09/13/1960 ,:,.} ':;,"~~":'.' I",~;:,,::.I ,.,':1 .,,~"',,~ ,:',:~::,:,:: '~''',:'......::.' .::: '.):' ,/" .::'~"';:",', ',' :':\,~'..:.";: :::,:,~,,{,:;,: :'r':" 'I':"~':~ :.:,'.:,:..~'.' ':'f" .';' ~::, >"'~+" '~~';.: ,',:",':'.' .""'~":.,~: ;-.: t., ~.'. .:::. >,:.'.,::.: . ~:,:,::\': .'>,....;,.,'~...~.:. ~ ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD Minutes of the ~1aeting, Tuesday) S~pt0rnber 13 I J.960. The meeting was called to ordor at 3:00 P. Mo by the Chairman, Mro Kruse. Present were Members Gntes\ Cassady, l~ylander, Reade, Kennedy, S'\'lan and Galloway, Mr.. Rettig of l; he Engineering Depart- ment and Mr. "loll a . The minutes of the August 30, 1960 I meeting \~ere approved as read. poncerning review of zoning on ~INGSLAND TEl~AcE, ~r~posed subdivision betw~~n Kings Highi~Y ~nd Highland Ave~. Mr. Philip E. Di Paolo, the owners appeared bofore the Board to discuss rea- sons for his requested use of thts property for two':'family homes and to ask for reconsideration of the R-l (Single~Family) zoning recommended on August 30J 1960. Mr~ Reade acted as chairman during ,"', r, "...J , ' 1 .~ this interview, as the Chairman, Mi~~ Kruse, was on vacation at the time o~ previous Board action on this item. The applicant explained that he purchased the land with the exp~ess intention of develop- ing it in duplexes and living on part of it; and further that the cost of improvements (such as streets, sewer, and ~ther utilities) \'lill be just as much for 11 lots as it vTOuld for 22 lots" At time of his purchase there ,~as no COill1ty zoning, but County zoning later classified this property as County R-J (Residontial 1 Family- lot area 6,000 sq~ ft.,,) u The Board was informed that a number of real estate brokers and individuals had mad.;~ surveys f'or him and that '" none of them are interested in the propor'ty as Cl single-family' de.. velopment 0 He quoted ~il3, 000 as the pr'ice pa j.d for the entire strip including the tract on which his borne is locatNL 'l'he J~ct- ing Chairman pointed ou.t that thG abutt.ing property t.o the nort.h and south has al....zays beBn 7.oned R-l (SiHgle-l?ami:..y') by the City and that the lots on Overlea Sto and Pineb:l'ook Drive are fully developed ~1opt 13 1960 " , Page ;/ ~ .''''' ~. . (,r) Tho npplicil.nt udvined t.hat ho did not have any questions .1bol,It the Boa.rd' s recomrnondation~l concerning pl~t chan!?;ea and that ho \unts to include his reuiddnce pro~orty in the annexation also~ ~ilr.. D1 Paolo "Ii.lS excused from the me~tine at this time. und informed that he would be advised of the Doard's decision. In the follovdn~ disc~soion ~r. Gates expressed doubt that the nppl:Lcun t could sell singloolM.family uwellint;u. dr. lieade ~C\ve his opinion that as J./3 o.f the tract is taken up by the O\'mer 1 sown home, thut his .11 i)latted lot.s \lould reilreoent an inve3t:nent of only Gi~~ht or nine thousand llollars, or 50mcthine le~i3 than ';;1000.00 a. lot. '6,lr. Rat ti~ observed that tho mojoI' imprOVeh1ent costn \lould . be for tho street and the seVier extensiol1o l . ( J.lr. n~:J.tle ~ntoveu tllat~tl~cQ.of.irm j,t2, acti'ln.~, 196Q) in r9cO~nendin~ R-l (~i.n~~e-F~ily) zQning ~r the oroPQs~~ ,KIl{G:1L.1WU j'3t,U~iLC3 antI denyin.~ requE:!st for ;t-2 (Juplex) zonlne;, as' , also confirming its ri3:comrnendatioJls concernin~1 plat and annexationo His motion ''las seconded by ;lr. SVJan and \>,'a,S passed unanimously. ~:"'''.''''''''