02/12/1963 V' ZONING AND PLANln:N(-1 BOARD ./ " V/ r"- Minuteu of the Hf1eting, 'ful39day, FnbI'uilI1Y 1.~~ t lrj6 3 ~ The meeting was c.311ed to or'del' at 3: 3D P. H~ by the Vi~:c- Chairman" M:C'co Reade, as the Chai't"m~n Wi18 not I:;np('~ctE!d to be prec~nt until late~a Present lr}ere Me.mbers H~lt"rien ~ Sh~~pard, ~1ylund(-\rJ ,Gates, Kennedy and Galloway, Hr. Rettig of the Bnginet:.:.ring Department) and ~1r. Wolle ~ ' ' The minute:) of the meeting of febl""u,,:U"y S, 1963, were approved as submitted in t.-lritten s\,unmation to each lI\c~mbe'r~' ' Mr.. Gates suggested that all forme~ rnembe:;,)l.; of the Zoning and Planning Boa}:\d who served d\.\I'ing the preparation of the Comprehensive Plan be given a complimentary copy of 'this r"epcl1:"'i:~ The Planner ad- ,vised this would add six names to the distI'ibution list as submitted.. .",- In that this list had al1~eady been approved by the City Nanager) mem- bers concurred with the V:i.cB-Chainnan tha.t no action should be taken at' this time.; Mr. to,folle indicated that s if requested, such !"equests ndght" be honored with th!Z! approval of' the Ci ty ~1anager... ZONING: REVISION ON PLANNING AND ZONING LEGISLATION SUBMITTED _ _ _ _ _ _ .,.. _ .... i>'IiIM" _ _... _ _.. - _ __ -. _ _ _ ..._ ........ - - - - '1"'1I. - - - " , f":""\ ~ " ,~. -) . , ~..........- " , , TO CITY ATTORNEY - The Plannel" r~ported that' ci i:y ,Attorney Broltin 11ad - --- .... ..- .... ....-. -.. - - -- . ' , . , verbally" informed him of authorization from the City Managero to pro- ceed.with preparation on zoning chmlge;housingcode, and planning legislation. 1~e Board was informed that the Planner had subsequently ,worked out the proposals \oli th Mr" Kennedy" Upon revie..., of the planning act, Mv. Kermedy recommended ~gain8t having a SI)ecial act if the de- sired planning 11:1gislation could be incorpo):'iJ.ted as an amendment to " Sec. 79 of the charter.. Mr'~ \110110' fl.wther, !.~tCl.tec! that he hUG prepared ! 1 , \ ;1 " a !er,.l additions to Section ~.ig vlhich would do this arid prcsellted the following' charte!' changes which he adv5.3€d he.d pre'vioi.lsly been reviewt'~d by Ml.'\~ Kruse and !<Ira Kt11medy: "."~~ , ' ~' . " , , " Z & P Board Minutes 2/12/63 CHARTER CHANG!:S Page 02 SEC. 7. pm~ERS OF' THE CIT.Y (Page references below are to Ci. ty' 8 Code of' Or.dinances) f"'\ In 10th line fl"om bottom. Page 1)61' fOllowing.. 4." V Q ~.. ~,g!.~-2L~.J. Add: Uto adopt !I amund t and Call1\Y out a CompX"ehenaive Plan; fl .' ." ART.. VIII S8C~ 79. PLANNING & ZONING 4th line from bottom, Page #37, follo,,1inB~...." ~ '. S9~UBa:~~oll' delete: "from year to yeatts or for such peripd of 1.:ime as the City Commission may detet"'mine.u Add: "a period of 3 years of Qve:r"lapping terms." In 2nd line, Page i38 delete: "at the request of the City Commissionttlt followin g . 0 .. · · ,~{ln!l.i...1lfi-!2E.!g. '., , Add: "to make and adopt a comprehensive plan fo~ the :." :'''''\ , ... ....'~ orderly growth ana physical development of the City of Clearwater and its area of influence~' to review'and dete~mine whether specific pro- posed dev~lopmenta conform to the principles and Z'equirements of the comprehl3nsi.ve plan, ' to conduct pUblic ha..l:'ings as required,. to recommend ordinarAces to promote oI'der>ly development" . . b . . 1 t' U 'W'l thl.fl thu scope of ena l~ng 1(~g:l3 .0 ~on) .." ~ .. . " , \}'. : 'I ., .!2~E~~.!." · · · "and where it occurs a se cr.