07/11/1961 :~"" '..: ,": _ ." \; :., :' /. :'...., ."', .:, I;, :::. :, _ . 1._, '''', , ;': ': ~:, :." :,:, ,: \ i':' ",,:' ':'" ~ .' ',' ,/, ";' ,.", :.: . ,.'. ' ;', I: :,:, \ .:. .:. ' ~ \ . " ':'. :0',:. ;.....,. I ',: ,', ,: .";,' '" '. .~ ,4 . :.< :.'.:- ..., '. .', .',~.:: <'~: ' : .:: .: ~,,,.' \ .\; '.+ :' t ,'.. ..' .',;-{:' ~~' / .." ~ ',' ,'.,::', " ' , ' ,~ "" '() ,.;:~~ ZOl~J.NO AND PLMm niU l1DAHD Mi.nutaa of the Meetine, 'rwHiuay, July ll. 1961. . c . ..,---".._' .... 'rho meeting was ca.llod to ordGr at 3:00 p., M. by the Chairmen, Mr.. Kruse. Pl~aSGnt \-lara r.tembol'a Kennedy, Mylander, Gates and Reade I MrD Rettig of the Engineerj.ng De'pa:rl~ment) and ~1r* \'1011e. The minutes of the tTuno 2'7, .1961s meeting 'ware approved as read... A latter dated June 6, 1961, from Miss Bolle Figger, Chairman of thH City Govern01en t Committeo of the League of Homen Voters J ')olaS reud. Miss Figger conveyed thC:l app.re c:La l.~ion o.f the Com,rnitt ee mecabers for the opportunity of meeting with the Board and their dnsire to express themselves concerning t.he pro 1'05018 to change the present procadllre for amending the ~oning ordinanceo The Ohairman read a copy of his memorandum of June 2B~ 1961, to the Oity Manager, containillg, recommendation of the Board that 'consideration be given to proposed street vlidenings and alignments at the Sunset ~oint Hoad-Edgewater Drive intersect.ion in connection Hith Commission revieltJ of application for rebuilding of a filli.ng station at i~he northeast corner. He reported that action on the agenda item "JaS postponed until the .JulY' 17 00m..'11188ion meeting. He stated he felt the Conu:d.ssioners !'aeogi1izad the importance of provid- ing for futul'e traffic l'equir8ment3 in this Lu'sa and t.l1e advisability '; of prot~ct,inB; the CityV s :Lnl;e:cest to ayoid costly eonrlemnat.ion fa!' .future right 3-of-wa'l " . illlIDSOR P~.RK SJrn.1!lY~l~~Q1~ ..::J:~.~~1_~Yll..1!Tr:~..Q..lff.._~OUGLlL? ,;.'E~3~, DBV~W...EID.\t '. Gen,eral loc~t.}.op. :.~ S9.~lth'!E:.~.L9:.s.'~".)1er: }l12g>lL,~t.~!Lk (~Il4 North Keene Road - In the d:L.:;. nus~ 5.0ll it, 1'las b:i"ought out that anne.xa.. ------_.,,~_.--... tion I'e quest is being made at th:i.~ l,imo for only ~nIldsor Parle Subdi- vision, although JorDlson and AlbraG.;:r';1 !~nginecrs {'or t.11o Developer, have dl'a\-lI1 up overall plan s for' devolo [.linen t of the adjoining Hanlse:r property. Mr" fteade reported th:=tt he and ~':r" Gntes h:ld inspected the '., " :,', .~ '. .. : : ".;: I: ,."w , .: : '. '. '. ''-: ::.' .; .: . .:~: : '; ;'.. ~ ~ " ,', ,\,' '.; ~.~ ':.:'. ".,', ';:...,.:...,.., "'... .','",' ~ : :' ~ .... : ~ .'. ,. .:' ".) j, i. \'. ,~\-t.. .; :" , " " \ ! ~ ',,' I \~'.",',"""":" . .' '. '. ~ 4. : ',' ~ ~~ . ~:. . ~., .'. ~ ", ;;,' ,'.' ..' ',' '::, ,', .~, ....' ,'J: .: .~ I ::. '; . , :., '. ::' ,.': ' ~ :.~ ~,' .~". ~. . '.' " ~ ,',. ~ July 11, 1961 PlJ.go 112 , 81 te and thut .h9!L$ttq9-j.:!.~:fil:2!l_gg2lli.!!!:.t.o~s.~uEmd~,t~, r~'P..2!.'2:Y.~;!., p~~ t).1.~. Z &. P 1.an\J.to~t Rlf.l~ (DI'f.