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Minutes of' 1;ho Meot,ing, 'l'uesday, tJanoory 24, 1961.
The meeting 'oms called to order. at 3 :00 P. H. by the Chairman"
M'r.. Kruse. Present 'V18re .Members Galloway, Harries, Kennedy, Gates,
-S''/an and Heade,. 1\11'. Rettdg of the r.:ngillaering Department, and J'-1r.
'.rIm. notes of tho joillt meeting "lith the City Commission held
on January 10, 1961, \1ere accepted without correction.
g,l.c_l1ll Ell(;!J1. ;:r.?il;.er Pal"'k rleeomme.I].4~t:Lr.m. '-!lQ!:~h_, .of Gu,lf.-tp.:--,Dar.
m:!~.) - Chairman Kruse repoi..ted that at meeting of' January 23rd the
City Commi8sio~ passed on ita first reading Ordinan.ce 11$90 declaring
the Cit.y? s intention to annex ~his ncreage locat.ed in the 3wi/4 of the
NE1/l{-. of' Section 17-29-16. ttll". V1011e displayed a trailer park plan
given. to him that morning by the trailor park Oliners and 1.11". Bonner
and stated that one of the o,mers1 i.'ll'. Brockman, \'JaS available for
any explanation the Board might "neh to have.. They 1'!ere quoted as
being willing to comply \'lith the trailer. park requirement.s as set
out in the December, 1960, referendum proposal. !~. Wolle pointed
out that the pIau indicated a 25 ft. right-of-way loop and that a
24 ft. private street abuts the property on the east side.. fie fur-
ther reported that he had discussed with the applicants a possible
request for a l:O ft. right-of-.,,;ay easement reservation at the back
of. the.property. for a future street, In response to an inquiry from
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Mr. Gallo'way, l~ir. Holle ud-vis od ohhat ~.ra:i.ler' park use \'lOuld. not re-
quire approval of a permis3i ve use by t.he BAA, OS tho City COInmisr.don
! ..,
had authority to zone property \'lhen annoxod and e~~pressf:d hit, opinion
that since constI'uction of the park Nas in procass, the Boai:'d could
consider as a recommendation fc.-l zon:i.ng "'iit,h l1on..cont'ormiuE'; llse ~
. and that the recreation use in tho Busj.ness area could be cOl1sitlcx'ed
an appropriate one.. 'rhere '.-las, a I.~enerrll d.iscuas'lon of tho pla.n * It
:;:. .'1. :'<1"':":+ I ;.:':":'\.... ...',~.','/.. :~:'.::, ..':;', ,.....':'~:..i...:.' 1:-....,:..,. :. .1-1'..: "';'-:;"::':""1"":" '.."" ..:,..:::1", ...l........:...'.\.:'.~ ,,::,.:''':l.::t','.:' ""':'.:.~l<. .....' ",'.
th:mUi..l)"'Y ,oUt-) J.C)61
I' J~) ,
ago If'~
\'-'US brought out that l"equ'll'(J(nent~ that, all t',ra:ller hO!lV:H\ bu hHyond
330 it w of tho C(-!l1ter line of Gulf -to-Ba.y Blvd" would (/~im:l.natal usn
of the 'front four trailer lots as shovm. A 8uggflstion 'ttaS made [t'n'"
a cross-over street to short,1S>n the length of the ono"N8jt loop street n
, MrD Kruse read to the Beard the iTIomorundum to the City Manflger dat,ed
Nov. 2, 1960, containing the prior recom.rnendation of the Board on
.annexation l~queBtJ and stated the Board's action in bhe matter was
on record9 !.fr.. Brockman WlH1 invited in for a consultation regardi,ng
plans for .the park and Lvlr.. Kip Nattson later joined him.. J!;xplana-
tion was made that CI.n 18 :Ct.. roadv-;ay was to be pa"ed within the 25
'rt. right-oi-way. Mr. Brockman expressed approval of a cross-dyer
street. Developers were excused after the di8cussion~
_Trailer Pa.rk Dispric.,t ,-~l'lanni!lfLf\Lea Prop~ - IVIr. Wolle dis-
f) . played a sketch of an area plan and explained his proposal ~ 'l'his
., ,".
plan would establish an 80 ft.. right-of-way i'.0I" a count.y-type limited
access road (to be a feeder road parallel to ma.jor artery)" South
40 f.t. of the right-of-way would be dedicated by property owners
in the. trailer park dis tric t, and tho nort.h 1..0 ft D by subdivision
owners on the north side~ Screening would be required on the trailer
parI.: side.. Sketch showed double front.age lots for subdivision nort.h
of. the road.. i"4r~ Galloway ~xpressed approval of the idea of the
limited aCC6f;S road I but Ob.j8ction t.o dati bIe frontage lots. He thought
there shculd be seryice roads. FIr v ~Jolle s~gge s tod t.ha t a clevGloper
mi.ght be given a choi..;e u 1:1:r.. \"/o11e. sr.at8c1. thd.t his pl'opoSCll was i:.hat
they make a M} ft, reservati.on as an aee!;!sa BG.t3'Bmcnt and that he b'2~
. . .::;
lieved he could get the Couney staff tc study on area development
plan wit'h thi:~'( easement reservation to present to the COtUlty Oom..
