06/04/1963 ':: ',: ,~,.'...': :..~ ',t:, '." ':,< , ,'-I' j' ,,':.', ':", p,'~ . : ;~;, : ',:..1 /, ':,~:' ,'.' .,;,' :',' ~', ::' ."i/' :" " : ..;;~: ::r,' .~ ',:' :.~ '. '. i<,: :.1: ::.~'! :':~,: ;, ."~~: :':: /', '", \~\::,': :.", I':, : '.' f.~ f~\ ,l, ~ : 'c~: :, .',' : ~ : .~ ,; 'I ;:, :~~.:.':< ',: ::",.< ~',::.{ '.~ ,~~', '-:,./:, :1::, .~';It', ,'.,: :."~,; ': ~:~ ::','.' ': . ~ '~~ J ! , ., 'l'HJ~ PlANNING AND ZONING l3CJARD /' \,./ Minutes of the Meeting~ Tuo.sda}'_ June l~t 1~l53. The meeting was cAllod to ord~r i.rt 3: 00 p" M.. by the Chairll\an t 1"11".. KX'usa.. PrGGant wora Merrd:>eX's Ha.ude, l(cnnedy, Gatf':l!:J, H~/landar and Galloway 5 MI'.. Rottig of the Engi.neeX"ing DeptlT."trnant, and Mr" Wolle" The minutes of the maetingo of May l'l, 21, and 20') 1563., wet'e appr'oved as written. ZONING CASE Z-3-S-63.. t,OTS 1102.. J.3 & 14-'....)IIGHLAllD l,tILL SUB- DIVISIO'tr::..,t[Z"'ON1N'G'rmn1'~::~Lt; "fii:l-TI't'l-1'l\ R":4-:r.ID1'7fl1iCE-~L- '1I!.r~flJ.:c&f!l2~-.rr;: .:EEl:~B.r:;-G'reil;;rel!ioc"a t ro;"'o{' 7{I'equest'Was described as the Northwest Corner of Jeffords Street and Highland Ave. Reason for raequest "JaB given by applicant as to allow a planned apartment project according to drawing 8ubmitted~ Adjoining land use was described to tIl('! B()ard as singh!-farnily to the north (within same subdivision) 't single-far.lily to the sO\lth.,. and single-family (within Parkwood Subdi. vis ion) to -the \-tea t ... Hr.. 11ylandet" reported that he and ~w. Kennedy had jointly visited this prope~ty and identified tpe loca- tion as opposite the recently annexed "iJ1CA site on the east aide of Highland Ave. He stated that his reconooendation would be to deny the application and that I1~u Kennedy had expressed himself as being unde- cided. The Planner informed the Boa~d that the original intent in zoning of this area 'VIas ~o terminate 'the liB" zone (as presently exist- ing) at Barry Street. It was noted that houses in Highland Hill Sub- diviaion have a deepe~ front setback than required by ot'dinance and fron't on a 100 ft ~ l''1ight.wof-way" Reference Has made to single--family zoning on the Southeast corner of Dr'uid Road i'lIld Highland Ave.. and to zoning and existing al'ld Pl"cposed ttSC~l of propt:!I.ties to the south (east: r'''- side of Highland) t eJ~tending 'to Be.1"ry S1:1"set, Hl"~ Galloway L"epol"i:ed tllat in phone discussion ,.d tl'\ Commi.t-cee Member S\omn ~ he lci:1rned that Hr. Swan thought the Boal"'d should hold th(~ line on thl:: establishtd zoning of this subdivision" l1E'~1l9:!E-')':".J;1l~1}_,__~ff~E~..J'~~...!.~.2}~~, ~n..d~_t~....9.~",?_~__1!11L.19Eiua~~~~~.....!2-r~!!?;..~!.l........tJ.1.~~t:l.fJ.S_.~..::..U;w_~o.n.ir.w of 'these four lots (Case 1.-3-5-63) foY.' T.h(~ T'(~aB{)n5 -'dv.~!.: this ........~-r,...........~~.-.-....~Io4-~,..,...,.,......,.~..L.I;;o...___...u.w...._._........._'""'t,..~1.............~,.-_.... --~...... ~Ho."._lt ......,.... ..-~- - I' ,! P 8 Z Bd 11inute9 GIll /6:.1 Page I? o , is within a vory current plattod oubdivi~ion;' loto abut current ,Ringle-family subui v:tDion developmtmt to tho not'th., ~louth ~ and west; l:,e:r.onlng of these 4 lota would p-otllblish i\ spot zoning of mul ti-fami.ly; and it i6 reasonable to expeot continued development of singlo-family usage for these lots. !LP..2!.!..m?