-~ a~view was made on the 's~atus or & portion of Forrest Hill ...._-_.....-~.. '~ .?-.... .d" . .' . >+. .... ~ Estates in regard to the devalop~ent us a shopping center and'sub- _,,_1__"""""'-' ." ".a . ' mission as a revised plat allowing t~he YD.~qtiC?n q,f.: .forrest Hill Estates , Unit if?.!.. i4r. ;'lo11e report.ed thut the developer, i.ir" , Bleakley, no\-/ plans parking use for the H-l.. area rathor t.han apart- ment use.. The Board vatou to make t',}10 follo\1ing recoIotc:1endatlons: .1.. - ,!'hat the vacation of [.'orr'czt Hi!.l 3!3t.a.tcs lIni;" Ir2 be "'~'" '. . '., approved provided that the 40 ft,. rir;ht-of-\'Iny on High.- land Avenue be retained t~nd t.he additional 17 ft. of Lakoview Road be retained~ ., ~':- ,:-," " :' '." , ~': .' .. ',~-, .', .' '~'.', r :, ,: . ': ; ,: .~, /,:~ :-,' ,:.., ~', :: ..,. : ' > ' ':.:. -:.,.'.,:' ~ ' ., . '. ,: '. ~ : ~:- " " ';, ' ' :' ,.: t : ~ ': .: ~' <',' ' '.""~',.' ~"", ' ',.,'~ :". I.;'. " ('" ,\,',:: .~ t~ / .' t,' '. , .,; ';". ::.::' '.': ~ \,.'..., , "', : .~. :'. ;, ,: :"~ \ \ ~: , . , .~ . } ..iupt 13, 1~00 Paso /13 2. -'rhat roplat of this ,lrea D.nd adLlitional platting \Tould include the dodica'tion of Hid11and Avenue up tio Durry Stree t) completing the So ft. riJhc-or...way as sho'ltm on tho t-taster Plan j and that thero be indication on the plut of a number or let~ar to .sepurate the U-4 zoned area from the busineos zoned area. .' ., 3 ~'rhat the plat sho\', dedi~atBd a.reus at the \'/e3t end of . Illino:l.s Houd and 'l'uscolu Road, each to allow for the necessar)' right-of-\':ny for 50 ft. radius cul-de-sac (It. is to be ctssu.ned that, suet. cul....de-~ucu \:ould be a part of the paved areas thnt the applicant intends to use for parking purposes at tho pre aen1~ time)" . 40 - That replat as requested 'would. be proceused in accordance '-lith the subdivision rceulaticma, thus requiring bond in tho amount specified by' the City ~ngineer to cover utility extensions and drainage responsibility that the : ", r"~"'" \ .. ), ~ ___J , r" ' . ) . ~I ~ City ~ngincer may i-1pprOVe 0 The above recomme:nuutiuns ar~ to be tra.nsmitted to tho City Attorney's office for consiJerution \81en vacation proc~ading5 are f'iled. ,C.oncerning .~tatu5 of the out.ltryo (.If tha_. Pl'oposed planninii. ~m.l zoning bro~hure (,1t~J. :;:uestion~ ~_.Ml~@!5H), ..tra ~;olle re- ported that ~.1r. l{eade had su'uraitl;~d 30::18 revisions in the text I \Jhich he thou.ght \'/St'O very ~ood nn...:i t.lm t {), .final dra.rt 01' the re- vised outline '"ould be ?re pareJ .for the d;'>jJrovilJ. 01' tile C.ity ~.luna- zer. " ..,;,) l.tr.. \:olle advised that ? CO:J1C3 of' the JIDA preliminary r ;port on COhilnunity Facilitios had UGon sent co the Ci.ty ~.lanu.~:(-!rl s oi'r'ic~ .::i'~:.':,,'... " .'. :"" ;~,,\_ ''''.'", ,~: ..;.... :\:-,:~",::.,'~;:,.,,:':',' ~:~.oI"..,:": i.:.'~ ::'. :..;~..~:,-',:C7-:',::~:.::.d~',;.;':~",,: ' ,\..I,:~, '. ":, ,,::',=",::,. ':. ~ ,:';',:'.',:.:, .,.':'::',:-,:.),:'~,~',;- .,~.,.., ::. I,.:..::..,.r~ Jept ~3,. J.~60 P.:lZO //4 ~ tha.t duy for raVie\'l by the Commi~sion fJnd ocbauulin~~ of II meoting \/ith the Board if noco.3 HJ.l"Y. P1u ten from this .report were p:::l ssed to tho dernbers for thoir 0 bservation. It. ,.ms oxpla1ned. Lhat nome corrections were to be made in Plute ,/6, "Jlurbor Facilities".. ". _ J .lr. \/011e ,rei'e,I'l"'sd to the Board ~h~.!lli!..tt.er oL: ,a notice r~ - .c,eived. b~ him concarninl1 a. t!eal"in~ beforo yhe Countl. Co.tllninaion 3optoJllber 2,2) ~960, on nn_ uppl~cution tQr tfrailer Park use (H.