01/08/1959 ZONING AND, PJ..ANNING BOARD / / ,,~ Minutes o.r ~!eeting l'htwsday, January H,. 1959 (1.tam number corresponds to ugenda listing) ................----_.~- Present t,,'Ul'O members }~ea.de. Harries,. Gatos, Ga~loway and Swan, The meatlng opened at ):3.0 P..M. w.Lth !t1r" HOR,;.'! acting as chair.. man. Minutes "lera approved, ''lith follO\dng addition to Item ;2. By consent the chairman was directed to send a. lott,er of appro... ciation to ~h". Dri'lfer for his contribution to the accomplishments of ',the Board ~lhile a member.. / Item 1 <I Mr. Gallol'ray and Sw'an revie'tJad, Zon:i.ng Case Z..J,...1258 repo~ting the f.ind~ngs of the Zoning COl~ittee and ~ecqm~ending approval of change of Lots 1 .- '4? Block 6 North Shore Park i'ror.n R-l to R..2 to be :i:ncluded in the Zoning HCi"9rcl~dum .file i> The Board approved the Committee's recommendatiouQ Item 2. ;\0 !\1ro. Wolla pointed out that the property to be kno'J./11 as Ross B9 Norton Park ~ms zoned R-4 and as public ol~ed property should be, ~oned for this exclusive use. It ~las moved and passed unanimously that this 'tract be recommended to be rezoned from R-4 to Po Bo It was further noted ~hat the new Little Lea~ue ball diamond site and I~rynl0nt. Park and playground adjoining the ah~ park are or similar status ~nd as public used property should be ~oned i'or MAit3 exclusive uno.. It 1-/aS moved a'1d passed Unanimously 'that each of these properties (to bo leg~lJ.y described by the Eng1neerj~g Department) be zoned from R-l to pq Item)" . Ml"o Wolla stated he had several iuqui1"ies concerning ~,~~ t~ln rw''''' 1")':1 Y'''''t'i oyt "'11d 'l~~'~iJ,.,h~li,t'r o.-f.' "'!. ,.. \:J ...-_ \"# I.. __ r.4 ~... J.. ("2_ (.;. IIj ...... -. .c"........ - J t..J, lIE~~ 'P rC\~ ~:.~Ol1:i.m~; dist;!"J.ct. genf-')l'al. 'tJ.:38 by the pl,lbli.r.", ' There \"J~i.f] t;ome di:3cussiol1 concerning "". .\~&; '" r..~ .~ January f!f 1959 Pae;o 2 th9 maps :lv'(lJ.l.2blo, the conuent and nu1',hor:i.ty or. each, .'.Inri 'lihn antimate of \'lork :lllvol ved, It ","an n81~ood by thn Board that pro- para'bion and availability o~ such a mnp nhoulc1 uot. 'be 1:iho reopon- " 10.', Ii · f " " ; ::: .'. sibility of tiH~ c:i.ty 0) I,t "lae agreed that. it \'10\.1.1<1 be a VIorth- while pl~ojOCt.. or, aovorul groups interested in zoning. M'r. \foll-:t was directed to inform the ~nquirer of this diacuosion and possible assistance the city could give., Item J... IIlJ:'. "jql~e road the memo of January ~3 froJjl the City Clerk..' Al't9r ,coma cliscussion the Board raquested that the IollOlIJ- i.l1g information be obtai11ed~ (l),The time limit of the permissive use as grant.ed. by the Commiosion and an defined by ~ho City Attol'noy. (:~) Evidence or stuteraant of the intl3nt as to date such , \d I". . property is to be used. (J) The nature' of the tem,pore.I'Y use being considerod ~or ~he property. Item 5. crhe letter i'rom Oharlea U. Ph1Uipa. ,Jr... dated Decem.. ber23, 1958 ~ma.reada After so~e discussion of the city lots available for sale, and the 10t.8 ava;lal?le for use it. '\-;as de~ided board memberB should visit tho property. Mr. Harries and lJIr.. Swan consented to make the inspection l'lith Ml"~ Vlo11eand M."(" Rettig Tuesday P.M. January 130 Item 60 No report.. Item 7 0 A oJ. I.ir. Holle reported 011 the schedulo foX' the i'inal '::, : r " , ~ . ~ ' } ?: ..i ~) make...up and present.?tion of the EcoI1omic Background and Population Report by t~hQ UDA office as indica.tad in thoir interof.fice memo of December 230 It Has suggosted anl agreod that the report should be givr;m aftel~ Ml.... Kl-use re'ttu'n~:: in I~obruary. ].11"" \'10110 /,'c January tl', 1959 Page 3 ~,.\. , . , r ~i. ,~ t., ' r, .'.: " statod he \Jt'Juld nwlw thiD roqueo't. B. 'rho Bon'td discneaed the pzoocodul'"o in rcvie\1' or starr '-:o~~k and HBA pl'elirliim'~ry reports... It 'lIaS suggested that early opportull:tty to be givell tho Board in, revie.n of plar~illg data and fitldings P14iol" too the prali~linary report. Mr... Wolle statod that this policy lrould'definitely favor more interest and contribution by the Board an~ could no~ be avoided in ~l~,second report covei* . ~hg ~and use and zoning. It was agreed tha~ a special session for the Board alone would be in ordor prior to 'the prelimintlry draf~ return to fmA. In the future copies of this draft 1~uld be give~ to each menmcr for thcu. review. C u t,b:'o "]olle repo~ed th~t inquiry had been made as to availability of Board Minutes. It ,~s agread NO copies would be distributed other than to those c~ty offj.gials and department'~ I. l' f' l?: ' r( r~' ') . . ,', < ' , j ! . I , now on tha'li3~~ DOl Copies of the organization of. 'the Land Use and Zoning Report \rer~ distribuuod to the Board Members. E" Ur'. Harries reported on the work dona in preparat1oi'i . for pr:l.nting the planning report covers.. ,I There ,being no other items' for cotlsideltation the meeting wan adjourned ~t 4:50 P.Mo Respectfully Submitted ~~cutGe~ aelt: I,.. WOlle,Secy. i.ty Plail})er .JII' '..\ -~ . . , '.