05/16/1961 . ,~~............--...- ,.~.... . .. ~ P, ~.I ,~~ ZONING J\I~D PLANt~!NG 130At(1) M.inutes 01' the Meeting) '}~w:!miay, l~'1y .16,1961. 'lite meetlnf~ \'188 ct\11ed t.o or'dor at 3:00 P. M~ by tfhe Vieā‚¬!- . ...~~..- . Chairm!Ul t Mrt' Renda. . Pre SGnt Nere N0mbl~r's Novotny J Hurries ~ 'Mylander, Swan and Gates, I,1r~ nettig t,)f chaEngineoI'ing Dep.:n:tmont ~ and l-1r~ V/olle. " .,' The minutes of the May 9, 1961f meeting were approved as readc li!Y.IE\'l OFr "ilOUSINCL R.i!:PORT_.-: . BY...9..2!Hient A81~ll.<1?.~:rtenL)..J..a )"M Pl~ ~xplan@.tions - Cor:x:ect~o,nf3..J'~.s. ta!~g!?..J_~...:. Mr. Vlollo offer(~d as . a general crj.t:Lcism of all plates that.. he did not feel it. necessary ~to'have Clearwater city limits indicnt.ed, as the plates w:>uld ha~'e to be updated to be current. and the !'i:.1 tention of this featu.t'e would date the plates~ He called attention to the fact that the entire planning 'area \'las considered and t.hat some complete neighborhoods are outside ~t.he city limi,ts. The Board favored the Planner's recommenda-. tion to. omit 'c1.ty limit lines" In the discussion of t,ha pJ...Sltes to I' /.; ~ I , , '.' , . . ,~ , ' ~:"'l , , be used in the report., th~ "fql1,c,,,[j1}E.._Qba!!P'&..s~ It.~r.e4 aPE.r~ovad as_~.w~,- .gested.~~ "J' J~late~jJl Existln&-l{~i,ghQQ~h~tq.~&. t.u'c \lolle explained that. the nei ~borhoods \'lere. tied partially to e.nUJuaration d istri eta ~ na'tural . breaking points botv,reen living aroa~3, and man made' barriers, and that names ",ere Ilk'linly derived from accesr; routes" Mr.. Reade suggested that .the name of Glem~-ood Ne1.Y1oorhood bt?: changed t~o Hillcz:'e st. ~ as in . I ,. , his opinion the latter name .13,d long b8\::~n assoc fa tod vii th that A.rf~a, .E~~~r/f2 f.r.9.l~ose(LlI.QMtlt.d.~.fl,;.1~~ M, {~orrections ,.tero suggostod !'or some areas, shO\'In as t.mdeveloped, land (],egond \,rh"il:.e) \'lhich should be shown as deV'eloped areas. 'l'J1(n'f;~ \'IUS f30l1'~ dis C'.13 ::don of areas e lass i- :,..,.. ~:.J , fied as lfag1.nglt or having II subt"Jt,annaro h m.\sing c("Jndi t:'.Ol1slt . 1.1r" '~.foll~7 .1 advised that dat.ermination \'1':.),8 made b[;U~r.?d. on ObSB1~vat:Lon of st.ructut'8S I} .. I '::t I ~ l . ,,' j 0'" I; . .: '. '.;' , , .: J .' /0. .:, " i ':: '," .' ....!: , '.' ; ::: ': . oJ,. "': I ' ,.:; t', '. , ',~" ~ ~ ,,',', ....... ',:,' ',' ';:,'~:::: ~, : '0' .' " , ~: : I ~'" :..:" l'Oj" '~fJ':' , ., '.' ::'.'0' ',:' "'; <.,~ ~" " ' :: ',.': :~, :/,0,.;".:: r:. .:. : ':. : . I: ':": '; ~'" '':; :. ~"',:': ", ~, '. ' ',:- ,:;' ~ :'. :.:' , ,'.' " :: . :-.t " :. '~', :, :-. .',; . zr~p j~inutos 1.1F.q J.(~" 1')(1.1, Pae'~ ,/2 w:i.t.h no interior inspection as a pHl'li oJ' tho Btudy.' lie suggest.ed .