06/26/1962ZU1J INGY aNi o J'LOM ING 13Ua,a) Minutes or the i4euti.ng, Tuesday, June 26, 1962. The meeting was called to - order at 2:30 P,, M. by the chairman, "? iTrr Kruse. Present were members Galloway, Myl.and.er, Gaten and Shepard,, Mr„ Rettig of the Engineering Department, and i?lr. Wolleu illember Sean was absent at fi.rst-, of meeting.but ramo in lal era The mi»uto + of the rnec:Gin ; of .J,une 1.9, 1962, were approved as submitted in written stunmration to each member. SITE PLAN SERVICE S ACO 1ti`J.' 30UTHWEST CURNGR VOR AD review was ,,ae or si.ty plan on which City Engineert s recommendation as to approach ramps was, indicated in red mar'w. The Planner made recommendation that the most easterly approach ramp on 5unset ?oirnt. ctoad and the most norther-- ly approach rarap on Highland Avenue 'ae located in accordance to green Ej shaded areas as marked by him (approximately a 20 9t. greater distance D away from the intersection). Ile explained that this dial not change the size of the approach drives. It was noted that site is in a ? business zoned area and adjoins site of the proposed Brentwood Es- tates Subdivision. Mr. Galloway moved that the site n1an be approved - subject to recommendation that-the Commission requestthat the an-? roach rams be located a rester di stance from the intersection as indicated by the .Planner on plan - in the interest of public safet and co allow mer it inF, of traffic at a safer distance from the corner and -a a-greater area for reservoir of lapin, y-eh_icles at th control I?Zh, ,,.., His motiori, seconded b1;1r. M lander.. was oae:?r?d?unirLi lously ZONING RECOM-1ENDATION -- HILLCRS'ST MOBIL)3 11014E PARK ANNEII.XATION PARCELS (GENEJAL LOCATION 30. OF GULF-TO-BAY DLVD, G O BELCHER RD., S V- 1 (?F SEC. 13-.2 S-16E - 0:zefere- ce is made to Zoning anal Planning Board winutes of April 10, 1962, regarding Board approval of :lwayout of this park) - The Planner reported racei pt of copy of a letter to the dity Gor?uni.sszon dated June 18, !.{:)62.. from Hi llc.r est Corp. Y (Joe Greeen, President) rcrluf:jating annexation of Ir. parcels as described therein and :.onin g of MH for said t a-rc ol.t - 5 r1 , a:,'rr:I sod that. r Z & P Fad Minutes 6/26/62 Page #2 Mr. Rettig of the Ci.V Engineering Department had been working on plans for this area, mainly for selvage disposal.. The Board studied plan of the park displayed by i4r. Wolle showing location and area of the 4 parcels (which comprise that portion of the existing park south of the city limits),, L4r . Gates moved that the Board recommend MH Mobile Home Park zonipg, for these four ?arcel.s as submitted_ to the City- for_ annexation bV Hi.llerest Gorporation. His mnt3.on, seconded by -Mr.. Gall owa r was-,pa s so d unanimo y. At the Chairman's sug estion, 'Ar. Woll,e reported on his meeting the previous Friday in Clearw,-ter with i4r, Fred Robinson of Harland Bartholomew and iussoc:iates. In summary lie related the facts that; He escorted i4ro Robinson on a tour of recent developments, including the Mandalay Shores Apartments. Recommendation, of Mr. Robinson was made that both the Capital. Improvements Program Section and the Central Business District Section be chapters in the Comprehensive Plan Report. Final cost; of the CM plate might', be less than the estimate ' given of 410 o 00. All statements in'connection frith the City Plan contract had been received except that for printing of final report (which cost is to be,billed uo the City dirertly by the printer either in Atlanta or locally who does the work), Planner has authorized payment of ;7'2,000.00 on the Compre•- hensive Plan Report ( final 'reportt contracted for). Planner talked with him about consultants! review of any Workable Program for the Cit;y* Mr. Robinson looked over most of the report; material and Planner had received a letter from Ar. 1obinson that day (June 26th) advising that he would review any final draft of the Comprehensive Plan Le;.t sent to him. Mr. Galloway recoimnended that a copy of tho Preliminary He:port oil the Capital Improvements Program be mailed to Mr., Leedy, the City's fiscal agent, for his rovlew t)efore printing in -ftnal .form. Mr. Wolle stated that he would draft- a letter of tr?irismitt,al for the (;hairman?,s signature. W i ,M ) M L & P Bd,. Minutes 6/26/62 Page i`3 Mr. Gates, who its also a. member of the Chamber of Commerce Connunity Planning Coami.t tue, gfavs a .short: report; of a rocent called meeting of all committee chairmen to obtain suggest;iona for projects that the Chamber could beat help support and promote and read off a list of the main topics discussed at such meeting. He ;ad=Td, that in accordance with suggestions of committee member: a.I: an?ements had. been made with Chairman Kruse to have representatives of the Chambar's Commnunity Planning Co.:mnit? meet with the?Zoning_ and Planning Hoard at this meet xn? for an informal discussion of plans of mutual interest to both