11/01/1960 ZON ING AN 1) PLANN INO H) idU) . , Minutas of t,he goeting, Tuesday, Novornber l~ 1960. 'l'he meeting vias called to order at 3; 00 P ~ 1'11. by tho Chair .tan J 14r.. Kruse. Present were !'\embers Reade, Gntes f lJ[ylandar and Gallo....lay \ Alice Bush of the Engineering Departmont, and 1.Ir. \Jollo. Concel"ning 'fRAIIEH PAR.K.L-.Annexatio~ ;t_~ZonLtlg l Trailnr i1ark Lay-- out eneraf~Iocatron NOrtl1 ot GUJ.f-to-~ 1000 ft. ~asl~ of County R.oad a ~cants: i . and 14rs. Jos-S-pJi-'rhuot an(f 1;yr:- and to1rs ~ Board hearing of Octo- ber 25, 1960, was read to the Board for review and co~nent. Swnmary of this record will be included 1.n the of.fictal minutes of the meet- ing to be submitted for approval at the next~ meetj.ngg 1/1r.. \101le reported that the trailer park O\l(ner had been in with Mr. l-1attson since the hearing, also the State Health Department re.., presentative) and they vlould be able to assure the city that they \'lould agree' to pay ~2..fY'I sewer charge for each tra:Ller lot.. In the general discussion of this request) concern was expressed over these conditions: Thab under recent 'ruling of the City Attorney, business zoning that the City establishes for a t:railer park does not exclude any USQG nOli legally permitted in a business zone. That basineas zoning foi.' chis particular park ",ould ex- ~ ,'I tend north one-quartE:r of a mile and tnight leave a large area with no provision for fu1j.ure cross streets (, 'rhat lmder the present revenue system of taxation trailer parks are not now an asset to the city', and SOllle chan.ge :tn legislation :ts ne:ded to rOlnedy this ~~ituati(ln., Thut undel' ,the present regulat. ionu, t.he Board \\'ould have nO alternat:;ive to acceptin~ this trailer pHrk under th8 classi.. .:,~ , fication of busine3s ?'oning. The Board then considered. ,lJJ.ro. Kruse t s gu.~.;est.ion that the Boux'd recommend that a proposal for a ('rp) Trailer Par!<. zone be included in the zoning referendum items .for th is ~lear.. ~,' ":I.",:,,~.'.;~~:.... .J::.:::"::':":.,..:.~"~'.';,'.,,I,.., l::::\,/~..', ,:,....~':..~'~,:,~ '::: ,:,'/.~'. ;:'/,~j,:::, .~.:.,..:I:,!'~.:;',::,.:<:.,;,< '~I'''''I:,:.,.:,~r...: \:'l"i"~jll:~,;:,~.::,~"~:,,,,:,,,,,,,::;,:,.;,~,:.:::: .......:t,:-~.~:.. "':I,:~',:,~,.:~ r~ .' ~... ., . : ~...) _,'N~ , r I', '\ / ,,.\.... \'., .", ... 'i \..~\J- 10) I{ ') ago 11 ,;.. i~. Mylander moved that since th:l city attorney of Cloar\'1ut.er has ruled that 11 trailer park only can be in a "E" (duEJineJs) zono, and furthermore since, said rul:f.ng \'lUS to 1~he e.fTect tha.t any aban... donment of use as a tra.iler park would r~8ult in any other use al- lowed in said IfB" (Busil1e sa) ?ione) it is deemed desirable that the Zoning and Planning Board hereby recommend a 11e,"1 zoning classifica- tion to be kno\.m as Trailer Park {TP) Zone El.ud t.hat such classifica- tion be submit,tad to a referendum of l;he voters at tho ele ction 'December 20, 1960; and further that the r'1pplication of l~l"M and I.b:-s~ Joseph Thuot and lo1r. and 1-1rs. Hugh HG Batcheller for annexation and zoning as a trailer park on property situate on the north side of Gulf-to-Bay, 1000 it. east of' County Road 14J..., be deferred antil after such referendum. His motion was seconded by lo1r. rleade and was passed unanimously. The Cha~man requested !,tr. Reade and I.tr.. i~ylander to meet \.r.l th Mr. \lol1e and compose a me mor all dunl to the City j1lan(lger giving l'eport of the Boardts action. Qmlg~:hp..Ei. zo nil1~ chans.