Minutes of the Meeti-ng, Tue-'Utay, Anne 27. :Leal.
The meeting was called to order at 3:00 13. M. by the Chairman,
14r. Kruse. Present- ware 1,11embers Mylander, Novotny, Gates, Kennedy
and Galloway, Alice Bush of the rnginerring Departinant, and Mr. Wol.le.
Mrs.-Bush substituted for Mr. Rettig i'?no was engagod in a Bomber
gain ticket promotion activity,, Chairman Kruso was welcomed after
being away on an extended uropearc trip.
The minutes of the June b, 1961, meat ing were approved as read.
By consent, Agenda Item 1, ft,ight of--Lax a?4 Sunset Pt. _Road and
Edgewater l3rivewas deferred until i. later in 'the meeting.
Harland Bartholomew_ iIousin _Report -• Review Standards nalu-
s? w Copies of-reduced dousing plates (numbers 1 through 6? there
passed to the Board. The City Planner explained that the plates re-
ceived from HBA were printed for binding on the left in error and
that HBA was furnishing correctly printed plates at no addi.tl anal. cost.
Kr. Volle read to the Board his redraft: under section, "Aethods of
Implementing a Mousing Ply- I , on Page No. 20 and 21, viiich expanded
each item in the outline and also contained a description of the
scope of a housing code to di.ferenti.ate it from a building code, as
re quested by the `Board at its May 23 meeting. i4r. Kruse made inquiry
as.to regulations set far. annexation of properties alreC.dy developed
such that before they are arnexed they are required to meat- City
standards. tarn Wol.l.e explained that the City Engi.neir nialces such a
request: for standard imps(.-)v.before properties zany he annexed
These standards ar-a maintained uIh_tou h the processJng of a subdivi-
sion under Ordialance biz raid it.-i cona:ractural obligations. jAr. Gates
commented that the Engineering llepa.x•umant; can, refu:zn to accept otrects
r .
for maintenance If not up to City specifications. 4.1r. Kruse
Z « 11 1-41111.moa V i??ll3 ::'j •, :i i1.5.1,
exgrossed tho opinion that the pro2ossd nub ivitiion aje?ulrati=3
should contain some cl auso as to recct?rnr..nt r,_.in iiaLzjrd to oaj2j it?t
subdivisions that are annexed to the city. i4r. `,tollo called attention
to Harland Bartholoinew's reronunendation regarding the zoniq,, of an-
nexations; that they should be handled just like a zoning case, with
a public hearing.
Mr. Wolle informe?he Board that according to contract HDA
was to review nyyhhou,,, in.,, code pre area the City Planner. HBA
previously furnished for study a housing code that they prepared for
another city. Ar. liolle further explained that minimum standards for
a housing code varied for different communities and most important
proposed code had been
is that local conditions be consider-ad. die reported that 4_2La.pared
by the YlanniaY_ O'f:tce (based on and suggested by the Florida State
Board of Health, with modifications based on his study of the Sara-
sots code, the code recently adopted by the Southern Building Code
Congress, and other codes. These had been reviewed -Ath Ar. Blanton
of-the City Bui.ldin; Inspection Department). This ro osed code would
be submitted for Board review at the next meet .
i&-. Kruse indicated that lie thought the housing code should be
y` ra part of the Housi.n, rteport;. After some discussion. the Board
agreed that the Housing f eport should be ?repared Ath the minimuri
housing code as a part of the rep; ?i r It was suggested that some
copies he bound separrit-,e'.-r or ut-;e of groups not interested in the
entire report. rdr. WoUc! stated that a spocial suppl.ementa.l planning
of9iae statistical. report; mould also be disL•ri.buted. This wi.l.l con-
tain charts, graphs, and housing data based on the 1960 cansus, and
Clearwater building per;n::.b data of the past; 11 years.