-~ . zonj.J};~) of~pn area in~~thCl County J eti~t or u. ~3. 19, ~'Jhich is ne~ n 'frail ~r Park .31,pllc:oition loc<.ltion north of Gulf-to-i3D.Y \ihich the City GOill:llisoion denied. He advised that he hnJ attended the ~xam- iner' 5 henrin3 on this CD-SO (at the .rO(!uost of the County ilui.1Jing unJ honin~ at.:tff) to :;ivo the history of the 0ityrd denial o:f the previous request .:Iud at the ti.~le had informed the City 1.ianaecr . i~ .: - '.~.rJiJ1 of this ap)!3D.rance. As the ~xruniner ..;a:J roo colitflenUin.; ilf.h,roval of :~ ~ tho Cl.p~)lic.:ltion, tho Board agreed tha t cht3 notice should be ro- f'errou to the <Jity J.lanazor for any action he .1Ii.sht think advisable. Concarn:!!,!z studies by tho Orf13tree~ Parkin~ C,amnittec) ..lr. '~:olle outlined some addition,'11 section:'3 that \iould nocessarily ba included in nn Orr5tre:.>t pa14kin~ ordil1;:mce if proposed as l:. sepa- rate ordinunce, such as an ndffiinistr~ti In saction~ nnu provloion .for i'Jena.lties. He sU5..;e~1ted t,h."lt the Cix'dinJ.ncc should l~i.lve hi~her stand.:lrds than tho!~? o.f the jH"evi0U5 draft. It vias dac idad that ..:.r.l.1;land0r, Uhair:l1nn of the Uffst.r::lct :':o.rkin.:; Co.:~nittlJe, \'JOuld ar!'an~c to ta;i' ..:!t \:i th 6,~r. ..0:\lEl -1.:.0 Jiscu:;s for.~.:1t of' a su~.:;a;JtBd orjinance.. ~ .' ' II ot.. .:;; ", dr. '..'olla advised th.:l t data t.o be furnished llBA oj" the Plan- nin~ Ufl'ice 1'01' the Hou:3inz an...i Public Litilitios .iCl)O:C1:. ..,ould be :\ ..:,-,:!l':",;' ~-,,: '''~:.'' '"," " :':', ',' .,.',: ~:'\::.'" ::'."".': ,:''', :,~:':.,.,~:.: "'~': ';' ,'::-.~': ,,;;::,:;,:.::,4;:..:.:,~.:,>;. ,.:n",~',":".".,'.:I." -"":', "~~",,;,~: ~,,~;~,:",f'~:',~.~,"-:'.~"'~' :-::, J() ot 13 s 1960 PaBc ,15 , ~ compl.ete u~on suumisoion of the 1,E)ishborhooll Jolino;~tion ,.lap 811d a proposed HOuDing Codo) ,\,tnd th3t Hholl l~numeratlon O:l.etrict tabulEl- bion of the 1960 census \as received this map co~1d bo comploted. Ho requested that u mQ~ ting of tho Hou~.d.ng Committee be scheduled ~or consideration of a housing code. l,jr. Swan announced thu t a Chamber of Com.lorce rei~ional moe t- in~; \'Io.S to be holJ at the Ft. llarriuon Hotal on 3ept.Jmbar 27, 1960, and invited Board membera to nt.tend .';l panel discussion on IIUrban ,tonownl in Floridall scheduled l'ro.or 10: 45 to noon on that dato. ", :;......", ..' J ,.~ . :.Ir ao ~;olle reported tha t port-ions of the Ijorkable Pro3ram hull been completed by tho Planning Oi'i'icQ. Uther po~tions depended 'upon. in.t"or:l1ation .rro~a the City ,.;anu3or':3 office ilnd the County . ]anit~:\rio.n. j.{equaata for this information have been, sub.nittod to those oi'l'icos. , .' jI'our charts pro~arad by tho Pl;illning Uff'icrJ i:e.:;'c displayed. " Thes~ illustrate Plattin.6J lIousin.e;, Zonin;:;, {..\uJ DuilJin3 JtanJClrds and are to be photogro'.lphcli for usa us graphic slides. Plannin.~ literature \t.'3S Jistributedo (. ~c , :.~' '.i'he iilC3etinz \1.:\3 adjourned at 5:0r' P. ..i. "J. ,i.esp0 ct.fully sU,b:nitted, f);"1. n ' ): IJI? ..(1(... .;,/ tot.. C"f:(1 C'_' Gek I. i..'olle, joe' y Oi ty Planner d.. "; '~:'!~ ".~ {'"T" " ' " , ,I.'.. .'