?Oi'~HiG j\::!) !'L',r.';:JJ:U dUiUD
~flinut.GD O.t: t;h'J ;.ioClt~ i"ll!~, \:rJdiLHndny, l'lOV;JillUO:r: ;:~~\) 1')59
'rho meo'l,ji.ng \'I:.1.U called t:.o o1"dnr by the Cbalrm...m ;)t 1:30 P.i.lo
Pr':lsent '.;ere Board mambora Ga'Jf.\ndy ~ GutOrJ t H;.)rriu8j1 i.1:;lnndel" Hnd
Reade: 1.1r'l) He"litig or thn ~:II',::L'Joo:rj.ng Dopurtlllonh and i11". l;olleo Also
p'I'Gsent; Here 11[1".. Hcstl~J:'$ thn County Bllp;j.nel(n"~ and ;4r.. Lialcton, City
Engin-:!er,. at\d i:Iro Itice or ibll.cr &.ll:mc,ei....1to~ of 3to Patert)uurr, foI'
revim',' and c.1i~lCUS9iol1 oJ: thfJ content Hud proposuls of r.he l1ajor Sbree 1:.8
and'rrun'sportation Heporto In u cUscuBsion or the plut.es to be uscct
in the pl'3porti the follovllng; chan~(:i5 were su~g0~tod.
Plate 2-. a chn.bge in th(~ lDno3 pIa nned for' cons truction, (traffic)
cordons 1 and 2:1 from 2 lanos tl) j~ l<lnc s ~ HUlT!b~~r of parking lane s ..-
chango from 4, to 2" (No p3.rkin(; on i.lypt18 Avonue). exi: ( ,": ~.n abo"ffl ~)_
Plate 3
proposal that the j.ndust..riul boulevard (llon!; the 'SAI. RR
" ~l'
, T.: ~~ifl
be extended paralla.l to the l':;>.:i.J..ro:.-\d and east\\"urd to Haines Road. Also'
l ";
a proposal to include only 1.:- :t"~co'mnended str~et cross sect'iol1s"
(1) Local '$Brvico stroet sho'lling 30 i\t 0 I'oad\'luy in 60 ft c R/\'l~
(2 j Na;jo!' Strei:rt): h movil1~ Innes, lt2 f~ l) roadHuy in 60 ftu nj\'1 to
(3) !.tn.1QX' Street 1+ movi m~ lano$ ,-r1. th median strip and p<.lrl~t";)Y5 variable"
4~~ ftu street in a 100 fto:: n/\llo
( ~,)
ilIajo:::' :3tj:~eet 4 and 6 moving InnAs
60 to 66 f"t. roa(!\-.r;JY ",ibhin 80 i't" It/''-:u There wns some discussion of
the n:"led 'f'or t-l. p;nlde 3l3p.'3.!'D.tion at th'Sl propo:3fld iJ,:J.ynl:ore i31vd.. and !jhe
Cleveland a~d Dl"ew St" C.:1UDC\Jay npproaehes.. l','i:t"'" HlJster offered to seek
fllrtht3r in.formation on this pOG1:dlrl1.ity l,'i"lth t.ho Stl.tte Hoad :Jeptc Both
enr;iJ1(~ers concurr~d th..:lt th.i~; \',7::9 l1t':!E!decL Indication 011 IlBA plate 3
ShO\'lS this in torsection :('6 quirinr-; B [X: cia.l trO:ltlll:;nt) \\'hi(~h \KnLld inelude
possibility of ~uch dosi~n..
~!Lr" Gates requ0. st.ed not,l~d i~t))"l'(~c"L.Lor,s to be submitted. \~O Doarn
. members.. 'fhe corr.ections nod
The meGting \-ll1S adjourned
f{\,;S!::f;ci:.f'u.l1:: SUiJrtl:l(,t~8(~ ..
':Hldit.ion5 arc made a part of the,sa minuteso
~lt T~~ ~.~i) f) J f) ,'_
>-rS.-J ,.~ '-,: "tJ.. '::Lx.. ~__.
tJEtC..~.........:~.... ~.:'~)l.~..c~ ...,f..~[;:('" .~ ;;:t..~.J 1)~L:1(h!,~;::.