Minutes of Heetlng ThursdaYt December II. 1958
Present were members Kruse. Levison. Readet Harries. Kennedy. Gates and Swan.
Hr. Wolle and Mr. Rettig.
The Meeting opened at 3:40 P.M. and the minutes of November 26 were approved. '
1. ' Application for Zoning Change Z-I-1258 was discussed. Hr. Wolle pointed out
exl~trng land use and zoning. Committee members individually reported without
decision; Hr. Galloway not present. Recommendation was deferred to allow group
inspection of the area for study.
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2. Resignation of Board member B. J. Driver was received. Discussion followed
concer~tng possible attorneys that wOlJld be considered for his replacement. It
was decIded that the chairman would discuss this with the Mayor making several
suggestions such that immediate replacement would be forthcoming_
3. . Deleted
4. Members Levison and Reade were appointed to arrange for the annual Christmas
luncheon to be held ThursdaYt December 18. It was decided that the Mayor~elect.
the Conunlsitoners-elect, Mr. Stewart, Mr. L1ckton, Mr. 'Rettig and Shirley
(Oobson) Haney would be invited as guests.
5. Hr. Wolle reported that work on the Economic Background and Population Rc-
port was about complete and that Mr. Stodghill of Harland Bartholomew was re-
, '
quested to be In Clearwater for the next Board meeting.
Mr. Levison reported that information had been rLceived from Sarasota in regards
to their housing code and inspection program. This material was being reviewed
by the housing committee and a report \\lould bt;: forthcoming. It was suggested
that Hr. Kennedy being familiar with the ACTION program would a~sist in this study.
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Mr. ,Kruse reported on the Corps of Engineers hearing on Hurricane Defen5e ha'd
in Clearwater on November 18.
gr. ,Wolle, reported on planning literature available' to members of the Board, e~"
dlstributed,an informational sheet he had prepared on zoning.
There being no other business meeting was adjourned at 4:45 P.M.
~ack I~ Wo Ire.
C t~yP.1 anne r
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To: 'rho Bonorublo r~nyor "met DO.'1rd of City Conmissioners
City of C10llr''Iator
Subje at: Annual UOPOl't. of Zoninr. und Planning Board for t.h e
Calendar Yoar 1956
" ,
The subject report is Dubmitted for your consideration and recordo
10 Personnel
.......v T
Previous to the yoar 1958 certain advisory activities pertaining
to planning and zonil~ matters and responsibilities had been dele-
gated by the City Commission to two Boards. namely t the Plnn11ing
Board and the Zoning Boardo' As provided ror in amendmelm to the
Zoning Ordinance approved by referendum at the general election of
1957, a Board of Adjustment and Appeals was established at a meet-
ing of the City Commission 6 January 195a~ Appointees to this ,:
Board were members o~ the previous Zoning BoardD Folloldng this
action, the City Commission proceeded to re-establish the Zoning
and Plann~ng Board (provided for in the City Charter) by resolution
58-7 adopted at a meeting of ~he City Commiss~on 20 January 1955~
and appointed the members, of the previous Planning Board to this
ne\1 sGsignment... The following constituted the neW Board: '
" ;'),
Landscape Architect
Planner (retired)
Railroad Agen~ (ret~ed)
Architect '
Industrial Engineer
(Vice Chairman Pinellas
County Zoning Board)
A~ a meeting of the Board 23 January 1958 Mro Kruse lme selected
as Chairman, Mr~ Levison as Vice Ch~irman and r~o Reade as Hon-
orary'Secre,tary... During the year, the Board suffered the 1038
of Mr() 'Norton by' death :and of Messrs.. Stuler and Driver. by resig-
nation" HOl'1aver, the services of the follo'll:L'r'lg three public-
minded citizens \'rere secured and their appointments made .to i'ill
those vac~cies on the Boardn
1., Bill Driver
20 Ch~rles Galloway, Jro
30 Hilliam Ell Harries
4~ Arthur Me) Kruse
5Q Ross B. Norton
60' Robert'H~ Levison
7p Ralph W. D~ Reade
ao Rober~ St\uer '
1~ Daryl Wo Swan
20 Cecil Gates
30 Gu.y Kennedy
Businessman (retired)
Throughout the year 1111"0 Paul Rett ig was a~signed by City' Engineer
Lickton, as his representative to be in attendance at meeting$
of the Board and to collaborate ...rith the City Planner on Board
~ mattersc His contribution in these respects has been invaluable~
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At this 1:.1m,::!. the Board Nioh03 to aCknOlll(!dJ:4~ t.hn cont.ribution
which Oi'l~y Pial11."1er Hollo is makIng noi~ only"ln l:.h':1 PQ\~.rol'm:Jnco ,of,
hi.s duties U3 City Planner on Mw stn,ff of t}w G:lt.y gnginecr, but
as Executive Secretary' to the Zoning find Pl:mning Do~u'd" 1'hat~ he
has contributed far in excess of his lW!.Jip;l'wd de po,l~tm~ntul rospon...
