.:~. ~.,~ . I -..' .r,: .: t.',"..,. .... -\..:>"~': ~~;' .:" ': ;.~. '.\ ..:.......::.~.:'. ....;.:,.~. . "+':,"" :; " , - .t.f.: ':."-: ~;.'.:. .-"':, ~.:.. .' ':'.:~. .;:;',' ~";~',';: ..... ," 1-.' . .~.:' "~.::'::.':.:',,,,:,:": ....... ... ...'
~ !1,1nuto ~ r of ll\ae_~';.llR, :rhU!~2:'~ Gc~q~~r, ,16, .12.2.1...i1\..rl9-1)~\nE.,)lo:~rd. 91..[!g,g
I ~ . .
t. ;
Present wore membors Gates, Drivor. Heads, GallowMY and... 3\:1an. .
", 'r1'21,~~..~~
Ths meeting opened at. 3: 25 ~p _,[:1. \'Tit,h li'1r,'I. Rende prntliding.. V
The minutes or September 25 a~d Octohor 2 were approvedQ
d.!..~.z.on!mt...Ras1~ lla\!:1;~ w - Z-F.1-5'.5j1 - ,:@t.~ H~p:~}-y......!lnnto,!1:"
, . ...
Mr. Wo&le read item # 1 of the minuties of 3eptemb~Jr J!- "',here i~rc
Blanton presented his re'7uest and the Board asked }dm 'to find out t~he
.feelings of adj oining prope rty 0l1ners and l'e.porii b;:lck to the nO.:Jrd~
Nlr. \/olle then :t"ead. .:l letter from i.ir. i31enton dat,Bd October 6
stating that he did nl.1t !'e~l he should contact ::.djointng prOp9rt,y o..,'tners
and requested tho Board to act on his re~\est.
Af~er further discussion, a motion ~a5 passed to recommend d~s~
approval of the request for t~e following reasons:
10 That there hQS no need for this use at this time~
2. 'rhis was presently facing a 3table single .family area"
3. As a periphery area of the CBD it should be given intensive
st,udy as a part of the overall downtoWn plan :for circulation
and.) land use..
IL~. Jl~.P...'lr.t-.EB. ~rk~Committee I!1Pp~.ctio!i r.or\ll::"
Mr.. Gates, reported that he and JJIr. \'lolJ.e togoth8r \';ith City Com-
miasiona~s ~ members o:f the Parks and flecr'3i=, t.J.OJ'i Dc~partrn~:mt~ and 0 t.hers
from the City visIted some o.f the Ci'l-.y park5i vlhe;.:'e rutU7.'9 plan.s i'or
each pa1"1c -"ras given and discussed..
Nr.. Gates stated that he felt m05t of tb~ public 'lid not. l"e:lliz,e the
extent o:f the .City I spark progra.m and th8 \~ th8Y should be '3nllghtened
in some . "ray .
L .-- ~4.r:iS Dj.~~to..n. ~_..~qy.~!1JlOn.. .Cre..~t~~ p.r~_~E...J~:!.&'-~~_~~gl1.!!!~J14a t;io!.1,;~
~'Ir.. '~"o11e stat.~d that a verbal ;cequoRt. }-;nd como .t'l'.::lrl Cornmis::::ioners
, ,
< ~
, ...~
Octob~r 16, 1958
p{J.~(=' ~
for the Z &. P iJoord t~~ l'ocomd.dor t~he.tr reCGlIUTlEmd,)d loc;~tion :for tennis
courts nnd that Dtudy bf~ g.ivon to Stovnn::ion Crook Parle LH:; a posaible tenn'is
court loc:a.ti.on.
<~,lr. E. Sa Eaeland, president of the Tennis Club. appeared before the
. .~. ,
Board and sta.ted that the Tennis Club had a gat,jherine; at l'lhich time they
reaffirmed their desire to havo the tenni.~~ court.s placed in Crust Lake
After discussion, a motion 'WaS passed that the orif:1na1 l~ecommend-
ation for the location of tennis courts 011. the south 5ide of Crest. Lake
Park ba reaffirmedp but that such location may be at t.he SE 01:" S)'{ cornarA
(1r~ S\~n ~batained from voting statin~ that he was not a rnember of
. the. Board ,'mah the original recommendation \'iCJS made..
r.1r.. Wolle said tha-t the Commission. b)~ verbal rec:urist. had asked
the opinion o~ the Board on building public rest rooms at the south
east corner of Coachman Park an Osceola A:"'enlle..