e4r. Novotny left tht•, meeting at. 4:00 P. M,,
ZA 0" P "I"'k iill. ?, lSi7
l ht of?y at Sunset Pt. j?,oact axiriij;(1V %irAter Drive - The Chair-
Coimn'lgsion frog,
man advised that there is to he an a ga +- o the Cifi r
a favorable decision of tha Board of Ad juatment_ and. Apleeal on Zonis
reirar?dina rebuildin roof a fillLiiG_ at:ation. which has existed as a non--
conforming use in this 1141 zone, as It was constructed prior to, the
1931 zoning ordinance ,. A-?-. Kruse pointed out that decision as to
the applicant t s complia.nc;) to the preserit 'zoning, regulations was a
matter of ordinance interpretation and ?vms not being presented for
discussion by this Board. However, the Chairman indicated that the
Zoning and Planning Board should consider proposed street alignments'
and the possible future situati.oA at this int;arsecti.on and make ap-
propriate recommendation in this regard. He stated that the 1All--1
Highway Plan establishes proposed rights-of-way of $6 ft. for Odge-
water Drive (existing right-Of-way 40 ft. at this intersection) and
100 ft. for Sunset Point }load (existing right-of--way kC ft. in this
section) ; and that this intersection, is projected as h very impor-
tant one in plaruiing for the City. It was noted that the existing
bodge over Stevenson Creek is inadequate and may have to be rebuilt
in the not too distant- future; also that a motel occupies the south--
east corner of the intersection- The City Planner reported that
prior to the, BAA hearing lie had attempted to socirre from the uoimt;y
Engineers s office speci.f cations an plan of the State Road Departrnotit
for widening, of this sect :Lon of 63uns..st; Ft. Road and was advised that
they could not give him ar:y information about the right-ot'--way at
this time a tea Gates made a r>?c)t,i.on that Wie Chairman prepare a letter
to the City IlVin.ager reeorm?n din; r•lzata -con era- t:ion by given by_ tile
Commission to adequate provitsio n fox- the future traffix rettu:irements
of the Sunset Point, Road Drive hi?Li jra,v intersection in
connection ;Ath the reuueated use of this nvrt:`.-iea.s t corner. His
Pago Jill
motion was seconded bar P1r„ Xennedv and was)aased un ni.aiouslyn
Zoning Referendum Bills dates of nubli.c rinF - Mr. Vol le
reported that the City At-borney's office dial not as yet have any in-
formation available regarding dates of the zoning; .referendum,
Trailer Park Anne xat:i.on,?t?ggt Sunny Grove Trailer Parkland
ZoninPlan area of exist,M Park, a2proximately 2- ft. wide and
700 ft. deep, location: south of. Gulfwto-Ba?BivdM1 , mast of Bdenville
Subdivision) - Tro CityP:'.anner advised that he had been asked by the
Assistant City Attorney, iv3rg ,Kennel ,, to make a recommendation con-
cerning this proposed annexation and had submitted a memorandwn to
the Asst. City Attorney on Lhe subject Ynt_th information that the
Board would discuss this case at its dune 27 meeting. A =2-drawing
of the Trailer Park and aLwround:ing area was displayed. Mr. tlolle
painted out that the SunnyGrove Park ownership extends all the way
,.. ? to Magnolia Drive, a situation in which the owner would be creating
additional trailer park in the €smiexed area, and that his recommenda-
tion was for rezoning .fro.n County A-•2 (Small. Farms) to City R-1 (Sin
,l e Family Residential). This assumed the availability of a Trailer
Park zoning classification to be used sometime in o?ae future Mr.
Wol.la explained the land use of the area mapped and an overall zon-
ing and planning propobal for the area from Belcher Road to US 19,
and from Gulf'-to-Bay Blvd., south i;o the 1.8-19 section line, (approx-
imately 1330 feet south of Drnid Road alignment),, Thera ,7gas cone
discussion concerning the application of R-1 zoning for LraJder park
use of the Sunny Grove Pal-k proparty that is not presently developed
as a trailer park. There was fu hbi z• discussion of how land value a
t, in this half section tt2i,t ht; be affuct ed by -the proposed overall plan,
For details ,of„t?r p2sal outlin di _ re.f'c:r,•enco is made to 11111?nnip
1 1' Minu+: w) ? 1.t, 61
Juno 2'?
and Zoning Analysis of Area Sough Half Section 18-29-161, oubmitated
as an attachment to the al)ove mnraorandum to the Asst. City Attorney.
.j Mr. Wol.l_e read to the Boaa•d 'the text; of this memorandum. Mr. 14 gander
moved that the memorandwn
be approved. His motion was seconded b ,
Mr. Gates and was passed.
Planning literature -.ras distributed.
:. The meeting wag 'ad j otxned at 5: D5 P n 1.4.
Respe cta.fully, submitted,
;' ael I. WoLL61: Seely
.;- .
ity.. Planner
S} fi.
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