07/17/1958 r- l l t, ! l i, I :j I , ' I ' T...:,'-' i~ ~: " <[:, ,:' , . . . ' ( . f," i',' I' . 1.:,;' : . I ,~ j , l " i. j' ! t t ,f, . ., . " ," , J:' , , \ :, ~,.J ~~t~p o( mq~ti~ T~ut8dn~ J~y ~~, 19~~ in Planning Bo~r~JOr~iq~~ I' ,i' ,I ., I ' , I . " ,Present ware members Kruse, Gates, Kennedy, Swan, R~ade. Levison and Galloway, Mr~ Wolle a.nd. Paul Rettigli . , The meeting openod at 3: 00 P .111. / lJ..eB;r.inrr. of ~RPJ..i:cal,ts t!.J. ,fl1!lli!1Ca~!..on z"C?Pj.ng -. Hj.ghlJill!!. Aven;ue~ ~ S1lJ1!!~_J:.2tnt ,Rqad (E.Q!!.i1.~ r~. Wolle presented written requests from the ovmers of parcels 6, 7, 8 and 10 for uR..In zoning. He stated t.hat only verba.l requests from ~he owner~, of parcels 2, 3 and 5 have been received. The zoning of parcels 4 and a portion of parcel 5 is not to be changed. Parcel 1 is to be 'zoned lath the acceptance of the plat~ '~ . A motion l'laS passed that trH...l" zoning be recommended .for parcels 1, 6, 7, B and 10 and that the zoning of the other parcels be held in abeyance until next week pending writ:ten request :for the owners. In ,any case, t~ Board will make a recommendation o~ zoning on the remain- , . ing parcels. 11,2 Z i u:. on pg.... ~...J$-7511 I~1r. Wplle pres811'tad the requf:':st of lvIr. George Peck to rezone a portion of Lot 11' of AIi Ha DU!lc,3n's Subdivision from "R...2u to "Bn . ~ A motion ~m8 passed to deny the requestu An additional motion was passed to revie\'T this area for possible replatting tLud recoffiJn~ndation3 of proper zoning for future US8w Z-3.2...7~6, Mrs. V~ P. Fraser appeared bei'ore the Board requesting the re2ioning oJ: Lots 2, 3, 16, 17. 18, 19~ 221.}.:r~d 2l'jo Blocks Ii' and I from uR_2n to IfR_l}-lI.. A motion was passed to recommend approval of this request~ ~1rs. Fraser agreed to our holding the applj.cat,ion until she obtained more co-applicants for these blocks.. I) "'~'.4""":'::"".'.' '.' ',,-', ~"",'."',';:";,'.:,.,".":.',',,.. '..::-..<:~:. ,," ,.' ," ~""~~""':':~:"""'.',"'....~~:,.,:,:( "",',..",' :,':, ,,'. ,', "~', ..' .,~Jil ~ July 17, 1959 Page 2 Z--25-15E! Continued from last \'Inel~ to allo\f M,rna .for Board members to investigate t;he request of' the Church of the Ascension to have Lot~s I" 1, 3 and 4 Block 3 of Starr and Savary's Addition to OlearW'dter Sub- division, rezoned from "R-2" to nR-4fT. A motion was pan sed to reC0m- mend approval 01' this rl3quest and include Lot 2. /1.3 ZR.9 Lettor recommendation to Ci)Unty .ZqnilY; pi,retcto,Z: Mr. Wolle read a letter he had written to l4r. Stulert County Director or Zoning, roque sting the County to ,iefer action on the request for change in zoning. of L,ots 18, 19 and 20 L,?veland 3ubdivision from "R-4" . (Residential two-.family) to nO_21t (Genera:. business) until our Board could study the case and make a recommendation. These lots face into a single family area within the Cit.y.. I-1rq \'lolle reported that the County had doferred action until 1tl next meeting" A motion wus passod to express \;0 the County the Board's apprecia- tion ro~this opportunity to assist ~n determining proposed zoning at 'the City's fringe area and indicate 1 ha1~' the. Oit;,. would desire that this re quest be d,;!niad on the .follotof.i 19 basis: 1. There is sufficient commerc.Zal zoning on south ..1i.ssouri .for this area. 2 <> Belleair Hoad is predomj,nan .ly Blng.le ramily' and should rama In 'a residential street in ch~uacter.. 3. Th3~ the existing spot of ccmmercial shouldi by Qrdinance) remain non-conforming preve:,ting the extension of commercia 1 -, uses along Belleair and per'd tting such spot use to be di,a- continued .. " ,,.,; l~ Committe~~~Qg~t - Zo~in~ The zoning committoo reported t:l,ey rn;td~, a f'J.eld trip Suly 16 and reviewnd the Highland Av(-mue...3unsct ."oint Ltoad area to be annexeri~ the .' .'....." 'L':"... ""1 : . ~; I: ",..., ,: ;,~ .,~.' ." :,:,"};!.'i::~i;":"'>';l~i", ,:'_~.:",'" " ,,",...', '.. .' . ": ". . - ,- .'-' " ,,'" <,:~<:.., '" ,', ' "', ' "; .:-:' ,', :::::: ',: :,~'"~ ;~??'"r.;-:":;:~,:t~ ,,;,,';,;!;/<::::'8,;:::'> ::/),}.{' 7','~i-::?: ,"" ,,,,, "", I', ",',' ."- , ,d...!'" M' "h,' ", -'. ,-, ", . :','" (: >\,,(,;('.~':.,'/' ';:/\,,:;:,: ~/,.,:,:,,::,:::,,:::;,'::,",.;',,',,', .::"..'?,,::.:::':,~'.:: ,':;:,' :>( '.<:: .... "',",:' ,-", ,"'" ,,'. '..,", "::,::,:,",t "', ' ,." --" ''',',,'' .." , ". : .. ''', ' , "".- :--: "",', ' ----,' , ' , .~, \', .,' >'/,', ll~~"::;': ,~.~'-;'~":~' -,': I \ ' ~.. . ;,< :,- . .',:": ',: '.'::',,: !:~' . ~ ~, .~:. ,'. :-,'{. ''.. , h I' .. r ",~ .' ' .., .: "j, " JuJ.y 17, 1958 ~ Pqe3 Oounty zoning caso at Belleair and Missouri, request ~..26-7~ at Lincoln and Druid to be "R-4n, request .Z_-).