blinutea of the Meeting, 't uo.sday , April. 9, 196). ?
The moeting. was Called bo at '1:00 11. M. by tho Chairulan
..? lAr. l, Kruse. P reaernt: were Mlembers Reade, Harries ; Mylander, G,.'At; ors,
Kennedy, Galloway and Swan, Mr. ftett-ig of rh:, Ginginoeri.ng Dep-ai-tment,
and Mr o Wol:ia .
The minixtes of the m;--eti.ng of March. 26, 1963, as sttbmitated in
urri,tten surmnation to each member, were tapprov,ad Ath correction in l.at3t,
sentence on Page X16: wording- "to represent this prosentatiun",
changed to, "to recommend mats-cr.`.nl for this preoentat:i.on to the Board"
'DROGRA.i, -- PUBLIC 14EET'MG- 011 C0t.1PWi;kISV 3.TVZ PLAN _ Nir.. Wolle of-
fered ideas concerning a preliminary lax o r?cm ±:ortn tit, Co be considered by
the committee ? SUE, ge.sti on wa.q made; for a possible. coverago of each
of the 7 Planning reports by a Boar4d. Member accord-i ng to his spec) al. in-
terest; a talk by the City- Manager concerning his, participation in the
ini.tat;!on of a public improveraent;, prop-am; :x talk by Lho City En-
gineer concerning how the public improvements progrzun is carried out o
. .1
Some.members felt that it would not be desirable to have more than 4
Board members give presentations., It was agreed that generally the
program would be sot up in the order of opening rexiGrks by the Chairman,
presentations by Board i•fambers, the rli.ty Tkaria or, and the City Engineer.,
It was arranged that, the Progran Committee would meet and d.y aw up'a
suggested program.
qT IT I OILS - APPIZOVAL FRS ij,l.l??IN 11-Y PLAN j';M ,71
NI I j ' la I=E A A i O V : 2'+? jr07 -W 7?.fai.lV l+Y?
, hl_--fi?
Board reviewed preliminary plan su.lm-ii.tted. by Rodgers, Roci;;ers and
Cwnatings (reference is made t,o 17 & is Bd,, minutes of 3/13/62 re approval
of Unit I_ (One) Meadows. Subdivision, suil-mi_tt;ed as a part of a prel.imi•-
nary master plan). The Plannex 'arcs.; nt-ar;cl .nformnt.ion tbhat- :
Mr. Butler, engineer for the dov'Calope',r. as had conferrud with
hint the day baf'ore in the Lot, design --raried somewhat i'rotm the ur-1.1,:inra:l master plan due to
Conl'orF1;c'3l? co tY .th a
It is likely that 'trGc:+; Az'ff:!ediou!'y north of the Meadows will
be (level opal 4t'.h a odni-1e fillili_:l.y classification..
or. Lhe nort,hen"11, pox•;,ic,,-i o,i.' tht. propr.) ,ed suindi -i-i.d.on, double
Vrontage lots would be P'ac:5n, into, bhe trailer park c:hich is
on the north side of Dlagprlc)l:ia? lwTSk-.-trol in right--of•-waY ?t?us neodod..
The llnl;age of tho north--soath st.reg)U of Unit 2 irjt;n Property
to Giro aouth is not knowlt ' this ad jo n:tn? larespc.rt:y i•epnx•tar- L:3
40"'41% in the process: of kie:]?1r de;? ?.{rnF?cl for single gamily resic?crnt;zr?].
by lair. Albrerlst, SnF i noev) ,.
Mv,u Wahl further described land usu s and proposed stree=t, aligliment's
of the .surTounding area. He stated that i}lat;,t:.i.ng, would be in con-
formance to requirements of the R-10, single family, zone.
Mr. Harries objected to the 750 ft. 1.engt.h oX the cul-de-sac.
Ar, Woi,l.e reque3ted decision as W linkage from t;he north. The Board
learned that area of tho Unit 2 plat I-3 not in Ilia cagy as yet, but
that, annexation is being; initiated by Ward fludgers. After some dis-
cussion of the need for linkage to the north and acceptability of the
cul-de-sac as designed, ifir . fteade? is od that the Subdiv n
mittee recommended a rova.3 !zeareliminary Plan of _Unit on
the conditions that dl } ]0 i`t,, i ah_t,--of i? be dedicated for Magnolia,
2) that a ?60, ft. . _ rip ht -of-w, be luG zt ed sontevthere al onZ t;he_ west
AGO ft;. of Glenrnoor Road, Nnrthx....w« in t 1je.a?.,.ro osed addition for access
r...-r...???...+.wrr....?w..w........r.w.:.w..r..wr?.r...??wr...r ..ww...?-.?
to the pro perty to the north,_ and (3 that the cu3e -sac have a
radius afaD ft_,. -iTo-mention bS?_i•3z,8 :lander socondpdb - MlrGat,_a, V
a .?
