01/17/1961Minutes of the Meeting, Tuesday, January 111, ).96.1.4 t-! 1 The meeting was called -t,a ordur tit's 3:00 P. tai. by the Chairman j... .__._ .? Mr. Kruse.. Present were 14onibera Regde, Harriee, Swan, Gates, Kemiedy, Novotny, Mylander and Galloway, Ar. Rettig of the Engineering De- partment, and Mr. lilollo. Zoning Legislation Mr. heade -- by consent, agenda item Igor 3 wqs taken up first as Mr„ Meade had 'to leave the meeting early. Mr,, Reade made reference to a letter about .zoning to Colonal Clearwater from Russell Bollen in the Clearwater Sun issue of January 15, 19614 He observed that tl4s letter and previous letters on the same sub- ject. have indicated that the writers were misinformed aboutt zoning matters and voaat the Board has proposed. Mr. Rea.de read for Hoard review a proposed letter which he had wri. en to be submitted to Col. Clearwater in which hG stated he and to give accurate information. The ment and made suggestions for a number 111r. Saran reported at at the request of bers of the Board who got together for tried to clarify these matters Board offered favorable c:om- ol: Changes and additions. a group of three or four mem.. a. discuhsion after the meet- ing with the City Commission an January 10, he went to see Mr. General. Manager Zschach, ewner of the Clearwater Sun (trot officially but only as an individual Board member) to rind- out what could be done to have the Board? s side of the care heard. Mr,, `wart advised that he found Mr, Zsrhach very sympathetic to the Board?.-. ro.fe rendiLm repeal. proposal and had his assurance. that the Sure uoul,d bark the 113o:.rd 100% in wanted any campaign or publicity. . in this connection or in the presenta-, tion of material for Zchach offered full s -aff and the Board. the Board and advise was congratulated on a regular educational publicity prog onperat;ion its arranging any m6tinp!.., ti?t?.th his 14r1 seas to report On this 'Int.ervi.ew to Av. Z:3c.h tch of the Board's Owan hies, ac4;ion. Thon there rfra:s Leneral. di;:cus8ical M tm regarding the Itincl or Information that sajr)t,tl.d be pile.ti anted and manner of it3 presentation., Mr. Wol.le reported that he was to give a ta3.k at the Clearwater Board of Roalt:crr st meeting on January 26th, This invitation was extonded by Ar. F:Lmer Shafor, the ' re31dent, who expressed interest in having a series of programs rolat-.ing to zon- ing and subdivision control., Zoning and Planning Board activities, etc. Ar. Kruse aslced that any members who could attend the City Commission meeting ;Tith the Pinellas County Legislative Delegation Thursday night, January 19. It was agreed that Ar. Kruse would set: up a meeting; for himself and rdr. Swan with the City Aanager and the Mayor between this Thursday night: meeting and the fallowing Tuesday to clear with 'them a proposed plan of publicity in the Sun, beginning with Mr. Reade t s letter to Col.. Clearwater. This is to be followed by a series of, articles in the Sun to be arranged for at a meeting scheduled by Mr. Swan and Mr. Zschach The minutes of the December 27; i960, meeting were approved as read. Highland fines - ath Addition - Subdivision A132roiral ? Ar. Reade reported that the Subdivision Committee had inspected the property and that the plat submitted was entirely satisfactory. As a technicality he mentioned the fact that they did not brave the mas- ter plan that should accompany it. Ar. Wolle stated that according to the master plan the plat has to tie on Sherwood and. Long Streets,, This addition is already in the city and is zoned h-1. Ar. Gates made a motion that the. ..at of Highland Pines, 81-1h Addibion. be a roved and that the developer be asked to furnish a copy of the r er plan. His motion was seconded by v-1r- S-wan and was passad unaniw moues The Gi.ty Planner adv'',.sed that i4r.. Rettig would work with i•Sr. Ben Gilbert, the developers s engineer, concerning a sevrer . Pase- ment which is lacka.ng,. Jan 17161. Page i Wit, i A > ilicat i fl on Hoiues - C?a rr S.i ? y Aftr;r , a discussion concerning; location and type of sign, Ar. Cates moved that the Board rcccrrnmend a.RZ ,-oval of a 1ication by Cabrns'ar "Hamilton Homes" co+wnercial ,adver .n- ign„ His motion was seconded b ifir ? Reado and was a sled unan:Lmous? Sign is to be ere eted near the intersection of Fein wood andGulf--to-13ay Blvd. Chairman Kruse gave recognition to citation3 recently gi.von to i4embers Mylander and Novotny by mayor `inch for their civic service. Records Committee W Pr?j?jct -- .?fr. Wol.le outlined -a project for review of the contents of the Planning Office files and considera- tion of a possible transfer of some records to the public library., He sug;ested that an additional file might need to be included in the next budget request. 'Ar n Kruse stated he would like to have F? • -? for purpose o£ .review all. memorandums on recommendations to the City Commission to determine any the Hoard might need to consider for future action. M11. Reade was excused from the ,neating at this time, 4.:00 of elock., Mr. Kruse reported that .at. its meeting on Monday, the City Comes mission defelTed action on agenda item of annexation of trailer park north of Gtxl.fwto- Day Blvd after a long Alwariag. This was done: so they could ascertain cert.aia :information as to legality' of the poLwty permit arLd rheCit,y Coinmi.ss ion: was to hold a special meeting Tueoday `' % or Wednesday. Commit•,tee on Policy and Propeaux It was avree d to defer this Agenda ltein 7 to give tkla Co.n,iitgee opport;szijit•,y to look Over near materi.a,l referred tc thrmi on Planning, Agency By-Laws included in a publication of the ASPO Pl unpin;; elcl-r a sorti? Sergi ce r . ` Page #4 Uses in a f4ob i:le Home Park_ District Mr. «olle discussed the Mobile Homo Park as a special use and possibly too selective to be considered as a district in itself. After discussion of other user that may be admitted, the Bo"ard affirmed a suggestion of Arn Galloway to .allow other uses that -are permitted it F.-M, R--4, R--2 and. R--1 zones provided setback controls were commensurate to the use permitted. ' Mr. Gates referred to questions asked at the January 10 meeting with .the City Commission as to whether the Board worked with the County on mutual zoning and planning problems and expressed the opinion that sdme steps should be taken toward a plan of closer co- operation. (i4r. Rettig referred to an existing requirement that wf plats adjacent to the City should be approved by the City Anagex' and stated they are not submitted to the City in accordance with this requirement.) There was a discussion of how such a program of cooperation might best be 'initiated. 14r. Kruse agreed that the Board should give this some thought and that it was especially important at this time when City Commissioners are going to be asked to meet -wi.t;h the Board. Filling Station Site Fl?n -- iremUers of the Board reviewed the site plan of a filling station located at, the southivrest corner of North Greenwood Avenue and LaSalle Street,. Application was for i,n-- provefnent• of building and pump location. Gcneral approval was given since review was requested by the Cit ?.?r?g:inecr. `l.'he meeting was adjourned at 5:1.5 P, 14 ' Respectfully submitted, aclc T. Vlolle, Secry 'ity Planner