Minutes of the Meeting, Tuesday, June 18, 1963.
' The meeting was called to order at 3:00 P. M. by the Chairtany
Mr. Kruse. 'Present were Members Reade, Mylander, Gates, Kennedy and
Galloway, Mr. Rettig of the Engineering Dept., and Mr. Wolle.
Mr. Max Battle City Engineer, was also resent at -the be innin _. of
fi e meeting.
The minutes of the meetinw of June i+, 1963, were approved as sub-
mitted in written summation to each member, subject to the deletion
of Lines 9 and 10 on Page 04.
GINEER - City Engineer Battle was in attendance by invitation and dis-
cussed with members the proposal for providing for a service roar] for
development of properties on US 19 in the City of Clearwater. (A copy
of the paper, "What About U. S. 19", together with strip milp of this
roadside area and record concerning Mr. Johnson's (St. Road Dept.
Bartow] comment had been forwarded to Mr. Battle for review by the
PInnner prior to this meeting.) Chairm-in Kruse apprised the Bozrd of
the general content-of the reply received from Mr. Johnson in re_, ,d
to the proposal as presented to him in ter. Wolle's letter of May 27,
1963. Mr. Johnson w;.s quoted as ssying that he thous,ht the m:2tter was
--ppro:!shed in a very good way, but that he w.ns of the opinion th.it the
proposed service roads should.be constructed entirely ofd` the present
ri;jht-of-w:-iy. Mr. Kruse further reported th-t Mr. Johnson had ex-
pressed'willin?lness to discuss the m-itter'.further -nd h-id invited
future conferences with himself in B,,rtow.
Mr. Kruse presented ,s the question involved the ,nticip,ted crc7-
tion of .-iddition-:l tr,ffic h za?.rds by re-son of multiple intersect ions
of highways such as US 19 -ind the necessity of limited -iccess to -Ifford
better control.. He stited that he thou,.--ht th t the State Ro-id 'rc'pt,
A*fth can control crossovers. Cdr. Battle noted th-,t the St. Rc-id Dept. c-in
also restrict new crossovers.
P & Z Bd Minutes 6/18/53 Pere H2
Mr. Battle recommended a 24 ft. p,ivement on the side of the
existing State right-of-way, which lie indicated would require that
the abutting owners provide off--street p.zrkint:. lie proposed th-it nn
attempt be made to limit access to U. S. 19 where the State has cross-
over,. He expressed the opinion that 3 lines of each side of US 19
would create .addition-i.l traffic hazards. Mr. Battle sui7t.rested th^t .a
proposal be formulated together with a dr,zwing of a typicil section.
He further indic.-ited that the Board should try to sell the State Ro ,d
Department on the idea of ,a paved access road to t,et slow traffic out
of the way of through traffic. In rea.ard to construction costs, he
surgested that property owners micTht pay for the curbs. It wis de-
cided that the next step would be to set up a meetinv with Mr. Johnson
in Bartow or try to -irr_ange for him to meet with the Board in Cle-ir-
water at a regular or special meetin,,. The Planner indic.-ited that
he would pet some.fi,ures together.
Chairman Kruse thanked Mr. Battle for his attendance and
Mr. Battle left the meeting at 3:30 P. M.
request was t ason1e odle; ave contracted to purchase above
described property and inten Ito build'.a building, wherein Masonic bodies
of the area will have meetings and conduct their business"!
Attorney Robert McDermott and Mr_. John Minn, owner, were present
at this time.
The Planner reported that subject application was in the h-nds of the
Zoning Committee and that Committee members had made ,-i field survey.
He further reported that, at the suc-gestion of Mr. Kruse .and Mr. G,lloway,
he had requested Mr. McDermott to appear before the Board to indicate
the status of contacts with other property owners in the are,-.
4 l
Z lad Minutes
6/18/63 P.-?i •a #3
Mr. McDermott presented the followi.nf, information:
That Mr. W. J. Roberts, owner of the 84 ft. strip adjoin.inf.- on
the east (indicated as parcel #78 on draw.inp), has been
contacted in Pittsburj-,h by Mr. Mann -and lie h.as no objection.'
That the Church of Christ, 'owner c^f adjoining property on the
north, and the School Board have not been contacted.
That Mr. Oscar W,allen, owner of L, t 1, Druid Manor, at the
southwest corner of Druid Road and Hercules; has not been con-
t4acted .
That them are owners opposite in East Druid Estates on the south
side of Druid Road: Mr. Lot 2, has his property up for
sale 'and says he does not object. Mr. Ch 7a)Ws, Lot 3, says he
does not object. It is believed that Mr. ..juifield, owner of Lot
1 on the southeast corner, dogs not object.