I'>'irw Gates inquired: U\'J1W have a minimum area 1'01' a trailer
park?n lilr. Wolle informed him that st.udies showed that a park
Jnn. ~~lh 1961
Pugo il3 .
oporation in a smaller m.'tw. VU1S )101:. ouonoll1icnlly sound. t4r. Kruse
comment,ed that' CS)."O 8hould be talwn not to h.'3.vC pat"ks npotted all
along. As an example he montioned the six parks.on the sOllth side
of' Gulf-to-Bay ,-dth spa(:es botv1aen them. Mr. \tol1e questioned \'lheth-
er the Board thought. the hO ft. GaSall1.~nt o:r access should come in
the request for. this Glenn illllen 'frailer Park. He gave' his opinion
that probably it would lat.ar fall upon the cit.y to construct the
. .
stre et as a spacial assessment project. &1'. Har~s mov~d?
. "that, the mob:lle home parle in question f:Lt into a general
plan of this area adjoining Gulf-to-Day such that at a later
date an east-\Vest roadway may be 'created bet~en.the pro-
posed Drew Street R/W and .existing Gulf-to-Bay R/W. Such
;i ~'..
'; .
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, road\rlay to be ill an $0 ft. right-oof-\rlay, half of which a1~
this time would be considered as an easement of access, such
easeme~t to be extended as a requirement for platGing and use
of' the property' adjoining. If
His ~otion \'i~~.9.9.l!ded bx:-.!~h". Gat.es an~ ''ias not. pa~sed <J
i-i!'. Kruse stated t.hat the Board would like to have some kind of"
. ,., '~..k""
" J
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. 'c\
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:~ l' .
scheme developed on ~atich to base its judgment. Several members ex-
pre ssed the "lish to have a de1~ailed map of the p:C'oposcd area :for
study~ It lo'laS decided that since the Commi~mion eQu.1d not pa::m the
Intent .for Annexation Or.dj.nance untj.l af'ter tho third reading, it
. .
,';as not necessary .for the Dom'd to malw an imlnediut.e docision re-
garding recommendation on the zoning 0" ,,12"- o:f th,: park. 'UfiU ,I' \ [}\
pOl1ce!'n.iM~ zo!d!llr_9hcrr.lf~_.~.9..t.!~Ji~_J_~lf.P~~.E_~}},t.:L..~!@:l~__~_l?_1!_,- I~C. ) It'
Lots 7~anct1L~_llu:_~u.th 3201i..Jtu c.f....:.Lot ~t_J?l<?~I;1E.JS..,_~~:..~.:. ~t.?....~~ of' _
Hill crest. Su!?~q.1 vi~ipn ffr:.i..]:1:~L Bo.S'.~~"';l)-Ll~~~ 4.8_1_1?_~bliC r.e~ord~_of.
~lla,s....QQ unty..J..NW q2E!~:.k~J:l.._~Q..Jl.iJ!.hl~.sL.1.\.1l.52.~Lj.:t:2JIL&..:L~2-Jl:-J1.._.::.
:~. ...::,\.(.':::J :;..~. .11.:...;.....:.....:.:. ....,. ..~..:........~:.. .~.\ ".1-' ::...~:. ..' .' ...,~.....'; /.:;1:\:'.:.1:' .... r..,.... ...,..~"..,:.'....Il.. :"-:.\';!.;-'.":".~:."''':':.~I''t ~t'" :...',:~ '~~.,"",~:",:,:, ~; .; "1: 'J,'
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Jan 21,.. 1<)61
Page IfJl-
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".'~ ~~,~~~.
vacant lot.s all along Highland Avenue. Mr_ Reade \'la5 certaj.n that
this request would receive' strong opposition from the Hillcrest
restdents ~ !~l.Q..t?Ol1 JCO d~n..Y...the ,Wli-.c~tioU,,}!:as p_a..~sa4 unan.i.1}l9~U.