\"'/:~llg ;1 ON 5Bl~C) pl'ovidod tha t l.itt,leneok n.o:~d he OX1~f-:HldAd south into Sunset L::\ko Estat,013 SUblliv:l.s ~on t ;)~SO that f.d.de'l-'mllcs ue 'pl"ov:ldtJd on Union StrcQ t as far' East~ l.l:,l ,No;cth Ken no Road. ,4.Ir'. Kruti 0 suggosted that some smaller, scale !1W.S lieI' plan l1i.th mora d.etail f.\sto streClts, drainage, sewer, etc., should be provided to accompany this plat when submitted to' ,the Com.!lission for approval. L"1l"'. Jv!\l'lander moved _~~,..--...- 1 . J ,I. .. , tha t the recqmnendat~on 9! the S~bdivision ,Com:nmillie for~ ~p'~ro_y.al of ~the 'pla.t. qe a,ccee.ted. His rnoti2..!L'i!:l.fL1?~c6.129-~~-1?L.cl!:.~j\eqn.edr and. , wa~A~[J~8ed unanimously,." :, \"iINDSQii PARIC SQ.@.J;Y.f21Q.N.....=:...Z.Qli~ .. 1.Ir. Reade moved that! the 1!!:\bdi visipn be ~.Q!led R-~~, ~~pP.:'le ~;!lj..ly L and deBi~nated as in Fir~ pistr1.c~~ NOV.A 2. Hi,~ motA-CL1l.~Lll~2.nd~..fLEL.~.Ir", ,Ga~~d l."l8.S p_Elssed /~) unanimouslv.. -- ......................,.. t' , 14r., ~iolle reeomluenrled that al.l the area {this l.mit) , \iindsor I '! I , i '/ \ " ,! I I I, 'I :f 'I ;1 ,'( r i r :1 i, :, :1 ,: " " , Park Subdivision ~ and acroage planned for dev~loplllent) should be an- :1 " nexed at this time. 1.1r. J\enl1edy 0xpres:3od the opillio11 that the owners should be given the :i.ni'orOlat ir;n a.3 "~O approx.im.a to increased cost of property taxes anJ :~.lso as l~c tihe advantages of annexation ': oi' the aCl."eage portiono j.1r. Krus e rc eommended that, on the basis of referring to a master plan that ovortut'e be madl~ to the G\mer rel- garding annexation of' the en I.~ii:'e arG.3.. i.lr. \'lolle ae;:ceed to dis cuss the matt;er "lit,h L.b.'o ,J'ohnson, thE: 3n.'::;ineort .?G::J.:Ln. !.1r. Gates moved ---~--- -.-....... ""'''''-- ........ "., \ ',F. ~~~l ,th,a t .th e PJal1fl~...E~.tjll__~l!~~_.~~nf.t.ip~.!~fL_~~ll_~c H P~}~.t_..~o.. ge Cy illi."~~ .QY~11 pltl}.~ !9!:.3.he BC?il..rs1 t"..3!.t-.!:l~~~....._J1:L:'L.p10~i..Q.!L}-::f!~__[.leE..':?.Dded '@A<Ly;as p'a.~J! e,d, !~1aniff!.Q,g.2~:X.~. RE'fIEW SIT1~ PLAN - A C01.~!t~i{GIltL PAH.1\: r'Cli{ CONtrrAN'.eIl~~ 'FAIMS - ..... ~~ 1 1.......... ____._..___--..-....._....~..____.._~__"'"____...._...___.... ..-.... _ Gener ~.~ Lq~ iqn L. B~;b.Q~}.~r Hoad '-.119r~!.h_,~L ,9:}l\~~..:1~.2.::tl~x_l.l~_9.2..UJl!fx.l_ ~~ ' " .' , " " j. " " ,\ ~ ~; Z & P 1'1inutoa ~July +1, 1961 Paga tf3 to Oleveland Street, Extendod; boundod on \fust by Starcrest Lako ,." ., i t ,C~; and Gunn Avellue. Plan 5110\'18 nix blocks totaling 34..7:3 acres+- 'With two entrance streets off Cleveland Street and one each of.~ Gunn Avenue, aelcher H.oadJ and .Gulf-to-BrJ.Y. gntrance streets are de- picted as 160' ~dde ~dthlB' plant.ing in center, and 201 on~-way drive on oach side flanked by lSf parking areas ~ 11'ive foot plant- ing divides parking area from a 10 ft. sidewalk.. It \'laS noted tha.t property 'on the opposite side of' Stfl%'crest Lake is zoned R-I, Sing-. gle Family, north of Rainbo\'l Drive, and that Gunn A're. is improved north of Gulf-to-Bay to the south boundary of the Lake~ The City Planner advised that a request ~O!' annexation is to be made for this commercial park. Alao that he did not recommend that Cleveland Sto be extended beyond its terminus at the existing city limits, as he felt this would cause a heavy increase in traffic th~ough the resi-, dential a'ection of Cleveland and it \iould become like Drew Street 0' 'rhere was some discussion of prevtou.s decision of the Planning' Board that Cleveland Street should not. go through ~ Inquiry lias made as . to any anticipated off-.streot parking for the park :tn additioIl to store-front parking.. 1.1r ~ \'lolle ,expra ssed doubt that the streets within the property "~ould be dedlcated and 3t.ated he would obt,ain information f!'om the developer as to \'lhether the streGta will be L ~' r, " , , . dedicated or be private streets. !'1:0:- ~ Reade movod to c'tafer action _______...~ 'I _______r ,.. .........A _ .~ pn this item :for a liee k and O~?-11L. f.1J.r..tj1.~.r_!n.fQFE;.€!.t i911 ~ ;fOl: ttlS eu:: ]J..gb.~rmm.t~ of' t.he, .BQgJ.:g;_anq 5.':1 .1~J!€; L!l~{.!}].t. im!l_~ref~r _E to the .2_~ning Committee fOi:' zpning re.2..2l},~'l~t.:i.(~!.!.::...._t!is .\1ot~on, \~as secsmde~ .2.Y.: I'.fr'.. K~elll1:~gy an.<LP..flgl~fi_ u.nan;hm2_i.!~b.E' '. .>\ ,: . '. ., < ':: '. ' ~ .' ,,:, : " ' .:' ;,' ,(.:' ,j'.:' ~', ,.,. ',', .' . .' '.' ':. :.'....... ~.: .:'..: I:: ..:.~. .:. . . . .' '. .:.'::...,' '.;, :": '., . .: ':' ,.., :':. ': '. .; l ~.. '; : . .',~:' . '.~ ;' .r .: .". :.,.. ':: I' :' I '. ~, : ':, ':.~ _, :'. '~ :"', :'. " ': ..',' '~+... "'.. ' : ~ ','. :..: " ~' '. '. ;~. '~~ :..' :. I ,~~. ~ ,,: ,', /. ~', .: ~ . ',"> ,: ~ .~...;.t Z &. P M1nutoB .July il, 1961 . Pago It". ' f3~ft Y.~..9Et ~g ~g~j'l.91LlJ~!J?LJ!.N_..QQJtN .lliK..clJ1L1'lt~_ A W~rl!m.J....~11,_~LI~ ~ .!2l~K.IJ~N, Sr.E.m..E;X.1.~.t.Y...l:].g}:..!L'=.L9_Q.:._.frilll2!:!!YJ...~~' S:i;t.;13 plan WIlE: ,t'e- vi. e \'fO d ~ ~lli'@'~~!I1.9"y&g~__~bi!~~h:t:2....;;'ll t@_.l?J5!!LJ~21?.Q~.9 d..:_ g.:i:.t! }llQ.&!.fL1)-1ia~__ tJ0 ~,ql~d..9 rJ.....Qx.~l~lr JQE.1l0 4:LD..!19. NaF .J2~:2s 8~L..lLll'm?J@..\!{J1-.Y." CgNTHAL J3USINl~3S DIS1'[UGT -REI,A':eION '.W GI'fIG G.li:Wl~I!~IL Dii~VELOP~ ...__~.. .. "'H" ~__.....__..____. 1 .... __..--._...-...__...___.......____..-...-___t.....~. ...fi!;Nfll AND COUll'f HOUS.E SIlllg D1~VgI,OPiw1~Wr - 1/100 sCHle photomnp of the __-...___...-'_____ ---..-......-.-----........-----.-1< , 0""'1) t. r-,,::4 Centre.l Business .Distri(.:t (presented i'J.nd O,iscut",sed at t,he, ZoninJ:?; , and Planning Boe.rd rncetil1~ of. Apl":Ll 11, ).961) "Ian d.i.t$played. The. 'Ghai:t~roan .commented on the street openings cmd tmprovement3 t.o be' financed by the recent.ly s:\.gned bond issue ~ ~Jith ref(;,rence 1::.0 the Ghestnut Street project in part.ioular, h~ atrcssed t..hat it was hj.gh- 1y important at this time to prl~sent thl1 Boardt oS propo.sal for the tie-in ot: Pierce StL"'eet \,jo Bay and Ghestnut, and other Central Busi- nessDistrict proposals as indidated on the above ~ap, and to ob- tain an expresgion from the Commission and possibly the public re- garding these' plans.. He recommended that these'proposals