~ that HBA not use dota in their graphic repX'e sontHI;. :lt1n on th i~ plnt~e aD they usually ,:e pl"\'~ s~nt units of popuL?tion ~ P.lo. te-Lf2-'.~~~:-:'1.Qr'-:~.9-~_ Are...5l - 3ul7.s[3st ion ,\'las mode to color in a tilllalJ. at'(:)u (\.,.b:i.tp. 1e.s;i:lnd) L1iT .J1Jx.tl~'J .:~V(:rllW t",) 6110\1 aG j)(lj.I1!T. ::,:u):'Vi)d by. the citY". l,jr. Hettie; made 111(~lltiol1 of an ex1.~)t.j,ng agroelClOnt thf-~ oi t~y ha S \OJ;' th t.he' cO\J.nt~y concerl1~.ng a north boundary lino u~paI'at:i.ng areas of service. He further stated that a s im:tlar so u.th turr.:ltorial l' . boundary did ,not exist" It \'1as agreed such cond.itions, if kno'ftm, should be recorded on this plate. Plate #.!t...9,ani tr.q".Y~ Sell;~. Service,j~raa - Some clarifica tion "..'as added to the plate indicaliing existing coverage of cri t.ical areas ~ fute #"2 Stol'm Dra!-.Q.8...,ge Courfi8s' - It \laS e~cplained that this' plate was l'lJrked out largely from the re cords of' Johns on & Alb:t'echt, . Engine era. N) change~ were suggested .for th~Ls plate.. PIE4tCE S REZ'r CON1:Ec'rIO~J - l~.vi~)tDquest _by CitX Commission - twJr.. \1oLl f3 outlined for the BOEi.l"d the )~e quest pre sent,ad to t.he C1 ty Commission J..1ay 15 in regard t.othe propost3d site 01" a i.Iontgomery Hard storo building at the southwest corn~~ of Cleveland Street and 1,Iissouri Avenue. '.rho plan presen t.ed by JOl3 Evere t t, at tt)l'ney for Saplr Investment Co. Inc", (lando\mc rs) '~as dependent upon. the city '. :) ,; .: I <::' " \-.-- realigning Pierce: Street betvieGn 11aditJOn and 1,1is:3ou.ri along the r,3y"- ist:ing south property lins ~ IrhiD \lOuld involve 'l<lcation of an ex- isting 20 f.oot. PiBr~e Street righl~-o;~,'_.\t1aY .'lest of Aissouri Avenue in e:tchange for a curved l"ight-of..\\'ay at. the sou.th end of the Pro- posed si'te. Plan also called :for' a portion of ' Pierce Street, already .' '1 !>__; paved and in use, behind the Clev'~land Plaza Shopping Center (a Sapir property), to bo va.cated and realigned to the south, to conform "lith the realignment weat of I~issouri i~vonue (cast realignme nt would rtUl : \ I. ? .~.:, l' 't',P.rlnt',c\f: '.;." I c', > ~ . I . l'c./!;U if) ,tf~.' I ~ '" thl'O ugh pro pe rty ovmed by a OhictlgQ ro nJdon ~). 'l'ho fJollrd rQviowou a strip 'map or the Pior co St t'81J t ,'.111.enmtln t~ pl'OpUl'oJ. by th0 n:nBinoel". ing Department, as watt an prope)..ty n1ttp~\. anu t~hQ 1118,jor ntrcut Plan as th(~.y related to traffic and parkin;~ nl3eda. ^ rep:resontat'lveof . the City Engineering Dnpal't,nlont ~.ndi cated thu t rou.li.r;nment 01' the right-or-way vIas not obje ctionabltl to tho at ty Eng:tna er provided that utilities '\1ould be relocatod v,r:i.thout, cost to the cihy J and that realignmen t would be co-terminus across !JiiDSOuri Av'onue" At 1,,:15 J.jh~. Joe Everett~ appeared and presented the case for i~ontgomery Ward concernil~ the above plan, explaining the possibil- ities of a realignment to conform to the Uard si te re quirements.. He '~ was then excused from tho meeting. After some discussion, the fol- r...