04/10/1962BONING AND PLANNING BUAAO Minutea of the Meeting, Tuesday, April 1.0, 1962 The meeting was called to ardor at 3:30 Py M. by the Chairman, Mr. Kruse. .Present ware Membors Roads, Harries, Gates, blylander and Galloway, Mr. Rettig of the Engineering Department, and Mr. Wolle. The Minutes of the meeting ofApril 3, 1962, were approved as read,, Concerning the myrtle avenue Extension (listed as Project #5, on Page #4 .of the '5ninutes) , the Board diacussad in some detail prior pro- posals and other possible plans for this extension north to connect to Garden Ave, and Edgewater Drive and to retake connection across Stevenson. Creek to Douglas Avenue SUBDIVISION Q%Uv1ITTEO -- MODILE HOME PARK LAYOUT HSLLCREST 140BILE HOME„ PARK (GENERAL LOCATION „80. OF GULFL',TU-BAY BLVD..3_ EAST OF BELCHER ROAD IN_ S/k1 1/4 of SEC. 18,-22S-16E - It is understood that annexation is to be requested for that portion of the mobile home park south of the existing city limits - Mr. Harries advised that the Subdivision Comes mittee had decided to request 101 of the new area for recreation and to offer recommendation that the recreation area be located along Druid Road similar to the location of recreation, area for Sunny Grove Trailer Park. Iie resorted that the Subdivision Committee reconnended that the Board aa2roue the layout of Hillerest Mobile Home Part :3zib yect to recommendation as to location of the recreation area, Tho Board voted unanimouslVto accept; the recoamtendation of the Subdivision Com- mittee. AG13NDA ITEM 2) ZONING CO:141TTEE R0,PORT, w,as deferred until later in the meeting,, PARKWOOD i?QBILE NOME' E TAUE'S 5` Z'TJ,SR 1'ROP J1ZTYa, M 1-1, USE'J RECREATION BUILDING SITE It was reported that on April 9/62 the City CoAnission passed an ordinance annexing t,,hi property and approved the layout that was recommended for approval by the Zoning and Planning Board March 27/62 (such layout; ohow:l ng, the recreation bu:i ldinr to the 1; . ,...,? ik.&V) Z & P fad Minutes Apr. 10/62 Page d2 rear of the Draw proporty). The Planner subatim 3d for Bogard raview 'a revised layout dated April 10/62 involving a change in sites of build- ings within the recroationa.l area, reereati.onal hall being relocated, and the utility building and pool, area being relocated to the southeast corner of the recrroational area. He, advised that Mi.as Mary Drew had visited his office that morning and made protest concerning the fact that she was not given an opportunity to see the layout that was ap- proved before it was submitted for Commission action. tfir,. Kruse stated that ho did not think the revised layout had to go back to the Cojvni.ssion. L4r. ReadQ moved that the Man dated Auril 10. 19b2 Abe aggroved.His- motion, was seconded by iL"v_ 4ylandar. The Planner stated that he con- sidered this to bo a revised layout. He informed the Board that the Building Inspector was withholding; issuance of a building permit; in the recreational area because of. knowledge of the requested change. He fur- ther stated that he wanted the Board to approve it as a revised layout and advised that he would then forward it to the City Wager. Ar. Reade amended hiie motion to substitute "revised layoutcr far ?Qlan". His_ motion, as amended was aked. The Board agreed that the revised layout and record of Board approval should be his further disposition. Decision of the Board in the future in acce that buildi.n3 sites would not have recreational area transmitted to the City Aanager for was made that it would be the policy ptance of a mobile home park,layout to be indicated within the required HBA C4hSP 1:3fl& VSIVB PLAN j)RxF:JL--- NTRAL DUa1NiLS D133-l'a:igT NS "R T2ON -- The Chairman announced that the draft of the Comprohen.sive Plan Report was received from Harland Bartholumew and A8sociato the day before and noted that it contained no reference to he O4 pry Cal improvement Report. 