03/13/1962 ~~~,'I::,-:": ;:\,1,' :;~':. '1"'.,"- -J~~":';':':, ,..,..\"....'.:.::;.:.::\:...,. '>.',:..~~..:.:',:.j..;:',1.::::,/. I' ...".~ ::..':".....,'::.:.,..:~.:..::..,.',."., .'.'''' .......,' ,';.'i,..l;' ..J:". ':':. ,I;.".~,i. :\:"'","..:' ZONING MW Pl.ANN INn BOJ'HJ) .~ , 'I ~ . ~1illul~es of tho l>ip.(ttj,nlr,~frUf~Hday, Nar'ch'lJ') 19()2.. .'rha Board mo~, ;,\ t 11: 30 1\ ~ 1/1. \'r.i th th!3 Ghn i rman 1 !tlr-,,' KrUHO . px'eslding.. Pr(~uent. wero MQrnb~X"s Gato:] 1 Hl....rl:.ioe) Roade and !:l"rcm 1 N)'''" Rettig of tohe Engineering Department.. Dnd Mr.. V/oJJ,t'.l... . j'.'1l~ADO\:S SUHDIVrrHON - 1,tr ~ naadp. J'C portod tha t. th 0 8ubdi viti ion ___ 11'\oo __ h..J__._~_.___"'_" Committiec ~,ecomtlmndl.,d to the Bela ru thH t it app:r'\"'we Ur,it .r (OiV'1) f , l~eado\'ts' 3ubdi v:l.sion, aD suomi. t.t.cd by the d'~vl..=,lopl~rs {c.l"'A.";l1ng dH tod . , !i'aba 24~. 196in" f,ir". .fk\~.LmQYE'.4, .t;h~~h~_~~.s.2.!!ill!~~~i..ott.Q..f..~~ll?. E.!!pdivisj."on Co;nJ:~,i.t.t?e_J1!l_JU'..E..x.:.qyQd .9!1.d .t}~t....1t b}1 re.c2.!'9~<t .~Ug~ ,t,his Urii t I~ ( ~l '''~t ~u.9~!~SL~!L.il_E~.1:t. of a t?t'~ 1.1.mina..ty.,Trn,~;~;..B): .2.~an \.ffiich~~ b~~D l~.~~~sLQy_t!l~Q!!!:~. i'~1"~Q&~~~tot:l~t. ,sec,QJ14,EJ.sL qy_t.1!:.';;......fuLa1J~t.-lLaS, p~j!L~T!imQY._€~t'G. Il'he' BDriT'd requested: 1" that the City Planner consul,t "lith .t.he Developers' engineer to. obtain a detailed mastl:!r plan sho\'ting' re- lation t.o the surrounding area.. 2" tiha t the prel.imj.nary 11k1.ster' plan \'-li th eommi ttei:'l reCCnl- . ". " ;'>' . .' l~~,,', ~" I' I ',~ ~~~. ~ : t ' :.. " .> mendations be ,filed for record I s.uch stud.y indicatil1g' necessary l:1.nkage nort.h and south and right-oi'-way ., I ~' ' -, . offl'. ,~' >. . needed for f<lagno1 i,fl Drive l> Tho meeting \'TaS adJoLl'1....ned at. 11.= }-to It., i-'lo /1 ~~~.. ~f(~ \~\ . fie spe ctl'ully su bmi tt ed 1 . ~' &. c..;Jrr1'P-. . , . J ck I ~ \/011e) Secretary "lty Planner : ,/.. T ':Il"~ .':'1 .'.1, . ( . I' I