>nd tiim~ n Wherever r'eference is made to Zoning and Plc.\1"lning Board,t change 1:0 Planni~g and Zoning 13oi:H'dn ~" I:J " I1r.. Holle further advise.d that ver>bal infol"mation from M'I'~ Kennedy was that the change in thG final PHl"i:lBNlph (.'If See~, 79 of the Chartel' concerning the pr.1esent T.effilrenaU1:l prn(~I~lfi:-~, c,f :r.orling WilS already Z E P Bd Minutos 2/12/63 II in tilt'!. nd.ll" t llnd thut the enti.l;e Sectton 79 l':o\lld be I1e,,,,Xti'l:'ten ~, emrJ pt'cDcmtcd to thu lcgio!.Jtivc delegation", Upon i:pquir.v by HI'. ROildc) lit"'. \'loJ.lfl) statnd that,' "we would cmpact 'that it (the bill) would bo prttocntcd with the e.ndorsemsnt of the City Cornmisaion at tho n(~x t: legi slllture.. The question of X'6f~'penclurn on the proposed chango in zoninr. V1ol\ld be decided by the delegation $ II PLANNING EXHt BIT .~ HmfE SHOW - Mr.. \o1011.e announced he \-1as awai t- ...... -..... -....- _ _ _ _ _ _ -.. ..... - ing oonf;.l'mation relative to space of 8' x 10 t l"'>equested' for, this exhibit. He reported receipt from Harland Bartholomew and Assos.. of' all thll original repot't maps and plates. HI'. Holle outlined plan for the exhibit composItion ~on 3 walls) and the BoaM lato'?r sUI'veyed proposed a.rrangi;!ment for exhibit panels as dS.splayed i.n the hall~lay of the planning of'fica.. The Board was informed that the Planner, was still working on obtaining a Carousel projector with a zoom lena fo~ use in a program of publicity. Mr. Kruse joined the meeti.ng at this tim~ 3: 55 P ~ HQ A't his request, Mr. Reade retained' the cllair. " " " , " DRAFT OF LETTER FOR DISTRIBUTION ,OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN REPORT - __ ._ ..... "".... ...... ..._ _ ~ .... ~ _t ......, .... __ -.. .._ _ _ __ .. _ _.... ..._ _... _ .-_ _ _ :- _ _ _ ._ _ The Board approved draft of a p~oposed letter fo~ the Mayor's signa- ture which is to be submi.tted to the City Managel~. ZONING: PROPOSAl.. OF DEV]~LOPHENT OF \<JIGHTMAN PROPERTY - vIILI.IAH ALBRECH'r,-:-EriGYN}.~EI{:; "at-4:0'S 15..-11:- Hr': A1Dl~ecKt--apuearea oerore--tlie--" -- - - - -... - -.... - ~. - BOa.rd to discuss proposal fot' development of Nr" W ~ S. ~Iightman t G property described by him as 26 ac:reB south of Gulf-to-Bay, Blvd. .. immediately west of Bayv:i.e\o/ Gal"dens pl"operty ~ bordered by the Pearce property, and extending all the Hay to Tampa Bay. He ~xplained' tha.1; Mr.. \'lightman owns submerged land 'that lIdll ~e deeded back to Bayviaw Gardens. The Plannel'" infox'med the Board that this :2 6 acres was a 1\ ...~ 1 '--./ portion' of the I~O Clcre tl'l8c-t involvl~d in the County rezoning !'cquel3t (from A.-?', Small Farms ~ to NH t Hobile HomIH~) Nhlch wan l"'eviewed by the Boa't'd in December and on \-lhich the. 8031:'d off,!r~d f1. recommondation that \. Z & P Bd~Minutes 2/12/63 the requcst be donied. Mr.. Alb:t~.:wht illfol',],Ilf.H.1 ~he. Uoarrj that' Mr.. HiEhtman in desirous r') nt-'W of coming int() the City of' Cll!wrh'll'b~r, but he is also d('~Gi~ous of intat"im land Uge of mob:lle llomo. SOlnc point:;} he presented were: 1. Be~auGe of 'tha tllX si'tuat':i.on b::! felt the Board would be faced "Ii 1:h those pr.oposals of intorim land use for a period of time (5, 10" or 20 years),. wi:th thc! market dictating the time i~ which it is posoiblc to COllveY."t land to its planned O~ ultlmate una. ' ,; !~, ,- I .-".