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polic7( and Procedures - ,Jieport of the Comalittee vIas def'erred
to 'l.;he next meeti11g due to t.he absence of i..'11'. l~ylander~
Report on .meetina ~-r.i,th Co.mnlis5ipl)~ct Ci'~y. i\largg~r~ - 11/lr. Wolle
auvised that he l-lOS requested to meat with theGity Commissioll 5.n a
\'lOl"k session on 'the morning of January 18, and that ell:. thi::; meeting
)~:: .
'. .
the Commissioners expressed ton'tat:i.ve apPl'oval of ;;.1. multi~type
referendum proposal t although he again .asked t,hat t.he fJoa.l.'''d 1 5 pro-
po sa.l be approved.. l~I.!'. S"UU1 x'a port.ed that ho and 111' w Kruse hc1 d it
meeting \'r.lth Mayor 1'J8.:11;ha:....1y ond the City' l'.I~:U1age!.' (111 thp. afternoon
of rJanuary 19, at i'/hich they expressed t.}10ir v ievis rogarding the
" .
Board 1 S pro posal oj repeal of t;he :i:'efer'endura llnd bOGh ;3tiT'ongly
urged approval of this propo3D.l. In this convers;;'l t~:i.Oh t,hcy pointed
~:.:~.'",..:.:~i,.:.:.".. ;,,~,,:~::,"::;"'.'.:':::.::',n :,:"::,:,";:'I.~,:'t-:,:..:.,':">;',,:,,:,:,:.,,,,:: ... .'...~:-:,.\.:.....,,':~ '.':.\::':',:. ;"'1,'..1::.-1 ". :; .".... .':'1.< .'.~:.'/:'!.:;'...'" ..~.:~.:...:.., ';:'.:'..\, ",',:~:",,~"~:':';:':~.,"~"'-:.>.:..'
.hut ~J\., 1961
PUgH 115
out that; if the city didn T t r>XtOpOD~! such lQginlnt:lon u t. t~hi3 tiimo
t,hey Nare just putit:i.ng o1:f '\ihat thoy "luuld 0Vtmtuo.1J.y h,'1'fe to do
. :
and that any alternat:i.ve prc,posal \'i-ould only be IItiaking a nteplt. 'fhoy
also discussed \.yith them the Su.n' S c()operat~ion pledgad in any cam-
paign of. publicity. (At the night meet1.l1g '1:i.th the Pinella.s Legis-
lative Delegation it; is recorded that City Attorney 13ro\'.Tl offered
.as the City' 8 proposal introduction of B. bill to amend the last
paragraph of Sec. 79 of '(,he. City charter to allow voters to cast
ballots on zoning items individually in.stead of in a. block and to
provide for t~~ referendums each ~i8cal year).
I~. Kruse announced that the Board had not been contacted by
the City Attorney 01' Assistant City Attorney since the January J.9
...--..~ '
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... meeting. He called att,en,tioIl to the fact that ]'ebruary 1 is the
deadline for ,submission.of proposed biD.s to the legislative dele-
gation. 1'~_ q,atea mad5! ~, motion that the Oha.irman. and J~.. .....~'.lan be.
Kiven ,authority to takEl~ "llli!~e,ver ac~i91l_i..sF ,~esirable and needed ,with
. j
regard to the prqposed l.e~islf:ltion f;1nd contact "',its the S.R!l.:.
~JIr ..
9ates amended ,his motion .tic ip.clucI~ ;l.JtrT~' GaJ.,lo\:!.aY'.~..J:}ame.. ~~His motion,
M...,ame!l9-ed~ , 'oJaS .~:.9np.f?d l?x. r..[r G. Kenneqy__? nd \oms passect unanimously."
;rt VIas agreed to leave the matter of the propo8ed letter to
Col.. Clearwater submitted by 14r. Rende at the 12~st, me3ting to the
judgment of i/Jl". Heade and 1.ir. . S\':i.:ll1. i1I'. Heade tofaS excused from
the meeting a-I, ~.: 30 p" 1'-1"
14r. Kruse advised that, he had asked the r.layor to consider ha.v-
ingthe terms o.f Board membars put. on H ~, tagti:er<:.1d schedule to avoid
the pass ibili:\.iY of all terms expiring at OUG t.ime"
. . ~
.. .~._;
Planning literacul'tJ ""as di:::tributBd..
ll'he meeting vms ad:) ourned 1lt 5 ~ 05 p" Wi.,
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JtSPB Ct(1111)j st;.Pmit 1ied;
:tL.{~.v &/~.
. 'H1K 1. ~'lolle, .,Joe 1 y
ity Planner