03/26/1963 ,:~ '.< .':. ':', /,' ,.:;.'.:'.':,.:, :":" >.....,~.~ ':,::, ::...~ ";', ':;:i:'~ '::1;:::.(' '".:ij<:".:::'.: ',":" ,::',.,L" .~ ,H,":,::'.'~,,:," ,~'t"::',~',.:: "I'/,:.:>:ll',':',:: ,I,:.,.':.~';:, :,~:':..:,:.:.{:':::~:'..L~'...,..,\',ldr~,~::::,:~I:':.,:;::,~':"::!~~."":'~~/' ~ i:,~ "ii.~'.'f/ll,,' ",...'..:~:,':'::,..~':;,'~ ,-..., .....--...\ " ;' ~ >./ ZONING AND PIJ\NNING BOARD 'J Hi.nutes of tho Neo.tingt Tuusday. Ha'l....oh ?G, 1963.. '.l:he meeting was called to order at :1tOO P.. ,MOl by the Ch;,dx'man, Hr~ l\t'Uso.. Prenent were Hembc:ps S1\1lm ~ Gt.ltca, Harriel), Nylander, Reade and Kennedy, HI'. Rettig of the l~ngineor.ing Department, and MI'~ Wolle.. The Minutes of the meetings of F41b!1uaI'Y 26, 19G3 ~ and Nar'oh 12, 1.963 t were app:roved as submitted 1rl wri.tt~)n s\.1mm~\"tion to er.:tt~h member.. SUBDIVISION ... AREA SQU'l'H OF BRENT\~OOD ESTA'EES ~. SIDE\-IAT...K RE.Q.UIR~- !1E!!T._::-Tne-Plnnnet'-made -~G1'crence to-Boarc.f~~pprovaI r3712"/63') o.f the- .- preliminary plan of aroa south of BrcntwoCJd Estates and advised of ownez.,t s request for consideration and l"'ecommendation concerning side- walk requirement for the clo~ed dOl1bl~ cul..de-a.Jc street with entrance north into Brentwood Estates Subdiviuicn. (,,,,hich subdivision ,was ap- p~oved by the Con~ssion without 3ido~lalk3 &ftar- it was explained by the Manager that \-/ork on the propet'ty had been planned and approved some time before on the basis of no sidewalk installation), At this mee"ting 'the Commission voted that 'the City Attorney be requested to study the subject and makG a recommendation as to a fair and equitable policy in enforoing the raqui~elnents for sidewalks in new subdivisions~ Mr. Wolle proposed that it would be ret~6active to require sid~walks in this subdivision addition in view of B~entwood having no sidewalkso M~6 Harries ~eported that ~he Subdivision Committee,was recom- mending that there be no side\'1alks required., The Chairman spoke in favor of a stricteI' enforcemen't; of the exis-cing Ol'dinance 032 requirements concet'ning sidewalks. lir... Rettig questioned whether the ,developet' is going, to improve Otten Stt'eet, to the 6ou:t:h of the lots double fronting on this dedicated right-of-'Jay.. 'I'he Planner axp~essed the opinion that the City Engineer should determil'le \o1hat irnpt'ovemcn"ts a1;\e to be made.. MI'.. Rettig stated that a pr\:!1.:Lmi.naz'y layout toJ2.5 submitted to the BoaI'd ~ not a. preliminary plat'! and that the. Engincnr'ing Dopt" had l'l..'weived no enginc(:!l"ing on "the proposed plat at> yetn Mr~ Reade moV'ed that 'the developer be requi.:red to pl'\ovide airJewlllka. Hotion \oms not seconded n ~ Ml" ~ \~olle infot'med tlw BOll:r.'