08/21/1958 ": '.' .... .... "~"..;"';''', ....:..:::.: '.~. . .~.... :,:.... ":'~ '~~'.'. ....;...~.,...~... '~'.,~ :~.:..' ',' .',':':'.'.,.~::...,.;,:"." ...~....:,~'. '.' ':'.:;:".:'. ...; '.......:'~ ":'::'. :;,..... t// , l : 'i f) i [ I I' I. 1 .. 1 I l' I, \ . i1.!.rm.t ,.g~L'2:f...illQ!!.~.1QtLfl !~1'!!!!b;!~':.A\1V;\ ltJ t ~.!..1_~1R~ i....i~l.Ll:.l;.~.lJIIll:!l':I.....lJ.2.~ ( t, (~ .c .f,i n l3 Prr~so111j \'f.:.)rc Jll()HlI.H~j.~G K:r'uoo) Dr:i,v,~,:, (h I: :.~ r.) . .1,{'l1iH1:Jdy. lLDi:ldo dlld LeVj.Gon, Paul l~ot,tj.g and J-ir. Wollo. tfhe mr.)otj.ng op~ncd at :3: 00 P ..H. tinrl 1jhn minuter; 01.' .r\1.!~w:jt. 14', 1958 "rere approved.. :lfl Oi'i.....Streut. f'arki.nrr: Ord:i. no.l1CU l!r ,... ---oOI"~ JI 1.L. ............--... ........._____.l__._...._..._..- . " , " blombfJrz 01' 't.ha Doerd di $r;ussed at Ie llg.th i~he f,l"ouping o:~ building uses into cHtegorifJs l1nd tho proper crlt(:Jrla for determining thei.r requirements. Also discussed was the pos8ibili~y of allowing som~of t~le parking space re quirement i'or places of public assembly to be met '. " by curb pal"lcing on stre ets . No final decisiont; "'/ere renched. 1'.lr. Ueade voluntieered to ~rork -f. ,.rith llir. \'1011a a11d !I!r. Kruse. in makin~ recommendations for 'groupings and ratlos to l?e presented to the Board next ....reel::: for f:l.nal conclusions" Public Y'elatio1'ls in connection \'Tith ~he prop?sed ordironce ~1ere .,' discussed a,'?ld i\11".. ~~rus~3 appointed I/lessrs Kel1nady and GaJ,J.ow;.,l,)" to this 'committee.. . " " tl.~2J~ ~J:i.n.&.~~!~i~ j;!Le_..:~.p..ox..tL':7--.E1E..9~3!.t. :~"~~ t. :l ~ 11'11'. Ls-vison gaVE; t.he report 01' t,hc h':lu;.d,rl;l: c(llr.lnit.t.Gr.1 (3 tat. in!:"; t.hat ., tho:'f opposed requ8 sting block stn:t.is t.iC3 for' C10Ul."il/atel'. 'i1h'o 'r83S0nS for oppo8ing this recfu.est are.: 1 ~. . ~.lhe co st (tl2) 7 50} could be u3r~d G(J lJ.)t;co:-c . , ;,:; (~",,7 [!. nr. (1 Jl~e nlSel'ihero.. . r 2. The need \'t5.11 ::;OfflG baror,=); 196~).. )., '.l~he applicati()f:' "r:::lUld cov:ex'.' ':~l!l:: tot,:!,]. Git.~,: t ~'!hE;~1 loc31 81UV"l'lej"S , ....'\ .'.....;' '''ouJa 11'"' "i"de ~J' "'~."\-n':.\""c ,...,.....~~-r. ......c~;'V'l.'J' -: -'(''''] (.~.".~_._a.a'il"""j' ... .' c; U ~1 J-,_ a 1.<1<. ,L1..... ':'lJ. I:,.~." ~... __~"~" :.U. r,. ".1 .'_ .... '~'..[ _. :. .. ('f ,-.,tt ::.'.. ....... c'" r',\"..:. " 1l ,:.Iv t;:.:. .'.~' ~:.. .J. 1. _(1 '. o~f O!Jn~,;u8 - ",... . - .., ~ t I.""'" ~...'" .~ , ~- '.r..1 " ') L'J"H..~.t,,,:...::,,I_ ".-l.~j.......t....I ...,.;'.~ '.........L.... ''::01l1.d not. b.:: lIt:1de :for o. port.j.ou ()f C:i. ty u ) .., :~. ,'. '.. '.'. '~,: ,...... ;.... . < . '4 .~. '. ''':1 ".' : ....:. .......~..i .. .'. 4.....'.. . ..:.....,.... .':, . "'. '.',' ~. \'." .... .~~., .~.'. . "'~', ....... .... / . . I"'; AUf~utjt ?.1, 1953 Paga 2 A.fter extel1si ve dif:.l ens sian, a motion was passen .to accopt~ tho recommendation of t.he hou~. ing committoe' and noti.fy the Cornmiss:f.ol1 'of' the opportunity of getting tl)is data but indicate to them that the Board voted nO'(j to malee applj.cation. . #,3 , R~~~!3'ndJ!ID Commi t..:9~.!L~E.2.U Mr. !Crusoe broughti up the question o.t' having th'3 oi'f...street parl:::l.ng ordinance as a separate item 011 the l"€lftJrendum so as not'to jeopardize . ,; . the changes in zoning. Af't,er considerable discussion) !.lr. Driver said. he liould discuss this with LVIr. Krentzmon. !~1r. ~ruse sta'ced thai; 't.here \"ould 'be approx.. 15 zoning district. , I I .... '. " 1. Havi~g a miuirnll_'l\ lot frontage ~ 2... Specific uses spelled out in certain ?,orJe? cl~~s:i.i'icatiolls. , .; . i '! i 1 : I ., ,I 'I ! ': I .1 ! : , j !i . , ! ' ~.i .'. changes.on the referendum. The 'i'ollo\.1ing. pas,si.ble changes in the-zoning ord:i.t1ance content \iere discussed but no formal action \'las taken: -'or ~:, , . " . , .. 3. ~laving a sido. set back for "R-4H and nH.-l\1~ zoueG.. 'fhe InEleting 8"djourned at 5: 15 P ~r.l. '" ; ; Hespectf'u.l1y submi1::1:'Hcl r\ "\ J "(, '...' ~'J ' i; 1~!A .I' ;[1(- ,-" 1..( e.'.. \~ ~l .. -. ,.. -,.._."". ,lj.>.ck J. '. ilolle. Secretary G:lt.y Planner , . .... .~ .' '::.;