~ re qu.e~~?_-~7.-.10?-.9 J2J?'pli~ant6: ..,,~~brq.ll~ alid Dorothy Spiro) Lot,s 1,9 &~ 20 t I.OJiG'{IE\J SUJ3Dr~YJSION (west s:i.de 91: I~~ vingtqTh.r~, appro:<imat~,l~ 190 fee~!LQl\t,h o.!'....9'..llY'~ "from R.~~ to R-!t - Mr.. Gallo.Nay reported that. hlJ had visiteu .this propertY1 that it has a motel court on part of Lot 19~ that. the existing build-. i.ngs 1 ike some others in the area are Hlc'1rginal t and that the t'l? ar e two single family house s to the rear on Lake Dri va n HI~'" statBd that Hr e S'\'lan: another member of the Z(lni~ OOl:Ll'J1it tee ~ had studil~d all four applications on the agenda~ but. that. iJll'" Kennedy had not been ~~ available p 1:0:'0. S"lan was quot~d a~) being in i'ayor 01' denial of' aLL ... 'j four ~ It was acknO\.rledgad that R-4 zoning would be spot z.oning" .... . ,) J.n- glefamily dwellings DC cupy adjoining area to the West) east f and t,o .~ ~ I L ~. ' I' . '. J ~ I j Pac.(~ I/J the DO\lth. F;xisting usn an non..conf'orming ml1Y be cl)ntinuod and/or extended (jhrough approval by the Board of Adjustmont and Appeal. Io1r~ R.eade moved that reque9t Z-7-1060 be QO,n~ed.. His motion was seconded and \'las passed u.nani.rnously., Conc~rni~~ zonin~ change re~~~t Z-8-10pO (~pplicant: ~~3~ Annett 06 Wil11am~)TLO~J 7 aF~_gLBlock B, SU~URB SB4UYIFUL (pe- ,tween Pho~nix, and li'lorida Aven~as f..~pproximatel~ 190 .feet south pf Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard} f.!9m R-2, .t.9 a-It - The.re was a d'i~cu.>sion of the . fact that there are some nice single' fainily homes in this area and that a request for zoning change .from R-2 to B in 1959 had previously been disapproved by the Board.. It was felt that the property faces single family homes; lots to th~ south have recent new duplexes; the area is predominantly mixed single family anct two family units; spotting of an R-4 use for this px~p~.ty would devaluate adjoining properties. 1~~ Reade moved that request Z-8-1060 be ~snie~. His motion was seconded by 1~~. Gates alm was passed unanimously. g.Qncernin~ zoning chango r.eques1~ Z-9..106,o (ae.I?JJcant: ~EdwarC! . , St~ick) Lot It Bloc~ F, FAIR~UR~lPDITlpN JSouthe~s~ corn]~~~~ .burn Aye Q and LaSaf.le St. co) f~OlU R-4 to B .. The Board discus8ed these , facta. 'llhe applicant f s property has two duplo:xes on :tt and a church (Everybody'" 5 Tabernacle) occupies the adjoining Lot 2" Lot,:; 13 and 11.. in the H-2 zone to the rear of these two lots bE310ng to .t~he ChUl'ch.. Applicant claims that he has difficulty in keeping tenants because of proximit/y to the church and st~tes he wishes to build a froall re- pair shop. rfhe block east of Fail:~burn Ave ~ ~ north of LaSalle S~reet, " is zoned B. Property to 1jhp. north 1S vacant. Lot re quest,e(\ i8 apn. . I, trrG/.! proximatiely 125 feet \.lest of' Bet!:.y Lnne. 'rho Boord voted chat re- quest Z-9-106o be ~eni~4< Concerning zoning ,changE re~est Z-.1.Q:-,1060 j aJ1Elic.~.!lt : Vincent .",'>'~~"';" ':' ,';:' .:' ';'t ~'..'.::...;:'~:- '1~1' .~J,~.:.:',.,::~"'",, .'.!':,.'t..'..,'.~;.:;.' ~.:..,:.,':',...,'. . ':. :'" ~'\ ':J.... ':.:':":., \. ',"',"':.:".:.',:,i:: ~; ":" ~,;\','ll::,,:~1 :~ ',' ;:!r', ;,;;'" '.' ~~:,:.."..,,:, ';:.','.. :';-' ':'. " ",'~' ::.'::,',: "",,:~..~:,: ~ I'i t . \1' 1. ] /',l.