',>' ,,' ~ " ", ~ <, . J " ", : "~' :: :". '. ~ ",:..:.'.. . r~, ,.... '; ::.... 'p. .:..... ,'~:~: ;', .::-' '",.'" ...' :', . ~; ':: :', ,",:.~: ';. : ~.' .: ,~. ~: "'. . ': ':':. !', ,':./ ...'. , .",' , ',:'. <'.". .i. .':, ,"" '~ . :.' '., :. ~ ' ::5.:: ;'.. : . ~ '. :~ ':. ~ ~'. ", ':<:1' >~. ,,':' .,.."~:. 'i ::: ,: -: ,:;'.
ZONJ1JG Arm PL.'U':fHrm BOr\HD
r.U.nutns of the, f-1eetirig, Thursday" tJovember 5. 1959
rrh6 regular meeting of the ZonIng and PILmn1ng Board waG CD.l1od
to o~:"dor at, 3:30 P.H. by the Ohail~man, C4r. J{ruseo Present ware members
Cassady, Gall away, "Gft4:taa'J Barrie s , KenrlOdy J :'lylandar, Reada anu ~.hrd.n,
,Paul Rettig of tho Enginaaring Deportment and t.tro H01100
11l It was moved and cal'ried that applic:.l.tion by V:o Rli \;alkel~
for zonin~ change 'from R-4 to Buniness be appI~vedG General location:
NVI corner of TurnoY' and r.lissouri (l'3~al rir.!scr:5.ptioll) tot.;) 1, 2, 3 and 4
and paru of Lot. 5, Bloc}c B, IJ!aranatha Suhd i vi. S iOl~.
2 G Tha Subdivision Committee reported on thGi plat of Sunt;et
Luke r~anor and recommended' f1pproval~1 HOlf/ever, Mr. \'Jolla suggested
an alternate plan \'/hich lrTould provide a loop street and. theel!n1i-
nation of.' 400 ft" of other streets thus reducing development costs
,(~ and also adding It- to 6 additional lots t.o the subdivisiono The Board
, '
, .',
agread that this 'propos.:lll'lould be an lmprovamento Motion \'Ias passed
tha't both plans be approved allowing the developer to accept either
de sign l.
The Chairmanl announced to the BOr'lrd thnt the ground breaking ser...
vices l.iil1 be' held at the I.1emorial Cbric Cent er on Cleo.r'\'tn'ter Beach on
\'Jednesday) November 111>
'fhe ,mee:ting \i"dS ad.journod at 4: 30 P'If.'io
Respectfully submit,t~ad,
~ ' IL/, \.0. C~)lr" ( ~.
(-lA' I'"" -~
t r: lc Io '::ol1'e, Se cy 0
C ty Plall ner