be put on a scale dra'\'ling' sui.table for this purpose ~ He reported ,t.hat a representative of the Do\';nto1,';n Merchants had meti rec.ent,ly t',d.th the Beau.tiflcation Coromi1itees of' the City qnd the Ghaluber o.fComrnerc~a and shm'led active int,ersst in beaut,ificat ion of the clo\"mtovm area, , ' ,,' , . Mr ~.' {(ruse' indicated that it 'Jiould be a .f:Lt ting ti-11'2: to be able t,C) solicit t.his l~roup t s opinion in rea:al'd. t,o the ift:-lll id(?a ~ '1'h<3 Chair.... .~; F lI\an further e:tpr'Gsscd t.hG' opinj.on that ~:lt.hol1n:h Board J:'c(~l)mmend&t.ion hs.s been 1.11 favor of the possible extrmsion of Pir-;,.rce St.r3et. at; fnr ClEI Hillcrest 1 t,he e.x:1;ension of tJhes'linut fJt.:ree t ~:a13 mm'e :i.mportallt at "'~ i,his time, eGpecinily in viold of l~hf1 i~.:,d.~ttng ,jog in Piex'(:(3 Sta"cet., '. cX'ea(;ed :;l t ltliss(\uri arj~~l' r"l3 coot. (]o,w!'.:).s55,on l:'\...:t:Lon for tl'JI:l ~Jard ','..J store ~ After GOIl!.c ,'H.Gcu..s ~3i('J1.1~, ~'h'" u nOudo moved tba t [,-tn ::: (:8 UJ:'f~t.f:! sC810 ................_...~..........__-...............-L-......-... ..._""...__.._......_............_......._..._..__........... y r:' .. .:' '. . :+:...: ':, ~ .:.:", 10' ." ',' ..... ,,'" \'"',. "~""." +; . .:' .~~, :. ,:' r ':.. .' :; ~: ,:: I , : .': ..' '.' I :. .. I '. " :~ . ':' r. i . .' " ,. ,; ,': :""':':' .': t : I " '. .:' "'. \, '. ': ~: '.:',~ .' .: . ; ~ .., ,.' .. '. , '. ....~; '. . f: ':,::. .:, " 1~ l ': ~ . . ~.;/ ' ': ... ','-::' .. ., ..f~ July 11, 1963, Page 115 . ~Wil1g JJ}l!1,i!~r....:.~hQ~.!!.p_.l?l~CW!,t a t:!.9~'hmLlde 1. ,!1J~owi;!!ff&-.Q;~J1!:!1}Ct!..t . .t~_!i_'i9_ 3:ooJi..~.~..i:~,e!i P.....(l.~~. "tl!~_!larl1~lt O(.Jl..~ji.!J~J?l~_QY...li~lUnYQ.l VO.~ Z & P rlin\.\taa " I .!!.J1e .~]';LJ__~,n!L.~hG ~ p'ardkj;Wl...~.S~"_.:.JliS mot~.~n-.k@n 3tJ~5mded ~)x...~~:..!.. .' ana was passe unan;l.mo~sly., , , ,Kenne,dYj. Mr.. Kennedy suggested that considarahion, might be given', to the pQssibility of an alternate plan for t.he extension of Pierce Street across a wa~erfront fill to connect directly ~nth Oh0stnu~ , I , I 1 j Street. The Board agreed that the inclusion or private parking would beinforma1iive either as to limited. potential continued us'e for pri- " . I " 'v"ate parking, or for ava:llable necessary acquisition o.t existing open space to provide permanent parking for critical areas. A$enda Item_?" REXIE\'l J~Np~ DI~,C~S.SI.ON OF H~ SI!oJ!!- CODE} wap ,9-.efarred to tJ~e next_,,~-9lge~i;m.\, due to lack of' time. Copies of the proposed housing code ware distributed to Board Member-an I J ,'i , I ,I , I !. " ." l' ..' ., ",:". ~) " ' <'. ........ ,', . , Notebook Entry was listed on the agenda: nZoning aJ.'ld The Luc1.fer Flanff t Excerpt. from "Nal-lSletter of Fla.. Planning &. Zoning!f Dee.. '5'7 issue. The meet5.ng was ~djotlrnod at 5: 05 P.. M... 'I . ( .' , "'.'..' t'.' .,' , , ."> ", . J~;I, .. , , , " :j~ ' " ,< .' , . ' , Respectfully submitted, ~' .~s>-.uJ6-~ J ck I.. W'olle ~ Secretary ity,Planner t!: , " , , '~ . '" , , " " ,,'''''. ,':C \.J .... . . " . ,... . ./, , ': .'