10/30/1958 t/' '-". Minutes of Mcctlng-I~ur5day~ October 30, 1~58 In~Plnnnlng Doard Office Present were members Kruse, Reade, Gates, Han'!cs, GallowDY, Levison and Swan, Mr. Wolle, Hr. Rettig. Jhe meeting opened at 3:15 P.M. with Mr. Kruse presiding; the minutes of October 23~ 1958 were approved.with the following corrections: On page 1 second llne from bottom to read, City limits in t1tst addition to Gates Knoll Subdivision"; also add after last line lIMr. Gates abstained from votingll. HI Report of Subdivision Committee A. Salls Pasture Property . Fore~t Hills Estates Subdivision The committee's recommendation was disapproval of the plat in that the MR-I requirement for Highland Ave. R/W is 10Q' and that as platted was but 801. There ~as 5QBe discussion concerning R/W widths north and south bringing out the follow. Ing facts.: Owners of property' on Hrghlafld north.of Palmetto, arc grvIng, 100' and Pa~kwood ts dolftg llkewfse. Further discussron led to. Zoning needs and setback requr reme[lts. .. " The Zoning .~ommJttee, presented a written recommendation it would consider for deed restrictions to affect proper setback of buildIngs. This would not pre- vent use of futute R/\~ for parking purposes and the necessity of condemnation and ,\ purchase of additional R!~! when nceded. This report was received but not accepted. A motion was passed that the plat of Salls pasture property, to be known as Forest Hills Estates, be disapproved in that it did not dedicate lOa' R!W for Highland Avenue. There w~re 6 ayes and I n~y. It was indicated that other de- sign requirements of the Soard would be mute '~~) B. The committee recommended that the plat of Parkwood 2nd addition bu ap- proved as presented. Motion was passed to accept the committee report and approved the plat. {'-. . ~2 Roport of ZonlnQ Commltt~c A. ZA-44-toS8 - The committee recommended approval of zoning on Tract At Tract B. and Tract C of Forest HIlls Estates to bo D~Buslness - subject to R/W changcs on Highland and that all other be zoned R-l. The motton was passed that such zontng be recommended. B. ZA-4S-10SB ... The committee recommended thllt parkwood 2nd addition be zoned R-l as requested. The motion was passed that such zoning be recommended. c. z-46-I058 - COlTXnitteo stated that they did not have time to visit the property. Mr~ Wolle pointed out that the request was for multi-family zoning In a non~white areat The lots adjoined the auto graveyard and faced low standard houslng~ Further that R-4 zoning possibly would encourage removaJ of some sub- standard housing to be replaced by new muJti.unit dwell ings~ After some dis'" cussion a motion was passed that the area described a5 fat lows be recommended to be changed from R-2 to R-4: Lots 1-8 Block J Fairmont Subdivision Lots J6-20 Btock H Lots 1-l4 Block D II II Greenwood Park No. 2 D. Permissive Uses - The committee reported that they had met to discuss .' ways of amending the Zoning ordinance to include restaurant use in an R-M area but with sign I imitations. Mr. Wol Ie read a draft of a proposed section to be added to the zoning ordinance granting certain permissive uses through a review of conditions by the Board of Adjustment and Appeal on Zoning. The Board accepted this method of adding flexlbi1 ity to the ordinance, and granting per- missive uses. It was requested that such proposal be discussed with the Ooard , ' c, of Adjustment and Appeal on zoning at their nc~t meeting. 4~ 113 Park Improvements Hr. Wolle road a I ist of park lmprov~ments as outl ined by the ActIng City f . .' '~.I>-. .. . ,r-o... \ Manager. There wore no objectIons to the p~~po~a'3. Hr. Wo\lc stated the Board's recommendations on to~nln co~w~s hnd ~~0n ~0~t:~~'~~od. . . . #4 Stevenson C reck Park" pl f1~ l1e~9."''''C1'''.!!.~~~_o''', Mr. Wolla asked for changes or a confirmotion of tho Stov~nson Creek park plan. dated January 8. 1950. ^ motton '\las p,J3s(~d t:',ct withfJut further change thts plan of development be rocommended to the Commi$sion for adoption. #5 Chairman's Items A.q FPZA meetinq .. Mr. Kruse announced that the annual FPZA meeting wou~d be held in lakeland November 6~ 7, 8 and that, as an all important State Planning meeting, several members should attend. Hr. Wolle encouraged split attendance by the Board to coval" the 3 days stating that he planned to be present the full meeting. Memb~rs were to contact the office of their availabil ity. Because of this meeting and attendance it was agreed that the regular Ooard meeting would be ',' held on Wednesday, November 5, t9SB. O. Letter to Shirley Dobson - Hr. Kruse rU2J tho letter of appreciatJor !' ,. " , given to Hiss Dobson for her services uS office ~GCrctDry. , ' " ',> '. c. Rutenberg request - Mr. Wo] Ie reported action of the B of A & A on Zoning on the Rutenberg requQst. j" I #6 Planner's Items '~ pjat of Hillcrest Sub. No.3 was presented directly to th~ Board. It was expressed that the replat should not be a?proved with 50' frontage lots. The Planner was directed to inform Mr. Rom~on of this rc~uircmcnt and arrange ra~ 1.., submJttal of,the plat. There being no other business the meoting adjourned at 5:18 P.M. .~;,; \. ., .,' ,