~) ('t " " I ,.I6l~ 1/ l Broximata):y lq5 fe,at east, of Gro!J 11~r9d , Ave to) .from R::-2 t!? J1 - 'fhe Board ~ discussed theoe facts ~ 'fhe applicant O\'ffiG adjoining lotI:; /)69 and #70 west of this property' p in a business zone, which in reason he gives for' requesting t.hiu change.. Land use in this area i.B predomi- nantly single-family, \-.lith sonl:~ two-fami.ly. 'l'hat in the Zoning and Planning Board's study of this R-2 area. south of Woodla~nt (case 7(28) recommendation is tha.t it; remain 1~'iO :family.. 'l'he Board voted that re quest Z-lO-1060 be Hen~~" :n~e Board re~ewed the rollo''liR~ proposals of ~ a.ddit,~r.ill.*. ~.911ing ordinance Areferemi;um items (A~en,da I:tems. ~Ll.,8 and 9J: (6) ,Statement of Non-conforming lots of record - to comply wiGh setback requiremento but not area or ~ddth re- quirement a," (7) Change in Seed V-A (9)(c) Parking in R-I and R-2 areas: , .J ( 8) De~~t,~.on, of ~ "in alJ.:. U~L(}~strict!!tr R6qull~ement for building setbacks for B or M use building erected in B or M zone f.acing a residential zone; such building setback being the. same as that applicable for the residential zone it abut5 or facesa l I ,J I '_..., {9} Schedule of requirements for all zones - according to schedule at.tached (Section XI BUILDING AND LOT ltEGULATIONS).. '! :the ,Board agr.:~ed ~o t~.~ ~~.i.tJ:.on ,of "t~!1e...2.bov~~~E'oR~.sa~'i~ 1-1r. KrUBe announced tha t the Ii'lorida Pl::tn.r1 ing; and Zoning Associa- tion 'fenth Annual Conference ViaS to be held DeclJmber 1-2-3 at li'tJ, LauderdalE:, li'lorida, at the Galt Ocean .I.:ii:Le Hutel ~ He 2.skr~d that any members \'1ho could [t t.tf~nd advise 11 im b)' the next, A!tonday I as he ...ras going to ask fot' specia.l allocacj.on for con.f.0r~wce expense ~ The Chairman roported that tho joint ffiBGtj.ng Hith the Cit~T C'omnlis3 ion on Tuesday evening, Oc'tobE::c 25 I 196.0, i'or d iscu...:; ::=d.on of ~) zoning referendum items \'lcH3 a V'ory Gucces:3ful one~ (Notes of" this meeting are available in the ?lunn:i.ng Board. office ,J ',' ',' ~ .. :, ~", ,:,',' ", I ;, '.' '. _ .:.:. ":," . ' " ..': :, . ";.~ ,: :' ..', '. ,I ',' ~.'./, :.'~ I ' ,r ", :' '\.' ' :/ .'::: '.': ': :': ~,' -: ':' .; r::.' ~,<, ~ ~ :, 't", ~;: ',~1 ,~..' :,' . -:'" I,' \," " :..' ,! " . . l.: ~'.' ,.:-' , .:: ;'" ....' " ,~ : '\'" :. ", :' ':. . ':, ?~ ~ :. ", '.: '~':" ... ~ "';. , . .,:-~. \ .~ ,:'. .. l,';' ..... , ):\:~....:; '; ('.l',c" , " c':"~. . ~.,< . '. , . r _~ ' .,',:' " "<, , {~... '1" '0" ,'., (, '. .,.. '),',;.', :1.: . ,:!/. . ':(":" ~ '.., 'T. '''.'''. " ...... >,c',' .. '.. .' <rr.."c , ':', {:~~; .. '::-~~" . ~s\~~,: ~;~~:! ,.;. " .:~.~~... '.,. , }>"..,.'. - I}~. ,~ {". ';', ,.... ~r~.<. .:'. ~i,}/., . . .'..,. ,... ~\,~~, ::, ,', .: . : ~ ~ '".".' , , f' ~ .. :.. ~ : -". ' ,.',' '. ..' " :"..};'. ~':' :. 'j I ':i: . -.' , . :..' i;,':: .. '.' ~'(:;,:..~. . r.', " Y~;':'.'..' . :;>:,,~\...::. <,~',. i: . I~L'.. ,. . " , . {~' ~,: ~ 'I' ,. ~..;).:.. .. 0i'.c:::.< . 'f::\,::':'" ..; .' Respectfully submitted, .~.~9W~ . J ck, I., \volle, Seely ty Planner . \ . ," ' . \ '. . ~, . . .. . c c ~ . .. '~ ",f ,". ',' ., " ,:'. I, ~'" .. c \....;1';':::' "::).':.,'l"~::-"~.~:'I:..~': ',1.'.;., ','~- <:L:"-::"~'.I,,' .:',:;I,..,:.,~'.>/',::;..:":...:~~".,,: ;:".,,:. ,;,-':"":"~':'~\'I'>:;,':.:;',,::j""::/:'I.!';"":':~..~::~,>~...:,,:'~'.""', .:.....:..:::..:,...,...::..;_~ :,:.t.,' ',~..~\':",:l~' OFlj'S'l'H ,~Err PAnKING INJR.U1,1 Novombar 12. 1957 U : on p" l-1 " j. "' J ,,' _ '~,I' .' ..'; ./ I': ,,'/1..../ (":'. </' .' "). " "",1 I . / -' . \ r ", , I J" , / " I ,.. , " I'J)' I --71-~' ,II.. /. .-'.