(l 'th..tt the 11 N~i1 of thin prfjIH"I:.ud i.tdd:t- tional platti.tlg wan in an R-11 r.onl.\. AftGl"' aome fur:th{-~:t" diacussl(l!\ 10 Nx'" Ram]c mHr:h~ it J1\o1:1.on te) t't~t'wm... ....,,""...... ...........~..........t-.- _.. ~"Ojo.......,.... .... ..._ '.-+""",'>>_."_ ..,..... .._-............"..........~ .......... t...-......_ ~1~n..cJ..!!t..e!Jl1i-..~P-~~!.glt_~~.~~1!..~~.tLA~.Y.!!1.~?p.~1~t9....~.g.~.t'~~.'i . !l.tt 11...:Ulit 9..;:gi~.E..~~ ~}}.J!ll~Y~~..!'_l:1s.t.!L. ~.!!.9.....~ ~~~~._ n~Y~f!.?i9-~ .EJ}~sm.~..... 9..9n...,.r~.~ .1t.._~Y-S!E!h.Q.~~l.ll\ .l~y ...l;h?:_fl.~..s:.91M1i2~lQ,!}..._ ~tJ..:h~...!!Y~llc.m.:L:! ~ .s,gn.gp. d_,J?,y_.tl!:~'f!{1~r.}....f:.@..l._~~ P.~~~!\~A.J:!llil_'l!m,2.Y.~l:Z · INTENT TO ANNEX ORDINANCE gS62 ~ ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN - PROPERTY AT TH~ rrOl~Tl-n'iEs'f CORNER~-OF tit~. HWY r9~AN'i)", SR-SO H(R:- BROWN E'f !l1",:~~g1:@~g-=At""~"'2"5""'P'~--l'r.l'ff.:n:1,n:on~D;-Janl~)f;-t\"ttcrL'11t:Y'''~fo'fl-'.c}m Es nte , M!'~ John Weiss, Sales Represffitat:i.vel' and Hrl C. A. Peterson, Engineer, \'1ere pl"esent by invi ta1:ion to dhlCmss with the Boar>d dotai.ls an to the anticipated futul"e clevelopmen't of the -tV,10t.. HI'~ Jones in a statement cf facts revealed that: 1.. Owners are a.ll out'.Of-st~it~le.irs e,~cE)p.t one.. He is their attoI'- ney. Mr~ lYeiss is 'the exclusive sales agent.. They a1."e authorized . ., to apply for- annexa'tion. Ow nOI'ship iuvoJ. ve s 65 oX' 7 0 aCl~es.. 2.. On the \.Jest side, appl'OX" 175 feet or In'opet'ty has been deeded to the Fla. Power Corp.. W~. th th(~ B ~tCC ption t..,f H award John son l s site which they sold and corneX' (TexiiCl")) propel...ty:s they have no praser" plans for any particular use fa!:' any type of business on this PI'O- party. They are requestin g business zoning so ;. i: can be marketed that wi'thin the limitations 0:'" I classification" ,. 3.. In the deed to Florida POY1\~t...? Q'.'me!'f.~ pee~i:'ved the !'ight of access over lands of Fla.. Power (":md any ccmveyances of land will include this right of access so tota.l trat.:t {...ill h.:ive 3cceSfl from 11 !3 trcets ~ 4.. He COl'sid01'~d that business zoning i~; Pl'"'uci;ic'il and consistent with access from fOlll' sides, al~o nupported by the fact .that the Flan Power easement will pr.ovide :::wrn~l'rrH.\t of a buffer to property on ,I . " . '__I the. west of Coachma.n Road, and by i:11 e t::r.'end of bUS.l.neDS 'Usage for " , . , , " the area surrounding the tX:'dct. H{.~ thought busine~3s 7.oning l.Jould be :1 ~,.'":,,,,_:,,~'~':<:"_".':tT:.',,""".:".;:"","~:,',I::"'."':: ~.<",'.,:"".' ,'. ','" ',\." ."',' ':"'/~:I~" ,:'i:-"',.:":":' 1',"'"\,,:,::,:,/::.,, \'.: '.r':":,.