! ' ': ~. '.,.. ~'...' . '. . ..: .;, '. i;. : .;'. ' : . ~ ' f '~~ .~.':~ I ::.... \ /":'~.';:':',: : ::.: .;. ':: ;: .',:: ~:-. '. ':",', " '. .: ~ oj, ,:" ,,;.:::.~. l,:,~ ,.',.; .1, , . ' :", ::~':': 'J ,~~ :'..'.' :;: ;':! +.: ~ "', :', :~ :.'~' .:~: :.: ~ ' , ,:, < ":.' .'r' '.'. ,: ,~;;~ ',' .~:~ \~ ,: ',~ ',: : .~; ~ ',:,' ','';-~':. ;..:.~, .::::,',' ....;::...;. ': .',.' '
Minutes of the l-leeting, TuetHlaj' J Al.lgu~t 16, 1960_
The mooting was cl~lled t"o or.der at. 3: 00 P n M.. by the Vice-
Chairman, Joir. Reade. Present wero Members Cassady, Galloh'ay, Gates
and Mylander, l-ir.. Uettig ,of 1;he Engineering Department, antl'i1u'. ~{olle.
'rhe minutes of the August 9, 1960, moeting were approved as read..
Review \'las made o.f request for Business (jl), zOEing of .th!3 pro-
J~osed Hi.e:;hland Hill Subdivis;tpn '( location wes1# side of Hi,ghland Ave r,
bet\'1een Druid Hoad and Je.frords).. Single-family (R...l) zoning for
HiBhland Hill Subdivision was approved by the Board on April 12,
1960.' The applicant's request for annexation has not yet been
processed through the City Commissiona l~. Galloway reported for
the ~oning Committee that t.he COffilnittee recommended denial of the
re que at for Busine S8 {B) zoning of th j.5 pr operty II Dis cuss ion of
this recommendation brought out the following points:
l~ Hi~lland Avenue is not to be a business strip zone~
2. Sufficient zoning for neighborhood shopping is
available in tract south of Barry St.
3. Proper buffering has been provided in R-4 zoning
bet\'roen Barry and .Jeffords at tho southern boundary
o:f this tract, permitting good rosidenti.al devHlop-
ment north of Jef~ordsG
~ '.
, ,
4.. Certain supplomental commercial services to t.his pro-
posed shopping cente::" are ava:i.luble \>lithin short dis-
tances of this developing :residential area. Thesa scr-
,.',.' )
vices are to the west on l,ltssouri Avenue cmd to the
" ' (..,)
north on Gulf-to-Bay.
.,' .
'.'.: .
:. ..,.::....'.::..', ::; ~""'. '~:': ....1I~. ,,:':';' ..... '.".:: ~ ':~.:~ .':.~., ':.~ ..-........~ .~,....:. ",;".:.. .~..;;:.:: '., .0' :..~...,...~:....:+:'.:~...:'I: ..:',.:: ....:;....,:~-: ..\.1.- :~..,.,.::.>.:;~..I.: J"N<~::':""':':. :./.....~:::j.':...::.:.:;. ~;'..:...:,..~J::::.L:...: .....,: ':',1"':'"
August 16, 1960
Page ,/2
5. The int.ent of the Zoning and Planning Boro'd is to
stabilize and retain a rasidenti.al charact,er to High-
land Avenue by proper zoning and by providing suffi-
cient right-o.f-,'YaY \'Ti.th adoquato building setbacks"
6. S~rip zoning of business in this area would definite-
lY devaluate fine homes in Parlc\-JOod Subdivision, and
i.f repeated on the East aide of' Highland Avenue \-/ould
create a similar situuci()n to t he east, reducing the
potential good residential clwracter of housing ad-
joining Druid Groves Replat.
14r, Mylander moved that ~he Board approve the ~.~J!~,m~.,.G9JlUI\*,~t.~,~.t.,~,..u '
-~....~---._.....",..............._~--...-..""."'._._.. . ~...
recommendation for denial of Busines~{B) zoning .o:f "th~5 pJ:'QP~~ed
....' _... ......-..........~~.... ....~ .~ '" __..... . ". ~ 1-... ,,> '. t. '.' . " ,:
,+.......... .
subdivision. His motion '~a seconded by Mr. Gates and was passed
. flO- ~",'''''''' ' .
The Oity Planner was to transmit record of the Board's
" .
:"'. .
action to the City Attorney's office fo~ consideration wIth the In-
~ent for Annexation of this property. rhe City Planner was requested
to write a letter to the City 14anagar calling to his attention the
matter of the 11 ft. unplatted strip to the 'west of this proposed
subdivision) emphasizing the Board's action ~n delaying approval of
plat of Highland Hill SUbdivision, and recom.nfjnding against annexa-
tion until this 11 it. is made a part of one Or' the other of the
adjoining subdivisions and is platted with lots in one of these sub-
divisions.. There ,,'as a discusGion of the desirability of ha,dng
a recommendation from the Zoning and Planning Board on all annexa-
Atl.6uJ t. J.u J .~S Ii!)
