12/22/1959 " .',~ ZONII~G AND PLAUarW DOAlU) r.tinute s of the ~le,ct:t n~, Tuo sday, Do comber 22, 1959 '~ho meeting was CHllod ~iO order at I.. P.:.l. by the Vice Chail"mun, Mrll Rea,de D Present were mombers Gates I Uarr ies. Kennedy and r-Iylander, MrQ Rettig of the Bngineering Department nnd f4r. \';olla 0 The minutes of the meeting of Oeeember 10 l'mra approved as rend '0 I 1., Fair Oales Sub. - A mo'cion 1\f8.8 made by 1JlrD Gates that the plat be accepted as revised by Mro Rompon and returned to ~he Planning office December 16, 1959., Seconded and carried~ First Addition. 20 Highland Bstates of Clearwnter,/ A motion was passed that the en~ineer of Highland 8states be asked to pre3en~ to the Planni~ Office a workable plan for corulection of Greenlea to Sandle\rood Drive as shown on original maste~ rlan for Highland ~states submitted in r.tay, 1958 D be approved as 30 Sunset; L It was moved and passed tha t this plat plan subject to the rol1o~nng chnngeso designated by letter \'t' be a part of numbered ( J.) J.ot" '\ (2) All rear lot. lines 01' the sa presantl~t numbered lots be indicated by broken line indic'::tting a drainage easement area" (l..ots 1 throu~h 7 incl, LfJts 9 through 17 incl.., Lots 33 through 38 incl" ) (3) Linwood Drlve 1:'0 bo Lim'lOod Circle ~ North-South street to be f.1urray Avenue... i<.;us1~-';':0St street name to he approved by Planning Office" ',I 'fhe meeting 'waG adjourned nt h:hO P ,,],1.. ~ Resps- ctf'u.lly 5U bmitted, C:}o.r<J<-. ~ LAJ ("ref L~ (t 3ck I 1) ~':olle, Sa cy 0) l1} ity' Planner ,;~~ INPORTMrr D;;:F'lNITIONS FREQUgWfLY FOUND IN PL!\NN INO AND ZONING (more o(}rr.pleto list .found in Zoning Ordinan t.~a) A(lCE:l so~rS_?~ai~.:..Q!'.B\1ildi.:..ng: A use or buildillg cuatomarlly inci.- denta~ au or ,nate to the principal usa or building and located on ~le same lot with such principal use or building~ AP..artmenj!_P't1911in~: An apartment dwelling is a d,-relling arranged, inten~d or aesigned to be occupied by three or more families, living indopendently of each other, ' , !r~~a., , Building: The building area is computed as the total of areas ta,1;:en on a horizontal plane at the main grade l'9vel of the prin.. cipal building and all secondary and accessory buildings exclusive , of uncovered off,!,street parking areas t porches 9 pArraC9,S and steps, Billq,oard an.Q. .Adver.eiS~ ..gig;ll~..1 Gene~aJ~: A posted advert:J.sement whichc.1O'i3'S not apply to pre Bas or allY use of prem:ises whereon such sign is locato~.. , Buildin~:. Any ~tr'uctur~ ha;ing a !~oof: support.ed by columns or by \\'9.II8' or intended for the shsJ.t.er. hOU5~:ng 01" enclosure or persons, animals or chati;olo "BuildLng" inclu.seu ffstrllctm"oH ~ ' ..~) , , . Building, AccessQ~: A subordinatB build~lgf or portion of the main building on a lot, the use of \'1~1ich is ctlstom:3.rily .incidental to that o:f the main or principal buildl ng.,. ' Jht.i.ldj.~t-ll.:.C?!!]