~: "~",~:9.:~:,c, :::~':"'::':'.:. ",:"::~""",:",,'.~,,,,::.',,;"-:', ~I,l.~,\,:: .::"..., ,':' Z & P Bd Minu.tes ,~ /2 G / i> 3 P<lg~ (} 3. valu'ablo to the oi t:y in l':;Jlh':\".l.'1tl:"i!til'B butti,nl?'l:tn \.lees In (J tl'C:H~t of' this G:1.~e p (-" . ....-~~ \ ': Mro vlo11e s'tated that small frontages t'10\11d create problems of numerous ind~vidual accesses 'to the highway. Mr.. Jones doubted that smal1e:, parcels with such dep-ch for develop- ment would be economically feasible ~ He did rela.te .that 'the property would not be a subdivision. " -oJ Ml"" Reade suggested deed r>cs,tl."'ictiorw to Ins\1l"e setbacks~. at'chi tec- tUI'al design t sign restrictions j eta" Hr" JoneG felt that ii: Houle be unfair to limit the tract to a shopping cental" as such ~ M~6 Wolle pointed out that this vaG the first large tract seeking aTlnexation to the City a:Long US 19" He inform,~d the l....ept...esentatives that discussion t,1ith the St.. Road D~p-t" hrfd been initiated for study of some criteria so that the s~m~ s~andavds 0f access can be imposed on developers 'Hi th thf~ intsmt ':.t! havin p: 2.n 'a~~t:,'lbli8hed chi..u'aeter of j 0\.0 {J....19 ~t..... T1)....c>r.' F'I"," t.1.,.,.(" "'l~';~ .l.....,~,.~.I. "l'~ ......'.\r..'rl1;1t :ron ..agB on.:> , . \ L..Y l ... ".' u"', I.".., ..J.., L~, >.;,,_ , . . ..~,t,J ,:-. t , z S P Dd Mi.nutoa 3/2 G/B' 3 Pl.tge f/4 diffol'ent ,in havi.ng i..\C.H.1C1fH:l nY\ If nider.: llnd that rJl~:C'Ch(lH(:l"H of P)'ospe.c- tivQ mo'tel propot'tit\G of thi.n ni '/;C \'lOuld h,wt': to consult ~"i1:h tho St. ~ Road Dept.. befora they dav(tl.op the p:t"c~VO!tty and flhould ber:ora they purchase property.. Hr. Wdla sugr,osted that nt.;lrldards for numbar of ingress and egress drives be \1Jork(:;d out" 11~.. Petct'son stated that the State probably would control the cross over point as usualQ Chairma.n Kruse inquired ae to hot.J valuable in their estimation is the fI'ontage on US 19, 'tha.t: is, IN'hcthe'r it would be bettel:' to front on Hwy. 19 or have rear on H\~y.. 19. He proposed 'that perhaps a sel"vice ~oad dedication might be in the picture. In l~sponse Mrv Jones stated that 'the dedication of a se):l\rice ::>oad Hauld impose an unneces... aary burden on tIle estate at thia time ~ M.r.. \yeiss informed the BOa'l....d that they control the prope.r- .