~ti2..l?__!?~_~9~d~,'_~.!!2.~-1:x-.l1!~~~ .!h.e__Bo~~ ,!otecl;, ..\l'lcm~,m~:)\~sJ~~~.~.E~~Y! ....t!~-q ..E.~..9..9EJ!Il.s..nsla t},; o!l..:...9J__th e ~E.!n.L~~~J!'!-~~~~ PROCESSING OF CONDOMIUItIr1 REQUESTS - LETTER: LLOYD PHILJ.tIPS ... """'..~1+~."'~~"""""""""""''''lr-~ - .....,.......".t.A~~.....~..........,.,.~t....~.....~_~ "TOWN HOUSES" - Chairman l(l....usc read to the Board letter of June ~"""""""""""""'''~U'tMI~ 3,. 1963, from 'M~,", Lloyd ~. Phillips t Attlnmey, in which, he made request that "the m~tter' of tfTawu H"llsl~nfl I"'~f~,rrt.H~ to the Board by the City Manager' be put on 'the Board af.cncJ~ for the earliest time possible. Also read fo~ the Boa~dts information was Mr. Phillips; orig~nal letter of Hay 29, 1963, ~o Mr~ Stewart containing request on behalf of his client, Mr. Robert Spencer Cal\'l",' fot. time on the agenda of 'a Commis- sion work session to diseuse a proposal for "Town House" development in the City of Clearwatero Mr. Phillips also anticipated the atten- dance of Mr. Daniel M~ Knoebel of Ftn Pierce, State franchise holdeI"' , for these homes prefabri.cated by U. Sp Steel.. In his letter to t1ro Stet.zart Ml".. Phillips stated: "The pX"oblem involved, of cout"se1 is the fact that there is a minimum lot size under our zoning ordinance, and ii: would be necessary fo~ a new classificntion to bp. established to take cat'le of -this type of house. Each house is individually otvned by individual owners, Nho receive a deed from the developor fer the land on which the house sits ,\ This 1.B "true even though there is a common tvall.. If ", --./ MrB Mylander repeated his Gtatement made to the Bonr'd aftar , his contact by HrB Carr in April that Hl"'.. Cat'"'!' Hants to b~ able 'to guarantee owners fee simple title to p:ror:1ifJes they actucLlly occupy" Consideration ""as given to inqul)'1ies. by members t..1hich inclicated the Board felt that' pointo rcquil1ing further (1iscu'ssion in the ligh1: of m01."e. detailed infol"'l1k\tion \le:i'e: I. ' .......... P & ~ Bd. Minutftu 6/ .U G :1 Pap,o 03 r.... O~tr.!'}"minl\tion of IJl~OpOl'\ zmdng claosi,fic;.1tion fl'Xioting oX" to be propoood for such atructuro3 (auggcotion made by the Pll1nnet' fot" pOBGiblo. inclusion as nn excfltption under the Bourd of Adjuotsnent Clnd Appoal on Zoning)o Status of bomestead exemption and tax assessment fo~ ouch structures. PI'ovisiCJl\S ta be llM10C for offstl"lc.et parkinR whEn"!! no garages provided as part of unitso ' Repot'ted recent State leg:tslation concerning Condominiums and Coopot'lltives.. Compliance with building code requiI'ements.. Acceptability of row house developments in the Clearwater area.. Hr.. \o1011e reported" that upon phone inquil:'Y to the Pinellas County TuX Assessors office he had obtained th~ information that th~ assessor's 'office is giving one homest~c.1d ~J:,~n'pt~,(1n against a mul ti.-family structure and that they have rlt....t bl~.