05/23/1963 - Comprehensive Plan MeetingZ f 1' Bd Kinut('m ; /1k1/U3 i'ago Is
COMPREHEONSl'VE PLAN NF.,L:TVIG MAY 23 y ti f? u 3 •• Cl? :% irinan Krixn ri voportad :
•r.•r.u.a.rwrr+w. r.rrrw..r..r r•.. ......,w.,r..u-n..a.h wr• i •. ww •.•.....w+r .-•..w. ....ww.r, 4...
Th&t it had been finGtl..i.l.ed that th.v mueting woril,d be held
on May 23 at the M4tno??i.al Civic Center rind that: Mr. Tied
Robiwaon of Harland Bartholomew otxi d be in attendance.
That in accordance with d:i.s c us!.?ioA pith the City MareaVer and
Mayor Weatherly, it wnul•d b-.i the rc:raeLllls ibil.ity of the Board
to arrange details of the prngram and provi.da for put].ielty.
ni=? iG•',-b r of invitation -to Mayors of the surrounding itieu and Chairman of •the C ouri•ty Coiwn:i.asion had Freon sent
oAAt Over Mayor Vleatherl.y'a r3ignatura with tba Mayor's approval;
also that invitations had been sent to members of the Upper
Pinellas County Planning Commission.
Plans were being made for itimJ:61.cit r through lleWl.,PEIPMIX; and
other media.
The suggestion that former - Mayor Homer be Master of Ceremonies
was being; considered, although not definitely decided.
Mr. Kruse outlined a program proposal as follows
Opening remarks by Mayor Woath+-111Y,
Introduction of Mayor Homer -as Master of Ceremonies
Talk concerning the Board by Mr., }Cruet.
Mr.. Robinson's px•*esenta•t;i.on..
Mr. ?Gal.lowuy' g presentation
r? Mr. kiolletu slide presen'ca?:ian .(possible participation by
the City Manager)
The Chairman announced that by the time of the meeting definite in-
formation would be available regardi.ng the enactment ini:c? law of the
legislative zoning bill.. He °inl ormud members that this bill had been
passed by y both ho??safi of the Fla, Lagisla`l?x_^e witbout any requirement
for referendum approval of the enab"Ung law.
The Board approved -the Pl nnev' 1 proposal to submit notice to'
the American Society of P1ann ns, o;flci.a l.s an to the rPZA Newsletter
concerning availability of the (,o npii eb :!ns i.ve Falzin Repc. t - The Board
also approved se?g?gQe tz.on of Mr-, Ua ?-?r b i-t: h,-, , r,i,ake ?,x;nounceit?r; nt of
availability of this report and ext'-and Leiv i.t[e ? i ter. to the pi.thi x.c meet -
ing to the Cl.eartarrtar.--Largo Boavd of 11,:ral't;ovs at LTc special luncheon
rrtee ing to be ,held in Dun,-,--din car, MA r 'Irh!:t Was 1.e,+T=xEed that this
l.unr:heon was in conjinicti-on ?a?.tl? the rYlebv,?ti?rn of Rt??l tarn W?:-3
Z 9 P ad Meeting F,11.416 3 I'farr,%) #G
PAPER "WHAT ABOUT [!, :i. IS" - f) S0.1JSSX0N ... The I11.anner diti-
.MMtiWPM.rFIFt.MMW?q,V.4..w1Wrlw'/?w.4.lrrf M.ww.4wl,.vlwlwxts.! f<r[..yYVrrWrer[U..?rY.•M.Y-N ?f•+
cursed with the Hoard points cove-rad in p aj)or dintri.bu-0.,d to mambars
at the May 7 meeting. This paper r. t3c,*.J )e-d x avorabl e comment from
both the Cha:tvinan and Members. Mr. We lle cilso displayed and ex•-
plained a strip map, with ehart , of the 4 mi.lcq of 'ro.-ic3side e_;
tending from Union St., extonded on the no-Pth to Delleair Road.
Existing' uses were indicated as to location and property 014nerslsip?
County zoning was further pointed ot3t, as we-11 as road extensions.
It w asw;a. gq?Rtj to send .a copy . of.-this
..t ; x rand ni4. .,; o I?ry„Johfison 2.
xt.Bartow,, rior aa,, to-
District, Engjn?4M•wAer of?V.1.FYYr44 the St. Road Dt rtma
. ?FN,.r.wYV.1 .+11..MlYnYI/'u•f: r+Nr+r. +...srJwVrri ar. rewwaM1 .l..n .aw .wt?wWU.I 4rsnffwt.lwwrfWraY sw.?^NSR.
ethewith a let -er requesting ?his Comm ntr,.and?1'rivyitint. bim to_?.
meet with the Board in two or three weekn for d is ciasaion of the
. .1?faa.r..F+YwrlViVf.l.....WSnlYNiacar..Maa?i.qJ.^rwuR/?'+4r.f MaruoVi.r•....rYiLa.+w^?/.i..aas.?.?.{Mrl.r.;+.Raaitl.^••••a.Iw•. .--..._.f4?.. .rY.rM
'drop°s, 1. It was to he suggested that his attendance he scheduled
S.o%j a resinar Tuesday mee-bing if postdhle., or that .in -the event he
planned to be in the Clearwater area 'at any other, time, a special
ineeting might be called
?MYYIMl.YM1MOMIri.Y./.M AIYWSYfIwfIMWM9AVw•?••?s. •-•_.-.?=N'?V.1.
production of -sheet on "Definition of a C0mPre1Ler1uiV1- Plan's for
distribution a•: 'the May 2 - meeting,.
Planning literatur. e was dis tribi ted:.
llie meeting Bras ads curned at 5:1.0 T1, M.
Respectfully submitted,,
.a c.
ity Planner