# ./.: /.f' I /T .:;.t...... , ,,,r' (". ExcEHFrs FROM llliCOHDING Side lA 0 + 18 'J1asldn,: I am a motel operator. I undorsttU1d that there i~-1 al'1 ordi- nanc.e on the hooks that haa recl:;mtly been put into use l'lhich provides that hereafter any entrance to the parking area around a motel from the stre~~ can be but )0 ft.. ontrance and 1ihat ;my, parking far.j.lities beyond that )0 ft. must be on the property of the motel. ~ , Kr.entzman: The ordinance you ment ion has bt)en in offect since tJune, T9~.b~ and' it provides for control of cutting the curb for use 01" mu- nicipal proporty or control of R/w for privat(! ptu'poaes" 'l'ha.t is the one that the engtneers no",! are enforcing. B: This then would mean that, in order .for a motel to have & parking space for use it, would have to go doep onough into their lot 80 that eould maneuver the car from bey'ond the 3(H entrance strip.. Am I correct? , "") -,..,rl" K: That is t of coul~ge t the entrance is the amount of curb that is cut to get into the lot~ It is not a depth proposition. It is a width propo~itiono B: I understand, but-~~ !~..;" You understand that in many places the R/H might be 6f"J' but. the paved road may be 1..0' 01" 20'. 'l'hat additional H./\/ on each sidp. belongs to the public and is, reserved .for future use if neaess81'Y for extending the road, so that any use ot: that at t..his time; or temporariljl', would only be a temporary proposition until such time as it is nedeBsary for use i.n 'tddening the road ~ ' ,. - '" ,,) Strang.: One of the things the attorney is try.ing to bring out is that there are pe ople today parking on the city R/~'i on the public Rill i and if the street has to be widened 7 it is lil{ely to ''lake up one of these days and have no..parking space at all.- I think you urldel'stand that dontt you? Now--- .Ql l-1y point there, and I thi:.1.k \'.'6 can clear 1~ha to u.p if I explain my point ~ On my own motel hoe park on our O\'ffi property ~ but we ent.?l.~ di- rectly' from ,the stre et but every parking space :Ls ent:f.rely on cur ot'm proparty.. If' "Ie had to enter that propert~y by ;.L 30' entrance :l.nstead of gett.ing in to each parking space, then \\0 1iQu.ld haye to go lll'lother 309 deeper ori our own lot to provide a r1~}\'l faoility to provide pH1~k.- lng area. That would take 50? off the lot fc:." u.sei'ul buildirlg, Roberts: 14r. Baskil'll 'to hayo re c8ntly run il.~tc that. difficulty it' connection 1'li th that ordinauc,:} and r,..u lW.d .1 ,number 01' roqu8st.~ in somf~ cases to cut the curb :10 that, t.he cars could go straight. jn to their' parking places instead of huvinr.; 1.1. 3nr ._~_..:... -'? maneUV8:\'-q--,-- as SOOl1 as wa Gan get to tt t'/~~ are gOilig tQ t~l'''Y to B stabl i.t,h a poli~. cv) and if it 5f:.!ems to \,:ork a hardship cl:.anl':.'~~'S l1l'O ths t t.hf; ordi.i1.1nCe will be amended~ because I Imow that in f.', 10::, of CaS8~\ it -l~n~t", rl " : ,',':' f :;' ~'. <:' '::,:. . " ...:' ;. "', < '. ::';. ./, :;:'" \:"..: ':.,..... . ", ' r~ ',: ,:.. \: '<::, ',: ':: :"/:.'/:' .' '. ':~ :>.', I :. '" : :' ::.: ~ ~". ~ ,I. ~":":" ..:' ,> ~ :...,...' , " " ",~ .. ,: ',~ ',::': \: J' ~', ',:' . ~ ":< <:' ~ :',; :.:. ; ::" , :' . '" ',' ':, '. .~ '.: ':.. 'I :' " ,'",', :',: .',~.-: \~ ~ ~~/ .:' ,: .. ',' ,:" '. " =:"1'::::: .~ . ; , . .,~~..... ,! ...... "'~ !.It~ \'.~...~ ,"'~ 1<\.,1 '':"''1 . I ".' ,II . \, ", l::..~ r .. , ,. . ! ~ ,I~ 't,:; 1~."'~.~: .~+';',,; ',I j' ..,.," ~ I' .... . T P.. ,. 1.