S roues o REVIEW REDUCTION HOUSING TEXT - C014PREHaENSIVE PLAN iCPORT - The Planner distributed copies of his reduced revision of pages 90 through 101 of the housing text. He reviewed with the Board revisions and additions made (throug,"i description of the South Clear- water Neighborhood). He explained that he had been able to include some census enumeration data than was not in the original ho.tsing re- port; and he had deleted 'any density data except; for the Curtis Neighborhood which was considered a critical one Time dial not per- mit completion of this review and Ar. Wolle proposed that Mr, Mylander could. probably meet with him, later in the week and continue the re- view. Mr. Svian Jo,i.ned the meeting at this time PLANING ItDR CLEAR ATM - J0114T i:ire STING WITH 01jiu:231ft OP GUvI':I13GE C -1-1ITT3,u_0R PLANKING - at 3:30 P. 14. ib:-. Sid i4iche3. Committee Chairman, VIr. William Kravas, Cotarnitte ca Aernbe,Y-, and i4r. troodroi. Todd, Secretary Of the Ghumber of Goccuaerce, met, ,ri.th the 30urd. °,haarman Yxuse expressed pleasure: in raving these represenbatives present. lie advised that no forma]. agenda had been ilea: up and his thought was that, this ineating should be for an informal discussion concerning a joint interest in planning. At the su ;est`.ion of i?tr% Kruse. W011e i s A iM Z & P Od .?•Iinate a 6/26/62 Page #4 gave the Committee a briefing, on the ncope and content of the IL rl.and Bartholomow study reports cotapl,etod and iri proces.3 of completion, The Major Street: Plan map and other traffic maps of the Planning Of.`f'i.co were displayed and discussed. He'explained that Report Vo. 7, The Comprehensive Plan Report, would be a Consolidation of the six study reports and their findings and would contain 26 plat ou lakon from these' reports as well as a fold-out land use plan plate. He advised that this final report was yet to be discussed with the City Commission at a meet- ing to be arranged with the Board and the consultantst representative, and that it was anticipated that the report; would be in the hands of the printers in august, and released soon thereafter. Chairman. Kruse informed the Coimni.ttee that the Board considered the Central .duai.ness District Plan and the vlaJor Street; Plan as very important, particularly in view of the present parking situation de- veloping. He stated the Board granted to cooperate with the Chamber .? and other groups, or. individuals, to try to evolve some logical solu- tion to the problems presented and would like to know, what ukitters are of particular interest to the Chamber group at this time o ivIr o Wolle displayed the snap--drawing of the OBD and explained - i its patternvof panking between inner and outer loop streets, outer loop connection from the causeway to Bay and to Chestnut :streets, s pedestrian walWays, possible future mall, site, and a long range plan t for possible improvement of one of the railroad rights-of-way (in the event the anticipated merger of the two railroads materialized vdth a future use as an overhead expressway. The Committee tivas in., formed that this CBL plan was a :study, not a finalized plan, alid was subject to future detailed surveys as to f,,asibi.lity of its develop- ment, also thgt a plate of the. M map-drawing would be included in `Mier a section in the Comprehensive Plan ate art,. The Olanner also outlined proposed street; extanaionu and improvements to expedit;o the movement. it. 'fed . a??.ntt.t F3 626,/62 Fare ;t 5 of traffic bhrough Clcarwatcr,, Pro,jectaa recammonded for inclusion' in the Capital Improvements Program report, were reviorx3d. The hoard was given. dotr ila of tho iIrie Plan which 0a Chamber Coqatittee has been eanaidaring adapting to its prograin. i4rb Aichel gave a breakdown of the Divisions and Com iii tens of the Chamber. He enumerated some oX the items listed by Committee Chairmen as problems for study and consideration; Norte of these: more convention facilities, "Welcome to Clearwater" signs, year--round attractions, 1iinitec. busi- ness zoning on a - broader ' scale for motel and apartment locations.-Ho stated that; complete reports from all c:cactt:Attees wero not yet Ln,, He Lh2 Drinred report;, copies were available) and problema decided .upon by the Chamber Coat ittee 'ini.ght be "phased together",. Aro Kruse sug;;;ested t halt ,joint; meetings be' held periodically to discuss these different problems. Uro Aichel agreed to furnish the ..Hoard a copy of the finalized list of problems presented to his Com- mittee o car. Gates offered two be the liaison in rega?•d to future meetings. Chairman Aruse thanked the CorttniiGt;ee for bcix?s present; and -Are Aichel expressed their pleasure at being given the op' ortuni- ty of meeting with the Board. Copies of the Housing and Public UUI t• ies deport were dis- tributed to Plaaniw? Board i4ombers. The ntaerin, was adjourned at 5;l!i P, Al? Respectfully submitted, ec7- 1i?to ie, Sec Ty Aty Planner