-a ___ 1 _ :'. . lowing DJotion of recocrmelf~~~~~s .easaed Wlan:l.Dlously by the Board: 'Jlfhat ~~;,,;o ~ ~ . 1. - Pierce Street be retained as a part of the l~Ljor Street Plan: Pierce StreJt should go through from Clearwater Bay to Hillcrest Avenue and that Pierce Street be co- terminus at all intersect:tons :J.ncluding 1.1is~ouri Avenu(~.. 1'here is no objection t,D Pierce Street being diverted be- tl'lean l~adison Avenue and H:tssouri Avenue provided that 20 t~) '.' " I .'. ?~ :;.~;.'" ~ ~'~~.. ',':': ..- , ~ I ' l. j. ~ . ,~ ' .:....: " ,"; it be made co...terminus \,!:i.t~h the portion of Pierce Street east of j.'Iissouri Avenue, ~'ctd.ch lv-:Juld necessitate the ac- 'quisition of right-of--way :south of tha p:ce'<3ent right-of- \\ray of Pierce Street e;.iHt. of.' !.1i~3,:jouri Avenue. ..: . "', ,\ . . ."'....., 3 0 - 'llhe applicant should subsliit.ute an approved Pierce Street right-of-way for any such r:i.ght-of~way w1,cated" , 14'0 - That the applicant ShOL.lld provide for th',: Ct)st 01' any 8uc:h D.cquisition and alBo the cos to of installutlon o.f all ' and any. utilities required~ " /l.' . ,: ,.'t, ' - \ .: . .' " '.!: II::' ;Y! ~, '" '.~. '. :' ::j " ~ \./ ,.' " . ':":. ,....:~ .: ': .~~. . :: .,,': ,~;,:~: ~:; j . ' : '.' , . I ,:': : ". :' .::: . /~ \ :. -.= :,' ~ 'r: : . .. '.1 '.:.' ,::.':': ,~ .: . ..': ': :" ':. I:; '. ~ ~." '. .':, ",':,' '.. .,' .,~ .... ~ ',,: :. .' ~:.: .'::; ~ ; '. '..': ' .: I . ., . l..' ~ ~'L. I ..~.'. ~ ,I: ~. .' " ,: :....',.F jll i. un l;"l.,)tj ~ ;lu)1' .tu; J-ju.L ~ ,I( 1'111:'0 Irh 5 n - No pOl'tion of the PiOl:'cn :3trce t r:lg}~:..()l'-\'/ay be perm:J. t,ted for private parking nroa." Ca~JJ."'261.1 c0!1c0rp:LQB;_Zon:l~DE.._,QJla.ng~ Ho quost.: .1f5L:ttheast, .sorna!" Druid l10ad an~ Herq~l.le ~ J ~P"p':r:'o:x.~.n!f!.tC:ll:t E.:.30 x 281.. .18 ft. n) ll..Q.ill..Jl:.t J sing~e fami!~ 1".9 s:l:Q.~nti~J:.L to n:...Jt. ( nllll ti~f.<;ll!lilt) .J}l?l'licant: ltalph Hayes, Bro."'1h He,'11~ty: Co~ 1.)!~RLe:;wnt&l.~iy~~ - Use roquented on application "Jas i'or site of a 70 unit apartment. build- ing. !/lr. Gallm'lsy reported that the ~;(U1~.ng OnOlii1ittee recommended disapproval of this application. It \'las agreed that development of a pro posed R-l" zoning H'ould further congest Druid Road) mig ht al- 10\-/ some sub-standard multi-f'ami.ly use, and ...,lOuld affect the sin- gle family homes to the south and east. itr. Gates moved that the '-"" ...... ~ Board aPEroyeT the' rocq,n~J!9.ati..Q..ll~. the Zonin~.