'rho Planner reported that he did not yet have sufficient time to complete reading of the report 013 pages plus plates). He advised that photofl.ex copies were being prepared by the Planning Office for Board study and r. Y Dd lhinutres Apr 10/62 )sage /f3 that one copy would be availabisi for every two inembers. The Board reviewed text of the final page of the report: containing r'"? the CBD insertion. The Chairman and members axpressed disappointment with the coverage given this subject. Some felt that a mi.nilnum of two to four pages should he devoted to the text. The following discussion revealed that the Board felt that, the coverage was too general, not personalized for Clearwater, and possibly did not take into considera- tion recent hi-riss apartment ?projacts and other factors which it was anticipated would contribute to a greater density and increased traffic flow within the CBU. Mr. Gatos moved that the Chairman and a Committee to, be ipaoi.ntad work out a?CBU_ section for inclusion in the Com -rp ahens Plan Report. His motion seconded b her. ReadQ was assed unanimous) Mr. Harries and Mr. Galloway were appointed as members of this Committee to work with Air'. Kruse and the Planner. !'fro Reade, the Vice-Chairman, took the chair at this time, as the, uhair:nail was called to the telephone. AGENDA. ZTZM #2 »_ ZONING WA-1,112 CR2 - SOUTHEAST CORNF,B. OF SUNSP,?T POINT ROAD AND DOUGLAS AVENUE - CO AIP LICiMO X011 REZONING -OF LOT_jn? .ANND THO WEST 23 F` .OF_ LOT - BLOCK ,_ H tiRBU'K VISTA SUBUIVTS.iO,N { SECS 'rWP.22S R15R)_-- FRQ14?' R-L!z .HESTDEMTIJU,?DUPL£_ X_. TO 119911, BUSINESS -- The Planner informed the Board that rezoning of thx,,? additional lot to Business zone would males possible use of this corner for a service sta- tion site. i-Ir. Galloway moved that the Board direct a letter to the Director of PinellAS Count: Pl nn ,and Zoning Department: static that it-finds no- ob.7ecti.on to the_eiLoposed rQ uoc? sted change of zanies His motion seconded' i• z?nrlar ? was passed qdanirr.ous1 __ I+?ir. Kruse returned to the meat;ine, at this time CHAIR14AN I S ITEMS The Chairman distributed a number of reserved ue.at tickets for the Fun & Sun Parade and offered to obtain others if neeedc,,d? Z & P Dd Ainute s Apr 10/62 Page W4 ASSIGNMENT OF PAI-1PHLET Ili VIEW w "OPrN SPACE LAND FROG} A14 GUIDE" -- Mr. Harries agreed to reviow this peanpt let. r1141'' PLANNIi R t S TT&IS -- REPORT ET RE.Mti+ AS SUMITTED - Mr. Walle explained some items of the 1962»63 Planning Division budget which had been submitted. The Hoard was informed that budget included: Request for a Plaxuiing Aide, but that the City Engineer recom- mends an Engineering Aide. Decision will be nude by the dity Manager. Planner would like to have a full time man; hovmver, it was anticipated that he would have to share his services with the Engineering Departoient y300,00 for Board Travel. q'45 0.00 for Training and Reference Materials to cover ?p300.00 for the OBD model, 0100.00 for housing slides, and ;50.00 for exhibits for the Comprehensive Plan. Other funds such as Reproduction can be used if available. It was announced that there would be a County Zoning and Planning tend the.Annual Conference of the American Society of Planning Offi- cials in jitlantic City, New Jersey, from April. 30 through x4ay 3 The Chaircaan announced that a further meeting of the Upper Pinellas County ttegional Planning Council would be held in the Clearuater City Hall Auditorium at 7:30 P. X4.1 April 17, 1962, and invited Board members to attend. Planning literature was distributed. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 P. M. meeting in Tallahassee which a Board member may attend (a two. or three :day session beginning May 3, 1962). Mr. Wolle stated that he would at- Respectfully submitted, ac . Lto la, Sec'Y t?`ity Planner 0.