:. the Board vo oecl to appr ove the report of the Subdivision co,111 r
The a e ctioI is xecorded on yreli.minary plan ofof Unit?dMuiningw
ZONING' from R-3, Residential. S iii?,:le Family, and C-?2 ; General ?3Li3:!.Hess?
„ . to C-3, Commercial, 1 soles le Wa:7e4to-40 ns, Property was described
as 2001 north oil Drew St,ron.;: appro.,Uf1:.-i-El r west of Bi?l.r.her (toad.,
The nlariner re=ad for the ':wa. V a.i:E'oxm-it:ior, :lisi, of pe3rmit;ted uses and
exceptions in the County and c'--3 :,o o,
o Ka *tat;od that the C--3
uses in general were tho3e we call Heavy B sinoss, Mr Galloway re-
Ported that the- -ZonOU1'xmi -tee "on'E?1,ne?:dad that l
the x•eq.xWst: be im:i.ted
.....r, .._..._..? a t t - - , .M .._-_. .w.. r _ _._ _ ..........,_..._...w._,_._ »._.. r_....?........... .?».......
j- 'o 0-2 ooz ing u A drawing, sh owi -ag 'E o c u t; lest of area of request and
zol' in; of adjoining I-Jropert; i.r?;a wao s'k:t3d ied,, Board edJ.,'JCUS;:Lc)n revetaled
Z & P lad Minutes 1,,/9/63 f age, 3
that, some mombers felt, that;, the ^.on ng %.-ould boa spot, Zoning; that C•-3
uses lend themselves bettor to oWicn- a:?. eaa and would not bo nooded at
this location; and that u,9e: in t:hc C-3 would be undesi.r1a.ble, would es-
tablish a character of -t;he area, and would depreciate the valuation of
propertieserast, and west; In the, C-2 c assif'icpt-,ion ,arid definitely re-
tard residential development on property to the north. Uw2on motion
by I*r. Raade seconded I r. Win, the Board voted to recommend W
denial al of roLran3n roct!:s (l c3 -#6 for public heax??n? l,pri 1) a
ZONING from R-3, Residential, 0•xn1G Family; to C-2, Coimuerci.al, General
Retail. and Limited Services, Property was described as at northwest;
corner of Belcher and Draw approximately 200 foot north of Drew St
Request involved a 50 ft. northerly e.,tension of exAsting 0-2 zone.
dlr. Galloti? _ re-ported that the Zonis, Commi.ttee had nu..oUection to
request on Agenda A drawing showing location of area of request-,
' and zoning of adjoining; properties was & udied. Board discussion re-
vealed that some members felt; that the 20 ft. setback requirement of
#ghe C-2 classification VrouJ.d be an inadequate buffer between the uses
of the commercial zone and the existing, -single family residential sub-
division to the north (Pine Del! _uhdi.visicn) and that-, this 50 ft,
strip might be considered as potential parking usage:. It was also
discussed that as an owner of a lot that was split, in is zoning the
applicant may present his situation to t:ia Board of :Appeals oil Zoning.
Consideration was given to the fact that the Board had no definite in-
dication of the intena ttry ov, apecifi e Ufl3( intended for the C-2 e?:•-
tended area. , Upon moti.o-i (I:L lvh . Reade, Seconded blJx. ',! lander Lie
Board voted to recd denial ofrezonin;T requestL (AZfLr da ZLLm
for ublic hearing Apri.3.?15 3.963_)..
ww.?M?+ww?.?...fw-v.n?Y#.?- ?w?.w... a.?...?tw?..?r.www.w, •?
proposed plat as atlibmi.tated by Cecil Gates, Devi
;rented the information th,)t:
.- PHI.PIJ14IINARY Pl,,1 r
- '.('he board reviewed
10per. Mr. (late i pr,5-
Unit #7 wA3 being submit tid as a port of the master plun previous-
ly approved,,
All lots are 60 ft. or more in width - most; of them 70 ft..
Plat is bordered on the east by a narth-south atreet (referred
to .as Kings Highway) (such r•i ght-of-viay is in the County, is
platted, but roadway not i mproved) . This north--south street
right-of-way has been vacated to Temple Street by application
of ovniers for vacation. From '1'aEnple Street south it hao not been
vacated. The Rural Assn. has been in contact with some of the
otivners of-abutting properties and these are objecting to vaca-
tion and Wirt- he had met: with those owners for a discussion ,of
the problem.
That in review of the Cfrigi.Wal master pi.rcn the . Board approved
the vacation of subject right-•of-way as far south as Bellevue
Mr. Gates request was that the Board- approve the plat submitted with
the deletion-of the two easterly lots between. Temple and Citrus until
such time as the owners made decision as to whether their want to vacate
or not. Otherwise, he stated ghat-, the plat, conforms to the previous
Mr. Wolle clarified fox• members that the original recommendation
of the Board concerning the master, plan was that the north--south
street z•ight-of--way, (referred to as sings Highway) to the east of
Hillerest Avenue was not to be ira.c.ated from Citrus to Nw,sery Road,
but that the vacation of tha portion of that right-of-way adjoining
d adjai.ningt t;he proposed prat;
property now platted as 13x•ookhlll 16 ar 11
of 8roakhill r7 be allowed pr.r?viued cc?n?-nt; w.wts obtained of al.i proper-•
ty oirmars involved.