<:n 'giwm authority to bill separate units 0 Mr. ,.tolle pointed out map J,oci.1ti4)n l.'Jf .'J:C".. Carr' 5 propel:'ty at the corner of Eldridge Stree~ and OsceolR on the Bay. He informed the Board that Mr. Carr's resident.!'e is on, tI!e Bay and that a flTown House." is to go on the same property., Mr ~ ~~m.ade ~.J!l.9~t:~,l:L tl}~:-.~!biEs .!:E.s~J1~~~11r-:>.. _~ and Mr~ Knoebel be invited to meet with the Board for a conference. -..~+~~, ....~ -. """'W'1.~"""""~ __~......~,...._-.:.a""""""".",~"",~"""~",,,,ua.....~,..,-",,,,,,,,,,~~,,~ His motion was seconded bV t-h"~ Reade and was passed unanill\Q\lslv~ ................................."........____'P.'NJl!I ..-.... ....~.~...............'D...-.~~oIIM...............~y~..,.,~I.Jf...................J4'............"..r.......-..........~...-....~'--."..."'.......'lI...... Mr'o Nylander stated that he would try .to find out in the meantime what the State has done in the mattC::lr of condominiums. ZONING TO COI1HITTEE - BLOCKS H X. 6 N I-nBr.~C1JUARnfJ1~~ , A"p1Sm:A"'i"~ron-OlrREZ6NYNG""R:'''2~''~8Yi ftLEX:,u';rO...~ttR:"-ti:-M-U L TT f AMr.tY;~~ ~~~~~.L~~lh_1.1_~t<!11=.2l:L:,..lm2.,.l1,f~..t.~21,L.r~,j.2.F.E~~,.,J.:Lo .]'!.W..W..&-QJ2J.ll:: ~!!2:....!~~~~t~ft~ti2,.Tl.llllfL,~P...$?,.r,!..:;. 1 '-.~~' ZONING PROCEDURES - DISCUSSION HITH CI'l',Y ..A'I'TOljll.12.x,J2F.~ill -- .........'P<III. "X""".........,,;I;.4I11'IJ ~............ot...,:q~.... ......_~...aa.J......\oI'.A.:..I....-....-........llii,.....~....'........... J.......... .......--............ Ci t'y Attorney Bromm ~la8 sc)heduled. to meet with the BORrd 1 but was unable to be pre.sent. "rh(~ Board cOIl1:inued its di.scussion of' z,-:ming procedures to be :r:'ccommendr;Jd for Opc!\~tion under. the ne'W l(~f'.i.sliJ.tivc \~'...:'.', >c .1:",.;.1':::'.\':;;."::: "~~':<-:-:.,~.'::'~'..:\'" .l.o-;,;};,;.. ".~::j:' .:.....(.:<':. ;:': ~'Y',,~"~":t'.:: I~,:.',"~:": .,~: ~;, ':~ ~'.,:.:: :'.~"..I,..,:..:;,;::::,..~:~1 :- ..::;....;.)<~,~','..:,....,~T,:..::'~:..,::,/::.;':;' ,::~,:;.:~.'.. "~:'.\' /:':;"'~'l~:'" -~,':: j" ',~'.;::;,;,'~":.( P ti Z Bd Mimrten GIll /6 3 Pa gf:' Ill. bill amending Seotions 7 and 79 of the Ci,ty Charter'. Chairman 1<ruIH! reported that in convorsation 1<.'i th 'theCi ty ~ Managcl".. the City Manager gave hi.m to Und~I'Btand thiJ.t the City Com- mission felt tha't the Board should h.ave the public hearing when t'le- quired and that tha City Commission may O~ may not have ~'public f\1 ~ (,)..' · ~i '......... : J '...... , \ , '...../ hearing~ Hro GlllloW'ay,. Chairman of the L\'ming Committee,. stated he thought the Boat"d' 8 p:roposal on ch,;mge fr'om the referendum syatem an-- ticipated that a Commission public hearing \~ould be held in each case. ( I>lr. ~.. Q ..:ta:t..<l-he 'lib <>light ~ommi:ssi:orr-may<:l,,:1:e gate--tl1!!--. 1'ul>1-:i:e-heap1 "g t'Qllld T'AlDRl'J'!:.jo Jilt: ~d )__ . ,11enlber-s agreed that the Board would have mOI'e I'esponsibil:i:t:y than 'in the past in ~ga1:'d to t'ecornmendations submi:tted,. and that it \o7as to be expected that more time ~ould necessarily be devoted to the con- siae~ation of zoning matters. }~. Galloway recommended tne hOlding of public hearings by the City Commission (as -the body invested with the authority of making decisions) and a policy of holding of info~mal con- ferences with interested persons by the Board,as required. He felt the zoning decision should be made by elected officials. Mr. Mylander agreed with Mtt.. Galloway that the City Commission should not want to give the Board its perogative to have public hea~ingn After Borne fu~ther di~cuBsion as to policies of pUblic notice concerning zoning changes, ~~~ ~~~~1i~~u"B~.t!t~I:1.r..._lfti-~9~..1!2!:.t1.d__J2~f;lli!!'