FUNDS AGREEMENT WITH QUALITY CHILD CARE CENTER INCORPORATED (3) I I AGREEMENT This Funds Agreement is made and entered into between the City of Clearwater, hereinafter referred to as the City, and Quality Child Care Center, Inc. hereinafter referred to as the Agency. WHEREAS, it has been determined to be higWy desirable and socially responsible to provide child care to those who would not otherwise have a means to fill this need; and WHEREAS, the City desires to help those in need by providing funding for the above services; and WHEREAS, the Agency provides such services and operates in the City; NOW, THERFORE, the parties agree as follows: ARTICLE I. TERM The term of this agreement shall be for a period of 12 months commencing on the 18t day of October, 1998 and continuing through the 30th day of September, 1999 (the Termination Date) unless earlier terminated under the terms of this agreement. ARTICLE II. RESPONSmILITIES OF THE AGENCY 1. Services to be Provided: The Agency shall provide the above stated service in accordance with the proposal submitted by the Agency and approved by the City, which is incorporated herein by reference. 2. Area to be Served: Services rendered through this agreement shall be provided within the corporate limits of the City as it now exists and as its boundaries may be changed during he term of this agreement. 3. Scheduled Reports of Agency Activities: The Agency shall furnish the City Human Relations Department, Grants Coordinator, with an annual report of activities conducted under the provisions of this agreement within sixty days of the end of the Agency's fiscal year. Each report is to identify the number of clients served, the costs of such service, and commentary on the viability, effectiveness, and trends affecting the program. 4. Use and Disposition of Funds Received: Funds received by the Agency from the City shall be used to pay for the above services as further described in the grant proposal submitted by the Agency to the City. Funds existing and not used for this purpose at the end of this agreement term shall be deemed excess to the intended purpose and shall be returned to the City. 5. Creation, Use, and Maintenance of Financial Records: //; ~- /' .'/ 7 01-) // ' / I I a) Creation of Records: Agency shall create and maintain financial and accounting records, books, documents, policies, practices, procedures and any information necessary to reflect fully the financial activities of the Agency. Such records shall be available and accessible at all times for inspection, review, or audit by authorized City representatives. b) Use of Records: Agency shall produce such reports and analyses that may be required by the City and other duly authorized agencies to document the proper and prudent stewardship and use of the monies received through this agreement. c) Maintenance of Records: All records created hereby are to be retained and maintained for a period not less than five (5) years from the termination of this agreement. 6. Non-discrimination: Notwithstanding any other provisions of this agreement during the term of this agreement, the Agency for itself, agents and representatives, as part of the consideration for this agreement, does covenant and agree that: a) No Exclusion from Use: No person shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination in the operation of this program on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, or disability. b) No Exclusion from Hire: In the management, operation, or provision of the program activities authorized and enabled by this agreement, no person shall be excluded from participation in or denied the benefits of or otherwise be subject to discrimination on the grounds of or otherwise be subjected to discrimination on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, or disability. c) Inclusion in Subcontracts: The Agency agrees to include the requirement to adhere to Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in all approved sub-contracts. d) Breach of Nondiscrimination Covenants: In the event of conclusive evidenced of a breach of any of the above non-discrimination covenants, the City shall have the right to terminate this agreement. 