$"'l~$, , at Bellview and 1~isBour1 to be NB" and request ~;-19"'L~1l , at Lincoln and Frnnklin to be "R-l.". #,5 Speplal Report - Dunedin Maetin~ Mr. Kruse reported that he and !.1r.. \iollo had m.et \'1ith the Dunedin Planning and Zoning Board concerning the ZonLng 011 a portion of Highland Avenue-Sunset Point Road area to be annexed. The Dunedin Board expressed the undesirability of commercial zoning at Ut1ion and Highland. Ohairman's Items ... t6 Referendpm Committee appointment Mr. Kruse appointed l~sBrs. Galloway and Reade to ~erve with him on the referendum committee to revie'\'l all ZOllJ.ng items tnat should be on the coming rererendunl.. Pla.nner's Items III ~...... ......... ilL . SUJlll!lary of' f... &, P Budge t Ml'.. Wolle reported t{lat a copy of the budget has been rocQ1\"ed and that copies will be placed in the minutia books... 1~ z 0 Fire Dist~ict Study 'I .,b,.:III III'T -___... Mr. ;~olle reported that sev~n'al IDBetinga had been held \.,lth Fi.re Department o.fficials (.:oncel'nirJg a revis icn of the fire ell strict map. , '\ . \~ He suggested a member of the Z & P Board assist in this study 5 l~. Levison volunteered his servicoE ~ 1I1eet1.nga are scheduled to be held every Friday until .final r5c.)mmenda:t.j,m1s orl districts are determinecl.. A.t such time. a report \-rl.ll be made.. 'l~ha meeting adjourned at 11.:30 P .r.-L. !', ,,:," ..,,,',, l' '.,.': '::',:='.:',:'".,.:.,: "~',....,:..~:'+',, ',',. :,.".' ""'. ;~:",,' .1,4',.'",', ~1.+., .,:',.' :,',.', I.:.'~,'.,,:':.'~..~ ',' ;~I~l:',II' ", ;..~:~:,.:,'..','::;' ,':....,'~.,'."~.,'::.,.,'.,:": , , , 7/18/5S r""""" Usea ot Block Statistics ~ v ... : ' Discuasiona an~ correspondence with users of Hou~1ng Census data have impressed us with the diverse range or uses or block statistics-- particularly among city planners. \lith the enactment of the Housing Act ot 1949. block statistics assumed a new and major significance. They provided ~he basic information required for communities to determine araas for. which they should make application for urban renewal which, at that time, meant slum clearance. Once these determinations are made~ the data also are used to substantiate the eligibili.ty of the areas tor l~ban renewal in the formal application to the Urban Renewal Adminisra- tion. Some cities including Chicago. Detroit~ and Philadelphia, also have used these data in making initial estim~te5 or the cost of their urban renowal projects. Data on dilapidation} lack of plumbing facil~ ities, crowding, ,and rent and value levels 8,11 have been used tn evalu... sting blocks in connection with urban renewal projects. The 1954 am~ndment 5 to the Housing 'Act. have pl~ced an addi.tional burden upon block stat1s~tcs in that communities are now using them to obtain finer gradtiona of relative quality, i.e., to distinguish blocks which are rehabili~able from those ~rllich should be cleared~ In conjunc- tion ~th block population counts purchased ~rom the Census Bureau, block statistics have been'used in relocation studies arising from projected slum clearance programs o~ local communities. The scope o~ urban renewal and slum clearance programs has assumed significant proportions. As or Uecember 31, 1956, 435 such projects located in 264 COtnmWl1ties in 3:3 States,' the District of Columbia, Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico, were reported in various stages or processing. These projects involve an ultimate outlay of one billion dollars by the Federal Government and local communities and an additional potential inve$tment from private or public sources of five to ten billion dollars in the redevelopment of these areas. Frequent use of block statistics has been made by private and public social welfare agencies who have made studies attemptin~ to correlate housing conditions shown by block sta.tistics with crime rates. health conditions, juvenile delinquency. educational problems, etc. Block statistics also are commonly used ror market research purposes~ Private firms have used these data to establish economic stratification of a community for the purpose of est.ablishin'~ sales quotas, preparing new sales campaigns and t;o pr~pare pilot studies ,in connection with the marketing of' new items. Block data also have been used for the purpose of establishin",; the economic stratification of na:nes on subscription lists. Blocks have become a favorite tool of samplers who have used them to establish stratified samples by using block size and economic status indicated by the data. The~950 block statj.stics .frequently hL\ve been " \ utilized by local planning agencies to r~H:onf)truct, for purposes of' com:" .- ',..,,1J parison, tracts ~lhose boundaries have bean changed batl'i'gen 194: and 1950...