Gibilities i5 acknm'fladged by every mombor of tho Board .;t:nd, ,as
the Planning Program is unfolded. hio <1fforta \fill receive un~_ver...
sal acclaimo
II" Du~!~ fUld Re,spo:qsJb~.lit;e~
As an advisory body to the City Conmisnion ~ the Board d:tscharges
routine as well as arec:Lal assignments provided for under Chapter 79
of the City Charter~
lII~ Operations
""'l ---...... 1Ii~...,.~..-......-
Pursuant to the instructions of the Ci1;y (]Ol.r.mi~sion given t.o the
Board at the 'February I,., 1957 meetin[~ 01' tho Commt3sion and in
accord a.nd with the Boatd t s rocoranendation of 25 Aprj.l 1957, '
, negotiations "'Ie!'e continued with Harland Bnrtholor.10\\Y and J\ssociatas
of Atlantaj Georgia, the ~irm selected to be the City's pla~ing
consultant ~ to evolve a practical arrangement for the prepara'l~ion
of a Moster Pla.n for the Cit:ru In the m$antime,.. nogotiations ''let'e
initiated and conferencos held with r.tI'.. J" Eo Baril of the Florida
Development Co;mnission to detHrmim "Tha.t., financial assistance might.
be available from the I';aderal gov'ernment to tho City 1 8 planning
, progl"~o
At a m~eting of tho Bonrd~ 26 lf~rch 1959, the proposal of Har-
land' BartholoJ1l9'\" and Assoc iates was praaa nt.ed by 11'11" e Frederic Robin-
'son of that rirmu I~u Baril 'of. the Floridn Development Commission
was in attendance at this meeting", The Board's recommendation. of ,
:the acceptance of the proposal was approved by the Ctty COlllnission
at its' meeting, of 21 ApriJ 19S5o
That the initiation 01' the Planning Progrant' is a most sig~
nificant milestone in the history of this City will soon become ,
evidento The program j.s a consultanto<>city contract on a 8o..ocalled
"SO-50" basis in )',hieh the City agrees to accomplish the collection
and analysis of b~3ic data under the ~rection of ~he consultant
as its principal c ('.n tribut ion" Althou.e;h it il:.1 a uni'lue method and
perhaps more time-consuming than a narlfl..al pJ;annj.ng progrum!; it. is
a workable and oem arnical arrangement., That the pl.:-1nnir!g consultant
.tlou.ld consider t..he prosec\l'cion of a progr8m unde:t thesE:! cOHcitions
is an e:(pres,':!:J.on of confidence in the City Ple.nnr.~r and the Board to
accomplish tho Cityf S p.J.rt of the program., The pr6parat'ion of tho
MastF.n" Plan is un undertaking of from cdvJlteen to t.....enty months
,duration and i-till on~brace the submission ox' s'~vnraJ. Scp.:ITate reports:\l
th8 in>; nt of vl1iell 'Hill be nubrr.itt::d to t.he Co.n~issioll C'~arly in the
sprinrr: of 1959" 'fhe :tnitial report ",ill C0Y.Ol.~ tile pcpuLl't J.on .:lnd
ecoIlo;;;ic asp0 Gtn of the planning area; tho S0 conti l'Cpl'l~t Hill concern
zonj.ng and land use.. rrhese tvIO r(lpOi.~t;:; ~'d.Jl l)'J the l'e::ntlt, of
.. .