~Com1llittee to dent this applicat_ion.. His mot1pn rm5n~econde(1 ,b:y !/Ir. i.fy1al1der 'and was ~assed u~animousl~. J~eport ol'l..State .~ronj.n.e; ~gislat~iQ.n - I,IrQ j.1ylander read memoran- dum dated l'l!ay 15 from the City At.torney to the City Planner advi.s- 111g that according to information obtained 1'rom one of the aides to the Pinellas County Legislativo Delegl..rt.ion t ~~h~.9ity~ Z.Qll~Act~ to be approved by reforendum~ which would Gause the ei.ty to use the provisions of the Gener..?!... Li:!.li..Ei..J!Jll.LJ3tat e 1.. ~1.fl.s. ~--Ea ss?.g.....k.L9o~t)1 ~Hou~~~..t. and tha t. the present,at iO:1 of Lhc o"thel" ,bill amending the present zoning practices is doubt1ul~ Qh~ber oJ;..9omroo-!:.~~_Me~d~.i .' l~lI'Q Svmn re?crted that t.he program on planning at the first qti.art\~l"'l y 1 um:heo!1. mm:ting oi' th(~ CIHar\'/atel" Cham bex- of Commerce and 1.1erchan ts Div ision 1.mD ";<011 presented and" ~,~) '\'Jell receivedc He commented t,hat V!r" \lolle did an excellent. ,job on " . . , 't;he 'slide narrClt.1on and t~h,a,t i.Iru Gates gave a f~.ne repo:('t on the com- pGsition and duties of the 7.oning and Planning Roa:i.'d. The Board \'/a3 \ , ,. ': \ , I '. ~l!; , . ~ . " -.J - .\ o}l 'i A [ , ,:\ " . 'j I 1 r , I j t ,~ '..-.. j .~'" L :~ : " .,:..;) .,(" ''''~ 'l./,-,r 1.\inu\:.I.H'o l'ldY 16, 1901 P,1Jga ,I'h 5.. - No port.ion of' the P:lOl'C0 ;h.root l"inlt,;..of-\'my bH permitt;od fo:r' pri vat,o parking ~roa ~ It Q,~_qo. ~-4'" JQ1._tn COll...9!lrI1 inll_ Z9nJ.n~21l{lE.&2... fio quo !1J!..L_~o r~ hGartt~, .Q.2!'nur 12l"uid. Rood allH, H~rcule8.J.!!r!pr~ximat.clx 11-2...0 x. 2Bhn1JLJt..) , from Jk:1 L~ingle faluily res~.dentiAJ.-LY9.. f~-.!Li!ll~~~i-ramilY} .. Aj)pl~!!.L l,taJ.eh Hayes~1 Br9~~ Heal tL9E_~!te~re!3eI!~iY~ - Usa requested on application "Was .for s1,te oi' a 70 unit apartment build.. ing. iJ1r. GallO't'1llY reported that the~~rmj.n[:; C'1mmittee recorrunended disapproval of this applicatiLclll. It \'/aa agreed that development of'. .a proposed R-4 zoning would further congest Druid Road, might aJ.... lO~1 some sub-standard multi-family use J and \-tould affect the sin... gle fSlnily homes to the south and east. JJlr. Gates moved that the Board approve therec~~nda~~on of the Z~ning ~qromit~~o den~ this a-.Eplicat ion .~ His f!totio n \"as ..eeconded by iJI1~.~ ~ J.4Ylarder and "laS, passed unanimously_ ~eport on St~t~ Zoning L~gisJ~t1&n - l1r. Mylander read ~emoran- dUm dated l<1ay 15 from the City Attorney to the City Planner advis- ing that according to informati,on obtained .from one or the aides to the Pinellas County Legi.31atj.ve DEllegation, the. C:i.H_?oninpj J~s.i to be approved b~{ .referendum} \~hich \lJould cause the eity to u.se the provisions.oE the General L~w of tr~ ?tnt~~b~s been pas~ed bj b~~h H9J.:!..ses, and that the presentation of t'.hoJ other bill amending the present zoning practices :l,s doubtful., Qhamber pf .9o.!