Mnt.ltes o C the Meeting, Tuc:s. d ay ., June Ih,, 1.1)6 l
Tho meeting was called to order za r; 3 : nO P. 14. by the Chairman,
Mr. Kruse. Present were Membera Gates, Reado, Myl.a.ndei.,- and Swan,
Ili% . Rebtig, of the Engineering, Departinent and Kr. Loll..
The minutes of tho June 7, 1960, meeting were approved with the
substitution on Page 2 (in Lines 12 end 13) - tuider BAA Section,
Arty. ?lam anc : _.6 L(b) P
- of wording r°dsto cif.zl cat:t?n rvie?r
the Board of Aaastment" fox, the wording "effective date of this
ordinance" . .
Mr. Gates maported that the Committee appointed by the Clear-
water Board of Realtors to consider the ordinance- section on model
homes had met and would present its report] to the entire Board of
Realtors at the June lath meeting. The Zoning and Planning Board
ivill be advised of Board action by l ot; teru l,'r. Gates expressed his
opinion that committee members were very much in accord with the Zon-
ing and Planning Board's recommendations as revised at the June
7 meeting. The Board approved this interim report as sulomit;ted by
Mr. Gates.
ins . .teado, expressed the opinion that the Zoning and Pleanning
Board hra, the re::ponsibil.i_ry of revising or composing the zzonin, or-
di.nance;,therefore, they should authoritatively decide the specific
requirements incorporated into the Board bf Adjust;:nont, section as
a part of the ordinance
Ur. Kruse reiterated that any and al_l sciet;i.ons ?:ould receive
public hearing. lie ernpha.gtzed the importance of r?,cofnmendai,i.ons
that would come through the industry than io• principally Lnvolved,,
A drafts of a final preliminary .report; to the City Cotwinission
leased on recaflunendations of the Attractions iiorn..il t;tce was presented
for discuss
the minutes
gard to the
35 acres in
letter from
Juno 111 , 1?)` 1
'Rages 2.
ion and, rsview. 14r. Slope gttottad copy of excerpt; fr,onz
of the City Cumnission meetfing of March 2, 1953, in re-
propo sod devel.opmerzt at the time of the purchasta of
the Bay south of the Aemorial Causeway. Corny of .a
the Clearwater Federation of Civic Clubs was read ex-
pressing strong opposition to said development. This was recorded
as a part of these minutes. 14r. 'loll.e further reported that
368, 000 was the price the City paid for this property. The Board
agreed to the inclusion of this excerpt and the entire letter in
the report.. After further discussion and sugyrostiona as to form
and content, it was agreed that Ar. Swan and pair. Volle would colla-
borate in'preparing a typed preliminary report _for the next meet-
ing. It was also agreed that, a map or drawing of the proposed
areas be included.
Arrenda item 1r3, Glearv;ater Baach Toning Studies, was deferred
t.o give Committee member: Mylander and Novotny opporttu-1ity for'
further field study.
Agenda iteizzs 77-5 (a,b and c) were deferred due to lack of time.
Chairman Kruse stated that he itoul.d like to have . the Board in
attendance at the dedication of the Plemorial Civic Center on July
9, 1960.
Planning literature. was d at:ribut;ed.,
The inee t i ng was adjourned at. 5.05 ". A
Respectfully submitted,
c:k 1. k1olle, Sect y
?it;y Planner