exhaustive st.udy I.md mU"voyo or (~xtl1\', \.!Il~ Cr'lllf\ ll.:lcl))n illlel :U'O' b;wlo
to tbo formulation or mont. plnnn.tn~r, lH'tqH)utJl~l. lJWl t:'.o t.lh~ li'ouornl
Vovornment's acti.on i.n tho om't:nLlmont (1J.' funlln 1'01' ,t'lnnncial aid
to States in their rlLtnnltl!.~ 1a.'()~l~WIl. H~ 111 !lot. knmm :it Mlis time
when or to l'lhnt oxt.ont thfJ 01 ty 1I1HY t'oCld '."', gl'[Hlt~{-i.n-n:t.d thl'ou.gh
S\iate levels in ita plann'inlr pn)grnnl..
The pm,\rd has held fortY"'3ovon l'oguln\' U l' fl{1Cl C inl m,1ctinC3 as wall
a.e many inveotigat iOll/3 (llld l~lold u\l1"vny~ rn quircu of ape cial COntnl-
itteos in the porfonnun<:a of thn BOlll'Cl' U /j C tl vi tl0il'j SGveral of
its meetings \tere held ;Jointily W.ltJl 1.;111) Cit.y Commin:d.()n a::, i1 \mole.
01" with l"oprencntnt iVC9 t..horeo!'. 'r~Jnty-f'i.vo aubdi vis ion y th:b."cy
zoning cases of vrhlch ten woro !3:lgn opplicat.ionu, And twenty...five
. zoning rafor~ndum items have boon undo!' corHJidorat~ion by th~ Boardo
IVu ObS9rvat~ons
Prior to the submiosion of the ne:tt I1nnu)11 repol.'t. of tho Board"
'it is anticipatod that tho prepal'p1~i\')1l and ~u bmtssh1n 01' the l4astar
Plan ",illl have been consummated" '1'hi:J is only step No... 1 in the
evolution of a great city; it will expound llO t.o why and how sllch
a plan should be implemented. This \",111 roquire much in. the way
of public education and an unself'i6h attit\loe in the practical
adaptat.ion of the element:J of the Plan.. In Clear\'later's situation,
the planning area lies between two municipaJ.itiea~ It is no pro-
duct of' a vi.vid imagination to expect that a regional or metro-
polit~n problem is irlvo}.ved here and that close cooperation ,dth
our neighbors 'is a necessity f"or cO~M1unit.y bettnrment o' A few
years ago, Clearwater m!,8 the prim9 mover in a11 action to foster
regional planning' but the attitude of unincorporated areas nullified
any cooperation on the part of the County.. Reno\','ad efforts in this
more comprehensive aspect of planning are certainly past dueo
V 0 ~lecomp1,~lLditJ4.Q.~
It is, the opinion of this Board tha t Section 79 of' the Clearwater
City Charter shou.ld be amended in SOOlG way to create a mora satis-
.factory ordinance in regard to zoning 111D. tters b The referendum
limitations have. it is feltj been too cumbersome and 'not appli-
cable under' current condit ions", It.. is recommended, thorei'ore J>
that the .tn-'ltter he rorer-rod to th3 City Attornuy I'll" the presentation
of a l~eq\lOst on behal.f of the City' to t,he Stato Legislature at. its
coming seas ion.. .,
VI", Conclu3ion
L ~ r ~
rfhe Zoning and Planning Board w:tll accept any cb;;lllenge to cooper-
ate \-lith tho City Commission in itn erf\~.r.ts t,C promote tho welfare
of this b0n:11unity...
He3p"~ ctfully 13nb1ll1tted~,
u:tR.......v f7/'), ;:c{,....-:";"
.I\rt.h \11' rft." I\r'u~) e... Vhv il~lll;:Hl