Upon. inquiry, Mr. Gat;eB advised tiZ?;U the t7?:xt; t)-irough street to the
east; is Highland Avenue, a distance oz: approximately 1800 ft" he gave
some details of draina.7e Problems rjed i.rl Vri -J )je ,?wt;ter (j'r vaeati_on
of the right-of-way
Z & Y Bd JAlinut to s k/9/63
Pa rre 11
Mr. Kruse reported r h-,it•. ;41r. ,ai l;fsmcllD' of the kura.]. A ;sn„
had request-ad that he and Ghe plannor r;at;t;oncl .a sw..et;:Rng conceriling t.hlG
right-of-way vacation and that c4r. vras ativ isc3d that tlaoy would
be unable to do so, but t hal; sui ooquent t;o uheir meeting inter. os ood
part i.es could appear beforc, the 'Zoning and Planzxin,r Board if they
m o desired, 4
Mr. Gates informed the 3trared i-}t'ats 1, }Yri a.a required to give 30
ft. ri & t--cf.?-wa he would have t.a ~
F'? y, pave a halo street; also that irn-
provemgnts in Unit #7 are in. ?
Mr. Reads moved to apki o •hi} re irninaxy ralL t: cif d3rcokhill Un t zzri
' sub oct . to dE?.etion of thnt.?;;, easter! L lots bf. twcen T2.rnpl
.._,?...I... ?....,? ........?...... ?........ -- .?..._. _.,. _,.?,_...?? ...... , ,.?.. L
and Citrus Straeta from the _pt 13,s_ inotion. recorded by Mr. Saan??
was assed. Mr. Gat-.es abstained frora voting.
SOUTH ?LST R?iI?aR i D A 1 ' 7 (1tl-j- j t VtONT ST -.? 0L- EAR' r1 TL— I H
Revieiv was made of this site plan. Zoning of the site was described
as "B", Business. The Planner recofl]mendod approval urith relocation'
of one of the driveway apps oachF:;? Go be 20 feet fur. t;hor from the in-
tersection west) to provide more reservoir apace for waiting vehicle,
and live safer merging of traffic short of the intersection. Mr. Frusv
informed the Board of an anticipated proposal for a lfl ft. center
planting island in rnmdalay Road and removal of parking from that
strut, thus allowing 2 traffic Janos in each direction. U2n motion
by fair. Reads seconded ? v Mr. rri eE.., the Board voted .!:o ?rocomanend
a2pryva of the_ ait;a flan sub }-c#:_ t• o th _chang i
?. ..c....w '` ,1 in driveway _ approach
recommended„ jy_the C:i.tv
ZON11IG I-DR 'aTOVIVHOUSE" KUL`1'IPI1AIL'Y DIWSL.01':?141VINT -- Mr. Wolle in-
formed the board of a, :ii quj x it .t:rorr,, a. Oropt"2., •,y owner on the `Day (at
?.....? Eldridge and Osceola), in N.-•iu ao;:c• ?c)rC'l';7'r.?.n?; the cn.-ection on hia
proper'ty' of "3'ov.•;? Houses" o injilar +.o t;how t,rii.s ottfier i1i C? l)Jif;i"rt.f? in
Z & P Bd. Minutes 4/9/63 Page #6
a. Vero Bpach, Flat , develo p,t1Gnt Mr Wolle ext. n) ssod the opiniran
that Townhouses" would not be al_) oved i;ai er provinioncei of the present
zoning ordinance. Omership of ;?,10 foot tracts for single-family
units "aould be in violation of the }plat: regula.t:i_onts and sethhacks
would not be provided for as set out for siM)-le family units on RW4
or R-M-logs,- He described "Town Houses" as highly diversified multi--
family structures vri. Uh individual ont;ranc.es and unit; ownership. Often
this development.t-ri.th 'individual ownership is referred to as a "Con-
dominium". Literature was displayed on the "Tovaihouse" as developed
by U. S. Steel.. . The Planner made request; that the Chairman refer the
matter to the Zoning Committee for consideration and possible recom-
mendations for zoning ordinance revision to cover.such use. After a
lengthy di.scussi.ony it was decided to refer the matter of ttTownhouse't
developments to the %ibdivisi.on and the Zoning CorrmZit;toes for 'ron-
siderat;ione -The Chairman ren,ueztedw t1hat,t}rose committees report back
at the next meetin&
PARKING RF EMNENTS M This Agenda Item #7(b) was not covered
due to lack of time.
Planning literature was distributed„
The meting was adjourned at 5;05 P. DTn
Respect. fully submittedy
f;ity Planner