Mr. Reade celled to the attention of the applicants that once the
zoning is changed to R-4, the Board has lost control over it within the
limitations of the zoni.n}7. 'Mr. McDermott explained that in the contract
itself it has been requested that they try to pet this chanf:e. He
added ti- -!t if there is any way to mike it conditional upon a Masonic
buildini F beinf- erected, they would be :'flag to cooperate: with the Board.
Reference was made to history of the denial by the Commission in
1961 of a pro,vious request for rezoning of the Mann property for apart-
meet use.
The Board discussed.the affect of the proposed rezoninr on the
possible future development of the -idjoininf; Roberts property. It w7s
learned that there are two single-f•-imily houses nn the. M-!nn property
and one single-firmly house (frontinf7 can Druid Ro,?d) on -the Roberts
property. Mr. G-illow.ay expressed concern th-it -after -,1pprcv-1 of tlic:
Mann request this tadjoi.ninf- owner mif;ht then ask for R-4 zonin}• =?ngpOlr_
hags erect something like a. motel there :7buttin,, the sin,-1Ei--f:)mily
zoning of Melody Subdivision. lie st-ited th.-+t this owner Tni(lht cl?.im
to 1inve a hardship which the rezorinp nf property -idj scent to him
4, 1
P & Z Bd. Minutes 6/18/63 P-ire '114
Upon inquiry, Mr4 McDermott ;advised th it they -tre pllnninr to
provide off-street p.,rkinp and that some of the Masonic rrnup h:id Prc:-
viously conferred with Mr. Wol.l.c: concerning; off-street p:lrkinjy re-
Mr. McDermott agreed to proc-ed_with ?,lett* ' siLned_lettern^of
2pprov2l_or disap ovIl from ad_incent 2r2perty_owners within_a_zonim,
c.hane_:zrot'l Of?ypproxim, zteZyAO-ft._Lzs indicated Wn?ccf}? of_m?pTsnpi-r_
..... _ -. ,..._._ w _ _ _ .. ..
furnished to him by the PZ,?nnor and then meet with the Bo2rd ar iin.
Mr. Rettig informed applicants that nddition.al ri. ,ht-of--w,ay for
Hercules -:nd Druid Road migj.ht be requ ?sted by the City. Mr. M7 nn ad-
. vised that he rave 30 ft. for Hercules Ave. -t the time the Sr,h?,-ol
Board p.- vc 50 ft. Mr. Rettig- advised thzt he did not have definite in--
fcrmntion concerning Druid Ro,-td right-of-way adjoininp this metes and
bounds property. He indic-itod that if the right-of-way is there, he
would like to have inform,7tion ?s to the instrument of record,
Chairman-Kruse-advised that action on this Zrninp Requos-t_Z-5_6-63
would be_ deferred pendin_further contact by_14r. McDermott_
(continued from June 11/63) - The Chnirman asked th.it that Bc: ird t.-tke
action with rct-,rd to request f??r recommendation contii nod in the Cite
ManaHer's Memorandum dated 1.1,~y 31, 1963, which was rc:-id to the! Board
at this time. After consideration of information that hail been nre-
stinted and reviewed to d atc, -7nd ,a ftt--r discussion with Mr. Myl.-nder
and the planner concerninc.- their cnmmcnts offered, the fnllowin,- mo-
tion WL-is-m.-idc by_Mr._Gallowny;
"Thpt the Dotard withhold specific recommendatinn in view elf
the fact that' has nct been presented with ,n .,ctu-il site
plan cf the propose ;d structure to be erected on Lot 1 (one),
P 5 Z Bd Minutes 5/18/63 P.: go #5
Oakwood Subdivision; thi t the Board invite the City Commission's
4 attention to City ordinances requiring offstreet pirkinV
space of 160 sq. ft. p,,r dwellinp unit, exclusive of access,
and in :addition, to City ordinance limiting the curb cuts to
one ?m{aximum 30 fta cut in 80 ft. Those combined nffstreet n,tir]c-
ing repul.ations would, in the Board's opinion, prohibit.adc-
quate offstreet parking in the front or roar of the indiv4'uni
units proposed for the project as submitted to }the Board
for its consideration;
"further, that it is'noted that it is possible that off-street
parking requirements could be mot by providing a parkinr
area at either end of the lot which would provide ri minimum
of 160 S'
q. ft. of parking area, exclusive of Access, for
each unit, but the Board reserves further comment pendi.ni.
the receipt of such information."
Mr. Galloway's motion was seconded by Mr. Kennedy and was Passed
The meeting was adjourned at 5:25 P. M.
Respectfully submittxI,
Jack T; Wolle, Sec'y
City Fianner