!t~:E!.1;.te.n ~..!!l..9.~~IJ.!n a.,.Qt:..~..9_~r..~.- al18~~j;_~~-1l2~g...J!!...~ ~~ ....n~e. ~..tf!Lih. OFFER - COUNTY PLATTIHG 'fROPIC HII.LS SUBDIVISION - l1r. Wolle ro- ~+~._~..~~~.....~_....~ ,ft...-....'--'"~,_....,~....,t1...,...__....__-........_n.- ported 'to the Board that t1r.. Gillenwater's'I- developer' of Tropic Hills Subdivision on US 19, had J;'eviewcd the mas'tax' plans of n\~ l1earlows ,\ and also of Horningside Estates ~ .' He ,indicated he 'Wl'iuld c,ontac-t the -: ~ .' ; t .. l '. .,' :' ;',: :',. "', :" I: : ,~ ' '..;' .'. .':'..~ ' I .::' :"., ,;' .:', :/', ' :~ ", '," ',.~' '; '..... ~', ,.'.' . :.. " ....".~ :', ',: f",:.,',;....' 3';"':'" ,":-:' ,', :' :,:' " / ' .' t~: .. '.... '.., ' ' '>. ;-. :.' '\: ' / ':' I';.,', I .'. :." , ~~, ' ,,:': '. ,.'.'.''' ..' . ~ ,:,:.' . : .: :~ . ' P 6 Z Bd Minutes 6/1./&3' f'ilgF1 05 .. /: , owners of these subdiviaiona expressing h:ts williTlF.{ncga to provide linkage stret!ts to thei~ nubdivisi.ons withi.n hi.s next plat (unlt) e , Suohpla't: would havf) a :right...of-way spur 'to the, north providing rov possible f'utu1"e extension to Ec1enville i!TlO 'to l1agnol.in DrIve. He did not indicate that he llould ask annexation ~o the ci 1:y. AGENDA ITEM 7(b) t1YRTLE STREET EXTENSION STUDY was not discussed " , '~" "... i:',,~ ~ ' , ' > , :',c . ~ : , " /c1 because of lack of time. '- )'.' " " The meeting was adjourned at 5:20 p~ M~ , I, ..,., ,I Respectfully submitted, .. :~'~~~'Y , (Jir:;~lanner, , .d I.'': " . e, ,", '. \' , ,', " ~?:.:" '. ~ , 1 ,~],., ,:' , ", ;: i.;~ ::"'.:: , ~.,.. " ' 1::~:,,::C) " . , " :1(<:~. .. :' 4 ~ ":', , . ~!:~:. ' I , <,':-':", ..., L' ;,' 'I 1" " 'It, , ' ;'. -I": ... '~~;", ".,,' .:. I ,~: '. ~ , ' ( I' ~: ~. . ~ ., ., I '. ~' I' Jo,1 t, " ,,: : " " , ) : ' , , .,~,: ' . . '. ,', , " ~,~,' >~:" ~ : ' .,;,....) t' , j\ .'h,t' I ;~:~\~:,' ,': . r<c , ';1.." : ': ~ :< ".' ,~ ; ':...' " ) :"/, :" ,.-;, ,~,r ,',~' \' ,,:, ~ ' .' ~;,. :", ''- "":' ::~: ' ,:,.: . .' : '. :: ., ,. ". :!::' ,', ~ -:.... . :,' :.'" ': ;, 'j ,~: '.' ': :,: ' 'I' '..".\ ~> .~~. "I \':, " :': ': ''', ',: :'>':,: ", .:',; :':.~'"" ' . ,I' ,.'. ::.:.:~,,:" :...',~, : '.', LJ ",.;..., :.'~,.: '.. .~':-:-: ::.'.',.: ~ ~ '~ :, FINDINGS OF ZONING PHOCr.:DURA1" CONHT.'T'rEl:: ,"-""" The prohlems discussed herein aro tho 17'csul t of the Legislative bill amending Sec. .7 and Sec~ 79 of the City Charter to eliminate "the nec~saity of a public referondum on all ~;oning changes. and pe1"'mi tting in addition to the retilined provisions of See.. 79 the ,l.dopt~on by ol'ldi- nance by the City Commission of applicable sections of Chapter'176. Florida Statutes of 1939 reg#'l.rding municipal zoning. Th(~ Q\lestion bef"'>!le us in \-rhether to .'