_T:ine-9--t:. The line of" the face of the building neareat-"tFio front or street l~ne or. the lot" '.Llhis ruce includes sun parlors and covered porches '.met; her enclosed ()1l un-enclose.d but dOGS not include steps~ Cover..!g"e: That perccmtago of the lClt or plot. area covered by the building "araa~ Densit..Y:= Means the population load on the land~ particularly in re5fUence di.stricts a1"lj is expressed i.n tertnS oi famili.es or parsons per acre or specified lot area and further ,expressed and cQi"ltrolled by the establishment of' a relationship botween th-:. open opace~ and the total or gross i'loor area '\-Ii thin a building~ For example, the ratio required in multiple residontial distr lets is that. at leas.t one (1) square foqt of open space be providO:Jd :1:'01" each tHO (2) square fPoet of gross floor area of' the buildingo District: Any sect~ion of th8 City t~f Florida f fQr vk\ ich the regulations governing the use of bt'ildin'~f-I gm! pl'amisee. or th e height and area of buildings n::::-e uniform" 'I \...,.1 .p'.':rollin~: A building dc:~~gn~d or used r-~::tclu~ivnly as tho Living q\1artora for one or more .fallnlJ.es I, I' .:.-:, ,,;,..:~-.:., ':~.' ~"."'.'.:.. .'--:. .........::.I.'..~:. '.~"":,',:.} JI'~"'"O ~.'~.':':'/'''''.'':.'j' ~':"~~,:~:':;~.~'~.s2~:~':"":t~':.:~':':'~~':."';::"':.~:.:.....:,..I:::..::t....,.;~;::..~:-.~::.:~.:.~.,~~.,~/~:.;":j'~'::: .I:.,...>.::.~I.,..:...:~.. ".,~ . :r , &W'O.\Jj'JlE'I.Jln.~~ ,A dwellinr. o~. portJ.nn tbOJ,"80t' pz'ovidinr; Gl'lmpl,~1~o Iivine l'ac~,litJ,es .for one 0,) f.'YiI1J./'" , ') '" "'I>:> ' I " '........' p\~~~!m:t~~tr}.eJ:!L1:.~~_~: J\ dotnchnd !wuso or huildi.ng .dE\sign~c.l and intended 1.'01." or occupiotl oxcluslvt.~ly by ono ().) family and having n,o party wall, OX" 'Nall:; :In common ~"ith an C':lri,iacent house or house:3 ~ building or buildin gr, tJ Dwelltng,9 Two Fam1+~p A b'l.1i,lding de3:1.~ned and intended fer or occupl'(td exci'ls'Tvel.y by't\.i'O (2) :rarnilies living independently of each ot.hel. ...' , Such e, two-family'dwelling may be a detached hOU13El or bui ldlng with ona family liv:ing above the other and having no par.ty wnl1 or \'Ia~ls in common with all adjacent house or houses). building or buildings.: Or such a t.wn-family d~ml1 inl; may be ,semi...dGtached builrilng com-.. posed of' a one-family' housing unit structure having one party \'1a11 in common l'r.l.th an adjacent ono....family housing unit, 5tructure~ The two housing unit .structures together, hO\'lever,. being designed and intended for or occupied by but t,.lO families)' one :fmn:i.ly living on either s:5.de , of the party wnllll ' p,rol;LiJlK1-MultJ.Jile.: A d,,")taehed' or semi-det.Q.ched bu.ilding or. por... , tion thereof used or designed I.md .intended as a rosidence for three (3) or more families living indepelldont.ly of each otherll ,includj,ng apartment housesf apartment hotala, apartment co--operatives,. flats and group houses" . ,< f . Hoole oe-r.uE~tion: 1m occupation fo!' gam or support conducted only by meml:iers- 0 ',9, family rnsiding 011 the premisea, and conductl3d entir'ely Vrl.thJ.11 the dl'relling, p:r"O'Vided\l that no article is sold or offered for sale except such as may be prod.uc8-cl by members o.f the l!l1lUad1.ato' :family residing on t,he premises" ' L:tne ~,3i~!:~: The dividing line bet'\'laen th9 street and the lot.:. I.Jot: A "lot'l meaus any lot.!,f plot~ portion or parcol oX' land con- side:;...ecr"'Qsa un1. t.: . , " " Lot.. Corn.t!l1....: A pt:lr.'ca:d of land at. the .i'~ul(:tlon ():t and front,i~g ----:r on tl10 or InorsJ..ntnrse-ct ing t:ltrl,)t.