\ I' .' , ' 'j \ .. question, {~speGial1.y on tho beach, of c;ulit..ing a curb" trhcll'o:is no curb there ~ Just a que ntion 01' going Dt~raigh t in oJ'.t' tho :31;}"cwfj Rill but. on 00 your property but not having t~o maneuvor from tho 30' ontrance around to it,. That is under advisement. At; soon as ltYG can get to it \tie arc going to t.ry to ostablinh a policy and it mi,t.",h t rn- sult in a change in that ordinanco. That is something that has como up r~~ cent 1y ". ' 1i:..'!'J1r. 1.foderator, I am del iL;hted to hoar thj.s explanation and want 1;0 point out that on Clearwator Deh. there are numerous blocks no more than 100 i't. deep, as .far us building sito is concerned bet.\'leen one street and another't and if th:l.s idoa 10 applled to that area there is not goi.ng to be any spaco to build a useful build:i.ng on that property.. S: I think we ' Que;ht to go on "lith' t.he discltssion, 1.1r. B. t because . rthink it \'lag brought out clearly that t.his is for undevelopl?d areas. I was pretty sure that that l~a3 made cl(;lur on this so that the areas will be developed in the future 30 that theno---conditions that you have and that other people haye at tho prosent time TfTOnt happen in the rut ure a . B: I am glad to hear you say that, !.I.r. !.lodcrator, and I just l'lant to ask one question, and that i.s in mentioning undeveloped areas, do . you mean a whole area like Clean~ater Beh, the Causeway, or -----------, or do you mean what? ' S: Let's hear the rest of the presentation and maybe it will clear up. ,If' it isn~t we will go back to the question. Are there' any oth- er que stions on definitions? , . B: Yea, I would like to ask one.. This says that it does not apply to existing buildings and L'lnd use.. No\'l there are buildings in the city that could well be remodeled or torn down and rebuilt. Now in my interpreta~ion of this definition, it would have to give up two thirds of the space in order to build a new buildingd I~ so, down- town sections \~uld be unablo to modify or improve existing build- ings in that area 'without sacrificing at least tl'ro-thirds of their useful size and area. S: I. think that statement that you just made, lJir.. B, points out What 1 ju~t said that ~ would like to go ahead wit~ this on the pre- sentation.. The same question a Lilan justi asked and I said that if it was not ans'l,oll~red \18 would come back to it because the answer. is in this on your downto~m and you~ built-up arcas~ I }lave heard it and I think that \-men it is presen1~ed to you. that you will under- stand what. you are say'ing.. I wiJ.l COale back to '1'1.;1.13 8t~i(:n if it isn' t answered 'to your satisfaction.. . B: I wanted to raise the question. You can anS\'ler It at any til1\f:~ YOu get to it.. - s: WOlle: (rhe next section ~ GorHu~al Provi.s ir.m~J) ha:.~ t.o do 'oJit.h t~h(-) -permanency or the 81 te and dnvelopraf.'m1~ as an C\!' fstri38 t parking .::tree.. ~ The second one indica t.en iihe.t ther'8 should be no chan.g8 in the build- ing or in t.he land use of i~he land i.tseJ.f" S: Go right ahead \-:ith j,t~ .lacl" \"6 "D.11 ccm(~ bt3.ck to qw~stion!3 after we get through with the presentation. I think the pr'8sentat:i.olI will answer the questions as W2. go. End si.de lA ~ ,.