~ Minutcs 01'1 tha Mooting, 'rueaday, Sep(jombor 5~ 1961.
The meeting was called to order at 4: 00 p" 1.1. by the ChElirman,
Mr. Kruse. Present \..-ere Members Galloway, KemHidy, Gates and lVlylandor t
I.u-. Rettig of the ~nginearing Department" aro l-ir.. \'lolla..
J:~. "lolla reported that Mrs. Hall, the office 8ocrotl.1ry, vlould
he on vacation for two weeks, and that she had been acting secretary
to the Building Inspections Division for the two previous weeks,
thus delaying some routine matters in the office.
The minutes of nhe meeting of Augb 22, 1961, were approved 85
t4ro Kruse reported that i~. Reade, the Vice-Chairman, ~~s in
the hospital) and a telephone call by I4r.. Ga.tes confirmed that he
was doing all right.. Board membel"S arranged to send him a .flOi'lering
l~o Kruse reported that problems of Clearwater Beach usage
had been a Comtnission discussion and that Boards and City Departments
may be consulted on lighting and o~har aspects of the use of the
beach area at night_
DiFORl'f!TrON..)'&ROGRAt1 ONJPNJNG ~:ud& - HI'" Wolle and Mr.. Kruse
informed the Board of i~~. Swan's contact with f4r. Beardsley, Editor
of' the Clearwater Sun~ ,concerning the referendtL'n bills on zoningo
After some discussion, it \'/as agreed that L\1r" Beardsley be invited
to the next Board meeting to discuss all aspects of both proposalso
I~ro S\'lan lias delegat.~jJd to continue this liaison a
P.OI~PLE:rIO!( O!"_!l!Y11&E.J:1UiQ!1JL1tlg_Q..O..Q.1i .. Mra Holle brierly SU/ll'-
marizad the content of the laat two pages 01" the Housing Codea Board
members had no correct;ions or que~ltion~.,
,~U!3PIVISI..-QJ,LfS..Q.Q~,SS~NQ.~~A;QDJ!;r.01:S. - 'rho Boe.rd approved the fol-
,1E,!:i.ng .addit ~~ ~o t.1~~1?~eosed ,r~v.~,sion .2.f.~!:!::~~~t.!?~!.Y~~.~;?E2agula-
t ions:
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Z &. P 14inutao
Uf.! p~j. 5 ~ 1961
Page 1/2
Page 'A...10 - add parp.gr:ill'ill:
"Ii' the final plo.t~ hnving been si.gned by the City
Manager i'c; not f:lled Hlthin 90 days) then the ap-
proval, action of tho Cit~r Commission becomes vo:td.lJ
.S,IDE!~\!!j{S_. ~.J.JjJlm:ll+~LAEillL-: "Y,N ION.J31.~ ~,'l'. - r.1r (> Wollo re ported
that he had conta~ted tihe Rev. Hensha'\.z of the Union f4ethodist Church
~n regard to Ch'~ch plana of constructing a walkway across their
propertYQ He indicat.ed that such a wallt\'iuy ....;ould be needed to serve
the planned parking area and \'/Ould pl-obably be a part of their o\'m
i.mprovement program.. Contact also was made, "lith members o:f the
Dunedin Planning and Zoning Board '~no indicated favoring sidewalk 10-
, '
stallation in t.his area on Union S'treet. The Planner further reported
he contacted John Young, the Dunedin City Manager~ and that the
problem woUld be discussed with the Dunedin City C~nmission. Mr.
llolle had explained' to Mr~ Young that sidewalks are included in
the Clearwater subdivision regulations as an improvement and pro-
.QY. the Board
vided for in the ordinance contract" ,Af.ter some dis 9~Sl9n&:t:L th...e.
'.Qrobabili~ of~th~ need a-E-d pote.!illia.1._use..-2f. ~ ide"flalks 1.n jog.1~, area)
~.J.!!9tion. ,.\'ias P_~~.!ill:~t s~c!~~~~~~.JlO.H.J~d l?e__E.eguired. _~12Eg .lJg.~:kQE.....
~E~qt east of li.!ghland-!~.Yen~~1~LJ~Of'th Kajt~!L1iQ~
Planning literature \'laB dist.r:lbntedc.
rrhera boing no f'ur\iher busine ss I the meE)ting adjou.rned at;
5: 15 P ~ l~L
,:) ( , (;
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\1 C'
Respectfully submitted~
aM-I....$l (J.Jrrfik ,
11 ack-r:~Mwone) ~.
~~' i ty Planne.l"