\~~cOll'lmen"l to the City Com- mission the adoption of Sections l76~04, 1';'6_05', l"6.0G~ and 176.07 of the~rab . Chapter 176. ~ 1. Sec. 176.04 provides zoning must be made in acc()l"'dance · with a Comprehensive PlanA - ~ 'Section 176.05 provides au.thori ty for the C:1 ty Comm.ission to make zoning changes aftar due noi:ice as set fOt'th therein . iJlbY publication and folloHed by a public heal\ing. . Sec. 176.06 provides for a 3/~th6 vote of the City Commission ^~IJJ, required 1:0 pass a zoning change over the prote.at of ownerf:; Il~11 of 20% or more either of the area of the Iota included in IJ.. such proposed change or of those immediately adjacent in the ( 'l rear thereof extending 500 feet therefrom or of those directly "It) opposite thcit'eto extending 500 feet fl'om the street frontage ~ ,i \ of such opposite lot's. 4. Section 176.07 p~ovides for the appointment of a zoning ,commission (board) by the governing body of a municipality. Also it states, nSuch zoning commistiion (boaY'd) shall make a E.~~imil1ar'y' re:Eo~t and hold PUbliHP-e.!!!'i~~ thereon oerore'" '""" ~u 1J'.!.f~~ i"t~!~;t,-l~eiqr~.. a-ndt. e . govern~~n-g-1)ooy Of saId )nun~C1pa 1ty s a not hold ~ts pUD1~c heer1ngs or take ac- tion until it has received the final report of ouch commis- sion ' (board).. 11 5. Section 176 ~ 24 provide's 'that thi6 chapter (176) shall not be cr.ms'tl"lted to have the effect of repealing, impairing, OI' mOdi.fying any general or special la\4 gX"anting any like Ol" simi- lar pOHers' to any municipality in the s'tai:e ~ but "the powers herein granted shall be supplemental and cUJ~lative. CONCLUSIONS I.. Th~ elimination or a public t'efcrendum on zoning changes requires the adoption by ordin~nca by Ci~y Commission of Sections 176004, 176u05~ and 176.06 above~ ,A review of the Zoning Regulations from uLand Use and Zonine,ff (Part II of the Comprehensive Plan for Clea.rHater) by Harland Bartholomevl and Associa.tes (8/30/60) indi- cates i ts endors~ment of th(! foJ.lO'1.olil".g pl'1occdutle in enaetml'~nt of zoning amendment3 nnder Chaptev 17f)~ A. Application for' c"nange .by e.n' l)ff.i.~ial (If the City or' by any indi vi.dual or fl '(".ii. , ) '....../ . 'B. Report' on' the effect of such ch;:mgc on 'the communi"ty by the Planning and Zoning Board" ,t- , r~ Zoning Procedurnl Commi tt.ee - Pn",G (12 C.. HOlding of a publ:f.c hearing hy .the govcl'ning body of the municipality on each individual proposal nfter legal notice as sot forth in Sections 116...05 nnd ~76..06.. De Evaluation of e,11 evidence and approvul or disappt'oval by the City CmI'J\1itloion.. If .sppt'loved tha zoning am~ndmen1: is a,ccompliahed by a muni.c:t1'lel oNlin.:1nce which becomes ef.. foctive imnledi.e.h!ly.. UndeX' the above rccommei."l':}~d px.'ocodu:rc by Harland Bartholome\o1, the Planning and Zoning Board operating under Sections 176.041 176..05 and 176. 06 is not obligate.d to hold public lle;;u'Iings in arriving at its recom- mendation on 'zoning changes to the City Commission, but i~s decision must be based on the follO\.d.ng special conditions which must be met: - 1.. C9nsider existing conditions including land use, lot area, building height and ya~ds.. 2. Be in accordance with a compreheneive plan~ 3u Apply uniformly to eve~y parcel of land within the dis- trict. q~ Be reasonable in the 'sense that any property within a dis- -rrict nmst'be able to be used for the purpose for which it is zoned. II. However, if Section 176.. 