Mi.nut;en of.' the Meetit?g o Thursday r .April 30o 1955 .-
Present were membors Cassady, Galloway, Gates, Harries,
Kennedy., Kruse,, Reade ami. Stan, Paul Rettig of the Engineering Depart-
ment and Mr. Voile, The meeting was called to order at 3 P.M. by
the 4r?airnar+, Mr,, Kruse, and thy, minutpn of the April 23 Meeting
ware approved,, F
I., A Master Plan of a subdivision,descri:.bed as being in tha
- i
general location of the NE corner of N. Keene (toad and Sunset Point
Road Vras presented and explained by the ovnier, Mr. Dunkel. and the ?
eng?neero 14-,. Albrecht. The Subdivision Committee: recommended that r
the plat be accepted h Mr. Reade moved that the plat designed as'
shown on drawing ciDDM 729A.P- April. 2Gfl 1959 2" be approved as
subrai.tted.. It was-seconded by Mr. Gates and carried„ Thom wan
discussion at length by the members as to the zoning of-this plat ?
an area in the southwest corner :reserved for
as the layout 'included
a proposed swimming pool., The developer stated that this facility
would be . in the mature of a club intended primarily l.y for the use of
this subdivision? s residents, but that others might be invited to
become members of the club, The Zoning Committee advised that a
private club is pexmitted under an R-1N zoning classification.
Mr. Heade moved that the iec mmerrdation of the Zonint; Committee be
accepted and that the entire plat be zoned H-1 with the exception
of that area south of a line 25 feet north of the conte.° Luis of
the Florida Power ea.seraent which should be R-4, 'it was seconded by
i . Mr. flarri.ps arA. ca.rriedv
r' 2, iqr., Grates pr wanted for ^ c:c tipt-annlc <r of Dr!.iid
. Grovps Replat. A r:iot:ion was thi.-)n riiader find eci7':['ied t flat, Mr,, Gate-
APH-1 30, 1959
Page 2
be wicused from voting on t.hiS :1.6 3110, Mr. Iteade moved bhat the
replat of Druid Groven Replat subdivini.on be approved as submittad,
It vIrcRe seconded by 11r. Marries find carried.
3 4 Mr. Kruse read to the Hoard the Report Olat line Planning
Legislation Proposal from 11BA. Questions on Section 8, Articles A
and B w*re discussed.' 8-Ae It leas suggested that the time limit
on action be deleted. 8-B.. It was suggested that a 4/5 majority
be needed.' Mr. Wolle. reported that this outline " has been forwarded
to the C3 ty Manager and Ci t Attorney for use in preparing ng Planning"
Legislation for Clearwate.ro
Planning literatwe was distributed to P.11 members'. of the
Tha meeting adjourned at 5 P.M.
Respectfully submitted„
ck i. ;Iva. y Secy.
City. Planner