-.....,. ty on the other side of Hwy. 19 and so vlould not l;lant any use for the estate p~operty that would have an adverse effect on the p~ope~ty op- posite. Upon inquiry by MXI. Reade~ Mr. Jones stated they would not be interested in having any portion of the requeBt~cl annexation zoned foX" Shopping c,enter or motelo 111'0 Heiss visualized that ~lhen thi'!: Drew Street e~-tension goes thl"'ough some "tl"'acts might be attractive for Shopping center use. He stated parcels fronting on Dret.t Street were ~aid out in anticipation aproopective uses related to jWlioI' tj:()11ege occupancy.. In further die cU6sion of access, Nr.. ,Jone13 e2~pre3sed the opinion ..,-~ that a through streflt fr()m Coachrnan Road to 1-1'''y... 19 1;lould not: be de- s;t'rable. HI'" Petsrson Has of th?.l opinio!l th:lt ~"':i.ght-of-Nay costs would stop any mOI'€ talk cr a clovcX"10af at tlv~ US 19 and SR 60 inter... section t thus limi,ting the da'\Jelopm{~r.:t of 'this nOI,thwest corne!'" Chairman Kruse expresz~c the Boardt3 ~~nc~rn about land use and s'tI'ip zoning and its desire to coop!':~rr':~te \.lith developers to improve land uses D He advis2d that the Cornmi.~:::~'jiQn h(1.3 ..Ic1H~ aU1:hot"i,ty 'to establish " , zOl1ing at the tIme the! utlnl~Xa tion o::,(jin<:tnce fen" thin pi."Oth11'ty .b~ pre... s~ntBd (scheduled for April me~tir18) but that it is more d~fficult r"'., to changu ;.<,/)ning lato131'" He n()'tod th8.'t ~ a(Jcor.'di.ng to pOlicy, after th.i.iJ d:l13 CUG!-d.on tlv.! Board would c:ontinuc j, ts l:,eview of the request, corne to a dcclsion" and re.command 'to th/,;\ Commission i t8 flndings ~ In re.sponse to queaticm from members '0 '~1r'" tveiss presented adcU- tional information .that thEY are nOw-l proposine to sell six pal'lcels (of the original nine, tllre(~' aM ,'3olr..U ai."l.d that the s~11ers did not know what waG to be the u'se of th(?' p<!rc~~.1 pUl-chased by a lCJcal buyel"D HI'.. Myl~del' made the observation that 'tht~ra \'1ould be not;hing to pre- vent pur<~hasers from SUbdividing pal.:'cels C1,f.ter ob'1:aining owne.l'ship from the heirs.. He \,olas confi~med in thi~j opinion.. Upon leaving HI'.. Weiss submi -tIEd to the Boa~d dx'at-Jing and sales mate~ial describing the pa~cels wi~hin the p~oposed annexation.. 4-: 20 p" H.. Mr. Jones, M:r.. Weiss ~ and My'" Peterson weI'~ thanked for the-it' at"tendance and left the meeting,,, ..--, I " ' After- some discussion of the inf~rmatio}l obta:f.ned, UV9I:':.-"m9..ti9.~~ ~:_~ ~e. a&t't'-2~~.9.l).~t~.<1...by _J'l~h-",_G-a ~ ~~. L!h~_l>.Q.r1.:;:g._Y.2:t ~9.___\ltL~n.tt!1.Qt!J} ]. \s.S.Q...J:',e~Qm- ~.n d, .<!.l?.E.!:9.Y .s!..w9..f-i!n.u.~l.!al;i9n..~.Q.Uy~j .q,g.j;.....Q.~p.e ~t; y~_;lu...:t:.b~_ JU1;._J.l...lL..af:...... 13"g.Q.:~.l__'f::!.P_"-~.~.~2~L.Ji~K~ ._!JV:L,- ~C!2......1~.~.gJ;!,;h\'f.~tj.rI,JJl.~.nt.-.:t:.(L Atu).?,~.....O.:cclj,,':., !!~JJ~[9..~_~ 6.Jv...!!_tt~~~~,._]y.~i n.gg~. t_~,?...Q.nJn.g,!!.. SUBDIVISIO~r s F!NAL A.!:P~Q.vtu~ .![1PERIA1 fi\~K.~. U1(IT_l.':l. GEftEBA1 LOQA'r.!tr!!T_-~!!QR~gH-slD,f;, QF._ttURS~X :&06D..