1".1 I' J
age i/
Diacussi.on liaS continuCld of the tldrd aroa north of Palmetto
under ravievl for multi-family zoning - defined as area south of
Marshall Stree t and inc luding port:lons of Russoll and North IJ[adison;
,hereafter re.f'el'l.'ed .~..Q.. ~s C}lS~. ll~ 41\-1 0 Present zone classifica tioD
R-2 (HBA - R-2F).
Land use 1s single .family and two-fami,lyo
posed 2ion:t~ R-2, including west side of north lwIadison Ave.. from
, e ~,.,-'
Marshall St. to Washington St 0 (Present R-4 area along ltussell St.
to remain multi-i'amil~r) d
Some questions \'lere asked concerning the requirements and opera-
tion at' a \~orkable Program. IJ[r. \lolle reported on his housin'g ob-
servations as made lath J.o1r. Blanton. Threo critical a.reas of negro
housing were visit.ed. Dwell:lng units were judged from outside
structural conditions. Tabulati~n showed 57 structures in need o~
major repair and 9 to be demolishedp It was believed that even with
a number ,up to,lOO units that arrangement could be made for full de-
velopment of these areas and the development program could follow a
rehousing schedule undertaken within the area itself. Thus the
existing need may be met without seeking outside areas for reloca-
tion. However, it 'jas pointed out that replatt1ng may be neces~ary, '
as well as certain properties would naad be treated collectively n
Action in regard to revis..., of the content of a proposed plan-
nil1g and zo ning bro ch ure (11 TOi'lard aBetter Clearwa t.er, 13 Quo s t ions
and },ns\'lSrs II) \'laS deferrod to the next. meeting in order to gi va
'Boardldembers more time for its study"
Proposed specificat.ilJlls for' street nclme
~j:l"gns as
su bmit. t8d by
the Planning Office were revie1'led. Board COrEment wa.s favorable and
\.:J the' draft \'Ias approved ,..1. t,ll some mod:Lfication and add i.t:l. ons., 'Jlhe
Board was advised that ill ,final form the sp0ci.fications v:ould bli)
an operating memorandum of the C:Lty E:ngi,neer~,
',~:,:' '.," ~, ::\'! " .,,;: :." :',: ',I', f: " ,:', ~ '; . ,', ", .;' ,: ,':' :: ': : ~., " .: ,..., ":,:,. .... : ~ ~',:, ': '.. ': ~ ': ; <' : ;. ':'. ~',', ~:.".' f ~ . ".', " ,:', ': '.':", . , "",' ' ': ". ':":' ' ',::, ,':',':./ '.: :~!.:, ,:.. ,; :,,-- :":'" ,', : : ~ '/, ~':; .:'\ ';', I ':','"" ,~' \ " /:':, :,' " I~, !,
August 16, 1900
Page /Jl'r
'rhe Vico-Chairman apPclinted l.1r. Gallo"ifay and 14r. ~4ylande.r
to serve on a Housing' Comnit..tea VIi th llh'. i(enl1edy, Chairman s this
Committee to revle'1 and advise ,concerning a proposed Housing Code
to be a part of the HEA report on, Public Utllitie s and Housing, and
to .further advise in rogard to deliniations of neighborhoods for
t,his report ~ ~>(r. Holle statea that J..lr" Blanton of the Building In-
spection office \lOuld be available as a technical assistant D
l~., l~ylander, Chairman of the Uff-Stre2t Parking Comnittee~
reported that',in his opinion, it would be in order to make inquiry
of the City Manager as to "lhethel' city officials ".'Ould be receptive
to the idea of the consideration of an off-straet parki~ordinance
at this timeo He: stated he feltl this should be done bef'ore initiat-
ing any study on the part. of his. commit tee. ''che, Board agreed t.hat
the Committee Chairman should arrange, for an appointment vuth the
City ~~nager for this purpose.
',The Board was advised that to date there had been no ackl1O\'l-
ledgment of' the, i-\ttractions Report submitted to the Commission on
July 21, 19600
i'/Ir ~ \iolle reported that he and i:lr 0 Cassady had a t. tended fl pub-
lic hearing on the St.. Petersburg proposed 'zordng ordinance on Aug.
15 and found the' meeting very informative.' 8speci.ally in regard to
procedures used in handling tho hearj.ng "
Planning literature \.,as cli.s tributed.
The mee ting ,'1as adjournGd at It: 1+-5 p" .t,le
Respectfully submitted,
\\~ - v 9 oJ a.e.4-
, ~~. Holle, Secfy
(jjty Planner
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