~ts" J..,o~->>-.Ll!.~.f:.rim:: A J.ot other thi'3.n a corner lot.. J",pJ:.,'1 JJ..o...P.!JL9.l~ A nJl1ffi1 horizont~tJ,' dlstal:ll:~e bot~..l\?(:m th~:: front and rear lot Ij.netl) measured in -"(,he nlCHlrI Jf:1j:lle:r~1 dj.rl.H~tionot i.1~s stde , lot lines", Lot. \'ndth of: ~.\ha m:t.?i1 1'Iidth rc;u..;> 5lU'~d at. =':It~h~~ angJ.13 $. to hiD dOl)ttt:~~.~-~~.-~--~ \ , .....I ontJ !1J.l~siJ?.r~.~!:!l?~-~:"'l ~ usa;, (lClll.1P,'.11H':Y or :: huiJ,d:l.i.'w 01':' land for ;11(11"('< -I;hari ',", 4' .", . :,~-,: I. ,~" :.' I. ':..:','. . ',..;; :.'. l"l~: '.,,'" '> ':::: ~L_ 'J, .~,~. .~. . +~. ',,". ,:..:. '.~ '.' '. '.' - ;.",:i.": L,~ -. ~~:":"'~." .!; ....:.:, l.....: ...', .~ .':. t~'i;:' : ::~'~,. .,' t.~: ':, ';,' L .:~.... .: ::'..~:' ::,;' .,:.,',..: .:., ';':~ :';'. ~::'\' 't- .: ~:. "':.": ~ <:) -, "~) Non-ConfIJ1'mi.no, U~i(~: Ii :~t,l'llct~m'8 Of' J.nlld l,:nif'nJ 1:; or:r:llpj.,~ti }IY 01 'ltH.~ 't':L)i..,-t ri(1-00,';--r-l()-t-'(~,"'(-)l'~,~,l"r)'rirlrl. t,,,, ",'" , 1'(' , i'l lr n' · t II l1,!i,t,,(,l' "1' '1111 } :.n" _ J _ . " '" III.. .!:~ 1:.~ 1:,.', I I:' 0" ; i:1 ~"',, (j,:,; 'j ,~. " .'J: 1 it iF> nit~il(.ltr.Hl" Ol2..CUL~E.~~: An unl)cGupil1d ~:lpaC(J op'2:!n to the $1\y r)O 1-.11.0 m.llllEl lot ''lith a bu:tl('l.J.n.r~.. 'p~17,ldd!K.'L... Off=~ti)::Q~!-: Shall meHn tiltH p...'1r king on the lot of' ~ars connected witn use to \~hich t.he lot .1l:1 put n The ob.iect,ive being the rolief of tra,~fic' nongostion by t.he refl1ov..;l of motor vehicl~~s~ ....'hen l10t in actual use, from publi(: or privat'.e t,hoT'our,hfarose Pla.t~ A rnapp ,plan or 11l)rout. of a citYIl to\<m" 0,1:" secl:.ion 0'2'" Duh-CIlV"ffJ ion incl :lcating tihe lOCel tiou and boundru'ien o.r indlv idua) p'rope l",t1.e s ~ ' Street Llne: A 'Str~et line!r is the div1.ding, li.ne br3tween a street and--a'ot.; t.ha,t', line being the' lot or propert.y lina" Use ~ Businoss: !.(n8.ns that. use of' the land and t.he $t;ructura thereon-:-pert"iilliIng to acti V'it.tC3 (1) l'ihich ,aTe not strictly comn113rcial in chal"acter; !il1ch as t~hose activiti.es conducted in offices and establishments rendering personal. sarvieesj and (Z) ,.;hich are st,rictly commercial in ch8.racter indicHting an (olxchann0 of gOI)ds~ "lares m." property by'purchase or sale" ' Jl.~t Resident,inl~ r~eans t.hat. use of the larid and the struct.m"(.H'l there.on domiriantjry-ror d-.,...-ellings; i~e.~ .for living rind sleep:ing or-en... pancy ~herebfby persons~ . lard" .tT..2.!Li?~ An open uno(:cupie~ GpllCe on the ~am9 lot ,ri th a main 'n'1i.:udll1g~ extending l'lht~ i.~lll 't'ndth of the lot and nituated be,tween the st.l'eHt line and the l':r:ont lin(7 of t~he, buildinr~ projected to the s.idc~ line S 01' 1;ho lot. ~ IEho d.0pt,h of tho front :lal'd shall be measured between' th.:.