>>l~~~J~~dt1l:!g -- l.ll'.. Swan reported that. . the program on planning at the firsti qU3.rtc1J"1 y 1 uneheon mee ting of the Clearwater Chamber of Uonuuel"ce a'nd. I-ierchan ts Dtv:lsion llCiS 1":ell pra:Hmted and ""ell received. He comm(~nted that li~ra 1/011e di.d all excellent job on the slide narration and that l.ir~ Gates guvn a f'tnc report~ on th(~ CO{(\- position and dut.ies of the Zoning am Plannit'.g Board. 'rhe Bom'd was '!.-" /~"':".,.'., ":,:Ij:"'l,:,,:II.J::~:"">:"""h':'::-::::"':"..:.:.' ':.::,.:.'.....,. ..::.~~:.",.:r.I::(..>,..,.I\..I..' .:':', ,::. :.~'.,:...:.:"..:..:..\~. ::.:. ~I,i... ::".:,1': ;,::",,<,'.,., .1. .~. ,~;,.:'.' ~',' :'.,:;".'r::'j\'~'~~",:I;.. "... , ;~..'~ .....u,1 , . , ' ," . , .' '~;) r,'," Z&P i4inutos !olny .1.(, 1961 PHge i! 'j further advised that; tho pr'ogl'am ha,d an attendanco ~).t' OVl~r 90 and had received much .fflvorable comnent, from Gh.arnbor 11l0mbHl'CL JJlr.. \loll/? thankod both l-Ir. S''inn and 1~1r~ Gntes for their a.::m:lt1tanco in the ,pl'O- gramft l~~V,IE\'l Of HOU~!t!Q. f!EP91IT.-=--fL9.n!ent....Q9yora,&.q- Th:l::> AgiJndil Item '.3 (b) was deferred until tho next meeting date.. RE~Vm\J pF !lOU SING IS: PR,1ir~r..lE9,grap!1ic,al rev~\~~~.,.,~~.)(lm,ti~.<!Q. '- The Vice-Chairman agreed to be respons:tble for th1.s x'eview,. ~ubCOU1mit,te~ Subdi Visi,ol1. ReEu~at.ion'8 ~e"',ie!! - It 1,.U\S agreed that ,,'l.I'.. Harries and j,;1ro Gate.D \'roitld review and recommend concerning "APPENDIX HAft OF THE HOUSING R.~POR\r and v.'Ould arrango to meet with Mr. '~olle'o ,St,ate - Outdoor Re,ci"e~~~on...l:.!!!.ll1l.i.Efl.i. - The Board ,<{as advised that . the .City: Planne,r..had me~. ~d tl1. ~the yO.1illl!.Y.....Park .I).ire eto..!' for disc~u~si.QU. of Clear~a~~~araa olanQin~ fR~_~aational ~~~. This had been initiated by a general let tel' from the State Development Commission in regard to City and 'County recreational planning and State partici- pation.. The Vice-Chairma'n advised that; the Chairman of the Le.i:lg~~ .\yomen Vot.el',s _Com!1!it.t.!L~ malting a s1;udy of zoning and planning had been requested .t? set a ..tjmeL 1.sn:: t)le--9.2~!!'p-itt~t,o ..!!lE!.2..Llrith t.h~ ,fJo,ar,d and that a reply \'IP..S e:zpected before the end of the w"eek~ lIl'r.. Holle called attentio~1 to addit.ions to notebookD~ 1.. - L:i.st of addit.ions to Planning Office Library 20 - Excerpt Sllinmary Aging "UHAH.T BOOKfI Planning literature was distl':l.bu.tGd.u t.rhe mea ting l'/as adjourned. at !5: 05 P G 11i1' "