\, WE~T'n_Of .frE.kCHER ,gOf.,D._- The Planner presented the final plattine; of UnLt 1" for Boal'd revic::\v with information that: ."-"" Imperial Way) West, should be HCl"lcules, They' have indicated to t~he Hanilger. i~,hGY tlQuld like t{) hi'!,ve .the same sathack. Inste,ad of 35 on some, and 25 on othel"l(.:i ,) they \Vill have 30 ft. throughou t '. H!'p Rettig l"'equosted Boal'd ver.i.fic~1tj.on, of st!.'(~et DilmeS:l stat ing thc:tt. he'has only checked that they are not duplicationsQ Nr" \'lolle f\n: ther' i.nformed the BoaNl that "tr!e '.-ray trwy have . t1~. :.} " , , '.r. ". . '.r; ....' " .::- ....4 . , . " .... ~\ ~. ~~ :' :: +'".' ... i " , . I .- , .' ;:':,J: ':;"9 e ~/., hmldle<.\ the e;:\semcn't into ::hn Bchor)). prop(n~ty) th(~y h;';VD showed that thCi the. V haVf~ dHdiccl'tc:'!d 20 ftH ~(JI ~::cl"ool fjO....I'\d nd J i bl . j' W --. Q a :: 18 ravoca .e 1: t"\. there if} no i.nteTl"t of the school to l18e it t\'i t.'~Ltll one y~ar.. Hr. Gat(H3 rec10mmended change in the na;;nr.~ of. the 110l'tl1 and aouth street. tlr-=. ..~ ~c;!,~_!!~~.. rr moSi..<m....!)}il t ~iJ:_P-~;;;1~1it:<lfLtfrli.:!:J1st ..lli1!tt~....QJ: .~p.s.~i~tl.J'!.S1.Y..A...W~,~. t..t~. c h.9lll',ra.cLt9Ji.Et~!J!I.!gg.J:1..1JJL1;,b!lwt....~m.l2!".x:.ijJl.Ji Q.Y.t060 \ ' . .li~"tl1 ,.Jll~...1mJ?C?~~.?VJlf!Y_J"~'j;b..JJ~..-B~1.~~n. ..tlj.ff~L~~m.t..J.\i1:Jll~.S."...",..lU.~_lU.Qt.i!,:;u ~~~s!.!~9.Q.tl~~:FLJ?Y...11:Cl\......G..~ ~~'L_JLl1tt...ilJ!.$w...r..!tj,&~.f}.d_uJJ.a TJ.:iJJl~.t)S,l y. H The Planner recommended 'frat the matteI' or tht~ easemcn't fl'om Eastfield Dr.ive. to Hercules ao inquir~d about by Iir. Reade be CO))... sldered,at the time of platting of the next unit. !lE.S!L]ill.ti.QLEf..l1.!'.~._B.~9.~-,._~$..S..Qll.9.~~r,L.QY_.l1E~ ~. t!~!.'2n 9.~};'-,-_.! O.~.J!9.~JZd ..2g:!;~.d . .u.n~m..m.2~~.Ywj:.CLr..~,S.9lE..~~..n,g_~Jl...EJ~f{v.f!t~ q.f...tt~ ~ _.t:p5U,.~Jn.iJ).g~Y-.. ekt_q,f. ~.a 1 Pa EE_~_V.l},i.t ~L....s.~..n.'!!1?I]l:h.t:t~9-.'!:J3,~,.~.,.S~ f,ltft -l_.s.tlRiSl.9.t_ j;Q..l:~S1.\.\..h~.e.m.~D.t..., f.9.~ jl:t.~~'~t__.n.~JML.Q.bJl!.lBg~_ ,c I .'--'1" 'c The -Board voted to 5:9..n,f:hE!!l..1:Eti.o.D-!?1s.-L1)~1~,..!~~_U~.tE.~~~S=!.ti.1J& c (3/26/63 agenda items 4(a) and 4(a)) concel~ing l'lccommenda.tiona to the County on zoning cases and letter to the BOul"ld of Adj tlstment and I Appeal - Taylor Property. The QQ2-.irmap repoI'ted that he had contacted Comlnissioner Insco in ~ 2..C!!'...Q...~JL.2..J>.!!e.!;.. S__~!1~~.!.~.~8....1:.~L, J.H~.~~.~r..!:. _~!.:.~._ f.g,mp.!'~.h.~~I}.~iY~......E-lillJ." Later he had been in.formed' that i::h(~ Ci ty Hanag(~l"' \-1ill arrange 'to have the meeting calle.d (tentative d3te in the lattep pa'pt of April), but thai: i t\o1ill be the :r.8sponsibili ty of the B(Jard to .:lr:!.