09/04/1958 - Joint Meeting j ~ M1;nUj;~s, of.. .J,oint f~13p,!i..i!'Y"~ City yQ9mrniss1on...::..~..Q!).).!,,g &, PlaY1!l:t!"I;~ Board 9/1;./58, , , Present were Commiss:J.onera Stra.ng. \Vat,Icills and Insco. Z & P Board membar9, Kruse, Konnedy, Suan, Levison., Rec-Jdot Gates and Galloway" Jack \10110. Oi ty Planner, Gorald \/0 imer, Acting City l'JuTh'1ger and Ci.ty Attorney ~ Ben Krentzman. The meeting opened at 7: h5 P .It1a Ql prr-Stree~ ?arking, qrdinanc~ Mr. Kruse oponed the meeting ''lith a brior history of the proposed ordinance and asked Mr. ~rentzman his opinion as to whether the off.-streeu parking ordinance should be incorporated into the zoning ordinance.or a separate ordinance~ ~~. Krentzman stated that it \ffiS his definite opinion that it must be a part of the zoning ordinance and the zoning ordinance could be changed) only by referendtun~ ~hererore, the off-street parking ordinance vdll have to be on the referendum. Mr. Krentzman suggested that legi'Jlation might be enacted 'Nhich would ampowar' the Commission to ravi se . ,the ordinance 0 During the discussion, cases 't'Tere cited 'i',1here the passing of an off'~s'ereet parldng ordinance "lOuld create 0'3. hardship on lots limit.ed in area but of cO'nsiderable 'lalue per squ:.lre foo.t.. Mr.. Levison suggested that O\oJl1ers' might J by n certain date, flla al1 intent, to build exempting them from the ordinanc9o :~ III conclusion, ~t was requ'~8ted that copi~s (If i~he propm;od ordinance be sent. to Mayor Homer ami Gornmiss5.oner Ij'icldfJ a.lld that)' after studying 'the ordinance, the Commission cllld Z &. P Board meot again. next Thursday ~O'l" further discussion oi' the matterg 1f.2-. Z...o~1'!.;Fg, .Ord;n;D}lc.~. g.ha!1ge'~R~ I-ii'.. Holle read a lint of itomn ,in the prj~s(-mt:. zoning oj:,"dinance vrhich i~rorn time to t,ime had been quo3t:1.o~wd becilllsc::! of not b0ing clear Joint Meeting . r--, Sept", I. Page 2 or seemingly inadoquate. It "laG indicated that tho more important of those should be includod' in the referendum ChH!l1];es.. 1/:3 J,>ol~q.'{ on ~~C?ninl; ..\Jhn!m~8 for Referendt,!!!,\_ . Tho question \-laS ra.ised as to whethor or not the Board should hear either or both parti13s concerned in a request for zoning change. Opinions differed and thera \-/as 110 docision reached. ~~ Publicit~~or Referendum There was some discussion on publicity to be reloased concerning items to be included (such as the off-street parkir~ ordinance) in the referendum.. It was stated that one or more infor~l public hearings should take place to decide if the o~f-street park1!~ ordinance should go to refer- endum but 'that ext,ensiva publicity should be given priolo to such , 1 hearings: I j l explaining its con~ent to the people. Public hearings will be held on all requests :for change in ooning before they are placed in the ~ererendumv Press releasos .fro'm the Board liter!'] discussed and it is the desire of the UorQIIlission to' have their inforltlt'll OK on items of: action berore it i.5 l~eleased to the Press. This may be done at GOUlJUission work sessior There tms a discussion concerning Con~ission policy on acceptance of' zo~irig changes \'.'i'th recommendation or disapproval t:-o be put i:nto the raferand.um filE:.!.. l,u'~ .Krantzman reaffirmed the right o:f overy applicant to be heard at time of public hearing.. Howuvel. it was deciqed that it may not be nacessa:i"y 'to have on the Commi~8iQn agenda specific cases that had been processed by t;he Zm"dng &. l'lA;:.ni.ne: Board~ Thano ,.rould -- y '.,,"; 'be submitted to the C:l.t:1 A.ttorIl9}T \1ho w;uld r:,el~aly illfor't:il t.h!3 Commission of the receipt of nuch items.. " . '~ , :' '.'. ,. , I" Joint Meeting Septo 4'Page 3 f,:'" /, ..,.::0 . ,I' i,;:'., . ';~ - , The Oommission members pl'"esent \-t'Bre of the opinion that a date could be 3e'trO~ the final acceptance of :l.toffiH ~~O be' accepted ror the ,c c , roferendum ~ilo~ Tllis date was tentatively set a~ October 300 The meeting adjourned at 10:20 PoM. r':) .. . ~ ... ,J' , , Respectfully. submitted ~(J..~ J). WretL Jatr ~. \lolle, City Planner ~i':~. '~.":~ . :,l,'{<:~ ' . < '" ~ , .q '. ' , i::.:: :. : ,~ '," t:;~>::~.'> , . 1~ . ':,:,r', "" ~;~.~:~: -'''.\ t~tc..: .'T ' , "'f I . ~k~:':", : Kt.",' :()', : .-;',:". ...." , ~'r:l. " ~'O- . ~',: \': ' " , : ~ 11.-" '.l " " t.. . . . . .,' , ,~ ,'r . " ;.~ .T '. .' ...... ,.~ ,. .\ ;>' "'-I '''', ',1 >,' ::,., , " ~ " .', ' .l:; T ':', ..1. ,'.. ' ,l. .