Minutes moatirur 'Cl?ursdtay, t?I?a 2 . 7 't3, f t? 1' f Bmird Off ice
Preaent were members Kruse, Reado, Laviaon and Galloway, Paul
Rettig and Mr: Wolfe,
The meeting opened at 3:20 P.M. and the minutes of May 15, 1958
were approved.
M/4wReference was made to previous. discussion of al.dowalks on
April. 17 and 24. Further discussion led to the following action.
A motion was passed that henceforth side-vral.ks be required to be
shown on plate on both sides of principal streets b3rdering or
traversing subdivisions; principal 3treats be-Ing defined as arterial
or collector streets and also streete where sides-calks are needed in
the judgement of the Beard
1 Hi land Estates Subdivision.- a royal of tat
After review of the plat of Highland Estates Subdivision, a
motion was passed that the subdivision plat be approved with the
revision that the subdivider be required to build sidewalks along
the frontage on Highland Avenve only; this to be shoi-m on the plat
as required in the 632 ordinance o
J2 Z oning - boat buildjrV
Mr. Wolle stated he had ingtilry concerning, boat. bui l ding in a
"B" zoned area, There was some discus ,ion of this use as it fitters
into waterfront development. It was pointed out that some existing
operations now are non-conforming along "R-M" vater frontage., It was
decided that even small boat building should not be permitted in a
t'B" zone. It was decided that special study should be made to deter-
thine the future zones In vhich this use may be pe)-m .tied„
Rage 2
ZonLna-.- boat rental_
Mr, Wolle stated that he had inquiry concerning the use of
private motel docks for boat spare rental. It was pointed out that
such dock space should be available,to patrons only; also that apace
rental was a business use, allowable in a business area or as design-
ated by the City, and was a matter of zoning enforcement..
A. Attendance at Commission Meetin?_ Monday Norton_ 14emorial
Mr. Kruse stated that he would be in Urlando Monday, attending
a Board of Director's meeting of. the FPZA and requested Mr. Levison
to attend the Commission meeting, to report to the Board any action
that might be taken on the Norton Xmorial or the appointments of
now Board members.
The - meeting ad journe d at 4:30 P .M.
Respectfully submitted,
ack I. Wolle, Secretary
City Planner