~ange the pY"ogram under the auspices of the City Commiss ion I. 11r,. Kruse r'~~COJl\f;ll.:nded selection of material that would appeal to .th~) laymr,tJ1 and tjl~ pfJrtici., 'I' .,. P.Ation of' all membe~s" ~e~~~';:'~:~'!'~:~"":'~::~>-!?~":1~.~~~~t.,~~~~,~t.~,_.??.~1~..:~~~,=.7~.?.... . n:'B..CfMM..t,;y 'Jj)MJT~JN.J1- rdl~ -IF ~C' #~d/"<O . A~~--~.~.:-~ P:..~~.~~~~E~:~~~!~~'~._'':~?:'~!;_j~~,:.~~~:::~_~e_~~ ~.:. ...,~.~:~ .~9f:!~~' Mr. Harries:t and Mr8 Mylarre11" ""'"*____......__--.-..-,. ........__..._.......'I~..............,l,....._ _ ......~.._.......-f'U- tt'... ~ , c' '. ) .c. . "-.., z s P BD~ MINUTES .tlf.f'l:~. ~~S1!~tJ]!ill...2 !'...E. Q~ill~~2~. _(~ 9!lk~2!! l!.!_.t L.itiK!tir?...Q9!1t1J l'rX~ F;. - The Board learned of information through Mr. Galloway that thio ~ commi.ttee prcpcsee to meat wi,th thn Zoning and Planning Boat'd it I: 80m.,:., future date not yet decided~ REPORT ON UPPER, PINELLAS PLAtNCNG COHHISSION ~fEET:rNG - It wus ..... - --. ...... ".- ........ - - ...., .--.. ,.... ..... "'h ......, ....... ..... -... _.- _ -I _.. ill..... _ ....... learned 'that a l'ecent meating of the Commission t~ilS held and that the Commission toJas in the process of o'rganiza'tion of three commi 1:tees 0 There would be more to report: after the next meeting. REPORT ON STATE ORGMJIZATION MEETING ~ 1~e Planner reported that ____ - ..... - - -"'" .... - - "_ ._ __ _I *"... ._ ..~..... .._ _.... ~... information had been t'aceivGd from Mr.. In.cobsen of the County that Cleat"Wator was unsur.icessful in :t.ts bid to, hold the 1963 Fla. Plannirig ,and Zoning Association Annual Con.fE:1:'ence hero and that Sarasota 1 a invitation was acceptedQ TRAFFIC DATA RECEIVED - The Planne~ reported that the office is IMol.II __ .... .... ...... ..... *- -..It _ _ ....... continually receiving 'the Sto Road Oepartment traffic datao These '..... 'traffic cOlmta he stated aIle increasing, and reflect the influence of th~ Missoul"i Ave~ business development, etcQ COMPREHENSIVE PLAN'REPORT SALES - It was reported that order forms --~~---.....----_......- ----- had been submitted to associa'tiolls of real'torS and attorneys and by mail to ~ selective list of architectst eneinecrs~ etc~ Resulting sales were r>eported as thL'eer:.:t" .fO\l.;~ pe"f.' day... Mr. Wolle advised thert h~ llud !,t:.ll::t'~i ved .1U thorization that day to employ an interested appl iCal1't fC'l~ "the PRrt 'ri11lf1. Drafts1!lan I pcsi tion '" this,appointment to be on a 60 day, ema~goncy baG1~ pend1ng the setting up of a Civil Service Draftsm~n l;;{.:nn~ Planning 1i tera1:ure "Was di~rtrib\.lte.d ~ The meeting \<Ias adj ou:r.ne.d Et S: () I) P ~ Pi" , i ~_"..T I .' Respectfully submi~ted~, ~~~1r~~l'y (/Ie1 ty Plannel'l '.; -',