" It ';lao the opinion of- the Board t.hat ,th:f.s was n()t. a matter for the
Planning Borp~d but they had no objection to this locF.ltion..
1f.4 . ~,~)~.E!......~~. G.2s_.$.orvice l1J:~_
For tho infol"iiU"tion 01' the 13oa;r'd, mr. V/olle 5hoywd a map outl5.ning
tbe proposed area 'to be se~."J..:~d by ua~~ural g:?f:: J n.nd in::'ol'l~d them of the
availability of a co p)r n t' .i;hf~ p:"Alir.t:l.nA.!".r report. prep:=.:tr~d by th~ Ut t1..
itios Oapalottmal\t.
11:5..., . n~ .l12XL2.U-.PE..~.t~L-.fpL-!1.~!..1l ~nrl...}l?.p .2::.t
!-tt.. v.rolle r~port~}d that upon inV'~~3tigat,ion of
or' covers for
planning roppi'"ts, he fOU..'1d that 5()0 covers in the tnuJ. t,J color' land u~';e
plan l'lo1.l1d' cost approx.. '$95..00.. One thou:::and CO\~Gl~S (If the :.::ajile "!Quld
~:<,"S1~ ;O-ppl"OX.. $12S ,,00.. In blnck, whit~ and hlue 5().1 CrNtn-S 'I'.;ould cost
::: ,,)
October 16, 1956
Page 3
apPl"OX. ~~52.00 and 100 covora \JDuld con t np proY.... ~~84 .00.
A.ftor discussIon II mot:J.on was Pc'lsG<Hl t.o ndop1i thfJ :trioa of f.1 lalld
URG map to b~ port.rayed on tl"ie covel'" in multi (~olor .:lnd to ilcc~pt tho
lU\"lGst of t,,,o prices ~
#6 Cornm\lnic at ions
~ - T' 1 r, l' NW.""'IJ:."
For information to the B~~rd
a.. Mr. Wollo read the letter to i/Ir" Lloyd Phillips from the Oity
Attornoy dated September 29 con?erning parking area USe in R-M,
111.,.,-,pJ..~~~~P~l .. "': .i!E..~.:B!!!-: ~U.:.s__-6~ rm J....~ ni v ":wJ:~~~':"fi",:lIt ?~~..:......tlr. H..l! .~BaskiB
Nt'.. H. M... Baskin nppaared before the .t~oard requesf;ing that study
be gi.vatl to the zoning c:lrdinance with the pI)ssibi.lity of allot....lng,rest..
aurant 5 tn ap R-M zone J and remove t.he 1:im5.t,at ion of i,he Sj.Z8 of 'sign...
l: ..~
.!'!.ftel" lengthy di.scus 3ion, "a mot,ion l'f;;l ~~ pasar:d to r,,:;("ltlC~Dt the zon.in~
committee to study this request; and :t'8port. back to th~.' Bo.;} rd.
t4r.. Ueade asked ~1.r.. Drivor to ,<Jer'N3 in L.h'. Kann.1dy' 5 pl(-i.cc. during
hia absence.. '1\h~ committee vri.ll meet Tt:.r~sd.'i.Y .3t l~:CiO P.f~L
, I
, I
~. ..:.': ,". +:... ".".~ \':' '{ ,.,....)~'..: .: I . ~." ..,.......;.. :;..' ..~..,;...,: ..... .' ': ..,:. .....:.L ,..:'.... "".";('.'. '.~':;".'::~:'_"I"":t.'I,:':"r. ":':'..:'" ~,L.},
~ I "
, ,
Octobor 16, 195d
P ago ~,
. Iflj ..l'J-.f.I;nn~ing Lit:.era.:tHrq~. to__B_o{ird. ' '.
. \'
l~. ~'lolle added nOlV' litarature to;'the
, ).1
that it be passed around to Joard memb:\~rs
PJ.anni ng folder c.lnd roque sted
as soon as possiblQ~
#-3. ~.tt-..e,!lls to ACpl!!!!'.?-ttees
Mr. Woll~turnad over copies
. i
G\lJ.l~...tf) ..l)aV' AC!'eH lc~irat Addi ti on
and proposed plans for Ball's pasttlt'e p.ropert.y to the SUbdivision Com..
mitte9 for their review.
.' ,
The meeting adjou~ned a~ 5:00 P.Mv
"' ,
r :1
f \ '
Res,pec"tfully submitted,
..~.-k.. .9-. w ~~
Jack I. WolleJ,Secretary
C:lty Plannor
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