-r,J 2. Ii' County zoning land use plan al). land south of Gulf-to- Bay and east of US Buy #19 is proposed for multiple familYd 3. People \Vho m'ln thH land are regulatfld by the market. Hl~d Wightman. a infot'rna:ti.on from FHA is that in "the fot"eseeablc future I.\P to 5 Yl:Is.. fr.om now another FHA h('.lusing unit may not be oe1.'mi tted in the Clea,t"Water urca" In Albrecht W s opinion: the 'three l"'ecent high-l'ise s.t:!'uctuttes in Clear\iater have "pretty ~ell shot the market foX' multi-family housing for the naxt few YHal"S n d Lindl~U Gardens he mentioned as liini ted in scope. He felt the planned Bayviet.1 Gardens garden-type apartments in sponnorship of the Seni.or. Ci.tizens group would fill a large neud for lON-rise multi-family housing units (this project basically being designed with geI'iatric cOlls:iderati.ons).' ' ~_ ,Property ownev who is faced with ~ising costs of maintenance and taxes is lHft \-lith choice of single-familY development, adhering to idea of ultimate use, or retainil1g his property and seeing if over a period of time he can conver-t it ,to a proper land use. 'MI". AlbreCht, further' gave his estimates of per aCl"e reassimulation cost of single-family and mobile home development of 'the Hightman propel""ty, He stated i:h~t Hr. Wightman-was cousidering a Pal" 3 Golf Course as an in'tel:,im land use" but because of access and lack of arte"roial frontage it is doubtful this could be SUppoT.'t€'.d on its OHn" As a :reBul t of theil" studies they feI i.: thot the only logical solution L '; ; , " is to put it into mobile home pi.l.z'k use. Reade: .....-- ft'1'ha't prope,['ty coul d be .:mothol' Bellc-:ail"' Estatesll g Albrecht: , . , .. nUl timate ly thr,: proper"ty \yill yield more "than !:lingle- --...,...-..........".......... ; '. ". ; : .... family. If it gets to be single..family; it would remain 20 to 30 yeat""s W:; si!1g1t~..family. tl He 8XPl..t:ssed a desire to see houses built for~ gay~ 15 year8~ termed "expendable hOli:;;:i,nB\1 but pointeii out 'i:h,"\t b:..n:.~fj do tlot like financing Z & P Bd HinutAB 2/12/63 Pge.. #is .,. thorn.. He di.llc.utwr.~d llUd\ h(,)I!fJlng un! TO t-thich hr.we baen Pl"orlucpd by >,t ~rll.tnpH f'i ltJn .1nu Q rocrtad ,1.11 C~'I\td.1,n named Buh- . t , ~ div:t.lJionn~ In aUml\'{l.l~I' h13 ~t8 hH" thn t: bunicllllY 1'10 \~an1:ocl the })or.ll'd to de... I ; aide the 'l'llcoti,l:m: "Should \>flll Ilf)t: conuicleI' 7.oni:1S l'tor irltel"liJ.1 landusea'l" I I , \ Mr.. Albroaht. I!sl'HJW01'l(,Hl q\t~)Ut.tOntl from InlJ:mbl.H,"'s conc(~l'lling p~rcent of actually mobi.lo tli:l"uotu\'(~u in ,~ m;'~bilo. home park and basi-a of mobile homf:t pa:t~k taxation.. '\ , , MX'~ Gallowi.\Y recalled' that the only trailor' pal'K he knei-l that has ever been diab;.mded is tlw Sea Shell Park on the Beach. He " I r I I I ,I I , . ! " ,\ Wightman might put the balance of the site i.n mobile homes and that possiblY in 7 years he could see t-Ihere the front half might become multi-family housing. Acting Chairman Roade sugges.ted that the PI'oposal be put on the agenda at the next Board meeting for fUI"thal' discussion. The Board leal"ned thai: Hr.- Albrecht is office is holding a l"e- 'I qucst fer annaxil'tion until "thl~ matter is I'cB(Jlved~ Planning li teI'atur'e was cJistributed 0 '!'he meeting \-1as adj ourned at 5: 00 P. M., : <.) Rcs[jectfully submitted., ~af:-~/{!'~ry- I("ii"~r ~")' "1'7'...., [/' './ ". ~ , .'.,