planned for the City Commission to hold its first public hearing not earlier than the. 1st. .of AUguHt. He felt that it would be difficult for 'members to get a real comprehension of the content just from an "-"", oral reading of the -paragraphs. The Planner surnmarize.d for the Board content of the ordinance draft (as revised by the City Attorney June 27) and offered comment on the various paragraphs. After some discussion, it was decided that Members would be maile~ copies of t~e latest dr~ft of the ordinance for ~tudv and tm t t!"t~ piscussion wo~ld be continued at the nGxt re2ular m~eting. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted \' ' .. I /' ," ..vAt. ", (}.) a-LVL -.r' Jack I. Wolle, Sec'y City Planner ~, . ~ ] . 1 ~...."/