07 \ofere adopted, as set forth pX"ior ht!!re- to, the Planning and Zoning Boa~d is specifically required to make a prelimina~y report and hold public hearings thereon before sub- mitting its final report and the City Commission could not hold its public hearings or take action until it received the final report of the Planning and Zoning Board.. Under Section 176.0 7 ~ the Planning ~'1d Zoning Board is required to hold public hearings in every case wi~hout exception where a zon-, ing change is involved which would result in duplication of public hearings because the City Commission as the final authority in ap- proving or disapproving a zoning change has a mandate 1:0 h.:>ld a public hea~ing Defore reaching its decision under Sections 176~OS and 176~06.. g.l;I.~,Et.:. - If "the Plam1.ing and Zoning BoaZ"'d ~vuS oper>ating under Section 176.07 and protest was made befoT'e -the Board by owners of 20\ of proper>ty in the specified area mentioned in Section 176 ~ 06, ~To\11d the Planning and Zoning Board be limited in l-.eaching a final report by the 3/~th vote required in Section 176.061 RECONNENDNfIONS 1. For the above l"easons., -the Planning and Zoning Boi:tt'd should uI"ge the City Commission to adopT. h;i ordini.lnee Sc:c.ti.ons 176 n Ol~ , ..176.05 t and J.76..06G ; '~.../ 2 ~ It should urge "l"'ej action of Scetion 176" 0" becuas€l of dupli- cation of public hecn"ings a.nd bec.:J.use 'i:he Planning and Zoning Board decision should be based 9X"'imarily on its own rllCm:b031'5' e.va:t nation of the cas!;, uoing 'i:he four specie.!l (!.ond:i.tions sc.t tJut in the Hurl,"md II '\ .;" ;: ~ :. .::'\ /0 : " '; .',', .",::"1' .' ,,~ ~1, '.:. " ':' ,,:' :,.:, ':,:..;':, r ::':,':'::.,: .' 0'::"..., .:' '," ':' ,:. :,. ': :~":"'.':: ',': ',', ';'. ", ':, :~'>', 1 "'::: ~ ' ~\\ :',': :' ,';\; ',l.l,.::: ~ ' ;' ..,' ;, ',:.'.;: :', :'; .'; ;: '.:, ::: ~:;:. .~ \ ,:;',. ~,: :.:.::.,: : ~\,:.~ ..: ~'/ :'.~' ~. {. ':";'1 ~ ',': " ::'::';:: :<' ",.I:r:::::,'~ ': Findi.ngs of 7,on:i.ng Pl"ocedu'l"al Conlmi 1:1:0:0 - Page ''J Ba1'ltholomew t:'cc()mmend(~d pt~OCec1ln.'1e fot' considlH"atioTl of zoni.ng (~hangea hereinbefore net forth~ (~ 3. Final decision is vested in the electp-d City Commission which will reach its decision after evaluation of the Planning and Zoning Board recornmendation as it might be supported or modified in tho 1udgment of 'the City Commission by all the evidence presented at the pUblic hearing b~fore the City COTtlfi\ission. :-\ i ......1 .-/ , . ll. Notice required by Section 176,,05 and 176..06 should be by posting of premise.s ~ publication iiS sc-t forth thel"ein and w1"itten notification tc.. owners within a 200 foot radius. s ~ The prote.st in Saction 176.. 06 aht)uld be lirni ted to Otfmera in a 200 foot radiuf3 5.n5t.t~.;td of 500 feot uS therein 0 6.. The e)tisting zoning ol'ldinanc€I allows the City Cormni!3sion to zone all annexed prope:i:'ty as i'c sees fit (Ot"dinance 642) and seems apprOptliil'te.. This method is inconsistent tnii:h. Chaptel'l 175 in tha.t, there is no pUblic hearing" It ia recommended that hereafter all pl'loperty be an.nexed \t7ith the most 1"estrict1.ve zoning and thereafteI" the zoning be changed in accoI'dance with Sections 176,,05 and 176.06. 