-.... \ .,J 'J .',... Offat,l'out. Pn.l'~:.:i.ng li'orlun .. l$xcorpto from :r:'fJco.l'd.ine Paee ;/3 Side 2A 30 + 16 ~ Does evorybody' have a copy of this Barking Needs and Roquirements for Bui.lt-l.1p AreD,s'; You can go ahead,thon, f.1:r'_ \lalla. jlJ.. You may follO\'I along wi.th me here.. This is a planner's problem, a zoner's problem) and a developer's problem" I \-lQuld like to hit it. head on ~ for if it doesn f t come nO\<I, \.m~n it comes lateX" it hU.l~t3 ","orse. \Ie all know> ~he charactoristics of the Central Business Dis- trict of most to\.ms we ride through _ C10ar\\'ater ls no except ion. You have ma.jor arteries coming; right t,hron.gh the center of your town. Soma larger c1.tieB havo provided bypasses., but you have mixed traffic in your downto\<m area. In. some cases thj.s is desirable; in some ca- ses it is nO,t.. The tI'affic problem is a parking problem and a park- ing problem is a traffic problem. You can't divorce them. I am trying to prepare here a little summary of cond:l.ti.ons that are ap- parent. Conditions that in some cases we may adju:3t~in other' cases we may. not. The characteris t.iC8 or the Central Business District (or the OED in general terms used allover America) indicated here: It is a heavy traffic area. There are convergence of hea~1 arteries. Thel"e is a. high density of development. By density "Ie mean ........... If we had a density of. I, that all the ground ware covered by a one story building. If this ''lere 2, it would be all the area covered by a two...story building. Or whereever you have half of that area covered by a four-story building you would still have a density of 2~ You can saG that it is a matter of the genera- tion or traf~ic, to that point. People .going to that building ~here is going to increase the density, density from the standpoint of automobiles and people getting their services in that building, in that traffic. That is the density in development height then a high percentage of building covex',9.ge co In some cases we. have no space, that is ground spa'ce.. Half' of' your lot covered would be 50~6 ground space ~ 50$b building coverage.. Then there are the uses that come with the CBD--mercaIl tile f trade, and office, personal services and govor.nmental useso They are normal OBD uses. These characteristics are the rasult of business building up over a period of time. All contribute to a critical parking pic. ture, on street and offstreet. The stability of values \dthin the CBD depend upon the convenience of services needed and supported that are offeredQ Pa~king facilities availablo determine this convenience. ..... ________t_ _....__....,_... .~ r , "'-'1. / ,~) Uf.,fatl'ca t. Pa.rldng Forum 8'):~~orpt.H irom H~Jc()l:'ding - Page i1h Side 2B (6 ~. 12) ~t,l'.ang: \/e roalize this ordillsnbe i.n ital;)lf proposes a p:t'oblC:lm~ pl"oba.bly a problem to 50ma of yOu-.M----some of you tha1i might be contemplating a change in your parking. I hate to say it is a bitter pill~ but if something had been started 10 years agol or had been in efrect 10 years ago, some of the problems that ,~e have today \rouldn't be so apparent~ I realize that this isntt perfect. Nobody brought it here tonight, as beil1g perfcct~ \~e think that it is the bes1; that \tIe can present at this time. I ~dll open the floor up to questions, or suggested changes, constructive criticism, or anything you might want to call it. If you \-till allo\'T me the floor for one more minute, I told :t-b..... Baskin that 1 \'lould come back to him if his question \'tas not~ sui'fiUM ciently answered by the discus sian.. ltlr" Duakin - Baskin!. The question I raised was the effect on modifj"ing old build- ings cO You have shmffi sugges.tGd a:reas in \'1hich you will exempt those old buildings.. . There ara buildings on th(.