7. Liability and Indemnification: The Agency shall act as an independent contractor and agrees to assume all risks of providing the program activities and services herein agreed and all liability therefore, and shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all claims of loss, liability, and damages of whatever nature, to persons and property, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, death of any person and loss of the use of any property, except claims arising from the negligence or willful misconduct of the City or City's agents or employees. This includes, but is not limited to matters arising out of or claimed to have been caused by or in any manner related to the Agency's activities or those of any I I approved or unapproved invitee, contractor, subcontractor, or other person approved, authorized, or permitted by the Agency in or about its premises whether or not based on negligence ARTICLE m. RESPONSmILITIES OF THE CITY 1. Grant of Funds: The City agrees to provide a total grant of$ 6,071.00 to fund the program in accordance with this agreement. 2. Payments: The total amount requested will be paid by the City to the Agency within 30 days after execution of this agreement by the City and the Agency but no earlier than October 1 of the budget year for which the funds are authorized. ARTICLE IV. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement of the parties on the subject hereof and may not be changed, modified, or discharged except by written Amendment duly executed by both parties. No representations or warranties by either party shall be binding unless expressed herein or in a duly executed Amendment hereof. ARTICLE V. TERMINATION 1. For Cause: Failure to adhere to any of the provisions of this agreement in material respect shall constitute cause for termination. This agreement may by terminated with 30 days notice. 2. Disposition of Fund Monies: In the event of termination for any reason, monies made available to the Agency but not expended in accordance with this agreement shall be returned to the City. ARTICLE VI. NOTICE Any notice required or permitted to be given by the provisions of this agreement shall be conclusively deemed to have been received by a party hereto on the date it is hand-delivered to such party at the address indicated below (or at such other address as such party shall specify to the other party in writing), or if sent by registered or certified mail (postage prepaid), on the fifth (5th) business day after the day on which such notice is mailed and properly addressed. 1. If to City, addressed to Grants Coordinator, Human Relations Department, P.O Box 4748, Clearwater, FL 33758 2. If to Agency, addressed to Julie L. Scott, Director, Quality Child Care Center, Inc., 2405 Drew Street, Clearwater, FL 33765. I , ARTICLE VII. EFFECTIVE DATE The effective date of this agreement shall be as of the first day of October, 1998. .IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals this 7~ dayof 0r~ ,1998. City of Clearwater, Florida Countersigned: By: Michael Roberto, City Manager Attest: Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: '. ./~ ~= = - .. - 1LJi' - . - - . .. - ~.-' - : ~ /fJ. ~._.."_ c~.. ~ a E. Goudiau, Cl~.-ele];k ..- '. - - ./. ' . . -- /". John Carassas, Assistant City Attorney Witnesses as to Agency: 5A'-La ~. Fo"'T~ ~ '. 1Y;~ ~(~# Attest: ~~€:~ Mf..LDOf~' ""~ ~ ~1Z.~ Sh/rl bj. /l.. Imjn:vharn I 5u.n..huy I I CITY OF CLEARWATER SOCIAL SERVICES GRANT PROJECT APPLICATION FORM Phone: (813) 562-4060 for assistance Due: May 4, 1998 A. Application Information Applicant: (Sponsor/Developer) ..DJ.~~J:_uLi.!LLL-S~tt Organization Name: (If different) Quality Child Care Center. Inc. Address: 2405 Drew Street City; State; Zip ~. Florida 3376) (811) 72)-41'52 Telephone Number: Contact Person: Julie L!_ Scott Title: Director Center (81J) 725-4152 Home (81J) 5J1-006J Telephone Number: Period for which funds are being requested: October 1, 1998 - September 30, 1999 Signature Date C) , 'f .1._1,'.-_...( / .;; j ('i' 7' f I NOTE: The City of Clearwater reserves the right to fund applicants at a level lower than requested. 2 I I B. Activity (Check One) Adult Crime Child Abuse Elderly Hunger /~ I 0 'J ()... t:j (\ (j '), ..J U \ Juvenile Crime Physical Illness Parenting Adolescents Substance Abuse Unsupervised Children xx Youth Development other (Describe Below) xx Quality Child Care Center. Inc. serves preschool childrp.n ~EP.~ 2 through 5 whose single parents are enrolled ~t thp. ~nj~~pnt Clearwater Campus of st. Petersbur~ Junior College'8 Womp.n on the vJay Challenge C enter and parents from the ~llrrnlmn; ne; cOTllmllni ty. Predominately these families h~vp. bp.low ~vP~ae;p income. The Center, throu~h grants and donation~, prov;n~s s~holarship aid for children whose parents have applip.n f'or ~oo~n;nated Child Care subsidies. Scholarships are funded prim~rily with e;~a~ts from Dana Beck Fancher Mission of Fir8t Pre8bytp.ri ~n r.hll~f"'hJ D1tnedin. 