-, front line o.f the buildi.ng and the street liuo2I t Covered porchms s 1.,.ne ther encll)~e d or un~mcl(1sed ~ ~n j bay 'ttindOH13 t shall be con:31.d.Gl"F.:d an part or the' main bui.lding .:.md :.~ha11 not. pro.iect into .1 re qu.i l."Eld fron't, ~{a rd ~ Yard-'t, ;tear": An opeh spacn u.nocr:up:i.€.ld (,:;XCGpt for op(~n air o.fl'... street. paro:i4{') on r..he Bame lot wi'th 3. m,!li.n bu :i.ld ing'l ext.ending: the full \'d.d'hh of the lot and s itua t.ed het\\.~o.n th n rear linn of t.,he J.ot. and thB rear 1:i.ne of tbe buildinF:, pro:h'(!1;lHl to tho side l.jnf1!'l of the lot" The dopth of t~h(~': rear' yard 8h a J:1 h0 !Ii.i:;!:: sln'ed b€:li'.t'l"~e~1 trw 1'0 i'll' line of the lot ;.,tnd ~he rt..1<:lr iin~ c.f "C.h ~ r:.lJ.)).ding ~ , Yar"d, S:td~: fu~ open ~.P:H~I:: unoGf:l1pL:d (':;;1.:copt J'Ol' ,JP::-.iL ali:' off., stra'E:it -pl:l.rk'1ni:;) on the Bal.a<-: Jot. t'r.Lth ;'1 mr.LLn b\l:ilrJing:. ~jtll;'1..Lp.d nnt,1.~-0e\1 the sido line oi' t':~ buildi.nr~ ,;md 'tbr:: !1,"!'li.l(:Gll't. rJi.da 1.:i.i18 oJ t.hry lot, 11l1cl ex'C~nd~_ng from th? r'.!lni:' j,in(-~ of t.h.:;:\ i':;:'Oi.1t yc.rd t.o t~h?' fl'\-:>nt, jjnc of the rear y~.!rcL Ii: l10 front yard los roe qU~_red" -r, hr: :f'I'I)nt, b.)und.:u:'y of 'the ,side ~'.ct1.~d shal.l. ho the '~'I'ont, ltnr:: of l~hc; lot, ::J.rHl .U~ no n?:.n' y;n~(l 1$ requit'ed r,}w 1"'G:1r hC1l.H\dary oJ' the sid.; Y::IY"d t':halJ. br:~/ho r(~[H' 1'11"18 of the let " ~s ;'/~ '~~:L:" '. ."". "'10, . .... .... ~ I . t'; . . +, ," '~" '< 'j', t.. ~ ....,' . '. "," ~ ' <. ~ ....:lc...1 /'<+':"'~."~ '"'l~'~~~ .1:" ... \." ,t I..... or' ~'., ,<..;\ ',:,' ,>>d ".: , ZOnING ANn l1LMlNING DO^fin " "1",. I I" . : ~ I , . ~: ~..; ,;', ..' ('.::" , ii, . The annu~l Chriotmas luncheon mU0ting of tile Zoning an~ , ~iannl~g, Board \'las hei~' at the OlGl~rwutor Y~lcht Club on Decem- ,", ,ber: 17, 1959. Members present "lere (Ires srs . Kruse, Cassady" Gal1owtl?, Gates, IIarrio,s,Kennedy, Nylander, Heocic and Swan.. Guests present "rara C~"ty Sngineer) !;lro Sid Lickton; CitiPla~ner,' ";. 'c;~ . 'c . , ~. + 1/'"~;~''' : " ' :'.;/ ",.;, . ~r',!,.,.','" .'.... ~~.~.. :T...., ~. . . ' .j" .,.<, .:~", , '.L~' I._ '. '". ., . Ij ~<1. " .. , . ,Mro J~ck Volle; ~w~ Paul ~ottig ~f tho City EngineeringOapart~ ',{:..', , , , V'::, :\," ,'. " I{'.:.;. ~;, , ~ ~ : ' ' . ;1<,'.',', ' F','.:: r~~~";,: ,:<' <..: f'f-\" ... . ~,;'O:)' . .', ii~'~._.., . . /~;!!:::.I~ ,.:" ',. .. l::,<:'.:' " :~c ~ ~.:, ,.' . j~).:::'...,' . ~1~.~: . . -.. , .' W;,'.<.. . ff/:/-: >- ' <-'1 ~ . . I! ~".: ;' ~. . L .j ;~~::,~,\ ., ',mant. and IJJ:r.' J\rthur Hauth llnd i.irs. City Planning Dop.1rtmento, Ma:r'jt\r1e Coverston of the , , .~. ..~ ~. ,~ . c"' !' {,I I .1 'j , 'I. .' -: .: '," .:, . . > . ' ~ , . , ~ .\ '. L"i . ,.'.,., ~ ,~...;, '. . }^~ ~ ~"::,,': ' ;:v.: '. I. . " . ~". l. I. \'; , ,I ~ c >;. ,-~;.~ . '.' . .' ,". <:', "'\~ ' <,-:'.I'~' ~{~ ':.> .. '., ~ , . ~ ~', .. I./. . ~ : . ;~~ ~., .'. . c . . ~~;\.:'l~~ .". " . l~'; '. -,' . .: ~ ~ I . > . . t;/!;-?~':, ":':"~;J' " . \ , , , ,