~ ma.inland and on the beach . that are in these areas that are not exempted that would have to be completely modified in view of this ordinance if it were effected. I can name them and they don't belon..2; to me. I don t t think I have a building that will be hit by this bui,i.:it is the general idea of the welfare of the communi tjr that I am hare tonight.. As far as I can aoe, the effect of this ordinance on any building I might own is not now apparent, but there is the fact that ~here are other people~ whether they are hare or not, that would be dra8~ically affected by this or- dinance. If' you did have an exempt area (and that is a big; nirn be- cause it can be ohanged, as you are a~mre), but the fact is that this thing will destroy property values both on buildings that are now in existence and on'property that will be.used for buildings in the fu- ture . I .feel very definitely that ,'lha t you say in true - it is a vel.Y intricate problem and one that is a "little bit premature even ye't. I am going to point out chat --------1 25 years ago the City Co~mis8ion hired an exper~ to como here and layout a master plan for the town~ Paid them J10,ono for it, at tcmt time a good 4eal of money. It laid on the shelf)' .it mildewed and the roa.ches ai.it:i it up, and it has never been adhered to t and- --- ----. ~_._ ____...M.~....________. . in vie", o.f the present development o~ this community. In other 'wo;t.:-ds, in fact his ideas were not verY' good. -----.- .-is a planning job of findtng out what is good for this town and \V'hat isntts and it rosolves itself' usually into a plannin.$ board~ zoning; board and City CO!lllnisu. sian, a maximum of 15 men.. You. hear somethirlG and you go through a lot of' e.ffort to get a build:tng built ~ or gat a plan ar/pl'oved or a permit to do something Tlit.h cn!"; building, It is getting to b(~ a\\'fu.l hard to do anything) and it shr,mldn't be tha,t \'Jny in this cOrl1!llunity ~ \le shouldn t t have to be put to i. t 30 hard tQ huild a cOlnmul1ity. I tell you that from my point ox' vie1v it iz a vcry damaginE; ordi.oancil. It is one that "ull never pass in .u pubJ.:i.c x'ei'erendum and ...11.11 defeat any man that runs :for it hlle.l'l he runs i'o'!' ree.'Le ction. If 10 telling you it t s that lfhotu. S: Thank you for your kindne::.sT l{'t'~ Bf~3k!\:n. It. would seem to IDS. .f::"OlU my point ot.' v:i.e'fr, that :li' somebody paid ,;10 J)n(1 for a mode1. p:Llln 25 years ago somebody should have used it, at lenst.. kapt it up~to..dat;e, and possibly some of these things \,,"ouldn't. ha.ve hnppenr:id. I \'laf3 a ~)rl1a.ll boy 25 ye ars ago, so I knm'1 nothing abuu t it. (undecipherable voice from and h;nc(~ ands lI"it is do...m tluz'1"(3. j..l:l l.ho City Clerk's office II) oS: It wOllldntt be much valu8 1~()dHYI J: don1t ill.l..sgjwne~ (Strang refers, question from audi(lJll~ e t.o ,:i'r',. l~rent?lnon for ~mS'lWI') ~ ,~ ".-) -,... . > "~...) (l .(....' '.,' ~T.:"t . (',1:> P'.~~.l,.,. "}r- .~ ...L, .....1 . ' .: ': ~~. ~.. ,; .~~ j 1~.: ) f'. .> d ':'~ (.' ./:' ;\'(\.'~11~~1 ~. I~": ,',': -:;1.:. ~>':,': I Side2B (6-l2~ -cBntinued Jir..