3 -. I I C. AMOUNT OF FUNDING CURRENTLY REQUESTED: (Not to exceed $10,000) $7. SOO. D. SPECIFICALLY FOR WHAT WILL THIS MONEY BE USED. (Line item budget for this amount) This money will subsidize 4~~ of the hot lunch program for 35 Rtud~ntR.. Parents pay $1.00 ner day per lunch, leaving ;:) fund shortage of 8Se ner day per lunch. E. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT YOU WISH TO FUND UTILIZING THIS GRANT. Our catered hot lunch program for 35 students co~ts $16.S11. per year. Parent fees pay $8.92S for lunches at $1 per lunch per day, leaving $7,586 to be subsidized. Two inter~enera- tional volunteers per day serve lunch and clean-un. spending two hours' per day so the teachers can concentrate on the children. The students get to exnerience the fellowship of these 10 volunteer servers. F. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF YOUR OVERALL ORGANIZATION. Quality Child Care Center, In9. is a private nonprofit pre- school center which provides a developmental program for children ages ~ through 5. ~he Center 1S adjacent to the Clear- water Campus of st. Petersburg Junior College. Its goal is to proviae a qual. 1 ty program 1'or ch1ldren of single parents enrolled in Women on the Way Challenge Center and children from the surrounding community. A Scholarship Committee receives applications for child care scholarshins from students at the college and the working poor. The Scholarship Fund is maintained through grants and donations. 4 I I G. G. NUMBER OF CLIENTS SERVED BY THIS PROGRAM. JJ ~urrp.ntly:. could increase to 36 as . enrollment continues. H. PERCENTAGE OF THESE CLIENTS WHO ARE CITIZENS OF CLEARWATER. ?9 rhilrlren of' JJ (RR;~) are citjzens nf' Clearwater. I. CURRENT OVERALL ORGANIZATION BUDGET (PLEASE ATTACH) . ~:e are enclosing a copy of our Projected Budget for 97-98. If you would like a copy of our nost current Balance Sheet, we will be happy to provide it. J. IF THIS IS START UP OR MATCHING MONEY, SPECIFY THE DETAILS i.e. : WHICH AGENCY OR ORGANIZATION WILL PROVIDE THE MATCH, THE REQUIREMENTS AND THE AMOUNT OF THE MATCH. The parents pay $5.00 per week or ~1.00 per lunch per day toward the cost of $1.85 per lunch - leaving $7,586 to be subsidized. The matching fund is also the 10 volunteers, 2 per day who work 2 hours each per day cleaning tables and serving the lunch They clean the kitchen and tables and floors after lunc~ The volunteers enable the staff to concentrate on the students, food, table manners and transitions. Volunteers, through con- tact with the children, contribute to the child's socialization and well belng. Donations of change and currency by the mem- bers and friends to the Faith Church's "Joyful Noise" box, prov1de snacks for the students. Spec1al Chr1stmas offer1ngs help with the Center's operational expenses. K. IS YOUR AGENCY A REGISTERED 501(C) (3) NON-PROFIT AGENCY OR IN THE PROCESS OF BECOMING ONE. IPIe received our 501(c)(3) status on August 15, 1995. L. DOES YOUR FACILITY HAVE OR IS IT IN THE PROCESS OF ACQUIRING THE J\PPROPRIATE LICENSURE FOR THE DELIVERY OF THE SERVICES DESCRIBED IN THIS APPLICATION. Yes, the Center was incorporated on December 28, 1994. Donations are fully tax deductible to the extent provided by law; it rece1ved its P1nellas County L1cense 5/1/96, Health l'ermi t 1/23/96, Federal ID 1159-3284826, Pinellas County So11cJ.tat10n #95-10054. All proper 11censes are currently on file. 5 .a . . I I M. HAS YOUR ORGANIZATION RECEIVED OR IS IT EXPECTING TO RECEIVE FUNDING (WHETHER CASH OR IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS) FROM THE CITY OF CLEARWATER DURING THE FISCAL YEAR FROM OCTOBER 1, 1997 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 1998? YES ---X- IF YES, PLEASE EXPLAIN: NO Last ear October 1997 through September hot lunch budget was ~ 3. Ie app 1e or a 0/ . thankfully received ~4.420 from the City. Since we have a five year mortgage with AmSouth Bank. we hope you will continue to subsidize our hot lunch program. Our pro- gram provides child care for single parents with lower incomes. Once our mortgage is naid. we hone to fund the hot lunch program in its entirety. 6 (S.~~ ~.r....... (;( eLL .. . ~.'" '"" .-~?:-.9 s II?> u{~:e, 'r Qde~ t:i '-~!l~ I ::'.:::~ :: tN ! - 00- ~ 9 ~ . 9'7 ") - 9 b~ 7 7 ~ 9 7'~ 9 g \ '.. .evDd~~f .-". .~,'.~ A?~j~;'~-;' .... --- \AtnvN 1~5h~~(' .:r~+ATs- --.. ....-..-- GUO<1rf /. ~ ,! I' Ii I, Jj IIIJ 1 ~,' liT. irT-' -:1.1 ~~,IION,*~( 1'lg3~O\? 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