7.. Pt"oceedings hefoI'e the Planning and Zoning Board should be simPle and informal.. Under present policy; any interested indivi.... dual or corporation has ahmys been extended the privilege of ap- pearing be'fore the Planning and Zoning Board to present, his case.. This policy has worked well in the past and should be continued.. ' 8. If public hearings were adopted before the Planning and Zon... ing Boa~d under Section 176n07, such public hea~ings would be re- quired in every zoning change,both because of the compulsovy language in the Statute Section 176..07, and because to do other-..7ise Vlc.lUld open the Planning and 'Zoning Board to the cri.ticism of not handling all zoning change cases in a consistent manner~ 9" Public hearings before ~hc Planning and Zoning Board would necessitate the keeping of a recording of evc~y individual's testi- mony as a basis fo~ the Planning and Zoning Boavd decision. 1~e rGa- son fol" ,this is that this testimony might be 1"'equired in the subse- quent hearing befoI"e the City Comj1d.ssion if any change ~ or i~consist-. ency, developes in the Ci 1:y Commission h-::'1a!..~ng from that pZlevJ.ously given at the hea~ing befrJl"'e the Planning and Zoning Board" F.ut'i:her- more, if the case ~ould be appealed to the ci~cuit Cou~tSt ~ t~an.' script of testimony taken at the public hearing befor>e the Planning and Zoning Board t-olQuld moat likely be required t, The r~sult of this will be ii, complex and un~.delrly, p1."ocedure befol'!? the Plann.:'l1g and Zoning Board Which is undesirablep :lo: 10. As sta1:'ed by Harland Bartholomew ;::3:1: Pa.rr(~ SO of its Zoning R~RulatiOl'\a from ULand Use ilnd Zoning": '. .."., ~ ',.,. ;". , : I j ~ \. ,',::. . '. +, '': ... ,:' " .~,,' '. " ..' . : I: ,::. ,\" ,~:,:.' I I .',..,':.., ':::: ..:::,~',.', .';:,' ',! ,I.:, :' ',.'. :' ' . < '::: ..',,' ::,~:: ~ ':V,~ f . '/~'~ " ~: . :i: .~, ~ :' h.: . :' I : '. " .', ','~, ":,.~.'~: ~.. ::, ::'>:' ;~ <, ':: : :,:~ :'~\. ~ , ' :.., ',', :: " ',' ,. ,:, , :. ", f~ , ~', F~ndinge of Zoning Procedural Committee~ Page 14 "The mecha.nism for amending or ohangi,ng a zoning ol"dinance based on authority granted in Chapter 116 requires: A. A repo~t by the Planning and Zoning Board. B.A publio hearing as p1"'esct'ibed by law befoZ'e 'the govcl~ing body of the municipality, c. Approval by the City,Commission,," The above represents 'a simple. clean cut, easily understood and workable prooedure for ZQn1ng changes without duplication of effort , and possible troublesome oonflic~s. .. .~ , . \... , ' .' \.', " ' "<:- , ' ~ .' '\1 Submitted by Elme~ Mylander , , <' ' \. ',' , 1 ~ j , q", . " , ,\ . ,:,I~ ;. ~ '" :~ i . " " :- I.,. ?:.3'", ~': ~;'I. .~' " ....~ " , ,. '::' , , ., . , . ., , , '.~' , . " . " < , . ' ~ ~::,)" . '\' i:" ' , :~~ . ~, ~ c ,1 \! '.>1 jo' , 'I , ' ". '. , 'J , , ..1' '.' ;,. ','J' ' C Prepared by P 6 Z Sune 11, 1963 ..,. /. ~~ ", . ;:, <(:;. '.' , I "-," , '" ~ ;', ~, :