~.ntzman: \11311, of course, \'~ have authority to co.nt~rol the USH of' the streets for pa.rking oj It' 3 boen a pra etical matt er. 1\S a mat-tor of fact) there are ordinances on the. book r:tght now \'lhich will al10)'l the City f.1anager to designate areas in wh1.ch eomplet.e IIno parking" areas can be deaignated.. And it j.B a nUltl~er oJ: dis cretion.. I imagl.tlB that if that designation were made tonight t thl';~re \'foulcl bt~ no pa.rking ar~as on the beach on any of the 11./\1 why some of you people ;'10Uld11't treat that too kindly ~ and I can understand it because tht~t is the situaMO tion. But st~fice it to say chat if this ordinance} or some ordinance like this, wara put into effect , and j,[ :l.t \>/a5 des:i.red to say that there vJould be no parking in any areas in the city, that the City Commission has full authority either to enrorce eXisting ordinances or 'co adopt. new ordinances \'/hi.ch would make it~ illegal ~ Stran~ Does that answer your question? Znd B2 (6...12) Side 2B (24-28) -----~---~-----~------ s: I don't think you quite got my point 7 ~w~ Novotny~ I said that Where YOtU" property is now is where the pHople north of you \'lere using' the R/W to park, lihich a. lot of them are doing~ If their street is \'lldened, to/here are they going to park? 30 they a.re going to say "\1e11, "my didn't somebody tell me they vlElre going to widen this street?" . tf\Jhy didn't I provide .for offstree t parking?" I am saying tha t in the blocks to the south of there where there will bG available prop- er.ty in the future they won't have the same troublo that you all are . going to have in the next five years. That is what this ordinance is a~ned at. It's not aimed at you folks today. It's aimed for the fu- ture, so that the people wont t. be in the condition that you are going to be in and some of these other people when they .fj,nd that they don'~ have any place to park. Hm"t'aver, we think that by passing an ordi- nance like this now we can tell these people whatts going to come in the future;. n01'1 maybe thl? rat:i.os are' not right.; maybs you shouldn't have to have 2 tol, maybe 1 t.o 1, or maybe a half t.o 1. or 1 per unit or something like that.. That isn't the point ~ \Jhat IV ill ~a~ring is, II Don't you th ink that th ey should have so me th ing on t.he books now, not just t,rying to tall them? It N: Your point is well taken. I understand you, but at this time'~--'- :$...:. You may be too late.. I am just talking about M!;:J whole thing" N: I came to Olearwater $ years ago ~ I know 1.1r.. BM~kin was selling some of' those lots f'or about ...\2500 ~ NOli th.jsa lot.;s t.oday are selling maybe ~~40~ ana for thut lot. He are plarm:'!_ng, ond tho rest of those people that bought them for 'chirty- or .fo:ct1 thol1sanc dollars T arH plarming to put so m:.lny unit:::; on theOl. lIm., you .31"'e i~9i.ng to stop it, NOl'l \-/e should have knO\m l>ei'Ol:e" 1'10\'1 maybe we 1,..'11.1 have to look .for some other h1.gin~ay rather tha.! CO:i,""onado ( S: Nm\", gentlemen J here 1 s the poi-nt". (ric)(,~08n.i~~es .~!" <, l.1erd.ll) Marr-!ll: The point th:it I'Ir" Havot.ny jU~Jt mad{~ prove~; beyond the. shado\l of a doubt that, th e necessity .';l>:ist6d 60!.O0 ?~HrS ago j'or the .sort of planning that you propose nOi:l. Because. it \'lasn't QCon'3) those peop18 are in t.rouble, and serious t..l'cuhle, Anti I C~t1l'3 dOl,,!,! here a J.ittlr:~ over a year ago and bought a Iflotel and I assumed tha t. t.hel'l'; Has a degree 01' prote.ct ion. I didn f t before I bough t 1~hi::: building asc.art,ain all the ins and outs of your zoning regulations. I took it for grunted that thcr.e Vias some ada quate zoning rer;ulat ions i.n a city. [~ro\1ing ns ~ f J. .1'." "